Endapan Skarn

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Oktober 2009
Photograph taken from Murakami (2005)
1. Pengertian skarn
2. Karakteristik skarn:
- Ukuran
- Host rock
- Ubahan batuan samping
- Mineralogi
- Keterdapatan mineral bijih

3. Kondisi geologi
4. Tipe-tipe endapan skarn
5. Contoh endapan skarn
 Batuan calc-silicate hasil ubahan dari batuan
yg kaya-karbonate (carbonate-rich rocks; e.g.
limestone, calcareous rocks or dolomite)
melalui proses metamorfosa dan/atau
metasomatik yang berhubungan dengan
intrusi batuan beku (bisa berupa porfiri sistem
atau non-porfiri sistem).

 Mineralogi skarn didominasi oleh:

g a r n e t dan p y r o x e n e
Beberapa terminologi
Calc-silicate hornfels  a descriptive term often used for the relatively fine -
grained calc-silicate rocks that result from metamorphism of impure carbonate
units such as silty limestone or calcareous shale.

Reaction skarns  formed by isochemical metamorphism of thinly interlayered

shale and carbonate units where metasomatic transfer of components between
adjacent lithologies may occur on a small scale (perhaps centimetres).

Skarnoid  a descriptive term for calc -silicate rocks which are relatively fine -
grained, iron -poor, and which reflect, at least in part, the compositional control of
the protolith (Korzkinskii, 1948; Zharikov, 1970). Genetically, skarnoid is
intermediate between a purely metamorphic hornfels and a purely metasomatic ,
coarse-grained skarn.
Most important geological characteristics of skarn and
polymetallic carbonate- replacement deposits
(Meinert, 1998)

1. Deposits are hosted by carbonate rocks (limestones, dolostones,

calcareous clastic sediments).
2. Deposits are epigenetic, formed at high temperature (>250 0C), cut
across host rocks, and have sharply discordant contacts with host
3. Deposits are associated with igneous activity, typically with plutons
or batholiths.
4. Depth of formation varies from near-surface to about 10-12 km;
depth of formation controls size, geometry, and type of alteration.
5. Deposits cluster around igneous intrusions in mineralized districts
that typically include other intrusion-related deposit types (e.g.,
porphyry deposits, polymetallic veins).
6. Deposit types and metals are zoned spatially with respect to
intrusions such that copper and gold are found proximal to
intrusions; zinc and lead are distal to intrusions.
Most important geological characteristics of skarn and
polymetallic carbonate- replacement deposits
(Meinert, 1998)

7. Ore-mineral assemblages typically include pyrite or pyrrhotite, and

other sulfide minerals, and calc-silicate and carbonate gangue
8. Local concentrations of ore can consist of massive concentrations
(>50%) of sulfide minerals.
9. Deposits form in stages, which may overprint one another in time
and space. Early hornfels metamorphism can reduce permeability
but fracturing associated with igneous emplacement, and late
stage hydrofracturing increase permeability and provide pathways
for fluid flow.
10. Ore minerals typically are coarsely crystalline.
11. Late-stage pyrite and other alteration minerals can be
disseminated over a wide area.
Grade and Tonnage


Cu Skarn Deposits
Grade and Tonnage

Zn-Pb-Ag Skarn Deposits

Shape and morphology
Pervasive & massive skarn

Stratiform skarn

Vein-related skarn
Anatomy of a Skarn Deposit
Zonation of most
skarns reflects the
geometry of the pluton
contact and fluid flow.
Such skarns are
zoned from proximal
endoskarn to proximal
exoskarn, dominated
by garnet. More distal
skarn usually is more
pyroxene-rich and the
skarn front, especially
in contact with marble,
may be dominated by
pyroxenoids or
vesuvianite .
(Meinert, 1992)
Genetic Process/Evolution of a Skarn Deposit

Some skarn mineralization is formed by earlier, higher temperature waters (called

“prograde” minerals), and some skarn mineralization is formed later at lower fluid
temperatures (called “retrograde” minerals).
Genetic Process/Evolution of a Skarn Deposit
Intrusion of Infiltration of
Magma into hydrothermal fluids to
Carbonate produce endoskarn and
Rich rocks pyroxene rich exoskarn

Continuous Hydrothermal system wanes

infiltration, and cool accompanied by
expansion of retrograde overprinting.
exoskarn. Skarn During this stage metals
partly maybe introduce or
controlled by scavenged and redeposited.
lithology. Some Structural/lithological
mineralization control and influence of
may take place meteoric water may result
at this stage in irregular shapes
Skarn Mineralogy
 The minerals which are most useful for both classification and exploration
are: garnet, pyroxene, and amphibole, which are present in all skarn types
and which show marked compositional variability.

For example, the manganiferous pyroxene, johannsenite, is found almost

exclusively in zinc skarns. Its presence, without much further supporting
information, is definitive of this skarn type.

 The main differences between amphiboles in different skarn types are

variations in the amount of Fe, Mg, Mn, Ca, Al, Na, and K.

Amphiboles from Au, W, and Sn skarns are progressively more aluminous


Amphiboles from Cu, Mo, and Fe skarns are progressively more iron-rich in
the tremolite-actinolite series

Amphiboles from zinc skarns are both Mn-rich and Ca-deficient

Skarn Mineralogy

A wide variety of minerals can form in skarn deposits.

The most common include:

- oxide minerals such as magnetite,

- sulfide minerals such as chalcopyrite,

- silicate minerals such as epidote, or the tungstate

mineral Scheelite.
Zonasi mineral ubahan
Zonasi mineral ubahan
Zonasi mineral ubahan

Copper Zonation Model (Meinert, 1992) Original rocks

Zonasi mineral ubahan

Zinc Zonation Model (Meinert, 1992)

Skarn Indicator Minerals
Endoskarn veins and
massive endoskarns

Empire Mine (E1 –E4)

E1: garnet+pyroxene
endoskarn veins in granite
porphyry. The feldspar
phenocrysts can be clearly
E2: Scapolite veins and
garnet-dominant veins in
granite porphyry. The
scapolite veins are earlier
than the garnet -dominant
E3: Sharp contact between
garnet+pyroxene vein and
granite porphyry.
E4: Massive endoskarn with
granite porphyry residue.

Endoskarn veins and massive endoskarns

Antamina mine (A1– A3).

A1: Quartz -kspar±fluorite veins cutting the Antamina quartz monzodiorite porphyry.
A2: garnet+pyroxene endoskarn vein in Antamina quartz monzodiorite porphyry.
A3: massive endoskarn with relic igneous texture of the Antamina quartz monzodiorite porphyry.
Hornfels and skarnoid In

(a)Irregular stockwork of sealed fractures

controlling development of light-
tremolitic calc-
calc-hornfels in light-
phlogopitic calc-
Calc-hornfels facies with distal, light-
brown, very fine grained phlogopitic calc-calc-
hornfels at upper left, light-
light-gray tremolitic in
the center, and proximal, light-
medium -grained diopsidic calc-
calc-hornfels at
lower right.
Sparse,large, medium-
medium -green diopsidic
nodules in pale gray calc-
(d)Very abundant coalescing diopsidic
nodules with calcite-
calcite-bearing calc-
(e)Irregular concentric banding,
(f)Banding developed in calc-
calc-hornfels and
apparently controlled by northeast striking
Retrograde Alteration

Sample from the Continental Mine in New Mexico, USA shows intens e retrograde
envelopes on veins cutting through prograde garnet (red -brown color) and pyroxene (light
tan color) skarn . In more widespread retrograde alteration, the vein envelopes w ould
coalesce and completely obliterate the prograde garnet and pyroxene (from Meinert, 1992).
Retrograde Alteration

Epidote vein accompanying sulfides cuts prograde pyroxene-garnet skarn in

meta-basic rocks, Samli iron skarn deposit (Murakami (2005).
Green garnet
and pyroxene

Red garnet

magnetite pod

From: Murakami (2005)

From: Murakami (2005)

magnetite pod

calcite vein

Red garnet

From: Murakami (2005)

Green garnet

From: Murakami (2005)

Types of skarn formation

A) Isochemical metamorphism involves Skarnoid results from

recrystallization and changes in mineral stability without metamorphism of impure
lithologies with some mass
significant mass transfer. B) Reaction skarn results transfer by small scale fluid
from metamorphism of interlayered lithologies , such as movement. The fluid-controlled
shale and limestone, with mass transfer between layers metasomatic skarn typically is
on a small scale ( bimetasomatism ). coarser grained and does not as
closely reflect the composition
or texture of the immediately
surrounding rocks.
Classification of Skarn
Skarns can be subdivided according to several criteria.

Exoskarn and endoskarn are common terms used to indicate a

sedimentary or igneous protolith, respectively.

Magnesian and calcic skarn can be used to describe the

dominant composition of the sedimentary protolith and resulting
skarn minerals.
Classification of Skarn
A simple scheme based on metal composition:

1) Tungsten
2) Copper +/- Molybdenum
3) Iron + Gold
4) Tin
5) Lead - Zinc - Silver
Skarn deposits in the world

NOTE: Missing in the table is the # 1 Skarn Deposit: Antamina Peru

Classification of Skarn
A simple scheme based on metal composition:

1) Tungsten
2) Copper +/- Molybdenum
3) Iron + Gold
4) Tin
5) Lead - Zinc - Silver

The different metals found in skarn deposits are a product of

- different composition,
- oxidation state (i.e. reduced or oxidized intrusive rocks)
- metallogenic affinity (tectonic setting) of the associated igneous
Magma Composition Controls
Skarn Commodity
Fe and Au skarn
deposits tend to be
associated with more
mafic to intermediate
intrusions ; Cu, Pb Zn, W
are linked to calc -
alkaline, magnetite
bearing (I type)granitic
intrusions and Mo, Sn,
with more differentiated
granites that might b
Skarn Association with plutonic
Tectonic Setting

The BIG guy: Antamina-Peru

Copper mineralization was known at Antamina (anta: copper in
Quechua) in pre -Colonial times, but only modest amounts of Pb
and Ag are known to have been produced in the district prior to
2001 (Redwood, 1999).

The skarn contains proven and probable reserves of 561 Mt

with an average grade of 1.24 % Cu, 1.03 % Zn, 13.71 g/t Ag,
and 0.029 % Mo (calculated at a 0.7% Cu equiv cutoff grade).

Production of copper -silver and zinc concentrates, as well as

lead, molybdenum, and bismuth byproducts, began in July 2001.
The Antamina mine is located at approximately 9 ° 32' S and 77 °
03' W, 270 km north of Lima and 130 km from the Pacific coast,
in Ancash Department in north -central Peru .
Antamina, Peru
The two distinct host rock types of the
Antamina skarn system: an upper
sequence of thin -bedded, silty
limestones,here largely converted to calc -
hornfelses , assigned to the Celendín
Formation ( Ce), and a lower sequence of
thick -bedded,relatively pure limestones
that form marbles, interpreted as the
Jumasha Formation (J).
(a) The southeast side of Quebrada
Antamina , looking southeast. The contact
(long black
dashes) between the Jumasha and
Celend ín Formations is placed at the top
of the uppermost massive thick -bedded
(pale gray band) deformed by the
Antamina anticline. Note the irregular
upper, southeastern contact of the skarn
white dashes), here largely confined to
the Jumasha Formation.
Schematic, exploded isometric block diagram of the Antamina deposit. Looking
north, showing the major folds and thrust faults, the Valley fau lt (VF), the extent of
skarn development within and adjacent to the intrusion, the extensive calc-
hornfels and skarnoid development in the Celendín Formation, and the restricted
marmorization of the Jumasha Formation.

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