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Management is a vital aspect of the economic life of man, which is an

organised group activity. A central directing and controlling agency is
indispensable for a business concern.

Definition Of Management

According to Peter F Drucker - "Management is a multi-purpose organ that

manages a business and manages managers and manages worker and

In the words of Henry Fayol - "To manage is to forecast and to plan, to

organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to control".

Characteristics Of Management

• Management aims at reaping rich results in economic terms:

Manager's primary task is to secure the productive performance through

planning, direction and control.
It is expected of the management to bring into being the desired results.
• Management also implies skill and experience in getting things
done through people:

Management involves doing the job through people. The economic function
of earning profitable return cannot be performed without enlisting co-
operation and securing positive response from "people".
• Management is a process:

"Management is a social process involving co-ordination of human and

material resources through the functions of planning, organising, staffing,
leading and controlling in order to accomplish stated objectives".

• Management is a universal activity:

Management is not applicable to business undertakings only. It is applicable

to political, social, religious and educational institutions also. Management is
necessary when group effort is required.

• Management is a Science as well as an Art:

Management is an art because there are definite principles of management.
It is also a science because by the application of these principles
predetermined objectives can be achieved.
• Management is a Profession:
Management is gradually becoming a profession because there are
established principles of management which are being applied in practice,
and it involves specialised training and is governed by ethical code arising
out of its social obligations

• Management is a group activity:

Management comes into existence only when there is an group activity
towards a common objective.

• Management is Goal Oriented:

Management is a purposeful activity. It is concerned with the achievement
of pre-determined objectives of an organisation.

• Different Levels of Management:

Management is needed at different levels of an organisation namely top
level, middle level and lower level

Taylor And Scientific Management

“Scientific management is concerned with knowing exactly what you want

your men to
do and then see in that they do it in the best and cheapest way.”

1. Seperation of planning and doing

2. Functional foremanship

3. Job analysis:

Time study

Motion study

Fatigue study

4. Standardisation
5. Scientific selection and training of workers:

6. Financial incentives

Fayol’s Administrative Management

“To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organize, to coordinate and to


1. Division of work:

2. Authority and responsibility:

3. Discipline

4. Unity of command

5. Unity of direction

6. Centralisation:

Hawthorne Experiment
The Hawthorne experiment consists of four parts. These parts are briefly
described below:-

1. Illumination Experiment.

2. Relay Assembly Test Room Experiment.

3. Interviewing Programme.

4. Bank Wiring Test Room Experiment.

Illumination Experiment:
• establish relationship between output and illumination.
• When the intensity of light was increased, the output also increased.
• Therefore, it was concluded that there is no consistent relationship
between output of workers and illumination in the factory.
• There must be some other factor which affected productivity.
Relay Assembly Test Room Experiment:

• other factors like length of the working day, rest hours, and other

physical conditions.

• In this experiment, a small homogeneous work-group of six girls was


• These girls were friendly to each other and were asked to work in a

very informal atmosphere

• under the supervision of a researcher. Productivity and morale

increased considerably during the period of the experiment.

• The researchers concluded that socio-psychological factors such as

feeling of being important, recognition, attention, participation,

cohesive work-group, and non-directive supervision held the key for

higher productivity.

Mass Interview Programme:

The findings confirmed the importance of social factors at work in the total

work environment.

Bank Wiring Test Room Experiment.

• This group comprised of 14 workers

• After the experiment, the production records of this group were

compared with their earlier production records.

• It was observed that the group evolved its own production norms for
each individual worker, which was made lower than those set by the

Functions of Management (“POSD CORB”)

1) Planning:
Planning means forecasting or predicting the future activity in a specific
manner or structure. It is the basic function and essential for all the

2) Organizing:
It is collection or joining of all the resources available within the
organizational and outside, in order to achieve the organizational goal with

3) Staffing:
It involves appointing the right man for the right job at the right time. The
management is to analyze the human resource, see if he is suitable for the
job and accordingly allocate the work in the organization.

4) Directing:
It is showing the correct path or correct way to achieve the organizational
goal within the stipulated time.


Controlling as a function involves regulating the person or examining the

person whether he is working in the right way or not. In order to achieve the
common goal as efficient as possible.

5) Coordinating:
It is a type of support function. It involves accumulating the work to achieve
the task.

6) Budgeting:
It means allocation of the resources. It involves financial planning for the
future activities.

7) Reporting:
It is a statement showing the various activities to the top management. It
shows the status of the work done.

Denotes the determination of short-to-long-range plans to achieve the
objectives of organisation.


According to Louis A Allen

"Management planning involves the development of forecasts, objectives,

policies, programmes, procedures, schedules and budgets".

Nature of Planning

1. Planning is goal-oriented:

2. Primacy of Planning:
3. Pervasiveness of Planning:
Planning is found at all levels of management. Top management looks
after strategic planning. Middle management is in charge of administrative
planning. Lower management has to concentrate on operational planning.

4. Efficiency, Economy and Accuracy:

5. Co-ordination:

6. Limiting Factors:

7. Flexibility:
The process of planning should be adaptable to changing environmental
8. Planning is an intellectual process:
The quality of planning will vary according to the quality of the mind of the
Importance Of Planning :

• To manage by objectives:

• To offset uncertainty and change:

• To secure economy in operation:

• To help in co-ordination:

• To make control effective:

• To increase organisational effectiveness:

Planning Process

1. Analysis of External Environment:

The external environment covers uncontrollable and unpredictable factors

such as technology, market, socio-economic climate, political conditions etc.,
within which our plans will have to operate.

2. Analysis of Internal Environment:

The internal environment covers relatively controllable factors such as

personnel resources, finance, facilities etc., at the disposal of the firm. Such
an analysis will give an exact idea about the strengths and weakness of the

3. Determination of Mission:

The "mission" should describe the fundamental reason for the existence of
an organisation. It will give firm direction and make out activities meaningful
and interesting.

3. Determination of Objectives:

The organisational objectives must be spelled out in key areas of operations

and should be divided according to various departments and sections. The
objectives must be clearly specified and measurable as far as possible. Every
member of the organisation should be familiar with its objectives.

5. Forecasting:

Forecasting is a systematic attempt to probe into the future by inference

from known facts relating to the past and the present. Intelligent
forecasting is essential for planning. The management should have no stone
unturned in reducing the element of guesswork in preparing forecasts by
collecting relevant data using the scientific techniques of analysis and

4. Determining Alternative course of Action:

It is a common experience of all thinkers that an action can be performed

in several ways, but there is a particular way which is the most suitable
for the organisation. The management should try to find out these
alternatives and examine them carefully in the light of planning premises.

7. Evaluating Alternative Courses:

Having sought out alternative courses and examined their strong and weak
points, the next step is to evaluate them by weighing the various factors.

8. Selecting the Best:

The next step - selecting the course of action is the point at which the plan
is adopted. It is the real point of decision-making.

9. Establishing the sequence of activities:

After the best programme is decided upon, the next task is to work out its
details and formulate the steps in full sequences.

10. Formulation of Action Programmes:

There are three important constituents of an action plan:

• The time-limit of performance.
• The allocation of tasks to individual employees.
• The time-table or schedule of work so that the functional objectives
are achieved within the predetermined period

11. Reviewing the planning process:

Through feedback mechanism, an attempt is made to secure that which was

originally planned. To do this we have to compare the actual performance
with the plan and then we have to take necessary corrective action to ensure
that actual performance is as per the plan.
Chester I Bernard, "Organisation is a system of co-operative activities of
two or more persons."


• Consideration of unity of objectives: The objective of the

undertaking influences the organisation structure. There must be unity
of objective so that all efforts can be concentrated on the set goals.

• Specialisation: Effective organisation must include specialisation.

Precise division of work facilitates specialisation.

• Co-ordination: Organisation involves division of work among people

whose efforts must be co-ordinated to achieve common goals. Co-
ordination is the orderly arrangement of group effort to provide unity
of action in the pursuit of common purpose.

• Clear unbroken line of Authority: It points out the scalar principle

or the chain of command. The line of authority flows from the highest
executive to the lowest managerial level and the chain of command
should not be broken.
• Responsibility: Authority should be equal to responsibility i.e., each
manager should have enough authority to accomplish the task

• Efficiency: The organisation structure should enable the enterprise to

attain objectives with the lowest possible cost.
• Delegation: Decisions should be made at the lowest competent level.
Authority and responsibility should be delegated as far down in the
organisation as possible.

• Unity of Command: Each person should be accountable to a single

superior. If an individual has to report to only one supervisor there is a
sense of personal responsibility to one person for results.

• Span of Management: No superior at a higher level should have

more than six immediate subordinates. The average human brain can
effectively direct three to six brains (i.e., subordinates).

• Communication: A good communication sub-system is essential for

smooth flow of information and understanding and for effective
business performance.

• Flexibility: The organisation is expected to provide built in devices to

facilitate growth and expansion without dislocation. It should not be
rigid or inelastic.


Departmentation is the process of dividing and grouping the activites and

employees f an enterprise into the departments.
In manufacture concern, the total work may be divided into the following

• Purchase
• Production
• Marketing
• Personnel and
• Finance
Purchase Department

 Purchase of raw materials.

 Maintenance of necessary records pertaining to materials.

 Stores control, etc.

• Production Department

 Manufacture.

 Quality control.

 Plant maintenance, etc.

• Marketing Department

 Departmention of sales targets.

 Appointment of dealers and distributors.

 Advertisement and sales promotion.

 Monitoring the performance of salesman, etc.

• Personnel Department

 Recruitment and selection of employees.

 Training

 Wage administration, etc.

• Finance Department

 Provision of working capital and also

 Fixed capital for all other departments.


 Departmentation by functions

 Departmentation by products

 Departmentation by Territory

 Departmentation by Customers

 Departmentation by Numbers and Time

Line organization:
It is known as military organization. Here the superior at the top makes
decisions and communicates his decisions and assigns certain work to his
immediate subordinate. There is a vertical downwards flow of authority and
an upward flow of responsibility in such an organization.
Staff Organization :
In this kind of organization staff experts are specialists in specific areas,

assist the line personnel. The experts do not have the powers to command

and subordinates other than those who are under their direct control .

According to Billy E Goetz - "Management control seeks to compel events

to conform plans".

Managerial control has certain characteristic feature. They are:

 Control is the function of every manager

 Control leads to appraisal of past activities.

 Control is linked with future,

 Control is concerned with setting standards

 Control implies taking corrective measures.

 Control can be exercised only with reference to and or the basis of


 Control involves continuous review of standards of performance and

results in corrective action which may lead to change in the

performance of other functions of management. This makes control a

dynamic and flexible process.

 Control is a continuous activity.

Techniques of Control

 Suitable
 Timely and Forward Looking:
 Objective and Comprehensive:
 Flexible
 Economical:
 Acceptable to Organisation Members:
 Motivate People to High Performance:
 Corrective Action:
 Reflection of Organisation Pattern:
 Human Factor:
 Direct Control
 Focus on Strategic Points:

Decision Making

 The decision-maker has freedom to choose an alternative.

 Decision-making may not be completely rational but may be

judgemental and emotional.

 Decision-making is goal-oriented.

 Decision-making is a mental or intellectual process because the final

decision is made by the decision-maker.

 A decision may be expressed in words or may be implied from


 Choosing from among the alternative courses of operation implies

uncertainty about the final result of each possible course of operation.

 Decision making is rational. It is taken only after a thorough analysis

and reasoning and weighing the consequences of the various


Types of Decisions

 Programmed and Non-Programmed Decisions:

 Strategic and Tactical Decisions:

Characteristics of Decisions

 Action Orientation,

 Goal Direction,

 Effective in Implementation.


Organisational Behaviour
The study of organisational behaviour is primarily concerned with the

psychosocial, interpersonal and behavioural dynamics in orgnanisations.

Origin of OB

In 1776, Adam Smith advocated a new form of organisational structure

based on the
division of labour

Fredrick Winslow Taylor who introduced the systematic use of goal setting
and rewards to motivate employees



• Understanding Global Organisational Behaviour:

 The creation of a global village

 Work force diversity

 Improving quality and productivity to match global standards

 Improving people skills

 Moving towards employee empowerment

 Improving ethical behaviour

 Multiculturalism and diversity.

• Working with people from different cultures:

• Movement of jobs to countries with low cost labour:

• Workforce Diversity
Goals of Organisational Behaviour

• Explain individual and group behaviour:

• Predict certain behavioural response to change:

• Control behaviour:


Attitude is defined as a more or less stable set of predisposition of opinion,

interest or

purpose involving expectancy of a certain kind of experience and readiness

with an

appropriate response.


• An attitude is the predisposition of the individual to evaluate some

objects in a favourable or an unfavourable manner.

• The most pervasive phenomenon is "attitude". People at work place

have attitudes about lots of topics that are related to them. These

attitudes are firmly embedded in a complex psychological structure of

• Attitudes are different from values. Values are the ideals, whereas

attitudes are narrow, they are our feelings, thoughts and behavioural

tendencies toward a specific object or situation.

• Attitude is a predisposition to respond to a certain set of facts.

• Attitudes are evaluative statements - either favourable or unfavourable

concerning the objects, people or events.


 Attitudes determine meaning

 Attitudes reconcile contradictions:

 Attitudes organise facts:

 Attitudes select facts:


 Job Satisfaction

 Job Involvement

 Organisational Commitment:


Floyd L Ruch

"the human personality includes:

• External appearance and behaviour or social stimulus value

• Inner awareness of self as a permanent organizing force
• The particular pattern or organization of measurable traits, both "inner
and outer"."



o Locus of Control ( Position or Location )

o Machiavellianism ( Cunning )
o Self-esteem
o Self-efficacy
o Self-monitoring
o Positive/Negative affect
o Risk Taking
o Type A Personality,

Perception involves the way we view the world around us. It adds, meaning to
information gathered via the five senses of touch, smell, hearing, vision and taste.
Perception is the primary vehicle through which we come to understand our
surroundings and ourselves.

 In the perceiver
 In the object or target being perceived or
 In the context of the situation in which the perception is made.

Characteristics of the Perceiver

 Attitudes:

 Moods:

 Motives:

 Self-Concept:

 Interest:

 Cognitive Structure ( Knowing )

 Expectations:

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