Endapan Skarn
Endapan Skarn
Endapan Skarn
Oktober 2009
Photograph taken from Murakami (2005)
1. Pengertian skarn
2. Karakteristik skarn:
- Ukuran
- Host rock
- Ubahan batuan samping
- Mineralogi
- Keterdapatan mineral bijih
3. Kondisi geologi
4. Tipe-tipe endapan skarn
5. Contoh endapan skarn
Batuan calc-silicate hasil ubahan dari batuan
yg kaya-karbonate (carbonate-rich rocks; e.g.
limestone, calcareous rocks or dolomite)
melalui proses metamorfosa dan/atau
metasomatik yang berhubungan dengan
intrusi batuan beku (bisa berupa porfiri sistem
atau non-porfiri sistem).
Skarnoid a descriptive term for calc -silicate rocks which are relatively fine -
grained, iron -poor, and which reflect, at least in part, the compositional control of
the protolith (Korzkinskii, 1948; Zharikov, 1970). Genetically, skarnoid is
intermediate between a purely metamorphic hornfels and a purely metasomatic ,
coarse-grained skarn.
Most important geological characteristics of skarn and
polymetallic carbonate- replacement deposits
(Meinert, 1998)
Cu Skarn Deposits
Grade and Tonnage
Stratiform skarn
Vein-related skarn
Anatomy of a Skarn Deposit
Zonation of most
skarns reflects the
geometry of the pluton
contact and fluid flow.
Such skarns are
zoned from proximal
endoskarn to proximal
exoskarn, dominated
by garnet. More distal
skarn usually is more
pyroxene-rich and the
skarn front, especially
in contact with marble,
may be dominated by
pyroxenoids or
vesuvianite .
(Meinert, 1992)
Genetic Process/Evolution of a Skarn Deposit
Amphiboles from Cu, Mo, and Fe skarns are progressively more iron-rich in
the tremolite-actinolite series
Sample from the Continental Mine in New Mexico, USA shows intens e retrograde
envelopes on veins cutting through prograde garnet (red -brown color) and pyroxene (light
tan color) skarn . In more widespread retrograde alteration, the vein envelopes w ould
coalesce and completely obliterate the prograde garnet and pyroxene (from Meinert, 1992).
Retrograde Alteration
Red garnet
magnetite pod
From: Murakami (2005)
calcite vein
Red garnet
1) Tungsten
2) Copper +/- Molybdenum
3) Iron + Gold
4) Tin
5) Lead - Zinc - Silver
Skarn deposits in the world
1) Tungsten
2) Copper +/- Molybdenum
3) Iron + Gold
4) Tin
5) Lead - Zinc - Silver