Seminar Report
Seminar Report
Seminar Report
Seminar Report
Supervised by:
Submitted by:
Abhijeet Mohanta (22M1863)
M.Tech (MM2)
Jan-April: 2023
I undersigned hereby declare that the seminar report “High-temperature sulfidation and oxidation
resistance of thermal diffusion coatings in Steels”, submitted for partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Technology of the Department of
Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, IIT Bombay is a bonafide work done by me.
This submission represents ideas written in my own words, and where ideas or words of others
have been included, I have adequately and accurately cited and referenced the original sources. I
also declare that I have adhered to ethics, honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or
fabricated any data or idea or fact, or source in my submission. This report has not been previously
submitted for the award of any degree or similar title of any other institution/university.
Abhjeet Mohanta
Roll No.: 22M1863
Table of Contents
1. Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 5
2. Key seminar learning outcomes: .......................................................................................... 6
3. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 7
3.1. Oxidation ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.2. Sulfidation........................................................................................................................... 9
4. Literature Survey ................................................................................................................ 11
4.1. Thermodynamics of sulphidation and oxidation at high temperature: ...................... 11
4.2. Kinetics of sulphidation and oxidation at high temperature: ...................................... 15
4.2.1. Solid-State diffusion ..................................................................................................... 15
4.3. RATE EQUATIONS ....................................................................................................... 17
4.3.1. Linear kinetics .............................................................................................................. 18
4.3.2. Diffusion-controlled processes and parabolic kinetics .............................................. 18
4.4. Properties scales formed at high temperature .............................................................. 21
4.5. Factors affecting the stability oxide and sulfide scales ................................................. 22
4.6. Different types of aluminum coating processes ............................................................. 23
4.7. Mechanism of formation of thermal diffusion layer ..................................................... 25
4.8. Techniques for evaluation of performance of multi-layered thermal diffusion
coatings......................................................................................................................................... 28
5. Results and Discussions: ..................................................................................................... 29
5.1. Review previous research on Sulfidation-oxidation resistance of coated and uncoated
steel samples ................................................................................................................................ 29
5.2. The mechanisms of aluminide oxidation: ...................................................................... 30
5.3. The effects of coating composition, thickness, and structure on sulfidation-oxidation
resistance ...................................................................................................................................... 34
6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 35
List of Figures
Figure 4: Reactions and transport processes involved in growth of an oxide scale. ................................... 17
Figure 5: Simplified diffusion model for mass transfer through growing metal oxide scale...................... 19
Figure 6: Schematic diagram of the formation model of the iron-aluminum alloy coating with a multilayer
Figure 8: Schematic diagram of the apparatus used for corrosion studies. ................................................. 29
Figure 9: (a) Cross section micrograph of aluminide steel exposed at 850 °C for 8 h, (b) EDS results
showing the concentration variations of Al, Fe, Cr, and Si elements ......................................................... 31
Figure 10: Optical cross-sectional micrographs of specimens oxidized from 4 min to 56 h at 750, 850, and
950 °C, where a, b, c, d, e, f, and g is presented as variation of the microstructure as a function of test
duration at 850 °C; h and i for 750 °C, j for 950 °C. .................................................................................. 32
Figure 11: Schematic configuration for the growth stages of aluminide layer and internal void with oxides
during oxidation at high temperature. (a) as-coated steel. (b) inward Al diffusion and cracks formation. (c)
the growth of FeAl2+ Fe2Al5 and FeAl precipitation. (d) the growth of FeAl in FeAl2+ Fe2Al5 and
oxides formation. (e) loose metals formation in FeAl island. (f) internal voids formation. (g) the growth of
voids and FeAl in the inner aluminide layer. (h) the growth of FeAl phase through the entire aluminide
layer. ........................................................................................................................................................... 33
1. Abstract
The high temperature applications of structural steels under the highly corrosive atmosphere,
taking into consideration the components used in the fossil fired power plants. High temperature
sulfidation and oxidation protection by thermal diffusion coating is discussed in the report. The
mechanisms of the oxidation, sulfidation and formation of the diffusion layer is described in the
and clean energy sources, still burning fossil fuel (coal, oil, and natural gas) contributes to around 80% of
our total energy needs. When it comes to electricity over 60% of worlds electricity is generated by fossil
fuel based power plants. In developing countries like India the percentage of energy produced by fossils
are still higher. Most of the Electricity production is achieved through coal based a thermal power plant
which is around 75% of the total power generation. Still it will take a long time to replace the fossil fuel
with the renewable sources and also the increasing prices of fossil fuels have made us think about increasing
the efficiency of the fossil fired power plants as well as reduce the CO2 emissions.
The increase in efficiency depicts increase in the operating temperature of that are required for the Super-
critical, Ultra Super-critical and Advanced Ultra Super-critical coal fired technologies. This requires the
use of high temperature resistant materials, including high-temperature alloys and advanced steels that can
withstand high temperature and pressure environments. In most power plants the major components like
the tubing for water-wall panels, boiler tubes, super-heaters and re-heaters and other components are made
up of different types of carbon steels, low-alloy steels even some components are made up of stainless steels
(mainly ferritic and martensitic stainless steels). These components are mostly exposed to steam at high
temperatures and pressures as well as corroding gasses containing Sulphur and H2S produced from the
combustion of the coal, biomass, oils and natural gases. As the operating temperatures exceed 400–600 °C,
these flowing gases severely exacerbate corrosion issues for tubing and other components in coal-fired
boilers, water-wall panels, super-heaters, and re-heaters. Primarily the materials are designed for high
temperature applications for their mechanical properties, but the corrosion due to high temperature
oxidation and sulfidation severely impacts the service life as well as the performance dependent on thermal
conductivity due to the oxide and sulfide scales that forms on the top of the materials. Along with corrosion
the service life of the components also depends upon the fatigue and creep factors at high temperatures.
However, there is now a growing understanding that at high temperatures corrosion like oxidation and
sulphidation may limit lifetime, either directly through metal wastage or indirectly through raising local
temperatures due to the lower thermal conductivity of the oxide and sulfide scale. Historically, materials
developed for use at high temperatures have been developed primarily for their mechanical properties.
Steels exposed to oxygen and sulfur-rich atmospheres while operating at high temperatures typically
3.1. Oxidation
Steel oxidizes readily at higher temperatures. The partial pressure of oxygen required for oxidation under
higher temperature environment are significantly less than the partial pressure required at the room
temperatures. In steels a layer of non-protective scales is formed rapidly at the surface which leads to
spallation and accelerated attack. When steel is alloyed specially with Cr, Co, the elements with higher
oxygen affinities will oxidize more readily and form protective scales on the surface due the high-
temperature oxidation. However, it is limited to quick growth of the oxide scale, loss of mechanical
properties of the subsurface zones and embrittlement at relatively higher temperatures. Under high
pressures and in the presence of H2O during oxidation, higher Cr concentrations cause phase instabilities,
the production of brittle Cr-rich phases, and more significant volatilization of chromium oxide. Which leads
to breakaway oxidation leading to accelerated corrosion. Hence the issue of material lifetime and corrosion
protection depends upon the rate of oxidation, methods of slowing it down and the change in morphology
of these oxides. The oxidation rate of steel in presence of water vapor or steam tends to be a magnitude
higher than that of the dry oxygen. If there are small quantities of O2 present in the steam, then this small
quantity regulates pO2 rather than H2O dissociation. Nonetheless, it is probable that any such contaminants
would be swiftly removed by oxidizing metal reaction, restoring the water dissociation equilibrium in the
process. During the dissociation of water vapour and oxidation of the metal the hydrogen generation tends
to be an important factor. Thus the interaction of water vapour can take place in multiple ways.
M + H2O→ MxO + H2
H2O → H2 + ½ O2
M +O→ MxO
It may take part in surface interactions that change the scale-gas interface or potentially result in the
MO +H2O→ M(OH)2
The interaction of the dissolved water vapour within the scale, changes its microstructure, characteristics,
and transport behaviour. These interactions might lead to the hydrogen in the oxide dissolving and the
formation of lattice point defects. Ultimately, dissolution of hydrogen into metal formed due to. Reaction.
3.2. Sulfidation
Similarly, sulfidation is also a predominant phenomenon occurring in the fossil fuel- fired power plants. As
the H2S interacts with metal surface it forms a metal sulfide layer on the top of the component. Steel sulfide
scales are far less protective than oxide scales, and metal sulfidation rates are often substantially greater
than oxidation rates. The higher corrosion rates in H2S containing atmosphere are related to dissociation of
H2S into Hydrogen and Sulphur at far lower temperatures and then reaction of Sulphur with metal:
H2S → H2 + ½ S2
M + S→ MxS
M + H2S→ MxS + H2
The free energy for sulfide formation is quite low and are also not very stable and the dissociation of H 2S
also occurs preferentially at the surface of the sulfides formed at the surface. Interstitial hydrogen
infiltration into metals and scales produces lattice defects and hydrogen clusters, which in turn significantly
increases corrosion and embrittlement. Sulfidation may lead to the formation of low melting eutectics
containing a large concentration of mobile defects, due to which hydrogen and sulfur diffuses rapidly
through the porous scale leading to their interaction with base metal promoting further degradation of the
Although the alloying of steel with semi-refractory and refractory metals from the IV-VI groups (Ti, Zr,
Hf, V, Nb, Ta, W, Mo) performs significantly better than that of than the conventional alloys under high
temperature oxidation and sulfidation conditions. These alloy steels increase the cost significantly. The
combined action of oxidation and sulfidation, may significantly change the corrosion rate of steels due to
the formation of sulphides and oxides with different adhesions to the steel surface and different coefficients
of thermal expansion. The surface engineering is a more feasible and economical route to provide corrosion
resistance at high temperature. In high temperature corrosion conditions, several coating materials and
methods may be taken into consideration to increase the integrity of the steel surface. There are various
methods by which the surface coating can be done like dipping, chemical electrolytic or electroless
deposition, cold and thermal spraying and cladding, physical vapor deposition (PVD) and chemical vapor
deposition (CVD), etc. The majority of these processes, are not ideal for the application as many of the
coating either perform poorly at high temperatures or are very thin with potential structural defects which
act as corrosion initiators. The porosities formed during various processes also inhabits corrosion by
accumulating the corrosion products in the pores giving rise to wedging effect which further increases the
corrosion rate. Some of these do not adhere properly at elevated temperatures and pressures leading to
CVD based thermal diffusion processes may be considered a versatile route due to its flexibility of
application on the component surface with various configuration and dimensions also there is no
requirement of introduction reactive, often hazardous, gases into the process chamber. The boronizing and
aluminizing methods may be chosen as the most promising for protecting steels from high temperature
sulfidation when taking into account thermal diffusion technology, which is also known as thermo-chemical
processing or pack cementation. These procedures allow for the creation of protective coatings made of
either aluminides or iron borides. Due to the characteristics of diffusion processes, these coatings have
multi-layered structures with two or more protective layers forming concurrently within a single process
cycle. The intermetallic compounds like borides and aluminides having High crystalline lattice energies,
strong and short covalent bonds (such as Fe-B, Fe-Al, Cr-Al, etc.), corresponding to high chemical inertness
of the material as well as the diffusion-induced bonding between the protective layers and the steel
substrates. Also the formation of protective oxide scale at high temperatures, which is resistant to spalling
also makes it an attractive for high temperature corrosion applications. Further enhancement in corrosion
resistance can be achieved by application of the extra oxide layer of the Me-O bonds, such as SnO2, TiO2,
ZrO2, ThO2, Al2O3, Y2O3 with high crystalline lattice energy and a high degree of covalence on the top
The performance of these coatings is typically evaluated using high-temperature exposure tests, which
involve subjecting coated specimens to elevated temperatures and corrosive environments for extended
periods of time. The properties of the coatings and the underlying substrate are then analyzed to determine
Several factors can influence the performance of these coatings, including the composition of the coating
material, the thickness of the coating layer, and the microstructure of the coating and substrate. Researchers
continue to study these factors to optimize the performance of thermal diffusion coatings and improve their
represents a promising approach to improving the high-temperature sulfidation and oxidation resistance of
steels, and could help to extend the service life of high-temperature components in a variety of industrial
4. Literature Survey
corrosion in gas turbines) and those with low oxygen and high sulphur potentials. The latter category
includes a variety of industrial atmospheres, including coal gasification and low NOx burners in coal-fired
boilers. The oxygen-sulfur-temperature diagram may be used to show the two different types of sulfidizing-
The atmosphere with low-oxygen and high-sulfur potentials basically comprises of gases like H2O, H2, H2S
and CO. The oxidizing and sulphudizing potentials of the gases can be characterized by the equilibrium
partial pressures of oxygen (PO2) and sulfur (PS2) which are determines by the following reactions.
H 2O → H2 + ½ O2 …1
H2S → H2 + ½ S2 …2
Where, K1 and K2 are the equilibrium constant for the above reactions (1) and (2), ΔG01 and ΔG02 are the
standard Gibbs free energies of the above reactions (1) and (2) having units of J/mole, R and T are the gas
Dividing the equations (1) and (2) we can get the expression
The aggressiveness of a given environment can be accessed by the ratio PO2/PS2. Where lower ratio depicts
𝑥 1
M + ½ O2 →𝑦MxOy …3
𝑥 1
M + ½ S2 →𝑦MxSy …4
K3=(aMxOy)1/y/(aM)x/y(PO2)1/2=1/(PO2)1/2 …4
K4=(aMxSy)1/y/(aM)x/y(PS2)1/2=1/(PS2)1/2 …5
Where, K3 and K4 are equilibrium constants for the reactions (3) and (4), aM, aMxOy and aMxSy are the activates
of metal(M), metal oxide(MxOy) and metal sulphides(MxSy) respectively. The equations gives the
equilibrium partial pressure for M- MxOy and M- MxSy systems. This pressure is also known as the
dissociation pressure. When the partial pressure of Sulfur or oxygen are higher than the equilibrium pressure
the metal sulphides and oxides will form respectively. Depending on the environment we can decide what
partial pressure of oxygen and Sulfur is high enough for formation of oxides and sulfides by the respective
Ellingham diagrams. The stability of the oxides and sulfides can also be determined by Ellingham diagrams
the lower the free energy line the higher the stability.
The metal-oxide-sulfide stability diagram may be used to describe the thermodynamic interaction between
the metal and oxidants like oxygen and sulfur. This diagrams are also known also called predominance area
M + ½ O2 →MO …5
M + ½ S2 →MS …6
M + ½ O2=½ S2 + M …7
The dissociation pressure can be obtained from the above equations. The transition from oxidation to
A stability diagram alone cannot anticipate the potential corrosion products. Other kinetic variables are
significant. High-temperature alloy corrosion behavior is significantly influenced by kinetic variables. They
influence the shape of the corrosion products in addition to the reaction rate. The corrosion products that
of the mode of corrosion in an alloy, the long term application of the alloy can be predicted by kinetic factor
such as diffusivity of the different alloying and corroding elements. The sulfide and oxide on the surface
takes place by parabolic rate law usually. The rate at which sulfidation occur is much higher than that of
oxidation rate, as non-stoichiometry in sulfides is greater than that of oxides. Which signifies that sulfides
have sulfides have a higher defect concentration than oxides, which leads to a rapid growth rate of sulfide
probability of an atom jumping into an open lattice site is made possible by the presence of point defects
like vacancies and interstitials. The vacancy mechanism is more common for diffusion than interstitial
mechanism. In vacancy mechanism the diffusion is directly proportional to the no of vacancies present in
the lattice. In interstitial mechanism the diffusion occur by the movement of interstitial species to an
adjacent interstitial site this takes place for mostly interstitial impurities like C, N, H and O dissolved in
concentration (or chemical potential). Radioactive isotope tracers can be used to monitor this kind of
diffusion. The assumption is typically made that self-diffusion and tracer diffusion are equivalent. The jump
DA=1/6αΓ …7
An atom can make the jump if it has enough thermal energy to pass the activation energy barrier to
migration, Gm. The expression exp (-ΔGm/RT) gives the probability of successful jump. The jump
frequency also depends upon the availability of adjacent vacant site, the probability for which can be given
by zXV where z is the number of the nearest neighbor, Xv is the possibility that a site is vacant which is
same as the mole fraction of vacancies in the metal. Finally the jump frequency Γ can be written as
Γ= νzXVexp(-ΔGm/RT) …8
XV=XVeq= exp(-ΔGV/RT) …9
Substituting, ΔG= ΔH-TΔS, and for most metals ν is ∼1013(S-1 ). In fcc metals z=12 and α = a/√2 the jump
Where, D0=1/6α2νz exp[-(ΔSm + ΔSV) /RT)] and QSD= ΔHm + ΔHV. …12
Diffusion occurs by mass transfer due to presence concentration gradient or chemical potential. The
diffusion coefficient of the different chemical species in an alloy are different depending upon various
factors like activation energy, size of the element, diffusion mechanism, etc. Solid-state crystal defects with
more open structures include dislocations, grain boundaries, and interfaces. These defects produce high-
diffusivity routes which leads to a faster atomic migration than through in lattice.
When a metal comes in contact with the oxygen-containing gas, oxides develop if the partial pressure of
oxygen in the gas is greater than the metal oxides' dissociation pressure.. As an oxide layer grows to a
relatively uniform thickness, it may be described by a kinetic law, which is usually parabolic for protective
activity and linear for non-protective behaviour. This section will go through the two fundamental kinetic
laws. Because sulfidation and oxidation have comparable processes, the growth of oxide may be utilised to
The figure below shows the reactions and transport processes involved in growth of an oxide scale.
chemistry may be utilised to study scale-gas interactions in step 2. Interfacial redox reactions are fast in
step (4) and normally do not contribute to rate control. Although each step has the potential to become a
rate-controlling process, steps (3) and (5), which are connected to solid-state mass transfer through diffusion
sulfidation process is regulated by gas-phase transport and/or phase boundary reaction. Initially when the
metal surface is free from the scaling the rate of the oxidation or sulfidation does not depends upon the
= kl …13
x= klt …14
where, kl is the linear rate constant, x is the depth of the oxide layer and t is the time for oxidation. The
scale is so thin in the early stages of oxidation that diffusion across it is too quick to be rate limiting, and
the phase boundary reaction is considered as rate limiting step. The metal-oxide and oxide-gas interfaces
cannot be considered to be in equilibrium in this scenario. It is reasonable to assume that the reactions at
the metal-scale interface are rapid and that the process at the scale-gas interface is rate limiting.
a particular species through the scale: the parabolic rate law. At the oxide-metal and oxide-gas interfaces,
the concentrations of diffusing species are taken to remain constant. The oxide layer's diffusivity is also
thought to be constant and so unaffected by composition. The diffusion distance for O2- and M2+ increases
X2 = kpt …16
where kp is the rate constant in the unit cm2s-1, and at t=0, x=0.
𝛥𝑊 2
( ) = 2kwt …17
Kw has the unit g2cm-4s -1. If MxOy is the stoichiometry of oxide, the relationship between kp and kw is
A simplified model of mass flow through the oxide scale is shown in the figure below. Where, C1 and C2
Figure 5: Simplified diffusion model for mass transfer through growing metal oxide scale
Than the rate of diffusion in one direction can be defined by Fick’s first law.
where J is flux, D is the diffusion coefficient and C is the concentration of a component. When
approximation is done by taking boundary value into the consideration then we get
where C1 and C2 represent the concentrations of diffusing components at the interfaces between scale and
The interfacial processes must be quick and can be considered to be locally at equilibrium if diffusion is
where is the volume of oxide formed per unit quantity of diffusing species.
Wagner was the one who originally developed the equation, demonstrating that the features of the oxide—
specifically, their diffusion coefficient and composition when they are in equilibrium with metal and
oxidant—determine the scaling rate. The rate constant in Wagner’s theory was given by
Where DM is the diffusion coefficient of metal through the scale, μ’M and μ”M are chemical potentials of
The assumptions made by Wagner to describe the rate kinetics during the parabolic oxide layer growth
The rate-controlling mechanism involves migration of ions or electrons over the scale.
The ionic fluxes are independent of position within the scale since the oxide scale deviates from
various types of scales or surface layers. The properties of these scales depend on the specific metal and
Protective barrier: In many cases, the scale can act as a protective barrier, preventing further oxidation
Porosity: The scale can be porous, with gaps and voids that allow for the diffusion of gases and ions
Adhesion: The adhesion of the scale to the underlying metal can vary depending on the specific metal
and environmental conditions. In some cases, the scale may adhere strongly, while in others it may
Composition: The composition of the scale can vary widely depending on the specific metal and
environmental conditions. In some cases, the scale may consist primarily of metal oxides or sulfides,
Thickness: The thickness of the scale can vary depending on the duration and severity of exposure to
Crystallinity: The scale can be amorphous or crystalline, depending on the specific metal and
environmental conditions.
The properties of scales formed by high temperature sulfidation and oxidation of metals are complex and
Composition of the substrate material: The composition of the underlying material can have a
significant impact on the stability of the oxide and sulfide scales. Certain elements can promote the
growth and stability of protective oxide scales, while others can lead to the formation of less stable or
Temperature and exposure time: The temperature and duration of exposure to the oxidizing or
sulfidizing environment can affect the structure and stability of the oxide or sulfide scales. Higher
temperatures and longer exposure times can lead to thicker and more stable scales, while lower
temperatures and shorter exposure times may result in thinner and less stable scales.
Nature of the oxidizing or sulfidizing environment: The chemical composition and properties of the
oxidizing or sulfidizing environment can also impact the stability of the oxide or sulfide scales. For
example, the presence of water vapor, CO2, or other corrosive gases can lead to the breakdown of
protective scales and promote the formation of less stable or non-protective scales.
Mechanical stresses: The presence of mechanical stresses, such as thermal cycling or mechanical
deformation, can also affect the stability of oxide or sulfide scales. These stresses can cause cracks or
other forms of damage in the scales, which can compromise their protective properties and lead to
further degradation.
Surface morphology and microstructure: The surface morphology and microstructure of the oxide or
sulfide scales can also play a role in their stability. For example, a more uniform and dense
microstructure may lead to more stable scales, while the presence of voids or defects can make the
Impurities: The presence of impurities in the oxidizing or sulfidizing environment or in the substrate
material can affect the stability of the oxide or sulfide scales. These impurities can interfere with the
formation of protective scales, promote the formation of less stable scales, or accelerate the degradation
of existing scales.
Overall, the stability of oxide and sulfide scales formed by parabolic rate at high temperature is a complex
and multifaceted issue that depends on a range of factors. Understanding these factors and their interactions
can help to optimize the formation and maintenance of protective scales in high-temperature applications.
resistance, corrosion resistance, and thermal stability. There are various methods by which aluminum can
be coated into the surface of the steel. Here are some of the most commonly used types of aluminum
Thermal spray aluminum (TSA) coatings: TSA coatings are applied by spraying molten aluminum
or aluminum powder onto the surface of the steel component using a thermal spray process, such
as flame spraying or arc spraying. TSA coatings provide excellent corrosion and oxidation
Pack cementation aluminum coatings: Pack cementation is a diffusion-based process in which the
steel component is coated with a mixture of aluminum powder and other chemicals, such as halides,
in a sealed container at high temperatures. The aluminum diffuses into the surface of the steel to
form a protective aluminum-rich layer. Pack cementation coatings provide excellent oxidation
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) aluminum coatings: CVD is a process in which an aluminum-
containing gas is introduced into a high-temperature vacuum chamber, where it reacts with the
surface of the steel to form a thin and uniform aluminum coating. CVD coatings provide excellent
thermal stability and corrosion resistance and can withstand temperatures up to 1000°C.
Electrodeposited aluminum coatings: Electrodeposition is a process in which an aluminum-
containing solution is electrolytically deposited onto the surface of the steel. Electrodeposited
Cladding with aluminum alloys: Cladding is a process in which a layer of aluminum alloy is bonded
to the surface of the steel using hot rolling or explosion welding. Aluminum alloy cladding provides
Each of the coating have their own advantages and limitations. The selection of the most suitable type of
aluminum coating depends on the specific requirements of the application. Here are some of the properties
Oxidation and sulfidation resistance: Aluminum coatings have excellent oxidation resistance at
high temperatures. When aluminum is heated, it forms a protective oxide layer that prevents further
oxidation of the underlying steel substrate. This helps to extend the service life of the coated steel.
Aluminum coatings also exhibit excellent sulfidation resistance. This oxide layer acts as a barrier,
preventing the underlying substrate from reacting with sulfur and sulfur-containing compounds.
Corrosion resistance: Aluminum coatings are also highly resistant to corrosion. They can withstand
exposure to harsh chemicals and environmental conditions without deteriorating. This makes them
ideal for use in corrosive environments, such as chemical processing plants and marine
Thermal stability: Aluminum coatings have high thermal stability and can withstand extreme
temperatures without degrading. This makes them ideal for use in high-temperature applications
Thermal conductivity: Aluminum has a high thermal conductivity, which allows it to dissipate heat
Adhesion: Aluminum coatings have excellent adhesion to steel substrates. They form a strong bond
with the underlying steel, which helps to prevent the coating from peeling or flaking off over time.
Ductility: Aluminum coatings have good ductility, which allows them to deform and stretch
Overall, the combination of these properties makes aluminum coatings an excellent choice for high-
temperature applications of steels where oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance, and thermal stability are
chemical reactions that take place within the chosen powder mixtures, such as the breakdown of the
halogen-containing activator and the high-temperature interaction of gaseous species with the active
ingredient (or "donor") that results in the production of active material vapours. As the active substance is
a vapour, it settles on the steel substrate and diffuses its atoms into the steel structure. Their dispersion is
aided by the vast distances in the fcc Fe structure and the tiny Al atomic sizes, which are less than those of
Fe. When aluminum is in contact with an iron surface, a layer of iron aluminide (FeAl) is instantly formed
The creation of additional aluminides is caused by the outward diffusion of Fe atoms (as well as Cr and Ni
in the case of stainless steel) from the substrate and their interaction with diffusing active atoms. Moreover,
the produced aluminides expand and solidify, creating a coating structure that is more intricate (i.e. two or
more layers). The initial FeAl film grows epitaxially on the substrate and then columnar growth occurs
without new nucleation, corresponding to zone III of Thornton's bulk diffusion controlled growth. The
outermost layer is formed by pure aluminum deposited on top and iron diffusing out through the initial
FeAl layer.
Figure 6: Schematic diagram of the formation model of the iron-aluminum alloy coating with
a multilayer phase structure.
The thickness of the top layer is determined by the flux of aluminum into and out of the layer, limited
by the rate of outward iron diffusion and aluminum diffusion through the FeAl layer. The composition
of the FeAl forming in the first layer is decided by the rates of aluminum transport onto the surface and
aluminum diffusion into the second layer. The absence of grinding marks on the lateral surface of the
coatings supports this mechanism. Overall, this process produces a FeAl layer with a microstructure
similar to that of the substrate, and the thickness of the coated specimen is nearly equal to the thickness
The second layer in the coated specimen is formed due to the diffusion of aluminum from the top layer
into the iron substrate. This layer shows characteristics of a bulk solid state diffusion layer, and its
thickness increases with higher coating temperature and duration. The structure of this layer is either
B2 or bcc solid solution, depending on the aluminum content, as indicated by the phase diagram. The
substrate has an fcc structure at temperatures above the α-γ transition temperature. If the aluminum
content exceeds the solubility limit of fcc iron, the substrate would transform to a bcc structure with a
distinct boundary. The width of the second layer corresponds to the distance between the boundary of
the first layer and the boundary of the bcc region. The appearance of a third layer is due to an optical
contrast effect, where on cooling to room temperature, the substrate and the region with low aluminum
concentration transform from fcc to bcc structure, resulting in different contrast in optical micrograph.
This gives rise to the observation of the third layer. Overall, the second layer is formed by aluminum
diffusion into the substrate, and the third layer is a result of the structural transformation of the substrate
but when Al diffuses into the substrate during coating, the delicate balance is disturbed. The solubility
of Al in fcc austenite is very limited, while it is very high in ferrite. Substantial aluminizing is possible
only if ferrite is formed locally at the surface, but Ni, Mn, and C in the substrate oppose ferritization
due to their strong austenitizing tendency. However, heat-resisting stainless steels can be ferritized by
Al diffusion due to the formation of stable nickel aluminide intermetallic compounds. The higher Ni
substrates slow down the ferritization process induced by Al diffusion. The diffusion rate of Al in bcc
ferrite is much higher than in fcc austenite, so the diffusion-induced phase transformation to ferrite
helps Al diffusion.
specialized test chambers and furnaces to maintain high temperature, gas flow rates and the corrosive
Furnace for generating and maintaining required temperatures consisting of a heating element, a
Test chamber typically made up of refractory materials. The sample is placed in this chamber
during the experiment. The sample holders are required to place the samples at the test chambers
are also made up of ceramics or graphite’s. Sometimes special wires are used to hang the sample
Gas delivery system is responsible for delivering the high temperature gas into the test chamber.
It includes components like gas cylinder, flow controller, gas analyzer and mass flow meter.
We can install a TGA instruments within the test chamber so that weight change of a sample
exposed to the corrosive gas environment can be monitored regularly. By monitoring the weight
loss or weight gain over time, it is possible to determine the rate of corrosion.
Figure 8: Schematic diagram of the apparatus used for corrosion studies.
The apparatus or test rig used for different high temperature gas corrosion may be different based on the
requirements of the experiments but the basic components required are same as mentioned above. The
apparatus are fairly complex and requires careful calibration and control to ensure accurate and repeatable
significantly better performing than those of uncoated steels in H2S/ H2O environment. When bare
stainless steel was exposed to H2S/H2O-Ar atmosphere it experienced a formation of sulfide and oxide
scale which was porous, readily spalling and not adherent to the substrate which was non protective in
the high temperature sulfidation environments. On the other hand, the aluminide-based coatings applied
to carbon steel and stainless steel showed almost no evidence of sulfide scale development. Further
analysis revealed that none of the thermal diffusion coatings had substantial case depth decrease or
alterations to their original structures, and that there was no pitting or blistering at the sulfidation site.
Almost negligible weight change was noticed in diffusion coated samples, which might be due to the
and strength Fe-Al/Cr-Al covalent bonds, multilayered structures, where each inert layer with
remarkable thickness protects the underneath inert layer and steel substrate, and diffusion-related
bonding between the protective layers and steel substrate are all factors that contribute to the improved
performance of the obtained coatings. The aluminide layer hardness measurements verified the integrity
of the high coatings. Due to the thin chemically inert Al2O3 coating that developed on the surface of
the aluminides as a result of high-temperature oxidation and which adheres perfectly to the substrate
an interior layer made of Fe-Al intermetallic compounds with dissolved Si and minimal Cr for a coated
steel. When exposed at 850 0C for 1 hours the outside, middle, and inner aluminide layers all exhibited
some porosity characteristics and developed quickly. With the exception of the porous area, where
aluminum diffused unevenly, the outer aluminide layer porous area saw some oxides develop. Coarsening
in internal defects too place when kept under oxidation condition for 24 hours, but Al, Fe, Si, and Cr were
evenly distributed throughout the aluminide layer. The aluminide layer had the same phases as the uncoated
specimen, which were Al, Si, FeAl3, Fe2Al5 and FeAl2. FeAl intermetallic predominated in the aluminide
layer period.
Five different phases were identified from the scale to the matrix: α-Al2O3+ FeAl, FeAl, FeAl2+η-
Fe2Al5, FeAl and steel substrate. The inclusion of Si in Al made the surface layer smooth and
enhanced the interfacial bond strength. It readily dissolved in the intermetallic compounds at the
surface and near surface with more solubility in FeAl than other compounds.
Figure 9: (a) Cross section micrograph of aluminide steel exposed at 850 °C for 8 h, (b)
EDS results showing the concentration variations of Al, Fe, Cr, and Si elements
The cross-sectional micrograph of the specimens oxidized at different temperatures is shown below. The
Al present at the top layer disappears within no time due to inward diffusion of Al and outward growth of
aluminide layers. Small number of microcracks are also seen as the aluminides starts growing. The
generation of the cracks can be due to the mismatch in the thermal expansion of the brittle intermetallic
layers like Fe2Al5, FeAl2 and the steel substrate caused due to tensile stresses generated due thermal cycles.
The cracks developed rapidly when Fe2Al5 and FeAl2 were the main phases. As the Fe2Al5 and FeAl2
converted to FeAl the cracks were only seen in the top layer.
A very thin α-Al2O3 layer was developed even after substantial exposer to the oxidizing atmosphere.
Figure 10: Optical cross-sectional micrographs of specimens oxidized from 4 min to 56 h
at 750, 850, and 950 °C, where a, b, c, d, e, f, and g is presented as variation of the
microstructure as a function of test duration at 850 °C; h and i for 750 °C, j for 950 °C.
As Al diffused inward and oxidation consumption, voids and cavities began to appear beneath the Al2O3
scale as the oxidation duration rose. In this stage, Al inward diffusion may be dominant, while Al
consumption by the oxide growth is likely of secondary importance in the cavity development. Whereas,
the outwards diffusion of Fe from steel substrate leads to FeAl(Cr,Si) precipitate formation in the
intermetallic layers. The formation of the precipitate loosens the material which can be attributed to the
inward diffusion of Al and outwards diffusion of FeAl which leads to growth and vacancies generation in
the FeAl island. The loosening of the FeAl precipitate can be due to the coalescence of vacancies as well
as volume change during the phase transformation. The mechanism by which internal voids formed was
compatible with the Kirkendall effect, in which vacancies were net fluxed to the interface where they
condensed into voids due to different Fe and Al diffusion rates. After a long time due to tensile stresses
caused due to the phase transformation the cracks open further and lets the oxygen penetrate into Voids
coalesce, and leads to the internal oxidation. Which further leads to spallation and accelerated corrosion
attack. The rate of oxidation increases with increase in temperature. The oxidation follows a parabolic
rate during the entire oxidation process at any temperature soon after the alumina layer is formed on the
surface as expected.
Figure 11: Schematic configuration for the growth stages of aluminide layer and internal
void with oxides during oxidation at high temperature. (a) as-coated steel. (b) inward Al
diffusion and cracks formation. (c) the growth of FeAl2+ Fe2Al5 and FeAl precipitation.
(d) the growth of FeAl in FeAl2+ Fe2Al5 and oxides formation. (e) loose metals formation
in FeAl island. (f) internal voids formation. (g) the growth of voids and FeAl in the inner
aluminide layer. (h) the growth of FeAl phase through the entire aluminide layer.
Initially the oxidation rate was controlled by the interfacial reaction of oxygen with the Al on the surface,
corresponding to a rapid increase in weight. As the alumina protective film was developed the diffusion of
oxygen through the Al2O3 layer becomes the rate controlling step. As the temperature is continuously
increased the thickness of the intermetallic layer also increases due to increase in inter-diffusion of the Fe
and Al which leads to a depletion in Al concentration in the near surface region for oxide layer formation.
Also the rapid increase in thickness of the brittle intermetallic layer leads to crack generation due to high
stress accumulation. This leads to the breaking of the protective oxide film and breakaway oxidation of the
steel substrate. This also limits the healing properties of the Al2O3 protective oxide layer.
Similar mechanism can also be expected during high temperature exposure to sulfidation atmosphere.
of steels in high-temperature environments. The composition, thickness, and structure of aluminide coatings
all play important roles in determining their effectiveness in providing protection against sulfidation and
Composition: The composition of the aluminide coating is critical in determining its resistance to
sulfidation and oxidation. Generally, the coating should have a high aluminum content (at least 90%)
to form a protective oxide layer on the surface of the steel. Other elements, such as silicon and
chromium, can be added to the coating to enhance its performance. The composition of the coating
influences its ability to form protective oxide film and repair. Al rich coating tends to form protective
alumina scales, however, excessive aluminum can lead to formation of brittle intermetallic phases
Thickness: The thickness of the aluminide coating is also important, as it affects the diffusion of sulfur
and oxygen through the coating. A thicker coating will generally provide better protection against
sulfidation and oxidation, but it may also increase the likelihood of cracking or delamination due to
thermal stresses. Optimal thickness varies depending on the specific application, but coatings in the
Structure: The structure of the aluminide coating can also impact its performance. The coating can be
either single-phase (Fe-AL) or multi-phase (Fe3Al, FeAl, Fe2Al5 and FeAl3 phases). The microstructure
of the coating can also vary, with different crystal structures and grain sizes affecting the coating
properties. A finer-grained structure can improve the coating adherence and resistance to cracking.
Further the texture of the coating can affect its tendency to form continuous oxide film at the surface.
In order to achieve a better sulfidation-oxidation resistance the composition, thickness and structure oF the
coating should be optimal such that the damage to the substrate should be minimized.
6. Conclusion
Due to the versatility of the thermal diffusion coating it is applicable in various steels and alloys for high
temperature application. The ease with which the coating can be applied to the components with complex
shapes and sizes by various techniques makes it the one of the best coating process used in the high
temperature applications. The formation of the protective alumina coating as well as hard intermetallic
diffusion layer makes it a suitable candidate for the corrosion and wear resistance application at high
temperatures. The performance of the thermal diffusion coating with respect to the bare uncoated steel
under high temperature sulfidation and oxidation atmosphere is excellent. Where the bare stainless steel
forms non-protective oxide and sulfide scales leading to a spallation, a simple carbon steel coated with
aluminide coating tends to be inert under high temperature sulfidation and oxidation environment. But
slowly as the temperature increases the oxidation rates also increases. Also the growth on the brittle
intermetallic layer leads to generation of the cracks in the protective film. This leads to a breakaway
corrosion limiting the lifetime of the component. Breaking and detachment of the brittle intermetallic
layer can take place at high temperature exposing the substrate to accelerated attack and high temperature
The addition of the reactive elements like Zr, Mo, Y, Th etc can lead to a better adhesion property of the
intermetallic layer with the substrate which can enhance the lifetime and protect from breakaway
oxidation. A oxide layer coating of M-O bond like SnO2, TiO2, ZrO2, ThO2, Al2O3, Y2O3 with a high
crystalline lattice energy and a high degree of covalence can be carefully applied for protection on tgop of