Middle Homo Sapians Anthropology
Middle Homo Sapians Anthropology
Middle Homo Sapians Anthropology
Evolutionary summary:
setting the stage for human origins
Searching for Hominin Ancestors
Sediba were an
evolutionary dead
Gracile end
were ancestral to
the genus Homo?
Larger brain relative to body size
In Homo because of
association with stone tools
Origins in Africa
1.9 mya
1st hominin to move
› China
› Eurasia
› Indonesia
› Western Europe (?)
Regional variation
human stature range
Large browridges
Thick bones
1. Larger body size
2. Limb proportions
are humanlike
Nariokotome Boy:
Lake Turkana, Kenya
Acheulean tradition:
tradition tool industry of
Homo erectus that used hand-axes in
Africa, Europe and S.W. Asia
› Swiss army knife of Paleolithic
› Not found in China
Complex Acheulean tradition
Behavioral flexibility to survive different
Cooperative hunting of larger game
Likely the 1st hominin to utilize fire
› Earliest in Asia & South Africa
Did not manufacture, used natural fires
Would allow living in colder climates,
and possibly cooking
- permanent shelters in caves & huts
of oval huts
based on
evidence from
Terra Amata site
Nice, France
Complex social skills
Right handedness in
stone tools
› Associated with
language abilities
Large hypoglossal
› Opening in skull for
tongue nerve-
important for speaking
Brain endocasts show organization of
brain = language ability
Meat Brain
Brain consumes a lot of energy!
Higher consumption of meat protein
needed to support a bigger brain
Meat eating means eating less often
› Need/have more complex tools for
successful hunting
“The Muddle in the Middle”
“H. heidelbergensis
• Morphologically intermediate b/t H. erectus
& H. sapiens, but is NOT a Neanderthal
• Versus H. erectus:
• Smaller Face
• Larger brain
• Braincase shape is intermediate
H. erectus