Meditation On The Self

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I 1. In Easy Pose, hands in Guyan

Mudra,. raise left arm 60° up
and hold with long, deep breath-

I ing for 2 minutes. '!hen switch

anns and repeat. .

I 2. Release arms down and meditate

at the 10th Gate (the Crown
I O1akra at the top of the head)
for 3 minutes.

I 3.Arms out to sides, palms up,

hold with Breath of Fire for
I 3 minutes and then relax.

I 4. Perform 15 Frogs: Heels to-

gether and raised, fingertips
on floor between knees, head
I raised, inhale and straighten
. knees, lifting buttocks while
dropping head to knees, arms

I and legs straight, hands and

feet remaining in place. Inhale
up a"ld exhale down.

5. In Rock Pose, lie back on

I the heels with long, deep breath-

ing, pulling Mulbhand on each
ex.lw.le for 3 minutes.

6. Standing, raise up to toes

I and straighten arms overhead,

fingers entwined in inverted
Venus IDck, palms facing ceiling.
Hold with long, deep breathing
I for 3 minutes.


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