18-19 Revision Worksheet 8

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Grade 8

Revision worksheet

1. Which of the following has lower ignition temperature?

a. Wood b. Paper c. Vegetable oil d. Kerosene oil
2. Which one of the following is non Combustible?
a. Stone piece b. Paper c. Straw d. Matchsticks
3. Rapid combustion is
a. When gas burns, it produces heat and light
b. When material suddenly burst into flames
c. When there is evolution of heat
d. None of these
4. Calorific value is measured in
a. Kilo joule b. Kilograms c. Kilo joule per Kg d. Kilometre
5. Goldsmith uses ____part of the flame for melting gold
a. Outermost
b. Middle
c. Innermost
d. Both (b) & (c)
6. Suppose you are asked to boil a given quantity of water using cow dung cake, coal
and LPG as fuels. Which fuel would you prefer? Give your reason.

7. Which poisonous gas is formed as a result of incomplete combustion?

(a) Coal Gas (b) Carbon Monoxide (c) Carbon Dioxide (d) Nitrogen Dioxide
8. Give reasons:
a) Charcoal does not burn with flame but glows only
b) CNG is preferable for vehicles in respect to petrol and diesel
c) Coal is called ‘buried sunshine’.
d) Water is not suitable for extinguishing fires involving electrical equipment oil
and petrol.
9. List the characteristics of a good fuel
10. Describe different Zones of the candle flame with the help of neat labelled diagram.
11. In an experiment 10 Kg of a fuel produced 200,000 KJ 0f heat . Calculate the calorific
value of the fuel.

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