Adams, S. A Microscopic Study of Vein Quartz PDF

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VOL. XV DECEMBER, 192o No. 8


SI•N•.¾ F. A•^Ms.


The needof further knowledgeof the characteristicoccurrence

of vein mineralsis evidentto all engagedin studiesof ore depos-
its. In recentyears ore mineralshave receivedincreasingatten-
tion due to the developmentof the reflectingmicroscope, whereas
the ganguesare, as a rule, slighted. The mostprominentof all
ganguemineralsis quartz,yet microscopic characteristicsof vein
quartz have r.eceivedlittle attentionin the literature of ore depos-
its, although unusualstructuresand anomaloushabits have been
noted. The presentstudywasundertakenwith a view to describ-
ing the more commonmicroscopiccharacteristics of vein quartz,
and, whereverpossible,t.oindicatethe relation betweenphysical
conditionsof genesisof the quartz and its microscopic structure.
The investigationhas beenconfinedto silicain quartz veinsof
hydrothermalorigin. Magmatic, cont.actmetamorphic,and re-
placementore bodieswere not included,nor were those formed
by supergeneaction. Q•uicksilverdepositsand siliceoussinters
were alsoexcluded. However, the generalfield of hydrothermal
quartz veinswas well representedin the specimens studied.
• Synopsisof a dissertation submitted to the Department of Geology of
Stanford University for the degree of Master of Arts, and prepared under
the supervis.
ion of Professor C. F. Tolman, Jr. To him and to Professor A.
F. RogersI am indebtedfor keen interestin the work, and for many helpful
suggestionsand criticisms.

The deeperseatedclassof veins was coveredby specimens

from West Australia; Juneau, Alaska; Cornwall, England;
Homestake,South Dakota; Porcupine,Ontario; and from the
California gold belt. Depositsformed near the surface under
low pressurewere representedby suitesfrom Arizona, Colorado,
Nevada, and Idaho--in the United States--and from Mexico,
Japan,New SouthWales, and New Zealand. In the following
of thistypeare frequently
referredto as"super;
ficial," to expresstheir formationat shallowdepths. With this
explanationthere shouldbe no confoundingwith surficial and
oxidizing action,or with supergeneenrichment. In theselatter
connections "superficial" is not usedin this paper.
of an examination
of the
specimens of the EconomicGeologyand Mineralogy collections
of the University; a studyof aboutfive hundredaccompanying
thin sections';
and finally, the preparationand studyof two hun-
dred speciallyselectedthin sections. To supplement laboratory
work all availablepertinentliteraturewas scannedfor descrip-
tionsof microscopic characteristics of quartz. With the excep-
tion of a text on the microscopic examinationof oresby Berg,2
in whichthereis a chapterdevotedto hydrothermaldeposits, the
literatureexamined--publications of the United StatesGeolog-
ical Survey, magazine articles, and general textbooks--con-
tainedonly scattereddescriptions of microscopic features.
The resultsof the investigation will be detailedin two parts'
Part I. (a) Varieties of silica formed in hydrothemalvein de-
posits;(b) Crystallization of silicafrom the hydrogelcondition;
(c) Structuresin quartzwhichhas crystallizedin free space.
Part II. (a) Structuresin replacement quartz; (b) effect• of
strain on quartz; (c) rearrangements of silica.


Of theoxidesof silicon--quartz,chalcedony,
balite,andopal---onlythefirsttwo are of importance
= "Mikroskopische
der F.rzlagerstatten,"
Berlin, I915.

mineralsin the depositsstudied. Tridymite and cristobalite,

the high temperatureforms, do not occurin ordinarymineral
veins. Opal is found in negligibleamounts,and is not worth
consideration as a type of vein silica in the depositsherein
treated. It shouldbe repeated,however,that quicksilverores
and siliceoussinterswere not investigated.

The relationsof chalcedonyto quartz, and to other lesscom-
mon varietiesof silica are not well defined. Ordinarily chalce-
dony may be distinguishedfrom quartz by its cryptocrystalline
aggregatestructure,weak doublerefraction,and lower index of
refraction. Another important characteristicis color. In thin
sectionchalcedonyoften may be distinguishedfrom clear quartz
by a milkyopaiescence
with reflected
light,or by a brownish
turbidity with transmitted light. Of course, these colors are
variable, but some color--white, brown, or other--is always
present in the hand specimenand nearly always visible in thin
section. Except as comparedwith clear transparentquartz,.
however, distinctionby this meansmay be misleading. Some-
times coarselycrystallinequartz, and often anomalousvarieties,
are turbid.
Cryptocrystallineaggregatechalcedonyis the commontype
observedin mineral deposits,either as a vein mineral, or as a
replacementof country rock forming the cherts,jaspers,or
otherforms,particularlyabundantin limestone
In the latter connection it is not here considered. As a fissure
vein mineralit may occuras a filling,or as a replacement
of wall
rock fragmentsor of earlier minerals,especiallyof calcite. In
someveins,alternatingcompactchalcedony and microcrystalline
quartz present a minute banded structure, which is often intri-
cately contorted. The peculiarshapesassumedmay be called
colloform,a name introducedby Rogersø to expresscombina-
tions of spherical,botroyoidal,reniform, stalactitic,and mamii-
a"A Review of the AmorphousMineralE,"]our. of Geol., Vol. XXV.,
I917. p. 518.

lary forms. Colloform structuresin silica are usuallyinherited

from a gelatinousstate. The chalcedonyin these casesis a
4 as also is the microcrystallinequartz. Chalcedony
of this character is shown in Plate XXI., A, B.
A lesscommonform of chalcedonyis shownin one band of
Figs. C and D, Plate XXI. This is fibrous,with refractive in-
dex lessthan quartz, and optically negative,but with a maxi-
mum doublerefraction equal to quartz. The birefringenceof
fiberscut parallel to the length may vary from a maximum to a
minimum. The photographsas a whole picture alternating en-
crustationsof quartz and chalcedony.
Other fibrous forms of silica are sometimes encountered.
These may be either opticallypositiveor opticallynegative,and
may have other distinguishingcharacteristics. However, they
are not prominenthypogenegangue minerals'and will not be
further considered.
The presentinvestigationindicatesthat cryptocrystallineand
fibrouschalcedonyare found only in thosedepositsformed near
the surface. Chalcedonyis characteristicof the colloform crus-
tificationsof some Tertiary bonanzatype ores, but it does not
occurin prominence
in the deeperseatedquartzveinssuchas
those of the Mother Lode in California. Even where best devel-
opedin superficialgold and silver deposits,chalcedonyis usually
subordinateto quartz in importance.

Normal Vein Quartz.

Quartz is one of the mineralsclassedas "persistent" by Lind-
gren;• i.e., it is formed under conditionsranging from igneous
to surficial. Two types of quartz have been recognized:beta-
quartz,whichis stablefrom 575ø C. to 8ooø C.; andalpha-quartz,
whichis stablebelow575ø C. Wright and Larsenø haveshown
4A term proposed by Wherry (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci., Vol. IV., x9x4, p.
xx:•)and definedas'"a substance
which,thoughoriginallycolloidalin char-
acteri has become more or less crystalline."
5 EcoN. Gv.oL, Vol. II., x9o7,p. x22.
6,,Quartzas a Geologic
Am. J'our.Sci.,Vol. x77,x9o9,
p. 446.

that vein quartzis of the alphatype,i.e., it was formedat a tem-

peraturebelow 575ø C.
The dominantform of mostidiomorphicvein quartz is a com-
binationof the prism (m) and the rhombehedrons (r) and (z),
often modifiedby subordinatefaces. The characteristichabit is
prismatic. This prismatichabit, togetherwith irregular devel-
opmentof the rhombehedralfacesand the presenceof trigonal
trapezohedrons, is consideredby Wright and Larsen as indica-
tive of the alpha form of quartz. Usually crystalsare singly
terminated,being attachedat one end of the .prism. The devel-
opmentis at right anglesto the planeof attachment,or parallel
to the prism. In aggregates,however,doublyterminatedcrys-
tals are often found.
Variations in size are enormous,ranging from large crystals
down to cryptocrystallinevarietiescomparableto aggregatechal-
cedony. In thin sectioncryptocrystallinequartz often appears
to have unusually low birefringence,inconsistentinterference
colors,and unevenextinction, due to the overlappingof indi-
viduals. The degree of developmentof crystal form also is
variable. In the morecoarselycrystallinequartz,subhedralout-
lines are common. In thin section euhedral cross sections are
far more frequent than euhedralparallel sections,becauseof
the comparativelyrare doubletermination. Crystal form in the
finer grained quartz is rarer, and is absentin microcrystalline
It has been said that coarselycrystallinemassivequartz is a
characteristicof deeperseatt•dveins, whereasfine quartz is apt
to .occurin thosedepositsformed near the surface. As a gen-
eralization this is true. In suchores as those from the Juneau
district, Alaska; West Australia; California gold belt; and Por-
cupinedistrict, Ontario, the typical vein quartz is coarselycrys-
talline. The quartz in depositsin Tertiary volcanicsis often
fine grainedto microcrystalline,althoughthesedepositsexhibit
wide variations in size as well as in structure.

Anomalous Quartz.
The following anomaliesconsistof abnormalhabitsof quartz
in which the optical properties are those typical of ordinary
"Feather" Quartz.-- The most common abnormality is a
splinteryor featheryappearancecausedby slight differencesin
extinctionposition. In somecaseszonallines,irregularcavities,
or minuteinclusions accompanythis development. The splinters
or feathersmay be a peripheraldevelopmentabout normal crys-
tals (A and D, P1.XXII.). In suchcasesboth in the crosssec-
tional and longitudinalviews a clear core appears.
In some instancesin which the arrangement may be inter-
pretatedthe featheredc•uartzis developedapproximatelynormal
to the prism faces. Where there is no clear core the feathers
or splintersmay form a six-sidedcross(P1. XXII., B). In this
case extinction is approximatelysimultaneousfor all portions
of the cross,while the interveningsectorshave widely varying
and usually indefinite extinction positions. Rogers7 has de-
scribed a similar anomaly from Rawhide, Nevada, in which,
however, sectors are approximately equally developed (P1.
XXII., C). The extinction is in sets of alternate sectors,the
extinctionpositionfor one set being approximately•o ø from
that of the other. Rogerss also mentionssimilar quartz occur-
ring with pyrite, chalcopyrite,ilmenite,and titanite in apparently
high temperatureveinlets in a diabasenear Weehawken, New
Jersey. The veinlets were, however, probably formd near the
surface,under comparativelylittle pressure.
Symmetrical developmentof the quartz splintersor feathers
is the exception. The more typical appearanceis illustrated by
the lower crystal in P1. XXII., C, and by P1. XXII., D, and
XXIV., D. In a reporton Silvertown,Colorado,Ransome 9 pic-
turesfeatheredquartz resemblingPI: XXII., A.
Anomalousquartz of this type is bestdevelopedin specimens
? Ecoa. GEo•..,Vol. VI., •9•, P. 795.
8 Idem, p. 797.
9 U.S. G. S. Bull. x82, Plate X.

of ores which have undoubtedlybeen formed in free space.

Featherededgesor patchesare frequentin theoutertipsof comb
quartz. The specimens from Rawhide,however,are a replace-
ment of tuff, showingthat the anomalymay be a replacement
Flamboyant Quartz.--The only other anomaloushabit in
quartz which is of importanceis the "flamboyant." This has
beendescribedfrom CrippleCreekby Lindgren.•ø In this study
it has beenfound in a few other localities,notably in specimens
from the Talisman Mine, Karangahake,New Zealand. In these
specimens the quartzoccursas a filling in breccia. P1.XXII., E,
showsflamboyantquartz whichhas developedfrom the vqallof
a small fissure. P1. XXII., F, is a more highly magnifiedview.
The chief characteristicof the anomaly• is the radial optical
structure. Lindgren has suggestedthat this structureis due to
eachgrain beingcomposed of submicroscopic radial fibers,a pos-
sibility emphasized by the radial lines of relief in P1. XXII., F.
In sectionscut parallelto the c axis, the extinctionis alwayspar-
allel to thesefine lines. In a crosssectionof a singleflamboyant
crystal,there are a large numberof small areas with slight dif-
ferencesof extinctionposition. These areasare usuallybut not
always, anhedral.
Flamboyantquartz reachesits bestdevelopmentas a crystal-
lization into vugs, veinlets,or other open spaces. It is closely
related to that type of comb quartz in which the individual
prismsare groupedradially abouta commoncenter (P1. XXIV.,
C). The only distinctionis in the finenessof composition. In
one case,distinctquartz prismsoccur,while in flamboyantquartz
the whole is made up of submicroscopic fibers. The relation of
the two types sometimesappearsin a single individual. As an
example: the small flamboyantquartz crystal in P1. XXI., D, is
radially fibrousat its base,but has a graduallyincreasingdefini-
tion of extinctionsectors on approaching the top, whichis sepa-
rated into severalsegments,eachwith sharpextinction. One of
thesesegmentshas pyramid terminations.
aoLI. S. G. S., Prof. Paper 54, p. •79.

As a crystallizationfrom a colloidalgel flamboyantquartzmay

approachspheruliticform (P1. XXI., F).
The anomaloushabits in quartz abovedescribedare charac-
teristicof many of the lower pressureore deposits,but have not
beenobservedin quartzwhich is considered to havebeenformed
at. intermediateor great depths. Their occurrencein promi-
nenceis indicativeof origin at superficialdepths,under condi-
tionsof low pressure.

Inclusions in Quarts.
The presenceof inclusionsis so characteristic
of quartz that a
brief' generalization concerning.their ordinary occurrenceis
Inclusionsusually consistof minute cavitiescontaininggas,
liquid, or liquid with a gaseousbubble. The shapeof cavities
may be somewhatcircular, lenticular,or often extremelyirregu-
lar. Cavitieswith crystal faces (i.e., negativecrystals) are fre-
quently recorded,but in comparisonto irregular vacuolesare
rare. 'Minute shredsand dust like particles,too small to be
identified,frequentlyoccuras a contemporaneous developmentin
quartz. 'Otherenclosedsubstances are carbonaceous andorganic
material, and various minerals such as chlorite, and rutile.
Inclusionsmay be so numerousas to give a distinctlyclouded
appearancein thin section. They occur in irregular patchesin
a crystal,in tenuousor straight lines or surfaces,or in roughly
parallelsetsof planes(P1. XXIII., F, and XXIII., A). When
lying in planes,the loci would,of course,appearas linesin a thin
section. Under the highestpower lines do not appearto be due
to cracks,but rather simplyto a linear arrangementof separated
vacuoles. Zonal effects are often seen, the zonal lines usually
parallellingthe trunc•itingpyramidfaces.
Although a majority of the lines of inclusionsextendonly to
the contactof the neighboringcrystal and here terminate,many
passfrom onecrystalto the next withoutinterruption.' Most of
ßtheselines consistof separatedcavitiesfilled with liquid or gas,
or both. In thosecoarse-grained

conceived to be formedin free space,it is impossiblethat such

lines'developat the sametime as the crystals. Assumingthat
thereis a periodof time beforethe growingcrystalstoucheach
other,a structurepertainingto both crystalsmustbe subsequent
to their completion. On a geneticbasis,suchlinesof inclusions
are distinctfrom thoseof contemporaneous origin. They are
epigenetic,following sub-microscopic cracksor directions.of
strain in the crystals. A characteristicepigeneticpattern of
inclusions is discussed in Part II.
In certain ores, the arrangementis apparentlydependenton
someother mineral. In a GrassValley ore LindgrenTMpictures
a roughly radial distributionabout arsenopyrite. Inclusionsin
quartz from Butte sometimesconform to the boundariesof sul-
• Schrader
•a describes
zona, which is divided into sectorsby the radial distributionof
inclusions. This distribution is often associated with the anoma-
loushabitsin quartz previouslydescribed.
The chief microscopicstructuredependenton the arrangement
of inclusionsis z.onalenlargement.

Zonal Enlargement.
A growing quartz crystal will often register changesin the
characterof the precipitatingsolution. Silica depositedat one
stagemay containmuchfo.reign matter,and at a later periodmay
be entirelyclearof it. Abrupt changes.inthe compositionof the
solutionsmay causesharpgrowth lines,whereasgradualchanges
are often marked by indefinitezonesof inclusionsin the crystals.
An exampleof zonal markingsis shownin P1. XXIII., •/.. In
this specimenthe inclusionsare largely minuteshredswhich are
too small to be identified.
A more commonvariety of zonal marking is one in which the
zonal lines can only be seenby a differencein refractive index.
Suchmarkingsare illustratedin P1.XXIII., B, in whichthe thin
• U.S. G. S., •7th Ann. Rept., Pt. II., Plate IV.
•' Weed, U.S. G. S., Prof. Paper 74, p. 72.
•3 U.S. G. S. Bull. 397, P. i72. .

sectionis thrown slightly out of focus to bring out the relief.

These layers may be microscopicor submicroscopic layers of
chalcedonywhich has beendepositeduponthe quartz in crystal-
Zonal markingsmay occurin any quartz which has developed
through the agencyof discontinuous or varying solutions,but
theselinesare characteristiconly of quartz which has developed
in free space. P1. XXI., A, and XXIV., E, showthe samephe-
nomenonin combquartz and in a filled vug.

A phenomenon allied to zonal growth is the secondaryenlarge-
ment of crystal fragments. In its commonform, this phenome-
non is illustratedby P1. XXIII., E, which showsa quartz frag-
ment in tuff which has selected material from solutions and added
it on in crystallographicorientation. Unique veinlets,which are
not infrequent in California gold quartz, are producedby the
same process. These consistof cementedfractures in massive
quartz, in which the clear cementingmaterial contrastswith the
turbid older quartz. The veinlets are therefore easily seenby
ordinary 'light. The introduced material, however, has been
depositedin perfect orientationwith eachfracturedcrystalwhich
it cements, and under crossednicols the veinlet disappears.
Theseveinlets,which have beencalled "phantom" by Tolman,•4
are illustrated in P1. XXIII., C, D. Notice that one of the older
crystalsis slightly offsetby a fracture.

cv, i, SrRVCrVRv, S.

Micro-botryoidal and micro-mamillary structuresfrequently

appear in thin sectionsof vein material from quartz veinsof the
superficialtype. Lindgren•5hasdescribedmicro-reniformstruc-
tures in breccia cement, and banding simulating "Liesegang
rings," in jasperoid from Tintic, Utah.
x4Private Report. This use of "phantom" has been adopted as expressive
of the disappearingcharacter of the veinlet. Obviously it differs from min-
eralogical usage.
•5 EcoN. GEOL.,Vol. X., 1915,PP'.225-240. U.S. G. S., Prof. Paper lO7.

Suchstructures in quartzare unlikethoseusuallyassociated

with directcrystallization
from aqueous solutionor metasomatic
replacement.They do resemble, however,structures eitheras-
sumedby hydrogelminerals •ø or causedby diffusionandrythmic
precipitationthroughcolloidalmedia27 Megascopic diffusion
bandingas a weathering phenomenon is oftenpictured,as in the
recentRay-Miami paper by Ransome. •8 As a contactmeta-
morphicphenomenon it hasbeendescribed by Knopf.TM
Gel structuresmay be classifiedunder three headings:
•. Thoseassumed by colloidaland metacolloidal substances
free space.
2. Those due to diffusionand rythmic precipitationthrough-
out a gel mass.
3. Those due to the segregationof impurities by crystalli-
On a microscopicscale distinct diffusion banding was not
observedin vein quartz, nor was segregationof impuritiesby
crystallizationpositively identified. The colloform structures
are, however,not infrequent.
Structuresof this type may be retainedby: (•) A crystalliza-
tion of the silicagel to chalcedonyor quartz independently
of the
structureof the gel, whichis outlinedby impurities;(2) crystal-
lizationof silica.of differentvarietiesor grain conformifigto
the structure.
The first case is illustrated by P1. XXI., E, F. The micro-
botryoidaloutlinesare preservedin the flamboyant,often spheru-
litic, quartz, which, however,is independent of the gel structure.
P1. XXI., •/and B, picturethe secondmethodof preservation.
This is a colloform crustification on the wall of a veinlet. A
portionof the countryrock appearsat the bottomof the photo-
.graph. The crosscutting veinletsare of later origin. In this
•6 A. F. Rogers, "A Review of the AmorphousMinerals," ]our. of Geol.,
Vol. XXV., I917, p. 5•8.
•9x3. Reviewby A. Knopf in
Ecoa. Grot.., Vol. VIII., x9•3, P. 804.
x8LI. S. G. S., Prof. Paper •5, Plate XIV.
x9U.S. G. S. Bull. 358, Plate IV.

casemicrocrystallinequartz and chalcedonyappear next to the

wall, with later cryptocrystallineaggregatesof quartz, chalce-
dony, and adularia of varying grain.
Gel depositionmay alternate with crusts formed by direct
crystallization. Some of the bandsin P1. XXI., C, are thought
tc be a result of gel conditions,whereasone, and probablytwo,
layers of-quartz were formed by direct crystallization from
The distinguishingfeature in crustificationis a predominant
direction of growth. Ordinary crustifiedquartz has a tendency
to prismaticdevelopmentat right anglesto the plane of attach-
ment; quartz crystallizingfrom a siliceousgel usually resembles
the fine-grainedreplacement
type in which crystallizationstarts
from a large numberof centers,or elseis a spherulitic,or other
Gel structuresand crystallization from colloidal conditions
shouldnot be confused. The foregoing gel structuresin vein
quartz have only been found in material from veins of the super-
ficial type. Much or all of the quartz next to be described,how-
ever, may have crystallized from colloidal suspensions,--amost
commoncondition for the transportationof silica.


Interlockin# Granular Structure.

Assumptionsof a characteristicmode of occurrenceof vein
quartz are not uncommon in the literature of ore deposits.
Probably the most frequent reference is to the "interlocking
anhedra typical of vein quartz." Quartz conforming to this
brief description
is shownin P1.XXIII., F. This texture,it is
true, is characteristic of certain veins, and is a result of the mu-
tual interferenceof crystals during growth. It may also be
formed in replacements by quartz, as a resultof recrystallization
under pressure,in metamorphicquartzites,etc. It is here con-
sideredin relation to vein filling.
A granular, subhedralstructure in quartz is the microscopic
expression of coarselycrystallinemassivequartz. Suchquartz
is mostrepresentative of the deeperzones. Its chief character-
isticsare: (x) absence of predominantdirectionof growth; (2)
the normalityof the individuals(anomaliesare extremelyrare);
(3) uniformityof structurethroughout thevein; (4) andusually,
absenceof other ganguemineralsin prominence.
In manyspecimens
of massizequartza generalevengrainand
even distribution of larger and smaller crystals is noticeable.
Other specimens,especiallythose from the higher temperature
veinswhich approachpegrnatites in character,showgreat varia-
tions in the size of their constituentcrystals. In the deeper
seatedtypeof veinsas a class,however,thereis a uniformityof
structuresthroughout the vein, and a monotonyof vein filling
which is not typical of veins formed near the surface. In the
superficialtype of ore depositsin which fissurefilling is promi-
nent, the striking characteristicis the lack of uniformity of de-
velopmentof the constituent crystalsandthereforeof microscopic

In thin sectionsof massivequartz there are all gradations

from interlockinganhedrato mosaicsof well developedcrystals.
In many cases,there is no suggestionof'prismatic development
or othercrystalform. Again, the structuremay be an aggregate
of anhedraland subhedralcrystals,as in the typical California
gold quartz. In other casesinsteadof interstitialspacesbeing
filled with smallerquartz, the major crystalsfit togethersnugly
and in placesare roughly dove-tailedinto one another. .Often a
largecrystalincloses an earlierprism (P1. XXIV., A).
The massivevein quartz just describedforms a rather distinct
type usuallyassociated with the deeperseatedand often remark-
ably persistent.veins. In the erratic fissuresof the superficial
deposits,quartz depositedin free spaceis drusy, crustfriedand
banded,andvariablein sizeandhabit. Thin sections
of quartz
from thesedepositsoften show a combinationof severalmicro-

Good microscopicexamplesof banding by crustificationare
not often found, however common the phenomenonmay be in
cavity fillings. Layers are usually so coarseas to occupythe
widthof a thin section.Wheretwo bandsor moredo appear,
the microscope will often bring out the minorirregularitiesrather
than the generalsequence of deposition. An unusuallygoodex-
ample of crustificationon a microscopicscale is shown in P1.
XXI., C. The bandingby quartz and chalcedonyhas beenpar-
tially destroyedby rearrangementsof silica.
A megascopicallyfine-grainedcrustificationis shown in P1.
XXIV., B, consistingof a band of coarsequartz betweenfine-
grained quartz-adulariaaggregates. The direction of crustifi-
cation is indicated by the crystal terminations in the quartz,
which project into the younger material.
In openfissurescrustificationmay occuras a symmetricalband-
ing from both walls of a fissure,or may developfrom one wall
only. Concentriccrustificationmay take place in rounded cavi-
ties, in stalactites,etc. Concentriccrustificationin brecciaspro-
duces"cockade" structure. Spheroidalquartz, an unusualva-
riety of crustification,tias beendescribedby Purington.2ø
Crustified quartz may be irregularly interlocking,drusy, or
arranged in "combs."
Cockade Structure

The occurrenceof entirely isolatedfragmentsof country rock

in brecciais beyonddispute. When these fragments are sur-
roundedby concentriccrustsof quartz, the "cockade" structure
is produced. The phenomenonhas beennoted many times and,
probably as much as anything else, has given rise to discussion
of the force of crystallizationof growing crystals. Taber2• re-
views this phenomenonin a recent paper on the mechanicsof
vein formation. Separationof fragmentsin loosebrecciaby the
2oPreliminary Report of the Mining Industries of the Telluride Quad-
rangle, Colorado. U.S. G. S., •8th Ann. Rept., Pt. III., p. 798.
2X,,The Mechanics of Vein Formation," Bull. A. I. M. E. No. •4o, t9t8,
p. •2o5.

force of growing crystalsis a perfectly conceivable

convenientlyexplainsotherwisedifficultstructures. In this con-
nection,it shouldbe said that replacementof the includedfrag-
ments along edgesalso will accomplishtheir isolation. This
replacementmay proceedso evenlyfrom all sidesthat the angu-
larity is preserved. When the replacementis by quartz which
closelysimulatesthat originally cementingthe fragmentsthe
result is a breccia of angular fragments separatedby quartz
whichapparentlyhas forcedthem apart.
However, replacementcannot accountfor the most typical
cockadestructures,in which quartz prismsbristle from all sur-
faces of a fragment. Such casesare believedto be due to a
forceexertedby the crystalsin growth. On a microscopic scale,
cockade structure has not been observed.

Comb Quartz.
Combquartzrefersto the growthof parallelprismsof quartz
into free spaceand normal to the wall to which they are fixed.
In thin sectionthisstructureis easilyrecognized. Under crossed
nicolsthe prismsin a sectionof a veinletoften will extinguish
at approximatelythe sameinstant (P1. XXI., B). When the
wall is uneven,the prisms sometimesinterfere irregularly or
often form fan-shapedgroups(P1. XXIV., C). In this casea
sectorof the veinletis composed of severalsemicircularsegments
of long radius, the crystalsof each segmentextinguishingin
sequence, due to the radial arrangement. Combquartz crystals
often have a tapering base or are attached to older crystals.
Prismsgrowing into a veinlet from a smallbasehave a tendency
to increase in width at their free ends, and thus to crowd out a
numberof their neighbors. This is shownin P1. XXIV., D.

Quartz in Small Cavities.

In cavitieswhichare smallin comparison to the crystalswithin
them, prismsdevelopingin various directionsinterfere. On
completefilling the quartz formsan irregularmosaicanclrarely
hascrystaloutlines. As in otherquartzwhichdevelops in free

space,however,it often shows phantom crystal faces (P1.

XXIV., E).
Drusy Quartx.
Intricatelyinterlockingstructureis quite characteristic
of the
delicatedrusy quartz $ften found in superficialveins. P1.
XXIV., F, picturesquartz of this type. A retiform appearance
approachingthe prismaticreplacementquartz structureis often
noted. The most characteristicfeature of this drusy quartz is a
radial development of crystalsabouta center,or a centralline,
or a crustificationfrom both sidesof a thin medialplane. The
center,central line, or medial plane, usuallyappearsas a finer-
grainedquartz. This featureis shownin P1.XXIV., F.

of quartzhasbeennotedby Puring-
ton22 and Ransome. 2a Purington describesspecimenswhich
"showa nucleuscomposed of saccharoidal
quartz" from which
"radiatequartzcrystalsperhapstwo inchesin length." "These
crystalsmutuallyinterferewith oneanother,andthe endsclosely
interlock with the ends of other and similar crystals composing
other spheroids."
In appearance the spheroidal
quartzis alliedto the roughly
radialgroupingin drusyquartzon the onehand,andto cockade
structure on the other. However, spheroidal crystallization
abouta minuteforeignparticle,or a nucleusof saccharoidaI
quartz,doesnot parallelcrystallization
aboutthe fragments of
clasticorigin essentialto cockadestructure.The kernelsof
pyrite(from whichthequartzprismsradiatein a specimen from
Silver City, Nevada) or the saccharoidal quartzdescribed by
Purington, werenotdetached fromtheveinwalls,nor arethey
brecciatedfragmentsof a formervein. The phenomenon is not,
relatedto "cockade"structure.
In the extremeof the drusystructure,the quartzmay crystal-
22Loc. cit., p. 798.
•_a,,A Reporton the EconomicGeologyof the SilvertownQuadrangle,
Colorado,"U.S. G. S. Bull. •82, •9o•, p. 9•.

l•ze in branchingcoral-like forms. The delicate,slightly sup-

ported structuresare the nearestapproachto true spheroidal
crystallization,in which the particle to which the quartz is at-
tachedis at the center of the structure. Spheroidalquartz is,
therefore, an extreme variety of the drusy development. Its
crystallizationmay be conceivedto have .occurredabout minute
particles,or other centersof crystallization,distributedthrough-
out a viscousliquid.
Anomaloushabitsof quartz frequentlyoccurin crustifications,
combs,and druses. A combquartz individualis sometimes com-
posedof bundlesof very slenderrod-like prisms,an approachto
the structure of flamboyant quartz. Unusually long crystals
often' diverge into two or more segmentswith slightly varying
positions.Near the pointwherethe difference
orientationbegins,a corrugatedappearanceof the quartz may be
apparent, resemblingthe anomalousfeathery extinction pre-
viouslydescribed. As is shownin P1. XXIV., C, inclusionsare
apt to occur at such points. The typical anomaloushabit in
combquartz is shownin P1. XXIV., D.
The structures described above have been those identified with
filling in openspaces,the granular,hypidiomorphic
associatedwith deeperseatedveins; and the crustificationsof
varioustypeswith the more superficialveins.

. Chalcedonyand quartz are the only forms of silicaof impor-

tance in the fissureveins within the scopeof this investigation.
Chalcedonyis definitely restrictedto a developmentunder con-
ditionsof low temperatureand pressure. Exceptas a late'acces-
sory it is not found in veins of deeperseatedorigin.
Coarse-grainednormal quartz cannotbe assignedto any par-
ticular conditionof formation. Normal quartz individualsare
persistentthroughoutall rangesof ore deposition. The anoma-
lous varietiesof quartz, featheredand flamboyantquartz, have
beenfound.onlyin depositsformedunderconditionsof low pres-
sure. In thesedepositsthe anomaliesmay be accessory or very
prominent;in deeperseatedveinsthey are rarely found.

In the deeperseatedquartzveinsthe characteristic vein filling

consistsof an interlockingaggregateof normal quartz crystals.
The structureis uniform throughoutthe vein. The superficial
type of vein is characterized
by its diversityof structure. Crus-
tiffcationinvolvingbanded,comb,cockade,and spheroidalstruc-
ture, and colloform structures in microcrystallinequartz and
chalcedony,are typical of the lower pressureclass of veins.
They are not characteristicand in fact almost never presentin
veins formed at greater depths.
In brief, the real difference in microscopicstructure between
deepseatedand shallowveinsis in the uniformity displayed. In
one case,a singlethin sectionof vein material may typify the
vein; in the other, a large suite of specimensmay be inadequate.
In the precedingdiscussions vein depositshave been divided
into but two divisions:(I) thoseformed at shallowdepth; and
(2) those formed at greater depth. Under the latter class
would fall Lindgren's24"depositsformedat intermediatedepths"
and "depositsformed at high temperaturesand pressures." The
microstructureof vein quartz is about the same for thesetypes.
The study was not extensiveenoughto warrant separatinghigh
temperaturequartz from intermediatetemperaturequartz on the
basis of its microscopicstructure. Pegmatites and magmatic
quartz veinssuchas thoseof the Silver Peak quadranglein Ne-
vada, describedby Spurr25 were not studied.



In Part I. were describedthe ordinary forms of chalcedony

and quartz, gel structures,and structuresin quartz which has
crystallizedin free space. Part II. considers
quartz, replacementstructuresin fissureveins,and effe•ts of
pressure on quartz.
24,, Mineral Deposits."
25LI. S. G. S., Prof. Paper 55, I9o6.


The importance
of metasomatism
in fissureveinsis, of course,
subordinateto its r61ein the formation of the great replacement
ore bodies. Even in massivefissurefillings,however,replace-
whilein thebrecciated
and sheetedzonescommonin the Tertiary flow rocks,replace-
ment, cementation,and encrustationare inseparable.
In an earlypaper,Lindgren2ødiscussedmetasomatic
in fissureveins,describing
the importantmetasomaticminerals
and classifyingveinsaccording to the processes.
therecogniiionof replacement
by J. D. Irving37 Certainof the criteriaadvanced in these
papersare applicable
to microscopic
study. In brief,theseare:
•. The distinctalteration of well definedcrystals,as in the
sericitizationof feldspar.
2. Sharplydefined
of thesecondary
in the primary, as in the tourmalinizationof quartz; or com-
crystalsdeveloping in countryrock.
3. Retentionof the originalstructureof the mineralor rock
replaced.In theproofof replacement by quartz,thisitemis of.
moreimportancethan the two preceding.
Irving'sfifth point,absenceof crustification,mustbe applied
with as much care in microscopicwork as in the study of the
larger features.of ore-bodies. There can be no disagreement
with his statement,"crustification,if present,is a definiteevi-
denceof the formationof oresin an opencavity, but its absence
by nomeansprovesthe formationof a depositby replacement. "28
On a microscopicscale, true banding by depositionis rare.
The combstructurein quartz, however,is not uncommon,and
may usuallybe takenas an indicationof originaldepositionin
opengpaces. 28a In typicalcrustification
thereshouldbe a sharp
26Trans. A. I. M.' E., Vol. 30, pp. 578-692.
27EcoN. GEOL.,Vol. 6, I9IX, pp. 527-56x,619-669.
28Loc. cit., p. 652.
asaLindgren (" The Gold and Silver Veins of Silver City, De Lamar, and
Other Mining Districts in Idaho," U.S. G. S., 2oth Ann. Rept., Pt. III., p.
•86) has describedreplacementcomb quartz, but this is very unusual. Such

line of separationbetweenthe encrustingmaterial and the wall

rock. In contradistinction, replacementquartz crystalspierce
the replacedmaterial in an unevenline. In the typical replace-
ment veinlet which developsalong a submicroscopic crack, the
quartz individualsfrequently.occupythe entire width of the vein-
let, and except in those casesin which the boundariesof the
veinlet are determinedby other factors (P1. XXV., F), project
to varying depthsinto the wall rock (P1. XXVIII., A). These
criteria, however,are not alwayssatisfactory. A singlequartz
crystalmay extendfrom onesideof an openveinletto the other,
while the original sharp line betweenencrustingand encrusted
material is usuallyobliteratedby replacementsor rearrangements
of silica. Replacementand encrustationare often so closelyas-
sociatedthat there is great difficultyin distinguishingthe effects
of one from those of the other.

Anhedral ReplacementQuartz.
In veinletsof anhedralcrystalsthe texture of the quartz alone
will not distinguishbetweenorigin by replacementor filling. By
far the largestpart of replacement quartz is, however,the finely
crystallineto microcrystallineaggregateof interlocking anhedra
typical of limestonesilicification. In thin sectionthe very fine-
grained replacements presentthe salt and peppereffectshownin
the brecciafragmentsof P1. XXV., A. Under high magnifica-
tion, grains often appear to have uneven, washed-outinterfer-
encecolors,and indistinctextinction,due to the overlappingof
individuals. In replacementsof rocks where there is variation
in the characterof the original constituents,the grain of replac-
ing silicamay changeaccordingto the particularportion of rock
attacked. Thus feldsparsilicifiedin a tuff may be replacedby
coarsergrained quartz than the ground mass.
The samevariationsin grain which distinguishfeatureswithin
quartz must have taken its first orientation into comb arrangement under con-
ditions at least simulating growth in free space; i.e., a definite wall to which
the crystals are attached and from which they develop in parallel position.
Later growths by replacement would still retain the structure.

a silicifiedrock may also revealentirelysilicifiedfragmentsin a

quartz cementedbreccia. P1. XXV., ,4, is of silicifieddacite in
brecciaore from Goldfield. However, distinctvariation in grain
may be temporaryin suchcases. In P1. XXV., ,4, the silica of
the fragments is being rearranged to more nearly resemblethe
cementingmaterial. Such rearrangementof silica will be re-
ferred to later.
Retiform Structure.
In perhapsthe majority of instances,replacement
quartzis en-
tirely anhedral,occasionallywith ragged dentateborders (P1.
XXV., C). It may, however,developthe crystal forms shown
in P1. XXV., B, in whichthe quartz is replacingcalcite. When
startssimultaneouslyat a largenumberof crystalli-
zation centersthroughouta mass,euhedralquartz prismswith
development producesan interlockingretiform or netlikeaggre-
gate of subhedraland euhedral prisms, some of which have
double terminations and hexagonal outlines. This method of'
silicification in limestonehas been describedby Spurr,29 and'
later picturedby Lindgren?
On completesilicificationthe net-like appearanceis lesspro-
nounced. P1. XXV., D, pictures subhedralreplacementquartz
crystalswhich have developedat diffetent points in calcite,anti
now interfere to some extent. Iv. the vein material studied, a•
distinctretiform structureby replacementwas not observed.
Silicificationstarting simultaneously
at many placesthrough-
out a massis probablyjust as commonas silicification
advancesas a wave,but the quartz individualsformedare usually
anhedral. Only rarely do the isolatedeuhedralprismsnecessary
for a retiform structure develop. It should be noted that the
presenceof a doubly terminatedquartz crystal doesnot in itself
prove replacement,for theseare not uncommonin quartz devel-
opedin free space.
29,, Geologyof the AspenMining District,Colorado,"U.S. G. S. Moil..3x,
pp. •xS-•x9.
a0,, MetasomaticProcessesin Fissure Veins," Trans..4. I. M. E., Vol. 30,
x9oo, p. 6•8.

Inherited Structures.

Occasionallythe outline of the quartz is derived from the

original structureof the mineralreplaced. For instance,in some
lameIlarquartzthe structureis preserveddueto the initialgrowth
of quartz along certain crystallographicdirections in calcite.
This quartz developsin rectangular,often greatly elongatedpat-
tern, with straight edges. Later the replacementmay proceed
throughoutthe calcite in anhedralgrai.ns,but the structureis
preservedby the quartz plates (P1. XXV., E).
Lamellar structuremay be a pseudomorphafter other min-
erals, especiallybarite. The most important exampleof an in-
herited structure in'vein quartz, however, is lamellar structure
after calcite. This merits separatedescription.

ßLamellar Quartz.
Lamellar quartz, pseudomorphicafter calcite, is a character-
istic of many depositsof the superficialtype. In t9oo Lind-
grenal described lamellar quartz from De Lamar, Idaho.
Schrader a•' has given details of the replacementin specimens
from Jarbidge,Nevada, while Knopfas has illustratedlamellar
calcitein processof replacementby quartz.
In the suiteof specimens examinedduring this studyare ex-
amplesof lamellarquartz'from De Lamar; Jarbidge;Gold Road,
Arizona; and Bodie,'California. An enumerationof the mega-
scopiccharacteristicsof this quartz is an unnecessaryrepetition
of the descriptions
by Lindgrenand Schrader. Specimens
Bodie, California, are of interest in that the calcite occurs in
broad and remarkablythin platesparallel to the basal pinacoid.
This habit,on a smallerscale,is prominentin material from Gold
Road, Arizona. The original calcitedoesnot now occur in De
Lamar and Jarbidge,so that its charactermustbe inferred from
the pseudomorph.
a• U.S. G. S., 2oth Ann. Rept., Pt. III., 19oo.
a2lJ. S. G. S. Bull. 497, 1912,pp. 54, 5g.
aa,, Ore Deposits of the Helena Mining Region, Montana," U.S. G. S. Bull.
527, 1913, Plate III. and IV.

Under the microscope,the larger features of the lameliar

structureare reproducedon a minute scale. The low magnifi-
cation view, P1. XXVI., A, brings out the fan-like arrangement
of plates,triangular areas, and the fragility of the structurein
thin section.
In somepreviousdescriptions
emphasishasbeenplacedon the
replacementas proceedingalong the cleavageplanesof the cal-
cite. Pseudomorphism
wouldgive a rhombehedral arrangementof lamin•e,whichsome-
times is seen. However, the arrangementof laminvein most
lamellar quartz doesnot recall cleavagedirections,but rather a
bladedstructurein the calcite,or a replacementalong a single
'setof parallelplanes,
nota system
of intersecting
This structurein the calciteis the platy habit parallelto the
of replacement
is controlled
by the basalparting,which is developedin far more prominence
than the cleavage. P1. XXV., F, picturescalcitebeingreplaced
along parting planes. Replacementproceedsalong theseplanes
more easily than normal to them. There are probablymicro-
scopicsheetedzones, causedby unusuallyprominent parting,
alongwhich replacementis rapid, whereastransverseto the walls
of thesezonesit is slow. Under suchconditionsthe quartz indi-
viduals would develop in the rectangular forms shown in P1.
XXV., E.
Encrustationand solutionaccompany replacement in this pseu-
domorphism. Often quartz combsfill spacesin cellular calcite.
In other casesa meshof siliceouslamin•eis exposedby the solu-
tion of the unsilicifiedportions of the calcite. Lines of inclu-
sionsare often more important than the shapeof quartz grains
in indicating the structure. In some thin sectionsadularia,
whichoften occurswith the quartz, is confinedto the replaced
calcitelamin•eand is not found in the encrustingcombquartz.
On the other hand, in P1. XXVI., A, it is almostlackingin some
of the delicateribs,and is absentin the coarserquartzfilling,but
is abundantthroughoutthe rest of the section. Corresponding
variations in relief may be seenin the photograph. Such fea-
tures help to bring out the structure.

"Radial" Quartz.
An allied pseudomorphicstructure, "radial" quartz, is de-
scribedby Lindgrena4 from the RepublicDistrict, Washington.
The lamellar habit of the original mineral, probablycalcite, is
indicatedby the dark lines of inclusionsin P1. XXVI., B. Mi-
crocrystallineadularia is abundant,and is often segregatedalong
the radial lines. The quartz, thoughoccasionallyrectangularas
picturedin P1. XXV., E, is usuallyanhedral. A similar struc-
ture in quartz and adularia occursin someof the material from
the United Eastern Mine, Oatman, Arizona. In this case, it is
distinctlya pseudomorphafter bladedcalcite.
In someinstances,one encountersquartz, of which association
provesit to be a replacementtype, and yet which has a habit that
cannotbe explainedby any one of the known processes of re-
placement. To illustrate this, the following example is intro-
.4nomalousHabit in ReplacementQuartz.
In a specimenof quartz-pyritevein material from ShastaCo.,
California, quartz occursin a finelycolumnarhabit (P1. XXVI.,
C). Crystalsmay be roughly rectangularand are often curved
or bent. The columnsmay be either positively or negatively
elongated. In P1. XXVI., C, the quartz is shown standing
normal to a pyrite veinlet. In someplacesquartz of this char-
acter forms veinletscuttingthroughthe sulphide. In thesecases
it is truly fiber-like, resemblingchrysoliteveinletsin serpentine.
In this particular specimenthe quartz is apparentlya secondary
enlargementof older crystalsat the expenseof pyrite.
The sameor a very similar form of quartz has beendescribed
-by Young•5 from the Witwatersrand conglomerates. This un-
usual habit is also characteristicof certain pyritized schistsof
the California foothill copperbeltaø (P1. XXVI., D). In the
an e3cplanation
of originfor thequartzinvolvingreplace-
ment of pyrite is not satisfactory,for the cubesare often fresh;
•4U. S. G. S. Bull. 550, •9•4, P. •47.
•5 Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, Vol. X., •9o7, p. •8, I9.
a0C. F. Tolman, Jr. Personal communication.

nor is there any evidencethat the quartz is pseudomorphicafter

some other mineral. Occasionallythis habit appearsto be a
longitudinalshatteringof older grains, in which caseit resem-
bles the shreddedquartz mentioneda little later. As a rule,
however,the quartz showsno suggestionof havingbeenstrained
after crystallization. Its semi-fibrousform is a growth habit.
Tabera7 considersa fibrousstructurean evidenceof crystalliza-
tion under pressure,in which the growing mineral has made a
place for itself by mechanicallydisplacingthe adjoining wall
rock. Sufficientdata has not been securedeither to acceptor
reject this theory as an explanationof the phenomenonhere

Distortionor granulationis the usualresultof pressurewhich

exceeds the elastic limit of the mineral strained. Distorti.on is
most noticeableby a strainedextinction under crossednicols of
the microscope. The strain shadowsresultsfrom a disturbance
of the optionalcontinuityof the crystal. They are character-
istic of quartzwhichhasbeensubjectedto heavypressure. Ex-
ceptin so far as they are mentionedon a later page,they will not
be discussed.
Inclusion Pattern by Strain.
In somethin sectionscut from quartz from the Alleghenyand
Grass'Valley districts in California, inclusionsare arranged in
parallelplanesor intersectingsetsof parallelplants (.P1.XXVI.,
E). Each grain usually has its individual inclusionalpattern
which is confinedto that crystal. Contemporaneous develop-
ment cannot account for such an arrangement of inclusions.
Strain, however,has beenshownto developthis pattern.
After subjecting a quartz crystal to a pressureof 34,000
PoUnds,Adamsas found that, thoughstill coherent,the crystal
"was traversedby a large numberof cracksfollowing directions
approximatelyparallelto the rhombehedronfaces,many of them
87A. I. M. E. Bull. 14o, 1918, pp. 1211-1213, 1221.
88)'our. of Geol., Vol. 18, 19IO, p. 5xo.

not passingcompletelythrough the crystal, but running along a

certain distanceand being intersectedby others crossingthem."
Whether this cracking is due to the rarely observedrhombe-
hedral cleavageof quartz or to shearplaneswhich may develop
in any rigid body under pressure,is uncertain,as the paragraph
goes on to say.
Since the grid of inclusionsis a property of the individual
crystal, and not a pattern extendingover a numberof crystals,
it is probablethat the rhombehedralcleavageis the controlling
factor in this orientation. However, the developmentof this
patternis probablynot by actualfracturingandsubse-
quent healing,an origin assumedby Ferguson 3ø for inclusions
in the Alleghenydistrict quartz. Judd has shownthat rows of
bubblesmay be developedalong directionsof shearingin min-
eralswithout, or prior to, faulting. In the slidesexaminedthere
is nothingto indicatethat the mineralhas fractured.
The latticed structureshownby inclusionsmay sometimesbe
seen under cr.ossed nicols (P1. XXVI., F). The features
brought out in this photographare: (•) each single apparent
veinlet consistsof a thread of quartz wlfich disagreesin extinc-
tion positionwith the parent crystal; (2) the crystallographic
orientationof the quartz in parallelthreads,the tracesof roughly
parallel planes,is the same; (3) the orientationin one set of
planesis not the sameas in the other set.
Since the quartz in theseplanesis not parallel to that in the
parent crystal, they cannotbe a result of fracturing and later
filling such as causes"phantom" veinlets. Judd4• has shown
that a lameliartwinning parallelto (r) and (z) may be developed
in quartz by pressure. It is possiblethat the phenomenonpic-
tured is related to this gliding describedby Judd.
Typical microscopicbrecciationneedsno description,for its
featuresare miniatures of thoseof large scalebrecciation. The
following"shredding" of quartz,which is somewhatanalogous
a9U.S. G. S. Bull. 580, p. •6•.
4oMœneralo•7ical Ma•7azine,Vol. VII., •886, p. 82, 83.
4• Mineralog•ical Ma•7azine, Vol. VIII., •888, p. x.

to "slicing," and recrystallizationby strain, are, however,phe-

nomenawhichare worth separatementic/n.

Shredded Quartx.
A rather unusualeffect of shearingis shownin P1. XXVII.,
•/. Large quartzcrystalshavebeenfracturedinto aggregatesof
roughlycolumnarfragments,which have distinctbut not widely
separatedextinction positions. Extreme shearing producesa
shreddedor fibroustexture. Quartz which has this appearance
under the microscopeis usuallyplaty in the hand specimen.
Quartz shreddedby strain is easily confusedwith other rather
. rare phenomena whichhave the sameappearance;e.g., a similar
structurehasbeenobserved:(•) in quartzpseudomorphic after
siderite;(2) in therearrangement
quartzshownin Pi.
XXVIII., D; (3) in slightlyfracturedcombsof slenderquartz
prisms; and (4) in the variety of replacementquartz shownin
P1. XXVI., C.
Recrystallixationof Quartx.
The word "recrystallization" has denotea num-
ber of varied,thoughassociated phenomena. As a factor in the
development .of metamorphicrocksand rock cleavagethe process
has beenthoroughlydiscussed by Leith42and Van Hise.4a The
variouswaysin whichthe term is usedwith respectto individual
crystalsmay be summarizedfrom the discussions by Van Hise,
who describesthree major processes of recrystallization. These
are: (•) the solutionof mineral material at pointsof greatest
pressure,and the simultaneousdepositionof mineral material at
points of least pressure;(2) the coalescenceof very small min-
eral particlesto producelarger particles;(3) the breakdownof
larger crystals to form an interlocking aggregate of smaller
Evidenceof the first processhas not been observedin vein
42U.S. G. S. Bull. 239, I9O5.
4aU.S. G. S. Mon. 47, I9O4.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. I., •89o.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. IX., •898.

quartz. Recrystallization by coalescenceis mentioned later

under the head of "rearrangement," As it was not observedas
a pressurephenomenon, this processhasnot beenincludedunder
this heading. The third phenomenon,recrystallizationby the
breakdownof large crystalsto smallones,is usuallythe resultof
strain, and is often accompanied by distortionand granulation.
This processin pegrnatiticquartzhas beenpicturedby Bastin.44
The phenomenon is oftena definitecharacteristic
of certaindeep-
seatedquartz veins.
Recrystallizationof quartzby the breakdownof large crystals
to an interlockingaggregateof smaller individualsis developed
prominentlyin quartz ores from the gold fieldsof West Austra-
lia; from the Mother Lode of California; and from the Juneau
gold belt in Alaska. Thin sectionscut from unstrainedspeci-
mensfrom thesedistrictsshowthat the vein material is an ag-
gregateof coarselygranular subhedralquartz crystals. Before
all of the quartz containedinclusionsof gas,
minutemineralmatter,and occasionally liquid with gasbubbles.
The first stepin the processis a disturbanceof the opticalcon-
tinuity of a crystal,producingstrain shadows,of wavy or undu-
latory extinction. Incipient recrystallization closely follows
initial strain. It appears as a more pronouncedundulatory
extinction in which small, rather definite, areas may be seen to
extinguishat once,giving the crystala rough and mottledappear-
ance. Incipient recrystallizationcan only be detectedby this
mottling of high lights when the parent crystal is at the maxi-
mum extinctionposition,thus furnishinga dark backgroundfor
contrast. At the position of maximum transmissionfor the
main crystal, the variance in interferencecolor is so slight as to
be imperceptible. As recrystallizationprogressesthe divergence
in opticalorientationbetweenoriginal and the recrystallizedpor-
ti.onsincreases. P1. XXVII., B, showsa single strainedquartz
crystal,with partial recrystallization. The final stageis an inter-
lockingaggregateof rather equidimensional
quartz. Van Hise45
44 ,, Geol.ogyof the Pegmatites and Associated Rocks of .Maine," U.S. G. S.
Bull. 445, •9•, Plate VI.
45Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. I., •89o, p. 217.

has outlinedthe processin connectionwith quartz in metamor-

phic rocks: "An individual, insteadof extinguishingupon the
wholeasa unit,is nowcomposed
of individuals
more or lessindependently, althoughthe positionsof extinction
are not far from each other, exceptthe grain has been wholly
destroyed." When recrystallizationis completethroughout a
slide,the contactsof original crystalsare obliterated.
The recrystallizedquartz shownin P1. XXVII., B, is entirely
anhedral,with raggedborders. In somespecimens, the quartz
is subhedral,with straightoutlinesand .occasional euhedralcross
sections(P1. XXVII., C). The speckledareasare remnantsof
the original crystal.
Recrystallizationis apt to proceedalongcertainsurfacesmore
often than by simultaneous 'development throughoutthe whole of
a crystal. Thesesurfacesmay be irregular and without definite
orientation. Usuallytheyapproximateplanes. Lines of recrys-
tallizationmay run continuouslyacrossa slide,or may be con-
finedto individualcrystals. In this casea commonarrangement
is two intersectingsetsof lineswhich recall the grid pattern of
inclusions. In somethin sectionsrecrystallizationoccurslargely
along the edgesof mineralswhere they are in contactwith others,
giving the appearance of a "mortar" structure. The progress
of recrystallizationis the samein thesecasesas in that described
above, starting with initial slight optical displacementswhich
gradually increase. Usually recrystallizationstarting in lines
spreadsthroughoutthe masson increasingdevelopment.
An interestingexampleof completerecrystallizationis found
in a specimenof ribbonquartz from the Sonsof Gwalia mine.
The rock is a compact,brittle quartzwith closelyspacedsheeting
planessurfacedby sericiteand a little calcite. Under the micro-
scopethe quartz showsno crushingor fracturing, nor are the
individualgrainsstrainedso as to presentundulatoryextinction
(P1. XXVII., D). As a rule, however,in longitudinalsections
they are slightlyelongatedparallelto the sheetingplanes. Also,
they show evidenceof crystallographiccontinuity in certain
roughlylenticularareas. This ribbonquartzis producedby the

recrystallizationof larger quartz individuals. A phenomenon

similarto this ribboning--"stretched"pebbles--hasbeenattrib-
uted by Phalen46to recrystallizationunderpressure.
Occasionallycompleterecrystallizationis found al.ongcertain
lines while the main crystalis unaffected. P1. XXVII., E and
F, picturea quartz crystalwhich is in completerecrystallization
alonga latticeof planes. The areasof recrystallization are en-
largingto includethe wholecrystal. For eachsetof planesthere
is one positionin which a majority of its individualsare in or
near extinction. When the processpassesfrom the incomplete
to the completed stageof recrystallizationno suchsingleposition
will causea majority of crystalsto extinguish. This is because
of the graduallyincreasingdivergenceof opticalorientation.
One very consistent, thoughnot invariable,phenomenon shown
throughoutthe slidesexaminedis the lossof inclusionsby re-
crystallization. The new quartz,though containingoccasional
bubblesand mineral particles,is distinctlyclear in comparisonto
the original crystals. P1. XXVII., C, illustratesclear subhedral
quartz which has recrystallizedfrom a large strained,clouded
crystal. The remnantsof this original crystal, showingundu-
latory extinction,may be seenin the photograph. In many of
the thin sectionsthis lossof inclusionsis so pronounced that old
and new quartz may be differentiatedeasily in ordinary light.
A cloudedarea in the slide will almost invariably sh.ow some
strain effect under crossednicols, whereas the clear areas have
perfectlysharpextinction. This unstrainedconditionof the new
quartz is to be expectedfrom a processwhichis a rearrangement
to relieve strain.
P1. XXVII., E, showsthe lossin inclusionsby the grid struc-
ture recrystallizationprogressingin P1. XXVII., F. This loss
is an indicationthat the recrystallizationphenomenonis not sim-
ply a granulationor a fracturinginto a numberof slightly.dis-
locatedportions. In fracturing there would be no reasonfor a
lossof inclusionsexceptalongthe breakitself.
•6 ]our. ol• Geol., Vol. XVIII., •9•o, p. 554-


The type of recrystallizati.on of quartz here describedis a re-

suit of strain, and its location.dependsupon the localizationof
strain. The phenomenon is a molecularrearrangement through-
out a crystalto relieveits strainedcondition.
Recrystallization of this typedoesnot appearin prominencein
quartz from thosedepositswhichare knownto havebeenformed
near the surface. In contradistinction,it is often observed in
specimens from suchmining districtsas the West Australiagold
fields; Juneau, Alaska; Homestake,South Dakota; Porcupine,
Ontario; and the Californiagold belt. Ores from thesedistricts
are generally consideredto have been formed at considerable
depth, and under great pressure. Strain recrystallizationis,
then, a phenomenonwhich might be expectedin thesedeposits.
Conversely,its occurrencein any quartz ore, in suchprominence
as to be considereda characteristic,may be takeh as an indication
that the quartz was formed at considerable depths.


Crystallizationof quartz from the hydrogelconditionand re-

crystallizationof quartz under pressure(previously described),
in their characteristicoccurrence,representoppositeextremes;
in origin, also, they are widely separated. Between these ex-
tremes there may be a continual rearrangementof silica. This
may take two forms: ( I ) the coalescence
of smallcrystalsto pro-
duce large ones; (2) the reductionof large crystalsinto finer
grained aggregates.
The allianceof rearrangementto replacementis obvious. Re-
placement,however,presupposes a changein chemicalcomposi-
tion, whereas rearrangementconcernsonly the internal molecu-
lar structure. The two processesof rearrangementmay be
briefly illustrated.
Secondaryenlargementof quartz by introducedsilicahas been
pictured(P1. XXIII., E). Secondaryenlargementin whichthe
silica is derived from neighboring cWstals is shown in P1.

XXVIII., A. The pathof solutionin a specimen may bemarked

by stains,while the actualductis imperceptible. Rearrangement
of quartz along a solutionduct may be prominentin places,and
in otherplacesabsent,sothat the ductis indicatedonly by the line
of stain. The veinletof which P1.XXVIII., A, is a part, is of
this intermittent character. In the portions pictured, micro-
crystallinesilicahasc.oalescedto largecrystalswhosegrowthout-
ward from the veinletis apparent.
The secondprocessis illustratedby P1. XXVIII., B. Stain-
ing showsthe path of solutiontraversingcoarsequartz. Rear-
rangementof silicaalongthe veinletis completein the crystalto
the right and is incipientat eachsideof the centralgrain.
These two processes will often destroythe original structure
of the vein material,whenthat structureis entirelydependent .on
variationsin the size of its minerals,for rearrangementtendsto
producean evengrain.
Rearrangementwhich is graduallyobliteratingcombstructure
is shownin P1. XXVIII., C. The line betweenthe combquartz
and encrustedwall is ill-defined. Silicification of the country
rock is accompaniedby a rearrangementof silica at the baseof
the quartz prisms. Rearrangementin brecciahas been pictured
in P1.XXV., A, in whichquartzis the onlytransparent
present,the structureformerly beingpreservedby the variation
in grain. The progressivechangefrom fine to coarsergrain is
self-evident. Here, breccia structure is being destroyedby de-
velopmentof an evengrain.
In someinstancesrearrangementemphasizes a structure. De-
velopmentof a brecciatedappearance by rearrangementof quartz
is shownin P1.XXVIII., D. In this casethe rock originally was
complexlyfractured, but the separatefragmentswere not dis-
locatedwith respectto eachother. Quartz cementingthe minute
fractures grew by the processof rearrangementinto the wall
rock,and normalto the fracture. The roughlyprismaticcrystals
extendfrom onewall to the otherand projectirregularly into the
In other cases,inclusionsretained by the rearrangedquartz

preservethe former structuraloutlines. This is shown by P1.

XXVIII., E and F. With one nicol, a former drusy, cellular
structureis outlinedby the opaquematerial, but under crossed
nicolsthe field becomesan aggregateof anhedralgrains whose'
distribution is entirely unrelated to the original structure. In
this case,replacement
of othermineralsof the drusyperiod,by
quartz, precededor accompaniedrearrangementof the quartz

The ordinary replacementstructuresof quartz are not varied

except when the structureis an inherited one. Replacement
quartz is usuallyanhedral. Exceptionsto this rule are most fre-
quent in replacements of sucheasily solublemineralsas calcite,.
in whicheuhedralquartzcrystalssometimes are prominent. Re-
placements by quartz, when widespreadand completeenoughto}
be called"silicification,"usuallyconsistof fine grainedor micro-
crystallinequartz. Coarsereplacement quartzis lesscommonin
the fissure veins under discussion. It must be remembered that
this article dealsonly with quartz of hydrothermalorigin. In
the majority of suchveinsthe quartz is the primary filling, sc•
that there is little opportunityfor later silicificationof the vein
materialitself. Thusthe deep-se. atedveinsof the MotherLode
type showlittle evidenceof replacements by quartz. However,.
' in thosedepositsin which the vein material containsother min-
erals in prominence, or fragmentsof countryrock, replacement
may be important. In mostbrecciasand sheetedzonesencrusta-
tion and replacement are inseparable. The extentand causesof
replacementin the country rocks of veins are not consideredin
this article.
Effects of pressure,especiallyrecrystallizationby strain, are
of importancein that theygive a clueto the type of vein in which
theyoccur. As a generalization, it may be saidthat the majority
of veinsnow minedwereat their greatestdepthbelowthe surface
at the time of their formation. Deformation by strain, then
probablyoccurredat depthsnot exceedingthose at which the


,4 (one nicol) and B (x-nicols). Colloform gel banding; microcrystalline

quartz and chalcedony; zonal growth lines in comb quartz; parallelism of
comb quartz individuals. Gold Road, Ariz. (X 35.)
C (one nicol) and D (x-nicols). Fibrous chalcedony; crustification band-
ing flamboyant quartz (at left of upper band, -marked '•r'). White Rock,
Australia. (X 35.)
E (one nicol) and F (x-nicols). Micro-botryoildal gel structure, its
preservation by inclusions in flamboyant quartz crystals; these crystals
are unrelated to the structure of the original gel. Talisman Mine, New
Zealand. (X 35.)


A (x-nicols). Featheredquartz with perfect core. Kingman, Ariz. (X 35.)

B (x-nicols). Feathered cross effect when anomaly has not a perfect core.
(X mS.)
C (x-nicols). Ideal view of cross effect (upper crystals); typical appear-
ance of anomaly (lower crystal). Rawhide, Nev. (X xo8.)
D (x-nicols). Typical leathered quartz prisms. CaledonianMine, Thames,
New Zealand. (X 36.)
E (x-nicols). Flamboyant quartz ericrusting vein wall. Talisman Mine,
Karangahake, New Zealand. (X 37.)
F (x-nicols). Typical flamboyant quartz showing radial relief lines. Talis-
man Mine, Karangahake, New Zealand. (X 60.)


A (x-nicols). Zonal markings by inclusions. Union Mine, Austin, N'ev.

(.'K 36.)
B (one nicol). Zonal markings by lines of relief, probably microscopic
bands of chalcedony in this figure. Salisbury Gold Mining Co., W. Aus-
tralia (X •o6.)
C (one nicol) and D (x-nicols). Phantom veinlets. Notice offset of
crystal at x. Union Hill Mine, Grass Valley, Calif. (X 37.)
E (x-nicols). Secondaryenlargement of fragment in tuff. Jarbidge, N'ev.
(X 77.)
F (x-nicols). Anhedral interlocking quartz. Alaska Treadwell Mine,
.Maska. (X 33.)



A (x-nicols). Interlocking coarsequartz. Early prism enclosedby later

quartz crystal. Nevada City, Cal. (X xS.)
B (x-nicols). Crustification banding (megascopicallyfine grained). Pa-
chucha, Mex. (X 35.)
C (x-nicols). Crustification; radial arrangement o.f comb quartz suggest-
ing flamboyant structure. Talisman Mine, New Zealand. (X xS.)
D (x-nicols). Comb quartz with anomaloushabit. Aspen Mine, Silvertown,
Col. (X •9.)
E (x-nicols). Quartz in small cavities; zonal growth lines. Sandstorm
claim, Goldfield, Nev. (X49.)
F (x-nicols). Drusy quartz. Hormiguero, Mexico. (X x6.)


.4 (x-nicols). Microcrystalline
quartzin breccia. Goldfield,
Nev. (X 36.)
B (one nicol). Euhedralreplacement quartz in calcite(quartz, white;
calcite,grey). Ikuno-taseiMine, Japan. (X 38.)
C (x-nicols). Anhedral replacementquartz. Republic,Washington.
(X mo.)
D (x-nicols). Subhedral
of B). Ikuno-
tasei Mine, Japan. (X xx4.)
E (x-nicols). Inheritedplaty structurein replacement
Gold Road, Ariz. (X 65.)
? (x-nicols). Replacement
of lamellarcalcitealongbasalparting.Gold
Road, Ariz. (X xI4.)



,4 (one nicol). Lamellar structure; quartz chalcedony,and adularia pseu-

domorph after replaced calcite. Jarbidge, Nev. (X x8.)
B (x-nicols). "Radial" quartz structure; probably pseudomorph after
calcite. Republic, Washington. (X--.)
C (x-nicols). Anomalous replacement quartz normal to pyrite veinlet.
Oak Run prospect, Shasta Co., Cal. (X 55.)
D (x-nicols). Anomalousreplacementquartz in pyritiz.edschist. (Thin
section lent by C. F. Tolman, Jr.) Campo Seco, Cal. (X 36.)
E (one nicol) and F (x-nicols). Inclusional pattern by strain; twinning
by gliding (?). Union Hill Mine, Grass Valley, Cal. (X m4.)


A (x-nicols). "Shredded" quartz by pressure. Cobar, Australia. (X 35.)

B (x-nicols). Recrystallization by stain of single quartz crystal. Sons of
Gwalia Mine, W. Australia. (X47.)
C (x-nicols). Subhedral recrystallization quartz; loss of inclusions by
strain. (Largest Remnant is x.) Boulder Deep Levels, W. Australia.
(x 66.)
D (x-nicols)..Complete recrystallization in ribbon quartz. Sons of Gwalia
Mine, W. Australia. (X 39-)
E (one nicol) and F (x-nicols). Recrystallization in grid pattern; loss of
inclusions. Kennedy Mine, Jackson, Cal. (X I42.)



A (x-nicols). Rearrangementby coalesence. White Rock, Australia.

(X •4.)
B (x-nicols). Rearrangementby break down of large crystalsto small ones.
White Rock Australia. (X •t4.)
C (x-nicols). Rearrangementof quartz destroyingcomb structure. Cale-
donian Mine, Thames, New Zealand. (X 36.)
D (x-nicols) . Rearrangement quartz veinlets; individuals growing into
silicified wall rock. Cobar, Australia. (X55.)
E (one nicol) and F (x-nicols). Rearrangement; drusy structure retained
by inclusions in quartz entirely unrelated to structure. White .Rock, Aus-
tralia. (X 35.)

vein materialwas deposited. If so, the type of strain indicates

the characterof thevein: i.e., whetherdeep-seated or superficial.
Brecciationresultsfrom unequalpressure,or stress,and though
mostwidespread wherethereis little load (i.e., nearthe surface)
may be found at any depth at which fissuresmay exist. Such
strain phenomena as the distortionof a crystalwithout rupture,
and recrystallization, however,can only have taken placeunder
the conditionsof immensebut ratheruniform pressureof deep-
seateddeposits. It has beenshownthat their occurrence is lim-
ited to thesevein types.

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