Alysheva Stanislava
Alysheva Stanislava
Alysheva Stanislava
Technology, Lappeenranta
Double Degree programme in Civil and Construction Engineering
Civil engineering
Stanislava Alysheva
The purpose of the thesis was to analyse the structure of the composite slab
with profiled sheets as permanent formwork; to work with Russian building
norms and carry out the limit state design in order to determine characteristics
of the structure and find out if it can be used in residential buildings.
The study was commissioned by engineers of company Ruukki rus as they are
willing to expand their market from designing industrial buildings to residential
apartments. An excel file was created with an intention to suggest constructors
a useful tool for the implementation of limit state design of the structure.
The results of the study show that the slab can be successfully used for
residential buildings as it meets all the requirements and demands fewer
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 5
5.4. 5.4. Inclined sections strength under shear force action ...................... 22
7. CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................ 32
8. SUMMARY.................................................................................................... 33
FIGURES .......................................................................................................... 34
TABLES ............................................................................................................ 34
CHARTS ........................................................................................................... 34
REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 35
Area of residential apartments in Russia came to 81 million m2 according to the
data of the Ministry of Construction and Housing utilities. It is 15% more
compared to year 2013.
There are more people willing to have their own living space which boosts
demand in the real estate market.
Fast assembly, reliability, safety and cost effectiveness are the main priorities of
residential construction.
The aim of this thesis is to study building codes, carry out limit state design, and
decide on whether it is possible to use the composite slab in residential
buildings or not.
The thesis was made with Ruukki rus. collaboration in Saint-Petersburg. It is a
Finnish company established in 1960. In Russia mainly metal frame industrial
buildings are produced though the company has an ambition to develop into
residential construction.
There is Ruukki’s factory in Obninsk, a city near Moscow about 100 km away. It
includes three production facilities:
The material is zinc coated thin-walled steel delivered from other factories. The
thickness of a sheet varies from 0,8 to 1,5 mm.
The composite slabs in question consist of profiled steel decking with reinforced
concrete on top. (Figure 1)
The structure acts at two stages. At the first stage (Construction) the loads of
poured concrete, profiled sheets, workers, machinery and reinforcement are
carried by the profiled shuttering. At the second stage (Operating) payloads and
loads of slabs’ self-weight and partitions are carried by the slab itself.
To create a finished look of the ceiling it is suggested that two layers of gypsum
plasterboard are fastened to the profiled sheets by metal furring channels and
The main source of information for the algorithm of calculations was STO 0047-
2005 «ZNIIPSK Melnikova ltd», «Hilti Distribution ltd». Also SNiPs and GOSTs
were used to conduct the study.
Steel possesses high level of thermal conductivity, its fire resistance is R10-
R15, critical temperature (before steel reaches yield limit) is about 500 °C. Such
characteristics are not suitable for residential buildings therefore the profiled
sheets cannot be considered as the bearing structure at the operating stage if
only special fire protective layer is added. However, it is not cost effective.
3.2. Conditions
According to STO 0047-2005 there are a few suitable conditions for the use of
the composite slab:
According to GOST 27751-88 “Reliability of co structio s a d fou datio s”
residential buildings should be referred as structures with the second (normal)
level of reliability. Then the reliability coefficient γn=0,95.
3.3. Materials
In this project lightweight concrete is accepted. B12.5 is the minimal required
strength class. (STO 0047-2005)
Steel rods A-III(A400) and steel wires Bp-I are used as reinforcement.
Profiled sheets are overlapped and joined together by screws or rivets. They
can be adjusted to the T-beams by screws or nails.
STO 0047-2005 suggests that the length of the support of the slab should be at
minimum 40 mm and the minimum thickness of the profiled sheets should be
0,7 mm. The length of the support is accepted 90 mm in the calculations, based
on the recommendations of an experienced engineer.
3.5. Corrosion
There is nonaggressive environment in residential buildings, humidity is 45-
75%. However, in bathrooms and kitchens humidity can vary, therefore the slab
has to be protected additionally.
reinforcement should be 20 mm for indoor structures with normal humidity. For
secondary reinforcement the concrete cover should be at least 15 mm.
Therefore the wider corrugation (120 mm) is placed in the bottom to provide
necessary concrete protection for steel bars (formula 2, 3).
Hence, the depth of concrete cover for the main reinforcement is accepted 30
mm and 15 mm for secondary upper reinforcement.
3.7. Acoustics
Aerated concrete reduces impact noise and background sound. Therefore it is a
perfect material for residential buildings. The required sound insulation index is
54 dB. An additional sound proofing layer of velimat 4 mm will be used. Its
sound insulation index is 29 dB.
the figure Layer Height
1 Floor covering (carpet, laminate, etc.) 7,5 mm
2 Gypsum fibre board 12,5 mm
3 Screed 30 mm
4 Velimat (sound proofing layer) 4 mm
5 Composite slab 220 mm
6 Metal furring channels 15 mm
7 Gypsum plasterboard (2 layers) 25 mm
Total 314 mm
During the construction period, when concrete is liquid and has not achieved
cube strength yet, the profiled sheets are considered as bearing structures. It is
necessary to derive strength and deflection for the sheets as for a thin-walled
element which bears its own weight, weight of reinforcement, concrete and the
erection load (workers and machinery).
Consequently, the depth of concrete above the profiled sheet is derived by
formula 1
Figure 7 Trapezoidal cross-section of the slab
As an analytical diagram one span beam is accepted because the sheets are
not tied together across supports and work separately.
[ ] (1)
σ –stress in compressed area;
–bending moment;
[ ]
The maximum allowed stress is three times bigger than the calculated stress
meaning that strength is ensured definitely.
[] (2)
fn – maximum deflection
l – span length;
The calculated deflection does not exceed the maximum allowed deflection.
Consequently, the profiled sheet T153 with the 0.8 mm thickness – the smallest
thickness available - and steel type C320 is accepted as it satisfies the
requirements of strength and deflection.
During the second stage the composite slab is considered as the bearing
structure. The profiled sheets are considered as permanent formwork, they do
not bear loads.
For the steel type AIII (A400) design tensile resistance of longitudinal and lateral
reinforcement is fyd=355 N/mm2
Compression zone depth is bigger than the effective height of the slab which
indicates that formulas 7and 8 should be used.
[ ] (5)
– bending moment
For bottom reinforcement steel type AIII (A400) rods Ø18 cm2 in each
corrugation are accepted.
The area of upper reinforcement is negative which means that it is not
necessary for bearing purposes. However, it should be installed because the
steel grid will prevent concrete from setting shrinkage and from spalling.
Therefore the upper reinforcement made of steel type Bp-I Ø4 mm with spacing
200x200 mm is accepted.
The rods are placed between supports of the slabs. The idea is to create an
I-beam section from a T-beam and a rod combining by concrete. Such a
structure allows replacing of the top flange by concrete partially which makes a
considerable cost saving, besides, it simplifies adjusting of the profiled sheets to
the beam by screws.
The egative o e t Мв=7,84 kNm acts in the middle support, therefore the
compression zone of concrete moves to the bottom part of the section. It is
necessary to derive the diameter of the top (tensile) reinforcement rods for this
To simplify the calculation the web of the section is considered as a
compressed zone.
The result is way too big for the size of the section.
A different type of an analysis can be conducted to solve the issue: the diameter
of the top steel rods can be derived based on the assumption that in case of
bending the section undergoes oblique shear forces. Then the middle support
reaction equals the sum of design loads on the slab divided by the sum of area
of slab supporting and area of longitudinal section of a steel rebar
d- length of a corrugation bearing on the beam
Based on the results there is an assumption that the stress diagram (continuous
beam) is chosen incorrectly.
Tests, conducted in a laboratory, show (Figure 11) that in case of collapse the
top reinforcement rods do not work with concrete together. Concrete breaks
down faster and the rods are not pulled out from the structure. Consequently,
the slabs work independently from each other and it is vital to consider them as
one-span beams.
Figure 12 Stresses on the supports
STO 0045-2005 suggests that the angle of the inclined crack is 45 (Figure 13)
{ (9)
( )
( ) ( ) (10)
- coefficient 1,5
The inclined sections’ calculation was carried out for the two stages:
1 Stage: Construction
4,2kN<10,39 kN
2 stage: Operating.
{ (13)
( ) ( )
N – support reaction in one corrugation
Aloc – area of compression (formula 17)
- (15)
5.6. Deflection of the composite slab
Deflection of the slab is derived by the sum of deflections of the profiled sheets
during the construction phase and deflection of the concrete slab.
In the calculation characteristic loads are used. The calculated deflection should
not exceed the maximum value (formula 18,19)
[ ] (17)
where f – deflection of the slab caused by the loads at the operating phase.
The slab spans work independently from each other, therefore on-span beam is
used as the stress diagram for calculations
( ) (18)
-5/48- coefficient depending on the stress diagram and the type of a load.
( ) ( ) ( ) (19)
( ) (20)
where - deformation modulus of compressed concrete depending on
duration of the load.
Another toleration is that the moment of inertia of the profiled sheets can be
neglected as well
y y
Payload – 1,5 kN/ considered as short term characteristic load for the
( )
Deflection of the slab
[ ]
The derived deflection exceeds the maximum deflection. The simplest and more
economically effective solution is to limit the span length of the slab.
deflection is [ ]
Max allowed deflection
Deflection value, mm
3 3,2 3,5 4,5
Span length, m
Chart 1 reflects the dependance of deflection from span length. In order to keep
with the requirements it is clear that the length of the span should be limited to
3,2 m.
The excel programme was made with the purpose to create a simple, helpful
tool allowing an engineer to choose and compare different variants of the
structure in question.
The next page determines whether the chosen profiled sheet is suitable for
bearing of the loads or not. (Table 3, 4).
The programme also defines the area of reinforcement, the strength of inclined
sections, the strength on the supports and the deflection of the slab. (Table
There are remarkable results obtained:
The purpose of the thesis was to analyse the flooring system – the composite
slab – with the profiled sheets T153-850-L-150 (Ruukki) as permanent
shuttering; to carry out limit state design and determine whether the structure is
suitable for residential buildings or not; to create an Excel programme aiming at
helping an engineer to calculate and compare different characteristics of the
slab quickly.
The Ruukki crew was satisfied with the results as they received the evidence
that the structure can be implemented into their projects and had another
helpful tool to determine the characteristics of the slab.
Figure 1 Visual representation of a composite slab
Figure 2 Different placement of corrugations of the slab
Figure 3 Heat distribution in the slabs with different positions of corrugations
Figure 4 A cross-section of the slab
Figure 5 A cross-section of profiled decking
Figure 6 A cross-section of the slab
Figure 7 A trapezoidal cross-section of the slab
Figure 8 A one span analytical diagram
Figure 9 Stress distribution
Figure 10 Stress distribution of negative moment
Figure 11 Laboratory tests
Figure 12 Stresses on the supports
Figure 13 Inclined section stress diagram
Figure 14 A cross-section of the profiled sheet
Figure 15 A model of local compression
Figure 16 A trapezoidal cross-section of the slab
Table 1 Flooring layers
Table 2 Tables of loads
Table 3 Strength of the profiled sheets
Table 4 Deflection of the profiled sheets
Table 5 Strength of inclined sections
Table 6 Bearing stress on the supports
Table 7 Deflection of the slab
Chart 1 Deflection of the slab
1. GOST 27751-88 «Reliability of constructions and foundations»
2. SNiP 52-01-2003 «Concrete and reinforced concrete structures»
3. STO 0047-2005 «ZNIIPSK Mel ikova ltd», «Hilti Distributio ltd»
4. SNiP 2.01.07-85* «Loads and actions»
5. SNiP 2.03.11-85 «Protection against corrosion of construction»
6. SNiP II-23-81* «Steel structures»
7. SNiP 21-01-97* «Fire Safety of buildings and structures»
8. DSTU 3760-98 «Reinforcement assortment»