Television Genres Encyclopedia Article
Television Genres Encyclopedia Article
Television Genres Encyclopedia Article
Television Genres
some cases, mixed genres. The term “genre” comes from the French
invariable have a violent crime, a search for its perpetrators, and often
per se, but specific television programs—or, to use the term popular in
academic circles, texts. All media are based on texts, which all fall into
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in recent years because we have become concerned about how genres affect
the creation of television programs, what the social, cultural and political
implications of different genres may be, how genres begin and evolve and
why some genres, such as the western, died out after years of great popularity.
We can say that genre studies started with the writings of Aristotle
Our subject being epic poetry, I propose to speak not only of the art in
Tragedy, on the other hand, involves the fall of a great person and is
and misery.” Aristotle’s rules for tragedies and comedies dominated the
our interest in television genres. And that is, how do we “discover” genres.
They point out that we identify genres by looking for similarities in texts
plots, and important material objects (such as the white cowboy hat in
exist? Or what is the status of a “class” of things? This question is an old one
argue that only particular things exist, such as the show 60 Minutes, while
others argue that the class of shows called news programs is as real as any
classes of things while realists accept their reality. For our purposes, since we
are dealing with a class of television programs called genres, we must accept
the realist perspective. With few exceptions, the material found in literature
and the popular arts is an example of some genre or mixed genre. We do not
conventionally use genre to deal with serious novels but, rather, with popular
considered: the text itself, the creators and producers of the text, the
particular qualities of the medium which affects what can be done with it, and
target audience of the text, and the society in which the text is produced and
Medium Television
Each of these focal points can be connected to one another since they all
companies start imitating it, hoping to cash in on the popularity of the genre.
traditional genres, such as the reality show Survivor which generated many
the point of view and with the analytic tools of dramatic criticism and
As Esslin points out, in a typical week the average viewer in America sees the
equivalent of five or six stage plays a week. His figure might underestimate
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the amount of drama seen on television since he wrote his book in 1982. By
dramas Esslin means narrative fictions that generally involve conflict and the
genres that are not generally classified as dramas—texts such as new shows,
television shows. There are also a large number of mixed genre television
shows that have been developed, such as the docudrama and so-called reality
on television in the United States since our system of paying for television is
News shows. Television broadcasts many hours of local news and usually a
half hour of national network news, plus weekly news programs such as 60
Minutes, 20/20 and Sunday news interview shows such as Meet the Press.
News was originally seen as a public service but in recent years has become
political, social, cultural, economic and other topics of interest. The number
over the years, but there are still a number of documentaries found on public
television networks keep bringing new ones out every year since the payoff
most important situation comedies of recent years are Seinfeld, Frazier, and
Friends, each of which has gone into syndication and made enormous
amounts of money for the creators and producers. Most situation comedies
don’t last very long and many are taken off the air after only a few weeks.
baseball, basketball, football, tennis, track, golf, and car racing. Sports have a
dramatic quality to them because in many cases we cannot know what the
outcome of the contest will be until the contest is over. Many games are
decided in the final seconds of the game. Sports programs are one way that
advertisers can reach male viewers, aged 18 to 45, who are important target
Crime Shows. These shows deal with the battle between the police and
criminals of one kind or another and are generally extremely violent. Some
of the more popular crime shows of recent years are Crime Scene
crime show which might be called the classical detective show, which
involves crime but generally is not violent and uses a detective who solves the
Soap Operas. This genre produces programs that can last for decades. It is
Some soaps have young protagonists, such as The O.C (for Orange County),
Game Shows. These shows involve having participants guess the price of
some object or answer questions on some subject, with those who are
successful having the chance to win prizes and sometimes large sums of
money. These programs are cheap to produce and attract good size audiences
young children and often contain material that entertains and educates them.
Some children’s programs feature cartoons that are humorous but full of
material. Some of the more important children’s shows typically shown in the
United States are Sesame Street, Barney,and a British import, The Teletubbies
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Religious Programs. These programs deal with religious themes and feature
various television evangelists and other figures who talk about the Bible and
other religious texts and various topics relating to religion. Some of these
Talk Shows. There are many shows, such as Dr. Phil, that involve an expert in
some area, which are basically full of talk—by troubled individuals and
families, who are given advice by Dr. Phil. An important subcategory of these
shows are the late-night comedy talk shows, hosted by comedians such as
Reality Shows. These shows represent a new genre and in recent years have
become very popular. They are relatively inexpensive to produce since they
are not scripted. But they are highly edited and so aren’t as “real” as many
viewers think. They combine a number of different other genres and have
elements in them of contest shows, travel shows, Bay Watch-like girlie shows
them and find ways of instructing viewers and entertaining them at the same
there are cooking shows from 9:00 AM until 2:30 PM on Saturdays. There
are also cooking shows on other stations at various times. In these shows
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chefs (many of whom have become celebrities) teach viewers how to make
in them, and others which are stories about people who face problems and
find ways of dealing with them. In the fall 2006 season, programs with a
supernatural aspect, such as Lost, Heroes and Jericho were popular, but the
rate at which shows are taken off the air, when audiences stop watching them
in the desired numbers, means that they may not be around for very long.
When people say “I think I’ll watch some television,” they mean they
will watch some kind of program they like, such as a sports broadcast, a crime
show, or news show. When writers and producers create television programs,
they always have some genre, or combination of genres, in mind, which has
certain conventions they will follow. These conventions make it easier for
them to create new texts, since there are formulas they can follow, and for
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Kellner, Douglas.