Power Quality Detection in Distribution System With Wind Energy Penetration Using Discrete Wavelet Transform

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2015 Second International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering

Power Quality Detection in Distribution System

with Wind Energy Penetration Using Discrete
Wavelet Transform
Om Prakash Mahela, Student Member IEEE Abdul Gafoor Shaik
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, India Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, India
Email: opmahela@gmail.com Email: saadgafoor@iitj.ac.in

Abstract—This paper presents an approach for the detection such as short duration voltage variations. The choices for size
and localisation of the power quality events associated with wind of the window affect both the frequency and time resolution
energy penetration into the distribution network. A standard while using STFT [7]. Wavelet Transform (WT) is able to
IEEE 13 bus distribution network has been modified by adding
wind and diesel generators for the case studies. The proposed test focus on short time intervals for high frequency components
system is simulated in MATLAB/simulink environment. Voltage and long intervals for low frequency components. WT is more
signals captured at nodes of the test system are used for power suitable for non-stationary and non-periodic wide-band signals
quality analysis. The harmonic detection has been carried out [8]. An integrated model for recognition of PQ disturbances
using Fast Fourier Transform and voltage sag, swell have been using a wavelet multiclass support vector machine (SVM) is
detected by voltage index calculated based on wavelet analysis.
The unbalance in the system has been detected by the sequence presented in [9]. A technique based on wavelet and artificial
components of voltage. The power quality disturbances associated neural network (ANN) for estimation of dominant low order
with the events such as islanding, grid synchronization and outage harmonics has been proposed in [10].
of wind generators have been investigated. The detection of Techniques developed for application specific PQ distur-
islanding, grid synchronization and outage has been proposed bances have also been applied for PQ assessment in distribu-
using sequence components of voltages measured.
Index Terms—Discrete wavelet transform, grid synchroniza- tion networks and micro-grids with RE sources. A generalized
tion, islanding, power quality, wind energy. approach to design and demonstrate the management of micro-
grids with metrics to meet the PQ indices is presented in [11].
I. I NTRODUCTION The developed techniques have also been used to estimate
PQ indices in distributed generation systems during power
The need of renewable energy (RE) integration with the islanding conditions [12].
utility grid to meet the future energy demand is well accepted This paper presents a digital signal processing (DSP) based
[1]. The increased penetration of RE sources in to the existing approach for detection of PQ events in to distribution network
power system degrades system reliability, influences power associated with wind energy penetration. The PQ events as-
quality (PQ), and causes over-voltages as well as safety issues sociated with islanding, grid synchronization and outage of
[2]. Wind energy is the most promising RE source today and wind generators have been investigated. Wavelet coefficients
it has the largest utilization [3]. The power electronic circuit based voltage index of bus voltage is used for detection of
interface of wind generators and uncertainties in wind power voltage sag and swells. The sequence components of voltage
generation affects the reliability and quality of power supply. are used for the detection of voltage unbalance. Harmonics
The quality of the power supplied to the customer is further and dc offset have been detected using FFT analysis. The
affected by the operations of wind generators such as outage power frequency variations have been detected by continuous
and synchronization with the grid [4]. monitoring of the system frequency.
To ensure quality of power supply a system must be well This paper is organized into five sections. The section II
equipped to monitor, locate and classify disturbances. The describes the test system used for study, section III covers
large amount of data of voltages, currents, and occurrence the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) based PQ analysis
times do not automatically classify disturbances. Mathematical algorithm and section IV includes simulation results and their
techniques are used for off-line analysis of recorded data to discussion. Finally the conclusions are drawn in section V.
detect and classify the disturbances. Different PQ detection
and classification techniques have been reported in [5]. Fast II. T EST S YSTEM U SED F OR S TUDY
Fourier Transform (FFT) has been applied to electric PQ For the study of PQ events associated with penetration of
assessment in steady state conditions [6]. Short-Time Fourier wind energy in balanced distribution system, a standard IEEE
Transform (STFT) is suitable for the analysis of conditions 13 bus system is considered in this paper. The original system

978-1-4799-1734-1/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE 328

DOI 10.1109/ICACCE.2015.52
is a 60 Hz, 5 MVA, two voltage levels of 4.16 kV, 0.48 kV TABLE II
having balanced and unbalanced loads with no RE sources
connected to the system [13]. The test system is modified to Transformer MVA kV- kV- HV Winding LV Winding
incorporate the wind generator, diesel generator and balanced High Low
loads as shown in Fig. 1. The loading and generator locations R(Ω) X(Ω) R(Ω) X(Ω)
Substation 10 115 4.16 29.095 211.60 0.1142 0.8306
of modified test system are detailed in Table I. Three phase XFM-1 5 4.16 0.48 0.3807 2.7688 0.0510 0.0042
underground cable between nodes 692 and 675 as well as XWG-1 5 4.16 0.575 0.3807 2.7688 0.0510 0.0042
single phase underground cable between nodes 684 and 652 XWG-2 5 4.16 0.575 0.3807 2.7688 0.0510 0.0042
XDG 5 4.16 2.40 0.3807 2.7688 0.0510 0.0042
are replaced by three phase overhead lines with configuration
601. The length of line segments is same as in the original test
system. The feeder is connected to the utility grid through a
substation transformer. The transformer connected between the The capacity of wind generators WG-1 and WG-2 is 1.5
nodes 633 and 634 is XFM-1. The doubly fed induction wind MW with output voltage of 575 V at frequency of 60 Hz.
generators WG-1 and WG-2 are connected to the test system at The rated wind speed is 11 m/s. Other generator data (for
nodes 680 and 646 through transformers XWG-1 and XWG- each generator) are as follows: H (inertia constant)= 0.685 s,
2 respectively. The diesel generator of capacity 3.125 MVA Rs = 0.023pu, Ls = 0.18pu, Rr = 0.016pu, Lr = 0.016pu,
is connected to the node 650 through transformer XDG. The Lm = 2.9pu. The PI controller is used for the control of
details of transformers are provided in Table II. The voltage converter integrating the wind generator to the test grid. The
regulator between nodes 650 and 632 in original system is not frequencies of grid side and rotor side PWM carriers are 2700
utilized in the modified system. For islanding operation of the Hz and 1620 Hz respectively. Maximum pitch angle is 27°
test system an island interconnection device (IID) is connected and maximum rate of change of pitch angle is 10°/s. Pitch
between utility grid and node 650. controller gain is 150. Reactive power and voltage regulator
gains are 0.05 and 20 respectively. The different Kp and Ki
controller gains are provided in Table III.


Element Kp Ki
Dc bus voltage regulator 8 400
Grid side converter current regulator 0.83 5
Rotor side converter current regulator 0.86 8
Speed regulator 3 0.6
Pitch compensation gains 3 30



The wavelet transform (WT) decomposes a signal into

Fig. 1. Modified IEEE 13 bus test system different scales with different levels of resolution by dilating
a single prototype function. It provides local representation of
TABLE I signal in both time and frequency [14]. The discrete wavelet
M ODIFIED IEEE 13 B US S YSTEM L OADING AND G ENERATOR S TATUS transform (DWT) is implemented by filter bank technique
known as multi resolution analysis (MRA). In DWT, the low
Nodes Load Load Capacitor Generator
Model banks pass (LP) and high pass (HP) filters produce two sets of
kW kVAr kVAr coefficients: high frequency and low frequency components
634 Y-PQ 400 290 followed by dyadic decimation (down-sampling), as illustrated
645 Y-PQ 170 125
646 Y-PQ 230 132 WG-2
in Fig. 2. The LP filter h and HP filter g form a family of
652 Y-PQ 128 86 scaling φ(t) and wavelet ψ(t) functions as given below.
671 Y-PQ 1155 660
675 Y-PQ 843 462 600
692 Y-PQ 170 151
611 Y-PQ 170 80 100 Diesel Gen
632-671∗ Y-PQ 200 116
680 WG-1
650 Utility grid
 The distributed load between nodes 632 and 671 is replaced by spot load
placed at middle of the line

Fig. 2. Signal decomposition using DWT

φ(t) = 2 h(n)φ(2t − n) (1) remains at negligible value. The peak values of the zero and
n negative sequence components of voltage are given in the
√  Table VI.
ψ(t) = 2 g(n)ψ(2t − n) (2)

Where g(n) = (−1)n h(1 − n). The choices of filter h and

g coefficients with four is called analysing by daubechies
wavelet with four filter coefficients (db4).
A. PQ detection algorithm
The three-phase voltages of test node are sampled at fre-
quency of 1920Hz. These samples are collected over a moving
window of one cycle length. The rms values of these voltages
are computed for each incoming sample. These computed rms
values are decomposed with db4 mother wavelet up to level
4 of wavelet decomposition. The sum of absolute values of
approximate coefficients are summed up over a cycle to find Fig. 4. Sequence components of voltage with grid synchronization of wind
generator (a) zero (b) negative and (c) positive
voltage index for detection of voltage sags and swells. The
voltage unbalance is detected using sequence components of
Fig. 5 (a) represents the voltage of bus 650 and its voltage
voltages. The Fast Fourier Transform analysis is used for the
index is presented in Fig. 5 (b). The voltage sag followed by
detection of harmonics and dc offset. In FFT analysis, the
swell are detected by the values of voltage index. The voltage
harmonic component with a value greater than 1% is treated
sag is observed due to the transient inrush current that flows
as dominant.
between wind generator and grid at the time of synchronization
The PQ events associated with outage, grid synchronization
of wind generator and islanding have been investigated using
the test system. The bus 650 has been selected to demonstrate
propagation of PQ disturbances due to the wind generators
located at buses 680 and 646. The two wind generators are
operated simultaneously.
A. Grid Synchronization of Wind Generator
The outage of wind generators has been simulated at 0.33
seconds. The frequency signal at node 650 is shown in Fig.
3. It can be observed that frequency oscillations take place
at the instant of grid synchronization of wind generators. The
oscillations are propagated in to the grid and persists for a
duration of 4 seconds. The maximum deviation of frequency
is provided in Table V.

Fig. 5. (a) Voltage signal and (b) voltage index with grid synchronization
of wind generator

The FFT analysis of voltage signal detects no significant

harmonics and dc offset with grid synchronization of wind
B. Outage of Wind Generator
Fig. 3. Frequency variation with grid synchronization of wind generator The outage of wind generators has been simulated at 0.33
seconds. The frequency signal at node 650 is shown in Fig.
Fig. 4 shows the sequence components of voltage at the bus 6. It can be observed that the frequency decreases suddenly
650 followed by grid synchronization of wind generators. The following the outage of wind generator. The frequency dis-
considerable value of negative sequence component of voltage turbances are observed for short duration. The maximum
during synchronization indicates the voltage unbalance in the frequency deviation is tabulated in Table V.
system. However, the zero sequence component of voltage Fig. 7 represents the zero, negative and positive sequence
components of voltage at node 650 followed by outage. The

Fig. 6. Frequency variation with grid outage of wind generator

negligible value of negative sequence components of voltage

followed by outage would indicate no significant voltage un-
balance in the system. The detected zero sequence component
of voltage can be used to discriminate the outage from other Fig. 8. (a) Voltage signal and (b) voltage index with grid outage of wind
events such as synchronization and islanding. The peak values generator
of the zero and negative sequence components of voltage are

S.No. Different cases of study THD Dominant harmonic

(%) components present
1 Grid synchronization of 0 NA
wind generator
2 Outage of wind generator 7.65 DC, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
3 Islanding with diesel gener- 8.54 DC, h2, h3, h4, h5,
ator h6, h7, h8, h9, h10
NA: Harmonic components are not present

Fig. 7. Sequence components of voltage with grid outage of wind generator

(a) zero (b) negative and (c) positive

Voltage at bus 650 and its voltage index are presented in Fig. Fig. 9. Frequency variation during islanding with diesel generator
8. From Fig. 7 (c), it can be observed that the positive sequence
component of the voltage increases followed by outage. This
Fig. 10 represents the zero, negative and positive sequence
is due to reduction in the reactive power demand on the system
components of voltage. The presence of sequence components
followed by outage of the doubly fed induction generator. The
of voltage indicates the unbalance in the system voltage. The
same can be observed from Fig. 8 (a). The values of voltage
peak values of zero and negative sequence components of
index indicates the presence of voltage swell.
voltage are provided in Table VI.
The frequency analysis of voltage signal at bus 650 is
carried out by FFT algorithm. The total harmonic distortion Fig. 11 represents the voltage signal at bus 650 and its
(THD) and dominant harmonic components are tabulated in voltage index. Voltage swell followed by voltage sag are
Table IV. Third harmonic component is found to be dominant observed with islanding.
with value of 5.95%. The dc offset and 2nd to 6th harmonic The FFT analysis of voltage signal at node 650 is carried
components are observed. out and THD as well as dominant harmonic components are
provided in Table IV. The third harmonic component with
C. Islanding with Diesel Generator value of 6.14% is found to be dominant. The dc offset and
Islanding has been simulated at the 0.2 seconds. The diesel second to tenth harmonics are observed.
generator is automatically started at the instant of islanding. From Table V, it can be observed that maximum frequency
The frequency signal at node 650 is presented in Fig. 9. It is deviation is caused with islanding followed by synchronization
observed that large frequency variations take place followed and minimum with outage of wind generator. The variations in
by islanding. The frequency reaches up to 64 Hz for a period the sequence components of voltage helps us in detecting the
of 2 seconds and becomes almost constant after 7 seconds. operations associated with wind energy penetration in to the
The maximum deviation is provided in Table V. distribution network. From Table VI, it can be observed that

The negative sequence component of voltage associated with
islanding is 530% compared to the outage and 339% compared
to the synchronization. The major power quality disturbances
detected with all the cases of studies are summarised in the
Table VII.

S.No. Types of PQ distur- Islanding Grid Outage

bances with DG Synchro-
1 Voltage sag   ND
2 Voltage swell   
Fig. 10. Sequence components of voltage during islanding with diesel 3 Harmonic  ND 
generator (a) zero (b) negative and (c) positive 4 DC offset  ND 
5 Voltage unbalance   ND
6 Power frequency vari-   
: PQ disturbance is present; ND: PQ disturbance is not detected; DG:
Diesel generator

In this work, power quality disturbances related to the
operations of wind integration with distribution network have
been investigated using signal processing techniques such
as DWT and FFT. The islanding with diesel generator has
also been investigated in terms of power quality events. A
modified IEEE 13 bus system with wind and diesel generator
is used for the investigation. The power quality disturbances
such as voltage sag, swell, harmonics, dc offset, voltage
unbalance and power frequency variations are detected with
grid integration of wind generator. The propagation of PQ
Fig. 11. (a) Voltage signal and (b) voltage index during islanding
disturbances in the grid have been observed. The power quality
TABLE V is adversely affected with the islanding operation compared
M AXIMUM F REQUENCY D EVIATION to the outage and synchronization. Continuous monitoring of
negative and zero sequence components of voltage helps in
S.No. Different cases of study Frequency deviation
detecting and discriminating the operations such as outage and
1 Grid synchronization of wind generator 0.45 synchronization of wind generator as well as islanding.
2 Outage of wind generator 0.20
3 Islanding with diesel generator 3.80 R EFERENCES
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