IET Generation Trans Dist - 2021 - Bagchi
IET Generation Trans Dist - 2021 - Bagchi
IET Generation Trans Dist - 2021 - Bagchi
DOI: 10.1049/gtd2.12066
Department of Electrical Engineering, Budge Abstract
Budge Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India
This paper presents a low-voltage ride-through technique for large-scale grid tied photo-
Department of Electrical Engineering, Jadavpur voltaic converters using instantaneous power theory. The control strategy, based on instan-
University, Kolkata, India
taneous power theory, can directly calculate the active and reactive component of currents
Department of Electrical and Electronics using measured grid voltage and currents and generate inverter switching pulses based on
Engineering, Dayananda Sagar Advanced
Technology and Management, Bangalore, India the formulated reference current values and thus helping to improve the dynamic response
when voltage sag takes place. The dynamic response of the proposed model has been com-
Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, National Institute of Technology, pared with both proportional-integral and fuzzy current controllers to judge their suitabil-
Mizoram, India ity. The proposed strategy can provide both active and reactive power support dynamically
during grid side fault. The proposed active reactive current control based technique shows
Correspondence better dynamic response compared to existing techniques. The proposed method is tested
Soubhik Bagchi, Department of Electrical Engineer-
ing, Budge Budge Institute of Technology, Kolkata, through appropriate simulation on a practical system to show the effectiveness of the pro-
India. posed control method.
1 INTRODUCTION and current limitation are the major aspects for grid-connected
voltage source converter during any kind of disturbance of the
Renewable energy based DG systems are becoming increas- system. Active power reduction method, peak current limiting
ingly popular for electric power generation in the recent past. method and formation of three current references have been
Among all, solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind turbines have cur- implemented during symmetrical and asymmetrical grid fault to
rently become the strongest pillar for electric power generation overcome over voltage, over current and also to permit reliable
as a replacement of conventional methods. Thus, interconnec- operation [3, 4]. Reactive power injection for voltage support
tion between large-scale PV plants and electric power grid via during grid faults or voltage sag is essential as evident from the
voltage source inverters has been widely employed to meet the V–I characteristics wherein reactive current is supplied to the
load power demand. Disconnection or standalone operation of system by contributing at least 2% of rated current as per each
these plants during faults or voltage sag situation is always not 1% deviation of voltage provided the voltage sags exceeds 10%
possible from the point of view of smooth operation, stabil- of line to line voltage [5]. Several difficulties of low-voltage
ity and reliability of the power system. In view of the above- ride-through (LVRT) operation for current source inverter have
mentioned difficulties, several countries such as Italy, Germany, been investigated and improvised topologies such as modified
Denmark, Spain and US-FERC have revised their grid codes for maximum power point tracking (MPPT), addition of buck
grid-connected PV system. chopper have been applied to control dc-link current which can
These grid codes ensure the availability, quality and reliability suppress grid voltage drop [6]. Grid interfacing and inverter
of grid-connected PV system during faults or voltage sag [1]. control are two major aspects for grid-connected PV system.
By keeping in mind the standard grid codes of each country, the Generally, inverter and grid are interfaced via a phase-locked
capability of reactive power control must be incorporated in a loop which is operated in relatively low bandwidth but such
large scale PV system to supply the reactive power demand dur- practice causes delay to detect the fault. Nonlinear phase-locked
ing faults and voltage sags [2]. Power quality, fault management loop based on the complex-coefficient filter with adaptive
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology
controller gain has been proposed to accelerate the capability is shown in [30] to calculate current reference based on dq-frame
of filtering and also to enhance the dynamic performance for three-level neutral-point clamped inverters (3L-NPC) result-
of phase-locked loop [7]. Integration of high penetrated PV ing better ride-through capability during voltage sag situations.
systems is becoming more decentralised and vulnerable day by A control scheme based on positive and negative sequence
day. For these reasons, the controllers of PV systems have to with lower voltage stress on inverter devices and dc-link capaci-
be more controllable, intelligent and cost effective. A flexible tor minimizing the AC side current harmonics is described in
controller based on PQ theory has been developed to verify its [31]. An improved control strategy with decoupled reference
effectiveness and flexibility [8]. Feed forward compensation for grid current for the grid current controller to accelerate the
reactive current injection into dc-link and active power control dynamic response of the grid-connected inverter is shown in
to provide power balance between the both sides of converter [32]. Detailed design with fuzzy controller including the proce-
have been discussed to provide grid support and enhancement dure to form fuzzy rules has been discussed for the application
of LVRT capability [9]. PV controllers have been optimally of PV inverter [33]. A current control strategy incorporating
tuned by the application of slap swarm algorithm (SSA) to FLC has been carried out for grid-connected PV system to con-
ensure the enhancement of LVRT in order to the percentage trol the inverter [34]. Fuzzy logic based MPPT algorithm along
undershoots or overshoots, settling time and steady state error with PI current regulator is proposed in [35] to track maximum
of voltage response. A proportional-integral (PI) based open power point during rapid change of atmosphere or during fast
fractional voltage control and cascade voltage control has been transient. Comparison of PI and fuzzy controller during zero
implemented here to design the controller where the fitness power flow condition between grid and local network with a PV
function is optimised by using SSA [10]. An alternative control system is shown in [36]. Recurrent wavelet fuzzy neural network
strategy based on synchronously reference frame phased-locked (RWFNN) is proposed to replace traditional PI controller which
loop (SRF-PLL) has been implemented and verified to show helps to track the controlling performance of the active and
efficient control of the inverter for grid-connected solar pho- reactive powers under grid faults for the weak grid conditions
tovoltaic system [11]. To continue the operation of grid-tied [37]. However, all the above-mentioned literature emphasise on
renewable system, it is necessary to detect the voltage sag during the controlling operation for LVRT through several topologies
any type of fault condition. Maximum point tracking and zero where different types of inverter (i.e. 3L-NPC, four leg inverter,
point tracking algorithm have been proposed to detect voltage etc.) have been used along with suitable filters. Besides, all the
variation with accuracy along with filtering out the low-order inverter control topologies also focused on the reduction of
voltage harmonics [12]. Besides the incremental impedance PV inverter current and dc-link over voltage by means of reac-
method has been used based on existing PQ measure point tive power injection. But no published paper so far deals with
for finding out the location of voltage sag [13]. Concerning the the dynamic response improvement from the fault inception to
stability of single stage grid-connected PV system; modified fault clearance. Moreover appropriate reactive power injection
incremental conductance MPPT method has been implemented principle under LVRT operation has not been adequately dis-
by reducing the step length of output power reference in the cussed in the existing literature.
system. This method improves the stability of the system as well The proposed method utilises IPT for appropriate injec-
as enhanced the steady state accuracy of the method [14]. Filter tion of reactive power under the LVRT operation of the grid-
design is one of the major concern criteria to restrict harmonic connected PV system. The proposed method reduces the size
injection to the grid. The electromagnetic decoupling model of the filter requirement which also has a cost impact. More-
of transformer integrated filtering system has been introduced over, the proposed method shows better dynamic performance
in [15] for this purpose to improve the power quality with low compared to the existing technology. The novel control strategy
transformer loss. Novel controllable inductive power filtering combining with PI-IPT and fuzzy-IPT has been developed and
method based on magnetic potential balance theory combining implemented on a practical system which results in the faster
with the hybrid active filtering technology to improve the power response of the system to clear the faults. This paper has been
quality with better efficiency of industrial dc supply system has organized as:
been demonstrated [16, 17]. In [18], the estimation of real-time
filter output and key parameters identification is shown for 1. In Sections 1 and 2, a background review has been provided
grid supporting inverters where the extended Kalman filter followed by grid code and LVRT requirement as well as con-
helps to derive the parameters by using discrete state-space trol strategy and PQ theory.
representation of dynamic systems. 2. In Section 3, the proposed grid-connected PV system, the
Several countries are having their own grid codes to miti- details of PV modelling incorporating with MPPT algorithm
gate the reactive power demand and maintain the hassle-free have been discussed.
LVRT operation of grid-connected PV system during fault or 3. In Sections 4 and 5, the mathematical modelling of proposed
voltage sag situations. Several control strategies such as droop PI and fuzzy logic based control strategy using IPT have
control, robust control, d-q control, PQ control, etc. have been been formulated and implemented to show the enhancement
implemented and verified with PI and fuzzy logic controllers of low-voltage ride-through as soon as voltage sag takes
(FLCs) for LVRT operation [19–23]. A concept with a math- place.
ematical explanation on instantaneous power theory (IPT) has 4. In Section 6 and 7, the subsequent results, the summery
been described including several examples in [29]. An algorithm report, comparison and conclusion have been discussed.
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2 GRID CODE AND LVRT verter along with a step up transformer. The voltage source
REQUIREMENT converter is operated through P & O algorithm to extract the
maximum power output from the PV source.
In this paper, we are considering Malaysian grid code which is A dc-link capacitor is used across the PV output to make
shown in Figure 1. It is seen that PV plant must be connected to smooth the PV output voltage. An R-L filter is connected to
the grid in the connection area to avoid power loss and also must the low voltage side of ac grid to minimize the distortion and a
not be disconnected up to 150 ms even if the line voltage drops delta/star step up transformer is connected to the distribution
to 0% of its nominal value. Accordingly, voltage must be recov- side. Table 1 represents the value of the parameters used in the
ered up to 90% from its pre-fault value within 1.5 s from the proposed system.
occurrence of faults or voltage sag. Moreover, the grid support The following Figure 3 shows the per phase equivalent circuit
must be provided by the PV system by injecting reactive power of the proposed system consisting with dc/ac voltage source
as per the standardization to keep the voltage source inverter in inverter [28]:
operation [24].
TABLE 1 Parameters of the proposed system
3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND Specifications Values
Grid voltage Vg = 33 kV
TABLE 2 Parameters of the voltage source inverter where Vpv = output voltage of solar cell, I pv = output current of
solar cell, Is = total diffusion current through the PN junction,
Specifications Values
k = Boltzmann constant, T = temperature in Kelvin, Rse =
R filter of the inverter 0.1165 Ω series resistance of the cell, Rsh = shunt resistance of the cell
L filter of the inverter 0.1 mH and n = diode quality factor.
Switching frequency of the inverter 2 kHz
Vm + RseoIm − Voc
⎧ ⎫
From Figure 3, ⎪ ( Vm
) (
I ⎪
kT ⎨ln Isc − − Im − ln Isc − + (m )⎬
Rsho Rsh Voc
⎪ Isc −
Rsho ⎪
E∠𝛿 − Vg ∠0 E Vg ⎩ ⎭
I = = ∠ (𝛿 − 𝜃 ) − ∠ − 𝜃. (1)
Z ∠𝜃 Z Z (5)
Hence, Grid side active and reactive power are given by where Vm is the maximum output voltage of solar cell, Im is
( 2
) the maximum output current of solar cell,Voc is the open cir-
( ) EVg Vg cuit voltage of solar cell, Isc is the short circuit current of solar
P = Re Vg I ∗ = cos𝛿 −
Z Z cell, Rseo is the open circuit series resistance of the cell and Rsho
is the open circuit shunt resistance of the cell
cos𝜃 + sin𝛿 sin𝜃 (2) ( ) ( )
Z qVoc qRse Isc Voc + Rse Isc
Isc = I0 exp − exp + (6)
nkT nkT Rsh
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) EVg Vg 2 R qRse Isc
Q = Im Vg I ∗ = cos𝛿 − I ph = Isc 1 + se + I0 exp −1 (7)
Z Z Rsh nkT
( ) ( )
EVg Voc qVoc
sin𝜃 − sin𝛿 cos𝜃 (3) I0 = Isc − exp − (8)
Z Rsh nkT
( )
where 𝛿 is the power angle, i.e. phase angle between output nkT qVoc
voltage of the inverter, E∠𝛿 and ac grid voltage,Vg ∠0, Z ∠𝜃 = Rse = Rseo − exp − (9)
qI0 nkT
Req + j Xeq is the output impedance. As the R-L filter, trans-
former and grid parameters are in series, Req and Xeq are indi- Rsh = Rsho. (10)
cated the equivalent resistance and inductance of the proposed
system. The inverter parameters have been provided in Table 2. The parameters which have been applied in the proposed sys-
tem of PV cell are given in Table 3
In the proposed grid-connected PV system 235 strings have
3.2 Modelling of PV system been used along with 16 series module. The maximum cur-
rent, voltage and dc output power of the system are 8.04 × 235
Quick changing of solar irradiation level has a significant impact = 1889.4 A, 49.78 × 16 = 796.48 V and 1889.4 × 796.48 =
on PV output than the temperature which generally changes 1504869.31 W = 1.5 MW (approx.) respectively, whereas open
quite slowly throughout the day. The equivalent circuit of the circuit voltage and short circuit current are 60 × 16 = 960 V
PV cell is shown in Figure 4 and it has been illustrated through and 8.56 × 235 = 2011.6 A. Also, the dc-link voltage is kept
the following equations [25–27]: at 800 V which is nearer to the maximum power point out-
[ { } ] put voltage of the PV module. The theoretical results have
(Vpv + Rse I pv ) Vpv + Rse I pv been verified with MATLAB/SIMULINK model of the pro-
I pv = I ph − I0 exp q −1 −
nkT Rsh posed PV array and indicated by graphical representation in
(4) Figure 5.
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TABLE 3 Parameters of PV cell A voltage vector ⃗v and current vector ⃗i are represented as
Specifications Values follows [28]:
Maximum power (Pmax ) 400 W
⃗v = v𝛼 + j v𝛽 (13)
Maximum power point voltage (Vmpp ) 49.78 V
Maximum power point current (Impp ) 8.04 A
Open circuit voltage (Voc ) 60 V
Short circuit current (Isc ) 8.56 A ⃗i = i𝛼 + j i𝛽 . (14)
Cell number per module (Ncell) 96
Temperature coefficient of short circuit current (αi ) 0.043◦ C So, three-phase complex power is as follows:
Temperature coefficient of open circuit voltage (αv ) –0.367◦ C ( )( )
Series resistance (Rse ) 389.9 Ω
s = ⃗v ⃗i ∗ = v𝛼 + j v𝛽 i𝛼 − j i𝛽 . (15)
Parallel resistance (Rsh ) 0.33 Ω
So, instantaneous power,
Ideally factor of diode (n) 1.02
[ ] [ ][ ]
p v v𝛽 i𝛼
= 𝛼 . (16)
q v𝛽 −v𝛼 i𝛽
Multiplying both side of equation (18) by √ and replace
p q
4 MODELLING OF PROPOSED with √ = i p and √ = iq , then
3v 3v
(PQ THEORY) √ [ ] [ ][ ]
2 p sin 𝜔t − cos 𝜔t i𝛼
√ = . (19)
IPT deals on the basis of instantaneous values of active and reac- 3 Vm q − cos 𝜔t − sin 𝜔t i𝛽
tive power. As per the theory, initially, three-phase grid voltage
and current have been transformed to α-β coordinate by using √ p q
Now, replace Vm = 2 v, √ = i p and √ = iq , then
Clark transformation to get the voltage and current vectors, i.e. 3v 3v
vα , vβ , iα , iβ , respectively. Then these vectors are used to calculate
instantaneous active and reactive power. The Clark transforma- i p = i𝛼 sin𝜔t − i𝛽 cos𝜔t (20)
tion has been shown by equation (11) and (12)
iq = −i𝛼 cos𝜔t − i𝛽 sin𝜔t . (21)
[ ] √ [ ] ⎡Va ⎤
v𝛼 2 1 −1∕2
√ −1∕2
√ ⎢Vb ⎥ These active and reactive currents have been compared with
= (11)
v𝛽 3 0 3∕2 − 3∕2 ⎢V ⎥ active (ip * ) and reactive (iq * ) current references and passed
⎣ c⎦
through the proportional integral (PI) controller to decom-
[ ] √ [ ] ⎡ Ia ⎤ pose vp * and vq * . These voltages have been further trans-
i𝛼 2 1 −1∕2
√ −1∕2
√ ⎢ Ib ⎥ .
= (12) formed to three-phase voltage, i.e. pq-αβ-abc and it is sent
i𝛽 3 0 3∕2 − 3∕2 ⎢V ⎥ via PWM signal generator to generate switching pulse of
⎣ c⎦
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FIGURE 7 Proposed fuzzy controller. (a) Extraction of active voltage reference. (b) Extraction of reactive voltage reference
Each FLC contains two input variables (error and change of At LVRT mode, the system becomes imbalance and transient
error) and one output variable. The two input variables have five occurs in the dc side voltage and ac side current. Here, the
triangular membership functions, i.e. negative big (NB), nega- proposed PI and fuzzy-based novel control strategy using IPT
tive medium (NM), zero (ZE), positive medium (PM) and posi- ensures that the PV power plant can stay connected during a
tive big (PB) with the range of –1 to +1 whereas output variable fault condition and both the over voltage and over current will
has three triangular membership functions, i.e. zero (ZE), posi- die out by keep in mind the Malaysian grid code. When the
tive medium (PM) and positive big (PB) with the range of 0 to amplitude of grid voltage is between 90% and 110% of rated
+1. The set of knowledge base control rules are obtained as per voltage as per standard grid code, the system is running in nor-
the behaviour of the proposed system and it is given in Table 6. mal operating mode. But when the grid voltage deviates from
its limit, the system switches to LVRT operating mode. Dur-
ing faults or voltage sag, it is important to set the reference of
6 SIMULATION RESULTS reactive current such that the inverter can inject sufficient active
power to recover the voltage as per LVRT requirement. For the
6.1 Maximum power point tracking proposed control technique, the reactive current is set at zero.
As per LVRT requirement, the graphical representations of
The most commonly used MPPT algorithm, i.e. perturbation PV side voltage and power, grid side active and reactive power
and observation (P & O) algorithm has been used in the pro- and the analysis of inverter control during a symmetrical and
posed system to extract maximum power from the PV module. asymmetrical fault in the grid side have been shown here.
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FIGURE 9 PV output of the proposed system. (a) Maximum output of dc voltage. (b) Maximum output of dc current (c) Maximum output of dc power
FIGURE 10 Normal operation. (a) PV side voltage and power. (b) Grid side active and reactive power. (c) Required active (ip ) and reactive (iq ) current injection
for inverter control
6.3.2 LVRT operating during three-phase (L-L-L) fault and line to line (L-L) fault
FIGURE 11 PV side voltage and power during L-L-L fault and L-L fault. (a) PI-based LVRT operation. (b) Fuzzy logic based LVRT operation
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FIGURE 12 Grid side active and reactive power and requirement of active (ip ) and reactive (iq ) current injection for inverter control during L-L-L fault and L-L
fault. (a) PI-based LVRT operation. (b) Fuzzy logic based LVRT operation
6.3.3 LVRT operating during single line to ground (L-L-G) fault and double line to ground
(L-G) Fault
FIGURE 13 PV side voltage and power during L-L-G fault and L-G fault. (a) PI-based LVRT operation. (b) Fuzzy logic based LVRT operation
FIGURE 14 Grid side active and reactive power and requirement of active (ip ) and reactive (iq ) current injection for inverter control during L-L-G fault and L-G
fault. (a) PI-based LVRT operation. (b) Fuzzy logic based LVRT operation
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21. Jia, J., et al.: A review on grid-connected converter control for short circuit
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