Nez Perce

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Ishmail R. Coleman 6.7.

2015 Project 1

1.) - Creation story of all animals and humans, in which the coyote caused animals and
humans to evolve from current state.
- Coyote is responsible for providing subsistence for the people with salmon ladder.
- The abilities that the Coyote performed for subsistence is reminiscent of Native American
Subsistence practices.
- Coyote is taking on the role of God by means of providing for people and creating.
- Coyote learns that the people have gone missing and is in great danger.
- Coyote learns the basis of the problem being the monster, so he plans to strategically deal
with the issue by planning his attack.
- The obstacles that Coyote uses to his advantage to defeat the monster becomes primary
tools and resources for humans (Native Americans) when they are created.
- Coyote makes a journey to redeem his people and bring justice to the monster that has
taken them (similar to God).
- The Coyote uses cunningness, cleverness, and trickery in order to infiltrate the Monster.
- As he makes his way into the Monster, he leaves resources that the humans can use when
they arrive, similar to God leaving us resources on the earth for our survival and
- He travels into the body of the Monster in order to save his people.
- Many of the animal encounters that the Coyote has provide explanations to why certain
animals have specific body parts and functions (example the bear and snake).
- The Coyote finds animal friends who are willing to help him defeat the monster.
- The Coyote uses fire and smoke to try and succumb the monster. It affects sensory
organs and sensitive organs.
- Stubbornness gets to the Monster, and he has difficulty casting out the Coyote.
- Once the fire reaches the Monsters heart, he begins to feel the pain.
- The Monster is defeated and the animals escape the body of the Monster.
- The Coyote begins to divide up food and resources to each of the tribes that he created.
- He gives specific tribes specific characteristics and attributes that assist in their survival.
- The Coyote washes his bloody hands and throws his blood over the land and blesses the
people with strength.
- The creation of the Nez Pearce and other tribes occur.

2.) – The Coyote is responsible for the creation of animals and humans and evolves them
from their current state.
- The Coyote provides for the people and creates subsistence methods that were used by
many humans and leaves resources for humans that they can use for their survival and
- Defeating the Monster allows for humans and animals to thrive.
- The land and humans are blessed by the Coyote, in which everyone is giving
characteristics that is used to help survive.
Ishmail R. Coleman 6.7.2015 Project 1

3.) The primary social messages of this story are:

- Size doesn’t matter, whether big or small, courage, cleverness, and intelligence will
prevail over hardships.
- Don’t judge a book by its cover, because it is the pages that will determine the quality, in
which they coyote was underestimated by the Monster and some animals inside, in which
he overcame the doubts and prevailed.
- Remain respectful, loyal, trustworthy, and kind to your people and stick together.
- Listen and be obedient to your elders and wise people, because they provide the means of
survival so that generations can thrive.

4.) Binary Oppositions

Different vs Same
Cleverness vs senselessness
Monster vs normal
Young vs old
Men vs women
Hide vs reveal
Lonely vs together
Dying vs alive
Save vs harm
Trust vs untrustworthy
Fear vs courage
Opening vs closing
Sunrise vs sunset
North vs South
East vs West
Small vs big
Tall vs short
Pile vs arrange
Scattered vs assemble
Swallow vs regurgitate
Imprisoned vs free

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