Analytic Philosophy and Alfred North Whitehead
Analytic Philosophy and Alfred North Whitehead
Analytic Philosophy and Alfred North Whitehead
A Term Paper
Submitted to
Rev. Fr. Danielito C. Santos, Ph.D.
Immaculate Conception Major Seminary
Tabe, Guiguinto, Bulacan
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirement in the Course
History of Contemporary Philosophy
Philosophy 302a
9 January 2020
I. Introduction:
During the modern period, there was a prevailing debate regarding the attainment of knowledge.
There were two dominant movements disputing about it, namely the rationalist and the empiricist.
In the rationalist view, for them, knowledge was a priori, already innate in our minds or has been
already within the structure of the mind.1 On the other hand, empiricists viewed that knowledge
was a posteriori, through an experience we can able to know something.2 This dispute lasted when
the German philosopher Immanuel Kant reconcile these views in his notion of transcendental
idealism.3 After this Kantian period, and then the Hegelian notion of Idealism, in the latter part of
the 19th century, this notion was bridging into a new philosophical movement that brings
Philosophy as an ancilla on the clarification and verifying scientific claims. It was, then, flourished
in the United Kingdom and America and, thus, it was named Analytic Philosophy.
One of the well-known philosophers of this movement was Alfred North Whitehead. He was
born in Kent, England on February 15, 1861. He was educated first at the Sherburne School at
Dorsetshire and then at Trinity College in Cambridge wherein he attained Bachelor of Arts in
Mathematics. In 1885, at the age of 24, he became a fellow of Trinity College and remained there
in a teaching role until 1910. Whitehead published his first major work on mathematics, namely A
Treatise on Universal Algebra with Application, published in 1898, which brought him to be
elected as Fellow of Royal Society.4 During his professorship at Trinity College, Bertrand Russell
The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, 2nd ed., s.v. “Rationalism.”
Ibid., s.v. “Empiricism.”
Rev. Fr. Ronaldo Tuazon, Ph.L., “Series of Lectures in History of Modern Philosophy, First Semester AY 2019-
2020,” (lecture, Immaculate Conception Major Seminary, Guiguinto, Bulacan, September 2019). Transcendental
Idealism was Kant’s doctrine that emphasizes the possibility of knowing objects as itself empirically and rationally.
Granville C. Henry, Jr., “Whitehead’s Philosophical Response to the New Mathematics,” in Explorations in
Whitehead’s Philosophy, ed. Lewis S. Ford and George L. Kline (New York: Fordham University Press, 1983), 15.
entered the college as a student in Mathematics. Russell became the student of Whitehead and
eventually, they collaborate for a book in the field of mathematics and logic, the Principia
Mathematica, which considered as the most significant book in the early 20th century. In 1910, he
resigned from Trinity College in Cambridge and moved to London. After being unemployed for a
year, he then accepted the position as lecturer at University College London. Afterward, he also
accepted the position as professor of applied mathematics at the Imperial College London. In 1918
administrative positions within the University of London system, of which Imperial College
London was a member at the time. He was elected dean of the Faculty of Science at the University
of London in late 1918, a member of the University of London's Senate in 1919, and chairman of
the Senate's Academic Council in 1920. Also, he was involved in practical issues affecting the
the philosophy of science. In 1924, at the age of sixty-three, Whitehead agreed to become a
professor of philosophy at Harvard University, a position he held until retirement in 1937. It was
there in the same university where he wrote and published his famous work of metaphysics, the
Process and Reality. He died on December 30, 1947, and per the explicit instructions in his will,
His engagement with the movement of analytic philosophy was brought about by his earlier
career as a professor of mathematics and logic. Upon his venture to the academic parlance, having
specialization in mathematics and logic, there are people who influenced him which inspired and
moved him to publish important books, to postulate significant theories, and to introduce new
was fascinated to the lecture of J.J. Thompson entitled The Poynting Flux of Energy in
Electrodynamics. The lecture described as “the transmission of energy with quantitative flow and
definite direction.”5 Hence, this idea of the flux of energy led him to view nature “as routes of
events or occasions inheriting from each other.”6 Even though this notion was visible in his later
works, subsequently, it became a driving force, an inspiration, for him to his early works. German
mathematician and logician Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege influenced Whitehead with his work
on Logicism that which holds that “mathematics itself is just an extension of logic, and therefore
that some or all mathematics is reducible to logic.” 7 Immanuel Kant influenced him when he
formulated and introduced the concept of Symbolic Logic in Principia Mathematica. His work on
logic was influence by Aristotle since they made the traditional logic, as can be seen in Organon,
His works were divided into three periods which roughly pertains to the schools wherein he
taught and served. The first period pertains to his education and professorship at Trinity College,
Cambridge from 1884 to 1910 which primarily focused on his position in mathematics and logic.8
During this period, he published numerous books about mathematics and logic, A Treatise on
Universal Algebra with Application, Principia Mathematica, The Concept of Nature, to name a
few. The second period denotes his professorship at the University of London wherein, as
mentioned above, he was concerned for the education system given to the working-class and was
started to write some philosophical writings on the philosophy of science. The third period was his
journey to America and taught at Harvard University from 1924 to 1937. In Harvard, he became a
The Encyclopedia of Philosophy Vol. 8, s.v. “Alfred North Whitehead.”
L. Marin, “Logicism,” The Basics of Philosophy,
(accessed December 18, 2019).
Dr. Edgar S. Yanga, Ph.D., “Whitehead’s Concept of Reality,” Vita: A Journal of Philosophy and Arts 1, no. 1
(2010): 57.
rigorous and voracious writer of philosophy, hence, he was able to publish important books on the
philosophy of education, The Aims of Educations and Other Essays, and his magnum opus in
It is notable that the serious philosophical writings of Whitehead started in Cambridge and he
was the professor in mathematics for a long period of time. Hence, his analytic thought was
primarily shaped by his inquisitiveness and passion to have progress in mathematical parlance.
Even though, at the latter of his life, he shifted out his attention mathematics and logic “after he
was convinced that problems in the foundations of mathematics could not be solved
mathematically,”9 still his notions and contributions made a mark to this movement. Moreover, his
analytic notions became a foundation to his other contributions on philosophy of science and
metaphysics, visibly seen in his books Science and the Modern World (1925), The Concept of
Nature (1910), and, to his famous opus, Process and Reality (1929).
Analytic philosophy started “when the logical analysis of mathematical concepts became a
paradigm for conceptual clarification in philosophy.”10 The kind of logic that prevailed during the
establishment of the analytical movement was the Aristotelian logic, came from Aristotle’s book
The Organon. Thereafter, there are analytic philosophers who debunked or improved the classical
logic, one of which is Gottlob Frege and his notion on logicism wherein emphasizing mathematics
as part of logic. With this, Frege’s notion was later on enriched by Whitehead, having a
collaboration with Bertrand Russell, in the book Principia Mathematica. However, before he
joined Russell, he have his own line of thinking regarding mathematics and logic.
connectedness, in abstraction from the particular relata and the particular modes of connection.”11
Henry, Jr., “Whitehead’s Philosophical Response to the New Mathematics,” 14.
Ronny Desmet, “Was Whitehead an Analytical Philosopher?,” in Whitehead: The Algebra of Metaphysics, ed.
Ronny Desmet and Michel Weber (Belgium: Les Editions Chromatika, 2010), 211.
Alfred North Whitehead, Adventures of Ideas (New York: The Free Press, 1967), 153
This was his primary concern in mathematics, “a search for the true meaning of mathematical
existence.” 12 He insisted that there is a unifying concept, like an umbrella, to all aspects of
mathematics. Henceforth, it is the idea he developed on his first book, A Treatise on Universal
Algebra with Applications (1898). Accordingly, The Treatise was a development made by
give a general formal description of addition and multiplication which would hold for all
algebras.”13 Thus, he called this unifying notion in algebra as “universal algebra.” In the preface
of The Treatise on Universal Algebra with Applications, he wrote about the universal algebra:
Universal Algebra has been looked on with some suspicion by many mathematicians, as
being without intrinsic mathematical interest and as being comparatively useless as an engine
of investigation. Indeed in this respect Symbolic Logic has been peculiarly unfortunate; for
it has been disowned by many logicians on the plea that its interest is mathematical, and by
many mathematicians on the plea that its interest is logical. [...] I think, that Universal
Algebra has the same claim to be serious subject of mathematical study as any other branch
of mathematics.14
Whitehead was aware that his formulation of this new algebra would certainly provide a break
from the old mathematics. In order to counter-argue the claims and suspicions by other
mathematicians, that which of his claim that his universal algebra was a union factor to all
of all types of formal, necessary, deductive reasoning.”15 In this regard, Granville Henry, Jr. wrote
in his article that “this definition shows his feeling for and continuity with the English Formalist
Henry, Jr., “Whitehead’s Philosophical Response to the New Mathematics,” 14.
The Encyclopedia of Philosophy Vol. 8, s.v. “Alfred North Whitehead.”
Alfred North Whitehead, A Treatise on Universal Algebra with Applications (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1898), v.
Whitehead, A Treatise on Universal Algebra with Applications, iv.
school, which attempted to free mathematical formulation from necessary intuitive content.”16 As
being capable of producing formal contents in mathematics, his goal in A Treatise on Universal
Algebra with Applications, focusing only to the concern for the foundations of mathematics, “was
to find a ground of unity for the multiple systems in some common interpretation.”17
After the Treatise of Universal Algebra, Whitehead published another book entitled On
Mathematical Concepts of Material World (1906). In this book, “he put forth an interpretation of
world.”18 Comparing it to the Treatise of Universal Algebra, “there is a shift from mathematical
spaces to the generality of logic.”19 Furthermore, in the Treatise of Universal Algebra, logic was
not used in a comprehensive way as a formal tool in mathematics. On the other hand, in the book
On Mathematical Concepts, logic was used as the means to present the multiplicity of essential
relations, or general spaces.20 There was no strange use of logic as presented in this book, yet it
more emphasize the fact that it is the essential subject of mathematics rather than a device of
mathematics. Henceforth, the former became the main position of Whitehead in writing Principia
The main thesis of Principia Mathematica was “that mathematics is derivable from certain
formal logical relationship.”21 As mentioned earlier, it was originated from the notion of logicism
Henry, Jr., “Whitehead’s Philosophical Response to the New Mathematics,” 15.
Ibid., 15–16.
The Encyclopedia of Philosophy Vol. 8, s.v. “Alfred North Whitehead.”
Henry, Jr., “Whitehead’s Philosophical Response to the New Mathematics,” 18.
”General spaces in “On Mathematical Concepts...” were understood in terms of logic and the intuitions relevant
to it and vice versa, that is, logic understood in terms of general spaces, as was done in Universal Algebra.” Ibid.,
The Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy and Philosophers, s.v. “Alfred North Whitehead.”
by Frege. However, it come up to their attention when they heard the presentation of Giuseppe
Peano concerning the recent discoveries on logic. Actually, it was Bertrand Russell who became
most aquainted to the works of Peano on logic. Russell found Peano’s concept of symbolic logic
as a hope for “pure mathematics could be treated without Kantian intuitions or transcendental
arguments.”22 However, later on, Peano’s concept was just like the classical conception of logic –
a devise to mathematics.
As presented in the article written by Granville Henry, Jr., he indicate the task of Principia
It is good to point out that there was a transition in Whitehead’s thought, “from trying to ground
mathematics in a generalized mathematical space to the clothing of spaces (or essential relations)
in logical termimologies.”24 As what Elizabeth Ramsden Eames wrote, “In all of Whitehead’s
work from beginning to end there is a concern with generalized logical method...”25
Having these notions of Alfred North Whitehead in analytic philosophy, there are some
Under the universal algebra, there is great conviction of Whitehead concerning the intuitive
content of mathematics. Whitehead was certain that “there is always some ontological content
corresponding to mathematical reality allowed him the freedom to create apparently “fanciful”
The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, 2nd ed., s.v. “Bertrand Russell.”
Henry, Jr., “Whitehead’s Philosophical Response to the New Mathematics,” 20.
Elizabeth Ramsden Eames, Bertrand Russell’s Dialogue with His Contemporaries (New York: W.W. Norton &
Kronecker, Richard Dedekind and K. Weierstrass, because for them “there was the ever present
possibility that a mathematical system that was rigorous in all respects might still be no more than
Another criticism occurred in the Principia Mathematica. As it was mentioned earlier, the main
argument of the book was the mathematics was derivable from formal logic, “by which the logical
system created from these axioms is sufficient to deduce the ordinary propositions of arithmethic,
algebra, geometry, analysis, etc., from the original primitive ideas. 28 It was proved then to be
impossible by the Austrian Logician Kurt Gödel through his Incompleteness Theorem. In this
theorem, it discredit the thesis presented on the Principia Mathematica and concluded that its
program “to reduce mathematics from a simple set of logical axioms...”29 was impossible.
Henry, Jr., “Whitehead’s Philosophical Response to the New Mathematics,” 16.
Ibid., 20.
Ibid., 21.
III. Conclusion:
Before he became a Catholic in his later years, during his childhood years, he had experienced
experience resonated on his intellectual journey and how he see things around him. From his book
always emphasize that there must be unifying concept or an interrelatedness of mathematics and
In the book A Treatise on Universal Algebra with Applications, Whitehead sought for the
unifying concept of mathematics which later on he called as universal algebra. It was also seen in
his book On Mathematical Concepts of Material World in which he emphasize the unifying
relationship between mathematics and logic, that logic is the essential subject in mathematics
rather than a tool. Moreover, in his book Principia Mathematica, with his agreement to Russell,
he sought to unify mathematical concepts by reducing it simple logical axioms. If it can simply
put in an ordinary language, Whitehead actually seeks a single answer to many problems, unlike
Primary Sources:
Secondary Sources:
Eames, Elizabeth Ramsden. Bertrand Russell’s Dialogue with His Contemporaries. New York:
W.W. Norton & Company, 1989.
Journal Article:
Yanga, Ph.D., Dr. Edgar S. “Whitehead’s Concept of Reality.” Vita: A Journal of Philosophy
and Arts 1. no. 1 (2010): 57-62.
Tuazon, Ph.L., Rev. Fr. Ronaldo. “Series of Lectures in History of Modern Philosophy, First
Semester AY 2019-2020.” Lecture: Immaculate Conception Major Seminary,
Guiguinto, Bulacan.