Astm D2321
Astm D2321
Astm D2321
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D2321 − 20
1. Scope* 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
1.1 This practice provides recommendations for the instal- safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
lation of buried thermoplastic pipe used in sewers and other responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
gravity-flow applications. These recommendations are in- priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
tended to ensure a stable underground environment for ther- mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
moplastic pipe under a wide range of service conditions. 1.5 This international standard was developed in accor-
However, because of the numerous flexible plastic pipe prod- dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
ucts available and the inherent variability of natural ground ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
conditions, achieving satisfactory performance of any one Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
product may require modification to provisions contained mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
herein to meet specific project requirements. Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
1.2 The scope of this practice necessarily excludes product 2. Referenced Documents
performance criteria such as minimum pipe stiffness, maxi-
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
mum service deflection, or long term strength. Thus, it is
D8 Terminology Relating to Materials for Roads and Pave-
incumbent upon the product manufacturer, specifier, or project
engineer to verify and assure that the pipe specified for an
D420 Guide for Site Characterization for Engineering De-
intended application, when installed according to procedures
sign and Construction Purposes
outlined in this practice, will provide a long term, satisfactory
D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
performance according to criteria established for that applica-
tion. A commentary on factors important in achieving a
D698 Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Character-
satisfactory installation is included in Appendix X1.
istics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600
NOTE 1—Specific paragraphs in the appendix are referenced in the body kN-m/m3))
of this practice for informational purposes. D1556 Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in
NOTE 2—The following ASTM standards may be found useful in
connection with this practice: Practice D420, Test Method D1556, Method Place by Sand-Cone Method
D2216, Specification D2235, Test Method D2412, Specification D2564, D2216 Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water
Practice D2657, Practice D2855, Test Methods D2922, Test Method (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass
D3017, Practice F402, Specification F477, Specification F545, and D2235 Specification for Solvent Cement for Acrylonitrile-
Specification F913. Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe and Fittings
NOTE 3—Most Plumbing Codes and some Building Codes have
provisions for the installation of underground “building drains and D2412 Test Method for Determination of External Loading
building sewers.” See them for plumbing piping applications. Characteristics of Plastic Pipe by Parallel-Plate Loading
1.3 Units—The values stated in inch-pound units are to be D2487 Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering
regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System)
mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for D2488 Practice for Description and Identification of Soils
information only and are not considered standard. (Visual-Manual Procedures)
D2564 Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly(Vinyl
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F17 on Plastic
Piping Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F17.62 on Sewer. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved March 15, 2020. Published April 2020. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1989. Last previous edition approved in 2018 as D2321 – 18. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/D2321-20. the ASTM website.
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
Available from American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO), 444 N. Capitol St., NW, Suite 249, Washington, DC 20001, * See 7.6 Minimum Cover FIG. 1 Trench Cross Section
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D2321 − 20
sewers and other gravity-flow applications that utilize flexible percent compaction. Properly placed and compacted, Class IV
thermoplastic pipe. As with any standard practice, modifica- materials can provide reasonable levels of pipe support;
tions may be required for specific job conditions or for special however, these materials may not be suitable under high fills,
local or regional conditions. Recommendations for inclusion of surface-applied wheel loads, or under high-energy-level vibra-
this practice in contract documents for a specific project are tory compactors and tampers. Do not use where water condi-
given in Appendix X2. tions in the trench may prevent proper placement and compac-
5. Materials
NOTE 6—The term “high energy level vibratory compactors and
5.1 Classification—Soil types used or encountered in bury- tampers” refers to compaction equipment that might deflect or distort the
ing pipes include those classified in Table 1 and natural, pipe more than permitted by the specifications or the manufacturer.
manufactured, and processed aggregates. The soil classifica-
5.2.5 Class V—Class V materials should be excluded from
tions are grouped into soil classifications in Table 2 based on
pipe-zone embedment.
the typical soil stiffness when compacted. Class I indicates a
soil that generally provides the highest soil stiffness at any 5.3 Moisture Content of Embedment Materials—The mois-
given percent compaction, and provides a given soil stiffness ture content of embedment materials must be controlled to
with the least compactive effort. Each higher-number soil class permit placement and compaction to required levels. For soils
provides successively less soil stiffness at a given percent with low permeability (that is, Class III and Class IV and some
compaction and requires greater compactive effort to provide a borderline Class II soils), moisture content is normally con-
given level of soil stiffness trolled to 6 3 % of optimum (see Test Method D698). The
NOTE 4—See Practices D2487 and D2488 for laboratory and field
practicality of obtaining and maintaining the required limits on
visual-manual procedures for identification of soils. moisture content is an important criterion for selecting
NOTE 5—Processed materials produced for highway construction, materials, since failure to achieve required percent compaction,
including coarse aggregate, base, subbase, and surface coarse materials, especially in the pipe zone embedment, may result in excessive
when used for foundation, embedment, and backfill, should be categorized deflection.
in accordance with this section and Table 1 in accordance with particle
size and gradation. 5.4 Maximum Particle Size—Maximum particle size for
5.2 Installation and Use—Table 3 provides recommenda- embedment is limited to material passing a 11⁄2 in. (37.5 mm)
tions on installation and use based on soil classification and sieve (see Table 2). To enhance placement around small
location in the trench. Soil Classes I to IV should be used as diameter pipe and to prevent damage to the pipe wall, a smaller
recommended in Table 3. Soil Class V, including clays and silts maximum size may be required (see X1.9). The final backfill
with liquid limits greater than 50, organic soils, and frozen material may extend down to the top of the pipe as long as the
soils, shall be excluded from the pipe-zone embedment. material is less than 1 1⁄2 in. (37.5 mm) in size. When final
5.2.1 Class I—Class I materials provide maximum stability backfill contains rocks, cobbles, etc., the engineer may require
and pipe support for a given percent compaction due to the low greater initial backfill cover levels (see Fig. 1) if damage to the
content of sand and fines. With minimum effort these materials pipe is of a concern.
can be installed at relatively high-soil stiffnesses over a wide NOTE 7—While the main purpose of the initial backfill material is to
range of moisture contents. In addition, the high permeability protect the pipe from impact from larger rocks or cobbles, it is still the
of Class I materials may aid in the control of water, and these responsibility of the engineer to determine the appropriate thickness of
materials are often desirable for embedment in rock cuts where this layer based on field conditions and construction practices at the site.
water is frequently encountered. However, when ground-water
flow is anticipated, consideration should be given to the 6. Trench Excavation
potential for migration of fines from adjacent materials into the 6.1 General—Procedures for trench excavation that are
open-graded Class I materials. (See X1.8.) especially important in flexible thermoplastic pipe installations
5.2.2 Class II—Class II materials, when compacted, provide are given herein.
a relatively high level of pipe support; however, open-graded 6.1.1 Excavation—Excavate trenches to ensure that sides
groups may allow migration and the sizes should be checked will be stable under all working conditions. Slope trench walls
for compatibility with adjacent material. (See X1.8.) or provide supports in conformance with all local and national
5.2.3 Class III—Class III materials provide less support for standards for safety. Open only as much trench as can be safely
a given percent compaction than Class I or Class II materials. maintained by available equipment. Backfill all trenches as
Higher levels of compactive effort are required and moisture soon as practicable, but not later than the end of each working
content must be near optimum to minimize compactive effort day.
and achieve the required percent compaction. These materials
provide reasonable levels of pipe support once proper percent 6.2 Water Control—Do not lay or embed pipe in standing or
compaction is achieved. running water. At all times prevent runoff and surface water
5.2.4 Class IV—Class IV materials require a geotechnical from entering the trench.
evaluation prior to use. Moisture content must be near opti- 6.2.1 Ground Water—When groundwater is present in the
mum to minimize compactive effort and achieve the required work area, dewater to maintain stability of in-situ and imported
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D2321 − 20
TABLE 1 Soil Classification Chart (see Classification D2487)
Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory TestsA Soil Classification
Group Group NameB
Coarse-Grained Soils gravels clean gravels C $ 4 and 1 # Cc # GW well-graded
3C gravelD
More than 50% more than 50% less than Cu < 4 and/or 1> Cc> GP poorly graded
retained on No. 200 of coarse fraction 5% of finesE 3C gravelD
sieve retained on No. 4 sieve
gravels with Fines classify as ML or GM silty gravelDFG
more than MH
12 % finesE Fines classify as CL or GC clayey
CH gravelDFG
sands clean sands Cu $ 6 and 1 # Cc # SW well-graded
3C sandH
50% or more of less than Cu < 6 and/or 1 > Cc SP poorly graded
coarse fraction 5% finesI > 3C sandH
passes on No. 4 sieve
sand with fines Fines cLassify as ML SM silty sandFGH
or MH
more than Fines classify as CL or SC clayey sand-
12 % finesI CH FGH
Fine-Grained Soils silts and clays inorganic PI > 7 and plots on or CL lean clayKLM
above “A” lineJ
50% or more passes liquid limit PI < 4 and plots below ML siltKLM
the No. 200 sieve less than 50 “A” lineJ
organic Liquid Limit-Oven dried organic
<0.75 OL
Liquid Limit-Not dried organic silt-
Highly organic soils primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT peat
Based on the material passing the 3-in. (75-mm) sieve.
If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add “with cobbles or boulders, or both” to group name.
Cu5D 60/D 10
s D 30d 2
D 103D 60
If soil contains $15 % sand, add “with sand” to group name.
Gravels with 5 to 12 % fines require dual symbols:
GW-GM well-graded gravel with silt:
GW-GC well-graded gravel with clay
GP-GM poorly graded gravel with silt
GP-GC poorly graded gravel with clay
If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM, or SC-SM.
If fines are organic, add “with organic fines” to group name.
If soil contains $15 % gravel, add “with gravel” to group name.
Sands with 5 to 12 % fines require dual symbols:
SW-SM well-graded sand with silt
SW-SC well-graded sand with clay
SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt
SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay
If Atterberg limits plot in hatched area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay (see Test Method D4318).
If soil contains 15 to 29 % plus No. 200, add “with sand” or “with gravel,” whichever is predominant.
If soil contains $ 30 % plus No. 200, predominantly sand, add “sandy” to group name.
If soil contains $ 30 % plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add “gravelly” to group name.
PI $ 4 and plots on or above “A” line.
PI < 4 or plots below “A” line.
PI plots on or above “A” line.
PI plots below “A” line.
materials. Maintain water level below pipe bedding and foun- depressing ground water, ensure the ground water is below the
dation to provide a stable trench bottom. Use, as appropriate, bottom of cut at all times to prevent washout from behind
sump pumps, well points, deep wells, geofabrics, perforated sheeting or sloughing of exposed trench walls. Maintain
underdrains, or stone blankets of sufficient thickness to remove control of water in the trench before, during, and after pipe
and control water in the trench. When excavating while installation, and until embedment is installed and sufficient
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D2321 − 20
TABLE 2 Soil Classes
American Association of
State Highway and
Soil GroupA,B Soil Class
Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) Soil GroupsC
Crushed rock, angularD :
100% passing 1-1/2in. sieve, </=15 %
passing #4 sieve, </= 25 % passing Class I ...
3/8in. sieve and </= 12 % passing
#200 sieve
Clean, coarse grained soils:
SW, SP, GW, GP or any soil beginning
Class II A1,A3
with one of these symbols with </=12
% passing #200 sieveE,F
Coarse grained soils with fines:
GM, GC, SM, SC, or any soil beginning
with one of these symbols, containing > A-2-4, A-2-5, A-2-6, or A-4
12 % passing #200 sieve; Sandy or or A-6 soils with more
Class III
gravelly fine-grained soils: CL, ML, or than 30% retained on
any soil beginning with one of these #200 sieve
symbols, with >/= 30 % retained on
#200 sieve
Fine-grained soils:
A-2-7, or A-4, or A-6 soils
CL, ML, or any soil beginning with one
Class IV with 30% or less retained
of these symbols, with <30 % retained
on #200 sieve
on #200 sieve
Class V
MH, CH, OL, OH, PT Not for use A5, A7
as embedment
See Classification D2487, Standard Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System).
Limits may be imposed on the soil group to meet project or local requirements if the specified soil remains within the group. For example, some project applications require
a Class I material with minimal fines to address specific structural or hydraulic conditions and the specification may read “Use Class I soil with a maximum of 5 % passing
the #200 sieve.”
AASHTO M145, Classification of Soils and Soil Aggregate Mixtures.
All particle faces shall be fractured.
Materials such as broken coral, shells, and recycled concrete, with # =12 % passing a No. 200 sieve, are considered to be Class II materials. These materials should
only be used when evaluated and approved by the Engineer
Uniform fine sands (SP) with more than 50% passing a No. 100 sieve (0.006 in., 0.15 mm) are very sensitive to moisture and should not be used as backfill unless
specifically allowed in the contract documents. If use of these materials is allowed, compaction and handling procedures should follow the guidelines for Class III materials.
backfill has been placed to prevent flotation of the pipe. To considerations, trench width in unsupported, unstable soils will
preclude loss of soil support, employ dewatering methods that depend on the size and stiffness of the pipe, stiffness of the
minimize removal of fines and the creation of voids in in-situ embedment and in-situ soil, and depth of cover (see X1.10).
materials. Specially designed equipment may enable the satisfactory
6.2.2 Running Water—Control running water emanating installation and embedment of pipe in trenches narrower than
from drainage of surface or ground water to preclude under- specified above. If it is determined that the use of such
mining of the trench bottom or walls, the foundation, or other equipment provides an installation consistent with the require-
zones of embedment. Provide dams, cutoffs or other barriers ments of this standard, minimum trench widths may be
periodically along the installation to preclude transport of reduced, as approved by the engineer.
water along the trench bottom. Backfill all trenches after the
pipe is installed to prevent disturbance of pipe and embedment. 6.4 Support of Trench Walls—When supports such as trench
6.2.3 Materials for Water Control—Use suitably graded sheeting, trench jacks, trench shields or boxes are used, ensure
materials in foundation or bedding layers or as drainage that support of the pipe and its embedment is maintained
blankets for transport of running water to sump pits or other throughout installation. Ensure that sheeting is sufficiently tight
drains. Use well graded materials, along with perforated to prevent washing out of the trench wall from behind the
underdrains, to enhance transport of running water, as required. sheeting. Provide tight support of trench walls below viaducts,
Select the gradation of the drainage materials to minimize existing utilities, or other obstructions that restrict driving of
migration of fines from surrounding materials (see X1.8). sheeting.
6.3 Minimum Trench Width—Where trench walls are stable 6.4.1 Supports Left in Place—Unless otherwise directed by
or supported, provide a width sufficient, but no greater than the engineer, sheeting driven into or below the pipe zone
necessary, to ensure working room to properly and safely place should be left in place to preclude loss of support of foundation
and compact haunching and other embedment materials. The and embedment materials. When top of sheeting is to be cut
space between the pipe and trench wall must be wider than the off, make cut 1.5 ft (0.5 m) or more above the crown of the
compaction equipment used in the pipe zone. Minimum width pipe. Leave rangers, whalers, and braces in place as required to
shall be not less than the greater of either the pipe outside support cutoff sheeting and the trench wall in the vicinity of the
diameter plus 16 in. (400 mm) or the pipe outside diameter pipe zone. Timber sheeting to be left in place is considered a
times 1.25, plus 12 in. (300 mm). In addition to safety permanent structural member and should be treated against
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D2321 − 20
TABLE 3 Recommendations for Installation and Use of Soils and Aggregates for Foundation and Pipe-Zone Embedment
Soil ClassA Class IB Class II Class III Class IV
General Acceptable and common Where hydraulic gradient exists Do not use where water Difficult to achieve high-soil
Recommendations where no migration check gradation to minimize conditions in trench prevent stiffness. Do not use where
and Restrictions is probable or when migration. Clean groups are suitable proper placement and water
combined with a geotextile for use as a drainage blanket and compaction. conditions in trench
filter media. underdrain (see Table 2). Uniform Not recommended for use prevent proper placement
Suitable for use as a fine sands (SP) with with pipes with stiffness and compaction.
drainage blanket more than 50 % passing a #100 sieve of 9 psi or less Not recommended for
and under drain (0.006 in., 0.15 mm) use with pipes with
where adjacent material is behave like silts and should be stiffness of 9 psi or less
suitably graded or when treated as
used with a geotextile filter fabric Class III soils.
(see X1.8).
Foundation Suitable as foundation and for Suitable as foundation Suitable for replacing over- Suitable for replacing
replacing over-excavated and for replacing excavated over-excavated trench
and unstable trench over-excavated and trench bottom as restricted bottom
bottom as restricted unstable trench bottom above. for depths up to 12 in.
above. as restricted above. Install and compact in (300 mm) as restricted
Install and compact 6 in. (150 mm) maximum above. Use only where
in 12 in. (300 mm) layers uniform longitudinal
maximum layers support of the pipe can be
maintained, as approved
by the engineer.
Install and compact
in 6-in (150 mm) maximum
Pipe Suitable as restricted Suitable as restricted above. Work Suitable as restricted above. Suitable as restricted above.
Embedment above. Work material material under pipe to provide Difficult to place and Difficult to place and
under pipe to provide uniform haunch support. compact in the haunch compact in the
uniform haunch support. zone. haunch zone.
Required Moisture none none Maintain near optimum Maintain near optimum
Control to minimize compactive to minimize compactive effort
Class V materials are unsuitable as embedment. They may be used as final backfill as permitted by the engineer.
Class I materials have higher stiffness than Class II materials, but data on specific soil stiffness values are not available at the current time. Until such data are available
the soil stiffness of placed, uncompacted Class I materials can be taken equivalent to Class II materials compacted to 95 % of maximum standard Proctor density (SPD95),
and the soil stiffness of compacted Class I materials can be taken equivalent to Class II materials compacted to 100% of maximum standard Proctor density (SPD100).
Even if placed uncompacted (that is, dumped), Class I materials should always be worked into the haunch zone to assure complete placement.
Suitable compaction typically achieved by dumped placement (that is, uncompacted but worked into haunch zone to ensure complete placement).
SPD is standard Proctor density as determined by Test Method D698.
Place and compact GW and GP soils with at least two passes of compaction equipment.
biological degradation (for example, attack by insects or other ing supports, place and compact embedment to sufficient
biological forms) as necessary, and against decay if above depths to ensure protection of the pipe. As supports are moved,
ground water. finish placing and compacting embedment.
6.4.3 Removal of Trench Wall Support—If the engineer
NOTE 8—Certain preservative and protective compounds may react
adversely with some types of thermoplastics, and their use should be permits the use of sheeting or other trench wall supports below
avoided in proximity of the pipe material. the pipe zone, ensure that pipe and foundation and embedment
6.4.2 Movable Trench Wall Supports—Do not disturb the materials are not disturbed by support removal. Fill voids left
installed pipe and its embedment when using movable trench on removal of supports and compact all material as required.
boxes and shields. Movable supports should not be used below 6.5 Rock or Unyielding Materials in Trench Bottom—If
the top of the pipe zone unless approved methods are used for ledge rock, hard pan, shale, or other unyielding material,
maintaining the integrity of embedment material. Before mov- cobbles, rubble or debris, boulders, or stones larger than 1.5 in.
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D2321 − 20
(40 mm) are encountered in the trench bottom, excavate a making of joints. When pipe laying is interrupted, secure
minimum depth of 6 in. (150 mm) below the pipe bottom and piping against movement and seal open ends to prevent the
replace with proper embedment material (see 7.2.1). entrance of water, mud, or foreign material.
7.4.1 Elastomeric Seal Joints—Protect gaskets from harm-
7. Installation
ful substances such as dust and grit, solvents, and petroleum-
7.1 General—Recommendations for use of the various based greases and oils. Do not store gaskets close to electrical
types of materials classified in Section 5 and Table 2 for equipment that produces ozone. Some gaskets may need to be
foundation, bedding, haunching and backfills, are given in protected from sunlight (consult the manufacturer). Mark, or
Table 3. verify that pipe ends are marked, to indicate insertion stop
NOTE 9—Installation of pipe in areas where significant settlement may position, and ensure that pipe is inserted into pipe or fitting
be anticipated, such as in backfill adjacent to building foundations, and in bells to this mark. Push spigot into bell using methods
sanitary landfills, or in other highly unstable soils, require special recommended by the manufacturer, keeping pipe true to line
engineering and are outside the scope of this practice.
and grade. Protect the end of the pipe while inserting the spigot
7.2 Trench Bottom—Install foundation and bedding as re- into the bell and do not use excessive force that may result in
quired by the engineer according to conditions in the trench over-assembled joints or dislodged gaskets. If full entry to the
bottom. Provide a firm, stable, and uniform bedding for the specified insertion depth is not achieved, disassemble and clean
pipe barrel and any protruding features of its joint. Provide a the joint and reassemble. Use only lubricant supplied or
minimum of 4 in. (100 mm) of bedding unless otherwise recommended for use by the pipe manufacturer. Do not exceed
specified. manufacturer’s recommendations for angular “joint deflec-
7.2.1 Rock and Unyielding Materials—When rock or un- tion’’ (axial alignment).
yielding material is present in the trench bottom, install a 7.4.2 Solvent Cement Joints—When making solvent cement
cushion of bedding, of 6 in. (150 mm) minimum thickness, joints, follow recommendations of both the pipe and solvent
below the bottom of the pipe. cement manufacturer. If full entry is not achieved, disassemble
7.2.2 Unstable Trench Bottom—Where the trench bottom is or remove and replace the joint. Allow freshly made joints to
unstable or shows a “quick’’ tendency, excavate to a depth as set for the recommended time before moving, burying, or
required by the engineer and replace with a foundation of Class otherwise disturbing the pipe.
I or Class II material. Use a suitably graded material where
conditions may cause migration of fines and loss of pipe 7.4.3 Heat Fusion Joints—Make heat fusion joints in con-
support (see X1.8). Place and compact foundation material in formance with the recommendations of the pipe manufacturer.
accordance with Table 3. For severe conditions, the engineer Pipe may be joined at ground surface and then lowered into
may require a special foundation such as piles or sheeting position, provided it is supported and handled in a manner that
capped with a concrete mat. Control of quick and unstable precludes damage.
trench bottom conditions may be accomplished with the use of 7.5 Placing and Compacting Pipe Embedment—Place em-
appropriate geofabrics. bedment materials by methods that will not disturb or damage
7.2.3 Localized Loadings—Minimize localized loadings and the pipe. Work in and tamp the haunching material in the area
differential settlement wherever the pipe crosses other utilities between the bedding and the underside of the pipe before
or subsurface structures, or whenever there are special foun- placing and compacting the remainder of the embedment in the
dations such as concrete capped piles or sheeting. Provide a pipe zone. Follow recommendations for compaction given in
cushion of bedding between the pipe and any such point of Table 2. Do not permit compaction equipment to contact and
localized loading. damage the pipe. Use compaction equipment and techniques
7.2.4 Over-Excavation—If the trench bottom is over- that are compatible with materials used and location in the
excavated below intended grade, fill the over-excavation with trench (see X1.7). Before using heavy compaction or construc-
compatible foundation or bedding material and compact as tion equipment directly over the pipe, place sufficient backfill
recommended in Table 3. to prevent damage, excessive deflections, or other disturbance
7.2.5 Sloughing—If trench sidewalls slough off during any of the pipe. See 7.6 for minimum cover.
part of excavating or installing the pipe, remove all sloughed
7.5.1 Percent Compaction of Embedment— The Soil Class
and loose material from the trench.
(from Table 2) and the required percent compaction of the
7.3 Location and Alignment—Place pipe and fittings in the embedment should be established by the engineer based on an
trench with the invert conforming to the required elevations, evaluation of specific project conditions (see X1.6.2). The
slopes, and alignment. Provide bell holes in pipe bedding, no information in Table 3 will provide satisfactory embedment
larger than necessary, in order to ensure uniform pipe support. stiffness and is based on achieving an average modulus of soil
Fill all voids under the bell by working in bedding material. In reaction, E', of 1000 psi (or an appropriate equivalent con-
special cases where the pipe is to be installed to a curved strained modulus, Ms).
alignment, maintain angular “joint deflection’’ (axial align- 7.5.2 Consolidation by Watering—Consolidation of cohe-
ment) or pipe bending radius, or both, within acceptable design sionless material by using water (jetting or puddling) should
limits. only be used under controlled conditions when approved by the
7.4 Jointing—Comply with manufacturer’s recommenda- engineer. At all times conform to the lift thicknesses and the
tions for assembly of joint components, lubrication, and compaction requirements given in Table 3.
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D2321 − 20
7.6 Minimum Cover—To preclude damage to the pipe and to the specifications for the existing line, or with this practice,
disturbance to pipe embedment, a minimum depth of backfill whichever is more stringent.
above the pipe should be maintained before allowing vehicles NOTE 11—Special construction techniques and considerations are
or heavy construction equipment to traverse the pipe trench. required when more than one pipe is installed in the same or adjacent
The minimum depth of cover should be established by the trenches, to ensure that the integrity of the embedment is maintained.
engineer based on an evaluation of specific project conditions. 7.9 Pipe Caps and Plugs—Secure caps and plugs to the pipe
In the absence of an engineering evaluation, the following to prevent movement and resulting leakage under test and
minimum cover requirements should be used. For embedment service pressures.
materials installed in accordance with Table 3, provide cover
(that is, depth of backfill above top of pipe) of at least 24 in. 7.10 Manhole Connections—Use flexible water stops, resil-
(0.6 m) or one pipe diameter (whichever is larger) for Class I ient connectors, or other flexible systems approved by the
embedment, and a cover of at least 36 in. (0.9 m) or one pipe engineer to make watertight connections to manholes and other
diameter (whichever is larger) for Class II, III, and IV structures.
embedment, before allowing vehicles or construction equip- 7.11 Field Monitoring—Compliance with contract docu-
ment to traffic the trench surface, and at least 48 in. (1.2 m) of ments with respect to pipe installation, including trench depth,
cover before using a hydrohammer for compaction. Do not use grade, water conditions, foundation, embedment and backfill
hydrohammer-type compactors unless approved by the engi- materials, joints, density of materials in place, and safety,
neer. Where construction loads may be excessive (for example, should be monitored by the engineer at a frequency appropriate
cranes, earth moving equipment, etc.), minimum cover shall be to project requirements. Leakage testing specifications, while
increased as determined by the engineer. not within the scope of this practice, should be made part of the
NOTE 10—When construction is completed, the final depth of cover
specifications for plastic pipe installations, when applicable.
over the pipe, as specified by the engineer, can be less than the minimum 8. Inspection, Handling, and Storage
cover for construction and hydrostatic loads, so it may be necessary to
temporarily mound backfill over the trench during construction activities 8.1 Inspection—Upon receipt, inspect each shipment of pipe
to account for these conditions. Final depth of cover takes into consider- and fittings for conformance to product specifications and
ation all permanent live loads, earth loads and hydrostatic loads. contract documents, and check for damage. Reject noncon-
7.7 Vertical Risers—Provide support for vertical risers as forming or damaged pipe, and remove from the job. If not
commonly found at service connections, cleanouts, and drop returned to supplier, dispose of legally.
manholes to preclude vertical or lateral movement. Prevent the 8.2 Handling and Storage—Handle and store pipe and
direct transfer of thrust due to surface loads and settlement, and fittings in accordance with recommendations of the manufac-
ensure adequate support at points of connection to main lines. turer.
7.8 Exposing Pipe for Making Service Line Connections—
When excavating for a service line connection, excavate 9. Keywords
material from above the top of the existing pipe before 9.1 backfill; bedding; compaction; embedment; haunching;
removing material from the sides of the pipe. Materials and migration; sewer pipe; soil stiffness; thermoplastic; under-
percent compaction of service line embedment should conform ground installation
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Those concerned with the service performance of a X1.3 Load/Deflection Performance—The thermoplastic
buried flexible pipe should understand factors that can affect pipes considered in this practice are classified as flexible
this performance. Accordingly, key considerations in the de- conduits since in carrying load they deform (deflect) to develop
sign and execution of a satisfactory installation of buried support from the surrounding embedment. This interaction of
flexible thermoplastic pipe that provided a basis for the pipe and soil provides a pipe-soil structure capable of support-
development of this practice are given in this Appendix. ing earth fills and surface live loads of considerable magnitude.
The design, specification and construction of the buried flex-
X1.2 General—Sub-surface conditions should be ad-
equately investigated prior to construction, in accordance with ible pipe system should recognize that embedment materials
Practice D420, as a basis for establishing requirements for must be selected, placed and compacted so that pipe and soil
foundation, embedment and backfill materials and construction act in concert to carry the applied loads without excessive
methods. The type of pipe selected should be suited for the job strains from deflections or localized pipe wall distortions.
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D2321 − 20
X1.4 Pipe Deflection—Pipe deflection is the diametral recommended limits for installed deflections.
change in the pipe-soil system resulting from the process of NOTE X1.2—Deflections may not be indicative of strain levels arising
from local distortions caused by non-uniform embedment stiffness or
installing the pipe (construction deflection), static and live localized loadings. When local distortions may be significant, the engineer
loads applied to the pipe (load-induced deflection), and time needs to establish methods for controlling and monitoring distortion
dependent soil response (deflection lag). Construction and load levels.
induced deflections together constitute initial pipe deflection.
Additional time dependent deflections are attributed primarily X1.6 Deflection Control—Embedment materials should be
to changes in embedment and in-situ soils, and trench settle- selected, placed, and compacted so as to minimize total
ment. The sum of initial and time dependent deflections deflections and, in any event, to maintain installed deflections
constitutes total deflection. within specific limits. Methods of placement, compaction, and
moisture control should be selected based on soil types given
X1.4.1 Construction Deflection—Construction deflections in Table 1 and Table 2 and on recommendations given in Table
are induced during the process of installing and embedding 3. The amount of load-induced deflection is primarily a
flexible pipe, even before significant earth and surface loads function of the stiffness of the pipe and soil embedment
are applied. The magnitude of construction deflections depends system. Other factors that are important in obtaining deflection
on such factors as the method and extent of compaction of the control are outlined below.
embedment materials, type of embedment, water conditions in
X1.6.1 Embedment at Pipe Haunches—Lack of adequate
the trench, pipe stiffness, uniformity of embedment support,
compaction of embedment material in the haunch zone can
pipe out-of-roundness, and installation workmanship in gen-
result in excessive deflection, since it is this material that
eral. These deflections may exceed the subsequent load-
supports the vertical loads applied to the pipe. A key objective
induced deflections. Compaction of the side fill may result in
during installation of flexible thermoplastic pipe (or any pipe)
negative vertical deflections (that is, increases in pipe vertical
is to work in and compact embedment material under pipe
diameter and decreases in horizontal diameter).
haunches, to ensure complete contact with the pipe bottom, and
X1.4.2 Load-Induced Deflection—Load-induced deflections to fill voids below the pipe.
result from backfill loads and other superimposed loads that are
X1.6.2 Embedment Compaction—Embedment compaction
applied after the pipe is embedded. Traditionally, typical
requirements should be determined by the engineer based on
soil-structure interaction equations such as the “Iowa
deflection limits established for the pipe, pipe stiffness, and
Formula’’, attributed to Spangler, or other methods have been
installation quality control, as well as the characteristics of the
used to calculate deflections resulting from these loads.
in-situ soil and compactibility characteristics of the embedment
X1.4.3 Initial Deflection—Initial deflection is the deflection materials used. The compaction requirements given in Table 3
in the installed and backfilled pipe. It is the total of construc- are based on attaining an average modulus of soil reaction (E')
tion deflections and load-induced deflections. of 1000 psi5 (or an appropriate equivalent constrained
X1.4.4 Time Dependent Factors—Time dependent factors modulus, Ms), which relates soil stiffness to soil type and
include changes in soil stiffness in the pipe embedment zone degree of compaction. For particular installations, the project
and native trench soils, as well as loading changes due to engineer should verify that the percent compaction specified
trench settlement over time. These changes typically add to meets performance requirements.
initial deflections; the time involved varies from a few days to X1.7 Compaction Methods—Achieving desired compac-
several years depending on soil types, their placement, and tion for specific types of materials depends on the methods
initial compaction. Time dependent factors are traditionally used to impart compactive energy. Coarse-grained, clean ma-
accounted for by adjusting load-induced deflections by a terials such as crushed stone, gravels, and sand are more
deflection lag factor. Selection of a deflection lag factor is readily compacted using vibratory equipment, whereas fine
considered in design guides for buried flexible pipe. materials with high plasticity require kneading and impact
X1.4.5 Final Deflection—Final deflection is the total long force along with controlled water content to achieve acceptable
term deflection of the pipe. It consists of initial deflection compaction (see 5.3). In pipe trenches, small, hand-held or
adjusted for time dependent factors. walk-behind compactors are required, not only to preclude
damage to the pipe, but to ensure thorough compaction in the
X1.5 Deflection Criteria—Deflection criteria are often set confined areas around the pipe and along the trench wall. As
as limits for the design and acceptance of buried flexible pipe examples, vibratory plate tampers work well for coarse grained
installation. Deflection limits for specific pipe systems may be materials of Class I and Class II, whereas hand tampers or air
derived from both structural and practical considerations. driven hand-held impact rammers are suitable for the fine-
Structural considerations include pipe cracking, yielding, grained, plastic groups of Class III and IV. Gas or diesel
strength, strain, and local distortion. Practical considerations powered jumping jacks or small, walk-behind vibratory rollers
include such factors as flow requirements, clearance for inspec- impart both vibratory and kneading or impact force, and hence
tion and cleaning, and maintenance of joint seals. Initial and are suitable for most classes of embedment and backfill
final deflection limits should be based on available structural material.
properties with suitable factors of safety applied.
NOTE X1.1—Some ASTM standard specifications for thermoplastic 5
Howard, Amster, “Modulus of Soil Reaction Values for Buried Flexible Pipe,”
pipe, such as Specifications D3034, F679, F714, and F949, provide Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 103, No. GT1, 1977.
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D2321 − 20
X1.8 Migration—When coarse and open-graded material is
placed adjacent to a finer material, fines may migrate into the
coarser material under the action of hydraulic gradient from
ground water flow. Significant hydraulic gradients may arise in
the pipeline trench during construction when water levels are
being controlled by various pumping or well-pointing methods,
or after construction when permeable underdrain or embed-
ment materials act as a “french’’ drain under high ground water
levels. Field experience shows that migration can result in
significant loss of pipe support and continuing deflections that
may exceed design limits. The gradation and relative size of the
embedment and adjacent materials must be compatible in order
to minimize migration (see X1.8.1 below). In general, where
significant ground water flow is anticipated, avoid placing
coarse, open-graded Class I materials above, below, or adjacent
to finer materials, unless methods are employed to impede
migration such as the use of an appropriate stone filter or filter
fabric along the boundary of the incompatible materials. To
guard against loss of pipe support from lateral migration of
fines from the trench wall into open-graded embedment
materials, it is sufficient to follow the minimum embedment FIG. X1.1 Minimum Embedment Width When Trench and Native
width guidelines in X1.10. Soil Can Sustain a Vertical Cut
X1.8.1 The following filter gradation criteria may be used to
restrict migration of fines into the voids of coarser material
conditions, if the native soil cannot sustain a vertical cut or if
under a hydraulic gradient:
it is an embankment situation, the minimum embedment width
X1.8.1.1 D15 / d85 < 5 where D15 is the sieve opening size
shall be one pipe diameter on either side of the pipe as shown
passing 15 % by weight of the coarser material and d85 is the
in Fig. X1.2. In either case, the embedment material shall be a
sieve opening size passing 85 % by weight of the finer
Class II granular material or a Class I crushed rock as specified
material, and
in Section 5 of this standard. If other embedment materials are
X1.8.1.2 D 50/d50 < 25 where D50 is the sieve opening size
used, the engineer should establish the minimum embedment
passing 50 % by weight of the coarser material and d50 is the
width based on an evaluation of parameters such as pipe
sieve opening size passing 50 % by weight of the finer
stiffness, embedment stiffness, nature of in-situ soil, and
material. This criterion need not apply if the coarser material is
magnitude of construction and service loads. Regardless of the
well-graded (see Test Method D2487).
trench width required for adequate support, the trench must be
X1.8.1.3 If the finer material is a fine-grained soil (CL, CH,
of sufficient width to allow the proper placement of embedment
ML, or MH), then the following criterion may be used in lieu
in accordance with 6.3.
of X1.8.1.1: D15 < 0.02 in. (0.5 mm) where D15 is the sieve NOTE X1.4—Installation in very poor soil conditions may require
opening size passing 15 % by weight of the coarser material. additional treatment, for example, soil stabilization or permanent sheeting.
NOTE X1.5—The embedment over the top of the pipe shown in Fig.
NOTE X1.3—Materials selected for use based on filter gradation criteria,
X1.1 and Fig. X1.2 represent minimum cover for impact protection, not
such as in X1.8.1, should be handled and placed in a manner that will
for pipe support. Regardless of the minimum cover shown, the require-
minimize segregation.
ments of 7.6 must be met.
NOTE X1.6—Refer to X1.6 for backfill material and compaction
X1.9 Maximum Particle Size—Limiting particle size to 3⁄4 requirements to control deflection.
in. (20 mm) or less enhances placement of embedment material
for nominal pipe sizes 8 in. (200 mm) through 15 in. (380 mm). X1.11 Lumps, Clods and Boulders—Backfill materials
For smaller pipe, a particle size of about 10 % of the nominal should be free of lumps, clods, boulders, frozen matter, and
pipe diameter is recommended. debris. The presence of such material in the embedment may
preclude uniform compaction and result in excessive localized
X1.10 Embedment Width for Adequate Support—In certain deflections.
conditions, a minimum width of embedment material is re-
quired to ensure that adequate embedment stiffness is devel- X1.12 Other Design and Construction Criteria—The de-
oped to support the pipe. These conditions arise where in-situ sign and construction of the pipe system should recognize
lateral soil resistance is negligible, such as in very poor native conditions that may induce excessive shear, longitudinal
soils or along highway embankments. Examples of poor native bending, or compression loading in the pipe. Live loads applied
soils include poorly compacted soils with blow counts of five by construction and service traffic may result in large, cumu-
or less, peat, muck, or highly expansive soils. Under these lative pipe deflections if the pipe is installed with a low density
conditions, if the native soil is able to sustain a vertical cut, the embedment and shallow cover. Other sources of loads on
minimum embedment width shall be 0.5 pipe diameters on buried pipes are: freezing and thawing of the ground in the
either side of the pipe as shown in Fig. X1.1. Under these vicinity of the pipe, rising and falling of the ground water table,
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D2321 − 20
FIG. X1.2 Minimum Embedment Width When Native Soil Can Not Sustain a Vertical Cut or When Installed in the Embankment Condition
hydrostatic pressure due to ground water, and localized differ- made during installation.
ential settlement loads occurring next to structures such as
X1.13.1 Optional devices for deflection testing include
manholes and foundations. Where external loads are deemed to
be excessive, the pipe should be installed in casing pipe or electronic deflectometers, calibrated television or video
other load limiting structures. cameras, or a properly sized “go, no-go’’ mandrel. Deflection
measurements can be made directly with extension rulers or
X1.13 Deflection Testing—To ensure specified deflection tape measures in lines that permit safe entry. To ensure accurate
limits are not exceeded, the engineer may require deflection measurements, clean the lines before testing.
testing of the pipe using specified measuring devices. To allow
for stabilization of the pipe soil system, deflection tests should X1.14 Additional Installation Information–Supplemental
be performed at least 30 days after installation. However, as a information useful for buried pipe installation can be found in
quality control measure, periodic checks of deflection may be Practice F1668.
X2.1 This practice may be incorporated, by referral, into X2.5 Section 6.2—Restrictions on mode of dewatering;
contract documents for a specific project to cover requirements design of underdrains.
for installation of flexible thermoplastic pipe in sewers and
other gravity-flow applications. Application to a particular X2.6 Section 6.3—Requirements on minimum trench width.
project should be made by means of a list of supplemental X2.7 Section 6.4—Restrictions or details for support of
requirements. Suggested modifications to specific sections are trench walls.
listed below (the list is keyed to applicable section numbers of
this practice): X2.8 Section 7.5—Specific restrictions on methods of com-
X2.2 Sections 5.1, 5.2, and Table 3—Further restrictions on
use of Classes of embedment and backfill materials. X2.9 Section 7.5.1 and Table 3—Minimum embedment
percent compaction if different from these recommendations;
X2.3 Section 5—Specific gradations of embedment materi- specific compaction requirements for backfill (for example, for
als for resistance to migration. pavement subgrade).
X2.4 Section 5.4—Maximum particle size, if different from X2.10 Section 7.6—Minimum cover requirements if differ-
Table 2. ent from this paragraph.
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D2321 − 20
X2.11 Section 7.7—Detailed requirements for support of X2.13 Section 7.11—Requirements on methods of testing
vertical risers, standpipes, and stacks to accommodate antici- compaction and leakage.
pated relative movements between pipe and such appurte-
nances. Detailing to accommodate thermal movements, par- X2.14 Section X1.13—Requirements on deflection and de-
ticularly at risers. flection measurements, including method and time of testing.
X2.12 Section 7.10—Detailed requirements for manhole
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