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Scientia Horticulturae 220 (2017) 90–101

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Exogenous glutathione alleviates salt-induced oxidative stress in

tomato seedlings by regulating glutathione metabolism, redox status,
and the antioxidant system
Yan Zhou a,b,1 , Zelin Wen a,b,1 , Jianwei Zhang a,b , Xianjun Chen a,b , Jinxia Cui a,b , Wei Xu a,b ,
Hui-ying Liu a,b,∗
Department of Horticulture, Agricultural College, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, PR China
Key Laboratory of Special Fruits and Vegetables Cultivation Physiology and Germplasm Resources Utilization of Xinjiang Production and Construction
Crops, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of exogenous glutathione (GSH) on
Received 14 November 2016 tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Zhongshu No. 4) seedlings under NaCl stress (100 mM), particularly
Received in revised form 23 January 2017 the effects on (1) redox status, (2) antioxidative metabolism, and (3) the gene expression and activ-
Accepted 10 February 2017
ity of five enzymes related to GSH synthesis and metabolism. Salt stress resulted in an oxidative burst
Available online 2 April 2017
in tomato seedling leaves, as evidenced by increases in hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ), malondialdehyde
(MDA), and superoxide radical (O2 • − ). Salt stress also reduced leaf GSH level and GSH redox homeostasis,
whereas application of GSH reversed the negative effects of salt stress. Furthermore, application of GSH
NaCl stress
increased the transcript levels and activities of enzymes related to GSH synthesis and metabolism, includ-
Solanum lycopersicum ing gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (␥-ECS), glutathione synthetase (GS), glutathione-S-transferase
Glutathione metabolism (GST), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), glutathione reductase (GR). Application of GSH also enhanced the
Redox status activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxidase dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT)
and the enzymes involved in the ascorbate-glutathione cycle, and the contents of GSH and the ratios of
reduced and oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG) in the salt-stressed plants or salt-stress plants treated
with buthionine sulfoximine (BSO, inhibitor of GSH synthesis key enzyme gamma-glutamylcysteine
synthetase). Taken together, our findings demonstrate that exogenous GSH application increases resis-
tance to salt-induced oxidative stress by enhancing the antioxidant defense system, and regulating GSH
synthesis and metabolism to maintain cellular redox homeostasis.
© 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction and ion-specific toxicity, which in turn inhibits corp growth by

disrupting plant physiological processes. Salinity can promote the
Salt stress is one of the most harmful environmental factors accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in leaves when the
limiting crop growth and yield. Salt stress causes water deficit antioxidant capacity to detoxify ROS is low (Khan and Panda, 2002;
Apel and Hirt, 2004). The ROS can attack biomacromolecules, caus-
ing membrane lipid peroxidation, changes in antioxidative enzyme
activity and antioxidant content, and finally cell death (Li et al.,
Abbreviations: GSH, reduced glutathione; GSSH, oxidized glutathione; BSO, l-
2013). Plants have evolved detoxification strategies to cope with
buthionine-sulfoximine; AsA, reduced ascorbate; DHA, oxidized ascorbate; DTNB,

5,5 -dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid); FW, fresh weight; SOD, superoxide dis-
excessive ROS and maintain the ROS balance within cells (Mittler
mutase; POD, peroxidase; CAT, catalase; APX, ascorbate peroxidase; MDHAR, et al., 2004). Glutathione (GSH), its redox status (GSH/GSSG), and
monodehydroascorbate reductase; DHAR, dehydroascorbate reductase; GR, glu- GSH-related enzymes, including glutathione reductase (GR), glu-
tathione reductase; GPX, glutathione peroxidase; GST, glutathione-S-transferase; tathione peroxidase (GPX) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST), are
GS, glutathione synthetase; ␥-ECS, gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase; MDA, mal-
found to play an indispensable role in detoxification of ROS (Anjum
ondialdehyde; ROS, reactive oxygen species.
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Horticulture, Agricultural College, Shi- et al., 2012).
hezi University, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, PR China. Reduced glutathione (g-Glu-Cys-Gly, GSH), a major low
E-mail address: (H.-y. Liu). molecular-weight free thiol tripeptide, is ubiquitous in plant and
These authors contributed equally to this study.
0304-4238/© 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Y. Zhou et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 220 (2017) 90–101 91

animal cells and crucial to a variety of life processes, including the leaves were fully expanded, the seedlings were transplanted into
maintenance of protein thiol, thioldisulfide exchange, removal of 12 L plastic containers (five seedlings per container) containing 10 L
hydroperoxides and free radicals, and amino acid transport across aerated full-strength nutrient solution.
membranes (Mendoza-Cózatl et al., 2005; Nahar et al., 2015a). The The seedlings were pre-cultured for 7 days before treatments.
GSH has unique redox and nucleophilic properties and is involved The experimental plots included five treatments: (a) Control:
in the cellular defense against the toxic actions of xenobiotics, no NaCl, no GSH (Roche, China), and no BSO (l-buthionine-
oxyradicals, salinity, acidity, and metal cations. The GSH can scav- sulfoximine, an inhibitor of GSH synthesis key enzyme ␥-ECS)
enge ROS either directly or indirectly via the ascorbate-glutathione (Sigma, USA); (b) NaCl: 100 mM NaCl; (c) NG: 100 mM NaCl + 5 mM
cycle, thioredoxin (Trx) and glutaredoxin (Grx) systems, sulphur GSH; (d) NB: 100 mM NaCl + 1 mM BSO; and (e) NBG: 100 mM
metabolism, regulation of cellular homeostasis, and signal trans- NaCl + 1 mM BSO + 5 mM GSH. The NaCl was added to the nutrient
duction (through either glutathionylation of proteins or thiol bridge solution. For the NG and NB treatment, 150 mL GSH and 150 mL
redox reactions) (Mittler et al., 2004; Riccillo et al., 2000; Romero- BSO were sprayed onto the seedling leaves at 10:00 a.m. every day
Puertas et al., 2004; Anjum et al., 2012). Thus, GSH is considered to for 15 days, respectively. For the NBG treatment, the entire foliar
be the major intracellular redox buffer (Foyer and Noctor, 2011). regions of salt-stressed plants were pretreated with 150 mL BSO for
GSH can act as the first line of defense against metal toxicity by 1 h and subsequently treated with 150 mL GSH. The concentrations
complexing metals before induced synthesis of phytochelatin (PC) of GSH, and BSO were selected according to the results of prelim-
reaches an effective level. GSH is also an immediate substrate for inary experiments (Supplementary material). The containers were
synthesis of PCs (Flores-Cáceres et al., 2015). Some reports suggest arranged in a randomized complete block with three replicates per
that intracellular GSH biosynthesis and accumulation can enhance treatment. There were three containers per treatment, giving a total
the resistance and adaptation of plants to various environmental of 15 containers. The light period in the greenhouses was about
stresses (Foyer and Noctor, 2011; Rausch et al., 2007). Glutathione 14 h. The air temperatures were 24–30 ◦ C during the day time and
is synthesized from l-glutamate, l-cysteine and glycine in two 17–20 ◦ C at night. The nutrient solutions were replaced every 3
ATP-dependent reactions catalyzed by gamma-glutamylcysteine days. Leaf samples were analyzed at day 5, 10, and 15 after the
synthetase (␥-ECS) and glutathionesynthetase (GS). Glutathione is treatments.
oxidized to GSSG as part of its cellular antioxidant defense, and
then, in turn, GSSG is reduced back to GSH by the action of GR using 2.2. Measurement of leaf Na+ and Cl− content
NADPH to maintain the highly reduced state of GSH/GSSG (Foyer
and Noctor, 2011; Seth et al., 2012). Both GPX and GST use the GSH For the determination of Na+ and Cl− contents, plant samples
pool as a substrate to detoxify H2 O2 and the xenobiotics by cat- (0.2 g) were digested in Triacid mixture, a mixture of HNO3 and
alyzing their conjugation with GSH. Ramakrishna and Rao (2013) H2 O2 in the ratio of 2:1. The content of ions was extracted in dis-
reported that exogenous HBR application regulated the activities tilled water by boiling for 30 min twice. The filtered extract was
of enzymes related to GSH synthesis and metabolism to keep H2 O2 used to measure specific ions. The Na+ content was analyzed using
levels under control and maintained cellular redox homeostasis, an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-
allowing radish seedlings to cope better with Zn2+ stress. OES, Thermo Scientific ICAP 6000 Series, Boston, USA), Cl− content
Many studies have shown that exogenous GSH enhances the was determined by titration against 0.02 N silver nitrate solution
growth and the antioxidant response of plants subjected to abi- using 5% K2 CrO4 as an indicator as described by Nazar et al. (2011).
otic stresses such as high temperature (Nahar et al., 2015a; Zhu
et al., 2016), drought (Nahar et al., 2015b), isoproturon (Nemat Alla 2.3. Lipid peroxidation
and Hassan, 2014) and heavy metal toxicity (Chen et al., 2010; Cai
et al., 2011; Estrella-Gómez et al., 2012; Qiu et al., 2013). In a previ- Lipid peroxidation was estimated by measuring leaf malon-
ous study, we observed that GSH application promoted the growth dialdehyde (MDA) content. Leaf MDA was determined using the
of salt-stressed tomato plants and enhanced salt-tolerance (Zhou method of Health and Packer (1968) with thiobarbituric acid (TBA)
et al., 2016), and also increased net photosynthetic rate by protect- as the reactive material. The MDA contents were calculated based
ing PSII from damage caused by excess energy, thus increasing the on absorption at 532 and 600 nm, with an extinction coefficient of
photochemical efficiency of PSII and the activity of the photosyn- 155 mM−1 cm−1 .
thetic dark reaction (Liu et al., 2014a,b).
However, there is no information about the effects of exogenous 2.4. H2 O2 content and O2 •− formation rate
GSH on glutathione synthesis, glutathione metabolism, and redox
homeostasis in plants under salt stress. Furthermore, little is known Leaf H2 O2 was assayed according to the method described by
about the mechanism by which GSH acts. Thus, the objective of this Yu et al. (2003). H2 O2 was extracted by homogenizing 0.5 g leaf
study was to test the hypothesis that exogenous GSH application tissue with 3 mL of phosphate buffer (50 m M, pH 6.5) at 4 ◦ C. The
may regulate or provide an effective strategy for combating salt homogenate was centrifuged at 6000 × g for 25 min. A supernatant
stress by stimulating the antioxidant defense system, GSH synthe- of 3 mL was mixed with 1 mL of 0.1% TiCl4 in 20% H2 SO4 (v/v), and
sis and metabolism, and by maintaining redox homeostasis. the mixture was then centrifuged at 6000 × g for 15 min at room
temperature. The optical absorption of the supernatant was mea-
sured spectrophotometrically at 410 nm to determine the H2 O2
2. Materials and methods content (expressed as ␮mol g−1 fresh weight).
The O2 − formation rate in the leaves was determined fol-
2.1. Plant materials and treatments lowing Elstner and Heupel (1976) with some modifications. Fresh
leaves (0.3 g) were homogenized in 3 cm3 of 65 mM potassium
Hydroponic experiments were carried out in a solar green- phosphate buffer (pH 7.8) and centrifuged at 5000 × g for 10 min.
house at the Shihezi University Agricultural Experiment Station, The supernatant was mixed with the extraction buffer and 10 mM
Shihezi University, China. Tomato seeds (Solanum lycopersicum L. hydroxylamine hydrochloride (at the ratio of 10.7:9.1:1) and incu-
cv. Zhongshu No. 4) were germinated on moist filter paper in the bated at 25 ◦ C for 20 min. The solution was then mixed with 17 mM
dark at 28 ◦ C for 2 days. Then, the germinated seeds were sown sulfanilamide and 7 mM naphthylamine (at the ratio of 1:1) and
in trays filled with a 2:1 peat:vermiculite (v/v). When the second incubated again at 25 ◦ C for 20 min. The absorbance was measured
92 Y. Zhou et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 220 (2017) 90–101

at 530 nm. Absorption was measured at 530 nm. The O2 − formation in the absorbance (due to decomposition of H2 O2 ) at 240 nm was
rate was calculated from a standard curve prepared with NaNO2 . recorded for 1 min. The activity was calculated using an extinction
coefficient of 39.4 M−1 cm−1 .
2.5. Histochemical staining Ascorbate peroxidase (APX; EC: activity was mea-
sured according to Nakano and Asada (1981). A reaction mixture
Histochemical staining of H2 O2 and O2 − was conducted accord- of 2 mL was prepared by mixing the enzyme extract (0.1 mL) with
ing to the method described by Thordal-Christonson et al. (1997). 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), 0.5 mM AsA, 0.1 mM
H2 O2 , and 0.1 mM EDTA. The reaction was started by adding H2 O2 .
2.6. Determination of redox state The absorbance was measured at 290 nm for 1 min. The APX activity
was determined using an extinction coefficient of 2.8 mM−1 cm−1 .
Tomato leaves (0.3 g fresh weight) were homogenized in 3 mL Monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR; EC: activity
ice-cold acidic extraction buffer (6% metaphosphoric acid contain- was assayed according to Hossain et al. (1984). A reaction mixture
ing 1 mM EDTA) using a mortar and pestle. The homogenates were of 2 mL was prepared by mixing the enzyme extract (0.1 mL) with
centrifuged at 12,000 × g for 15 min at 4 ◦ C. The supernatant was 50 mM Tris–HCl buffer (pH 7.5), 0.2 mM NADPH, 2.5 mM AsA, and
then neutralized with 0.5 M K-phosphate buffer (pH 7.5). The total 0.5 units of ascorbate oxidase (AO). The reaction was started by
glutathione (GSH + GSSG) content in the leaves was determined adding AO. The absorbance was measured at 340 nm. The activity
according to the procedure by Yu et al. (2002). Glutathione was oxi- was calculated from the change in absorbance after 1 min (extinc-
dized by 5,5-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) and reduced by tion coefficient was 6.2 mM−1 cm−1 ).
NADPH in the presence of glutathione reductase. Total glutathione Dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR; EC: activity was
content was calculated by measuring the generation of 2-nitro-5- measured according to Nakano and Asada (1981). The reaction
thiobenzoic acid (NTB) from DTNB. This was indicated by changes mixture was prepared by mixing the enzyme extract (0.1 mL)
in absorption at 412 nm. The GSSG content was determined after into a solution containing 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH
removing GSH by 2-vinylpyridine derivatization. A standard curve 7.0), 2.5 mM GSH, 0.1 mM EDTA, and dehydroascorbic acid solu-
was prepared with GSH. The GSH content was determined by sub- tion (0.001 g dehydroascorbic acid dissolved in 4.2 mL distilled
tracting the GSSG content from the total glutathione content. water). The activity was calculated from the change in absorbance
The total ascorbate content (AsA plus DHA) was determined at 265 nm after 1 min (extinction coefficient was 14 mM−1 cm−1 ).
following the procedure by Costa et al. (2002) with slight mod-
ifications. Leaves (0.3 g) were homogenized in ice-cold 5% (w/v)
TCA and centrifuged at 12,000 × g for 10 min. Half of each sample 2.8. Extraction and analysis of key enzymes in glutathione
was assayed for total ascorbate, and the other half was used for synthesis and metabolism
AsA analysis. Absorbance was recorded at 525 nm. The DHA con-
tent was calculated as the difference between the total ascorbate Using a pre-cooled mortar and pestle, 0.3 g of leaf tissue was
concentration and the AsA content. homogenized in equal volumes of 50 mM ice-cold K-phosphate
buffer (pH 7.0) containing 100 mM KCl, 1% (w/v) ascorbate, and 10%
2.7. Extraction and assay of antioxidant enzymes (w/v) glycerol. The homogenates were centrifuged at 12,000 × g
for 10 min and the supernatants (i.e., enzyme extracts) were used
Antioxidant enzymes were extracted from leaves using the to determine enzyme activity. All procedures were performed
method of Grace and Logan (1996). Samples (0.3 g) of the leaves between 0 and 4 ◦ C.
were ground with a pre-cooled mortar and pestle in 1.6 mL ice-cold Activity of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (␥-ECS;
50 mM potassium phosphate extraction buffer (pH 7.5), 0.1 mM EC: was determined using the method by Rüegsegger and
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 0.3% (w/v) Triton X100, Brunold (1992). A reaction mixture of 500 ␮L was prepared by
and 4% (w/v) polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP). The extracts were mixing the enzyme extract (150 ␮L) with 100 mM HEPES (pH 8.0),
then centrifuged at 13,000 × g for 10 min at 4 ◦ C. The supernatant 50 mM MgCl2 , 20 mM glutamate, 1 mM cysteine, 5 mM ATP, 5 mM
(hereafter referred to as enzyme extract) was immediately ana- phosphoenolpyruvate, 5 mM DTT, and 10 units mL−1 pyruvate
lyzed for the following antioxidant enzymes. kinase. The reaction mixture was incubated for 45 min at 37 ◦ C and
Superoxidase dismutase (SOD; EC: activity was the reaction was stopped by addition of 100 ␮L of 50% TCA. The
assayed using a xanthine-xanthine oxidase system (El-Shabrawi et mixture was centrifuged and the supernatant was used to estimate
al., 2010). A reaction mixture of 1 mL was prepared by mixing the the phosphate content by the phosphomolybdate method.
enzyme extract (0.10 mL) with 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer The activity of glutathione synthetase (GS; EC: was
(pH 7.8), 2.24 mM nitroblue tetrazoliam chloride (NBT), catalase determined according to the method of Cobbett et al. (1998). The
(0.1 units), xanthine oxidase (0.1 units), and xanthine (2.36 mM). reaction mixture contained 100 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.0), 50 mM KCl,
Catalase was added to avoid H2 O2 -mediated inactivation of CuZn- 20 mM MgCl2 , 1 mM ␥-EC, 2 mM glycine, 5 mM ATP, 5 mM phos-
SOD. The change in absorbance was read at 560 nm. The SOD phoenolpyruvate, 5 mM DTT, and 10 units mL−1 pyruvate kinase.
activity was expressed as the amount of enzyme needed to inhibit The reaction was started by adding 140 ␮L of extract to the reac-
NTB reduction by 50%. tion mixture. The mixture was incubated for 45 min at 37 ◦ C. The
Peroxidase (POD; EC: activity was determined using reaction was then stopped by adding 100 ␮L of 50% TCA. The mix-
the method by Shannon et al. (1966). The reaction mixture con- ture was centrifuged and the supernatant was used to estimate the
tained 2.9 mL of 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), 0.04 mL of 0.1 M phosphate content using the phosphomolybdate method.
H2 O2 , 0.04 mL of 0.2% o-dianisidine, and 0.02 mL of enzyme extract. Glutathione reductase (GR; EC: activity was measured
The change in absorbance was read at 470 nm for 4 min. One by the method of Cakmak et al. (1993). A reaction mixture of 1 mL
enzyme unit is defined as the change in 1 unit of absorbance min−1 . was prepared by mixing the enzyme extract (0.1 mL) with 0.1 M Na-
Catalase (CAT; EC: activity was assayed according to phosphate buffer (pH 7.8), 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM GSSG, and 0.2 mM
Hasanuzzaman et al. (2011a). A reaction mixture of 2 mL was pre- NADPH. The reaction was initiated with GSSG. The decrease in
pared by mixing the enzyme extract (0.1 mL) with distilled water, absorbance at 340 nm due to NADPH oxidation was recorded for
50 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), and H2 O2 (15 mM). 1 min. The activity was calculated using the extinction coefficient
The reaction was initiated with the enzyme extract. The decrease of 6.2 mM−1 cm−1 .
Y. Zhou et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 220 (2017) 90–101 93

Glutathione peroxidase (GPX; EC: activity was mea- 3. Results

sured as described by Elia et al. (2003) using H2 O2 as a substrate.
The reaction mixture consisted of 20 ␮L enzyme mixture combined 3.1. Effect of GSH on the accumulation of ions and oxidative stress
with 100 mM Na-phosphate buffer (pH 7.5), 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM
NaN3 , 0.12 mM NADPH, 2 mM GSH, 1 unit GR, and 0.6 mM H2 O2 . Plants treated with 100 mM NaCl showed increased accumu-
The reaction was started by adding H2 O2 . The oxidation of NADPH lation of Na+ and Cl− in the leaves of tomato seedlings (Fig. 1).
was recorded at 340 nm for 1 min and the activity was calculated However, supplementation of GSH to salt-stressed seedlings signif-
using an extinction coefficient of 6.62 mM−1 cm−1 . icantly decreased the Na+ and Cl− uptake and accumulation. Leaf
Glutathione-S-transferase (GST; EC: activity was deter- Na+ and Cl− contents were reduced by 5–38% and 17–32%, when
mined spectrophotometrically using the method described by compared to the salt-stressed plants, respectively. The NB treat-
Booth et al. (1961) with modifications. A reaction mixture of ment compared with the NaCl treatment significantly increased
0.7 mL was prepared by mixing the enzyme extract (0.1 mL) Na+ by 11% and 10% on 10 and 15 d and Cl− by 7.9% on 10 d. During
with 100 mM Tris–HCl buffer (pH 6.5), 1 mM 1-chloro-2,4- the whole sampling period, application of GSH also exerted positive
dinitrobenzene (CDNB), and 1.5 mM reduced glutathione (GSH). effects on lowering Na+ and Cl− accumulation in plants under NB
The enzyme reaction was initiated by the addition of CDNB. treatment (P < 0.05), decreasing the values by 3–36% and 10–28%,
The increase in absorbance was measured at 340 nm for 1 min. when compared with the NB treatment, respectively (Fig. 1).
The activity was calculated using an extinction coefficient of Plants with higher Na+ and Cl− content showed higher oxidative
9.6 mM−1 cm−1 . stress. Exposure to NaCl stress caused an increase in ROS generation
and lipid peroxidation in the leaves of tomato seedlings. The NaCl
stress significantly increased MDA and H2 O2 in leaves on all sample
dates (Fig. 2A and B). The NG treatment compared with the NaCl
treatment decreased MDA by 28–80% and H2 O2 by 4–13% on all
2.9. Total RNA extraction and GPX, GST, GR, -ECS and GS
sample dates (P < 0.05). In contrast, NB significantly increased MDA
transcript levels analysis
by 7 and 11% on 5 and 15 d, and H2 O2 by 7–11% on all three sample
dates compared with the NaCl treatment. Among all treatments,
Total RNA was extracted using Trizol according to the supplier’s
NB had the greatest MDA content on 5 and 15 d and the greatest
recommendation (Sangon, China). After extraction, total RNA was
H2 O2 content on all sample dates. The NBG treatment significantly
dissolved in diethyl pyrocarbonate-treated water. The cDNA tem-
decreased the MDA and H2 O2 contents in tomato leaves compared
plate for real-time PCR was synthesized using a RevertAidTM first
with the NB treatment. Leaf MDA and H2 O2 contents were 38–177%
strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Fermentas) from 2 ␮g RNA purified
and 5–7% less in NBG than in NB on all sample dates (P < 0.05).
using RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen). Quantitative real-time PCR was
Salt stress also significantly increased the O2 •− formation rate on
performed using the iCycler iQ Multicolor Real-time PCR Detection
all sample dates (P < 0.05) (Fig. 2C). Compared with the NaCl treat-
System (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). Each reaction (20 ␮L) con-
ment, NG reduced the O2 •− formation rate by 27–58% (P < 0.05). In
sisted of 2 ␮L of diluted cDNA, 10 ␮L iQ SYBR Green Supermix, and
contrast, NB increased O2 •− formation rates by 9–24%. Seedlings in
0.4 ␮L of forward and reserve primers. The PCR conditions consisted
NB had the highest O2 •− formation rates. The O2 •− formation rates
of denaturation at 95 ◦ C for 30 s, followed by 40 cycles of 95 ◦ C for
were 44–82% less in NBG than in NB (P < 0.05).
30 s, denaturation at 95 ◦ C for 5 s, annealing at 56 ◦ C for 10 s and
extension at 72 ◦ C for 15 s. Tomato actin gene was used as an inter-
3.2. In situ detection of leaf O2 •− and H2 O2
nal control. Relevant gene expression was calculated according to
Livak and Schmittgen (2001). The following primers were designed
Similar to the above measured results of H2 O2 content and O2 •−
for gene specific transcript amplification:
formation rate (Fig. 2B and C), the accumulation of O2 •− (dark
spots) and H2 O2 (brown spots) was observed in tomato leaves in
the NaCl treatment on all sample dates compared with the control
Tomato actin gene was used as the control (SLU60478), (Fig. 3A and B). In addition, O2 •− and H2 O2 were both distributed
forward (fw)-5 -TGGTCGGAATGGGAAAG-3 , and reverse (rv)-5 - throughout the entire leaf. Compared with the NaCl treatment,
CTCAGTCAGGAGAACAGGGT-3 ; NG diminished salt-induced ROS accumulation in tomato leaves,
GPX (XM006347213.2), fw-5 -CCGGAACAAATGAGGAGATT-3 , rv- whereas BSO application had an opposite effect. More O2 •− (dark
5 -TCCACAAGGAATTTGGTGAA-3 ; spots) and H2 O2 (brown spots) were observed in NB than in the
GST (EF409975.1), fw-5 -GGCTCGTTTTGTTGATGGCAA-3 , rv-5 - NBG on all sample dates (Fig. 3A and B).
GR (NM001321393.1), fw-5 -TTGGTGGAACGTGTGTTCTT-3 , rv-5 - 3.3. GSH, AsA level and redox status in tomato leaves
-ECS (AF017983.1), fw-5 -CCTCAGCACACCAAAATCCT-3 , rv-5 - Compared with the control, the NaCl treatment significantly
GCTTTGTGCCTTGGCTCTAGT-3 ; reduced the contents of GSH and AsA, and the ratios of GSH/GSSG
GS (AF017984.1), fw-5 -AGTGGAAAGCTAGGCTGCTG-3 , rv-5 - and AsA/DHA in tomato leaves throughout the experiment
TCATCCAAGCTCCACAACCC-3 . (P < 0.05) (Table 1). The NG treatment compared with the NaCl
treatment significantly increased leaf GSH and AsA levels, and the
ratios of GSH/GSSG and AsA/DHA (P < 0.05). The greatest effects
were observed at the time point of 5 d, when GSH was signifi-
2.10. Statistical analysis cantly higher in NG than in the control (P < 0.05). However, the
content of AsA, and the ratios of GSH/GSSH and AsA/DHA in NG
The data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance were less than those in the control during the entire experiment
(ANOVA) and post hoc multiple comparisons using SPSS version (P < 0.05). In contrast, NB significantly decreased GSH and AsA by
13.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Differences were considered to be 5–20% and 11–17%, respectively, compared with the NaCl treat-
significant when P < 0.05. The values in the figures and tables are ment (P < 0.05). The GSH/GSSG ratio and the AsA/DHA ratio were
means ± SE (n = 3). 58–112% and 11–116% less in the NB treatment than in the NaCl
94 Y. Zhou et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 220 (2017) 90–101

Fig. 1. The Na+ content (A) and Cl− content (B) in leaves of salt-stressed tomato seedlings as affected by exogenous GSH and BSO. Values are means ± SD (n = 3). Values with
a different letter within a sampling date are significantly different (P < 0.05).

Table 1
The GSH content (nmol g−1 FW), GSH/GSSG ratio, AsA content (nmol g−1 FW), and AsA/DHA ratio in leaves of salt-stressed tomato seedlings as affected by exogenous GSH
and BSO. Values are means ± SD (n = 3). Values with a different letter within a sampling date are significantly different (P < 0.05).

Treatment Time GSH GSH/GSSG AsA AsA/DHA

CK 5d 82.99 ± 0.24b 25.96 ± 0.06a 10.74 ± 0.18a 19.13 ± 0.06a

NaCl 68.20 ± 0.40d 12.98 ± 0.05c 7.69 ± 0.03d 15.58 ± 0.06d
NG 119.83 ± 0.48a 23.03 ± 0.23b 9.48 ± 0.01b 18.43 ± 0.28b
NB 64.97 ± 0.53e 6.13 ± 0.22e 6.90 ± 0.03e 14.04 ± 0.05c
NBG 74.98 ± 0.52c 8.99 ± 0.35d 8.49 ± 0.02c 16.07 ± 0.08e

CK 10 d 80.47 ± 0.45a 20.27 ± 0.34a 10.25 ± 0.05a 21.65 ± 0.10a

NaCl 60.23 ± 0.38d 12.96 ± 0.35c 8.23 ± 0.07d 14.57 ± 0.02c
NG 75.29 ± 0.28b 16.92 ± 0.59b 9.24 ± 0.06b 18.03 ± 0.01b
NB 50.02 ± 0.03e 8.19 ± 0.60e 7.25 ± 0.04e 9.82 ± 0.04e
NBG 66.10 ± 0.29c 10.95 ± 0.09d 8.69 ± 0.03c 13.71 ± 0.16d

CK 15 d 82.10 ± 0.38a 21.09 ± 0.18a 9.77 ± 0.09a 19.53 ± 0.03a

NaCl 57.06 ± 0.80d 11.11 ± 0.47c 7.28 ± 0.06d 13.11 ± 0.16c
NG 72.03 ± 0.23b 17.05 ± 0.45b 9.37 ± 0.04b 17.10 ± 0.08b
NB 47.97 ± 0.32e 6.20 ± 0.22e 6.21 ± 0.07e 6.06 ± 0.05e
NBG 60.18 ± 0.26c 9.12 ± 0.20d 7.89 ± 0.07c 10.05 ± 0.07d

treatment, respectively. Compared with NB, NBG increased GSH increased by GSH application. The activities of all those enzymes
by 15–32%, AsA by 20–27%, the GSH/GSSG ratio by 34–47%, and were higher in the NBG treatment than in the corresponding NB
the AsA/DHA ratio by 14–66% during the whole sampling period treatment (P < 0.05).
(P < 0.05).
3.5. Activities of key enzymes related to glutathione synthesis and
3.4. Activities of antioxidant enzymes in tomato leaves metabolism

Salt stress significantly decreased the activities of SOD, POD, The above results indicate that exogenous GSH increases the leaf
CAT, APX, DHAR, and MDHAR in tomato leaves on all three sam- GSH content and maintains the cells in a reduced state in tomato
pling dates (P < 0.05) (Fig. 4). Compared with NaCl treatment, NG plants under salt stress with BSO or without BSO (Table 1).
significantly increased the activities of SOD, POD, CAT, APX, DHAR, To further investigate the protective mechanism of GSH against
and MDHAR (P < 0.05). In contrast, NB reduced the activities of salt stress, we analyzed the temporal changes in the activities of
SOD, POD, CAT, APX DHAR, and MDHAR (P < 0.05). The activities enzymes related to GSH biosynthesis and metabolism. Salt stress
of SOD, POD, CAT, APX, DHAR, and MDHAR in NB were significantly significantly reduced the activities of GPX, GST, GR, ␥-ECS, and GS
Y. Zhou et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 220 (2017) 90–101 95

Fig. 2. Leaf MDA content (A), H2 O2 content (B) and O2 • − formation rate (C) in salt-stressed tomato seedlings as affected by exogenous GSH and BSO. Error bars represent SD
(n = 3). Bars with a different letter within a sampling date are significantly different (P < 0.05).

(P < 0.05) (Fig. 5). Compared with the NaCl treatment, NG signifi- 4. Discussion
cantly increased the activities of GPX by 19–55%, GST by 36–43%,
GR by 14%, ␥-ECS by 7–28%, and GS by 21–25%, respectively. In con- The ROS and MDA levels are well-known indexes for determin-
trast, NB significantly reduced the activities of GPX by 92–118%, ing the degree of oxidative stress. It has been proposed that plants
GST by 8–9%, GR by 26–28%, ␥-ECS by 4–33%, and GS by 8–12%. The increase stress tolerance partly by controlling MDA content, H2 O2
activities of all of the above enzymes were significantly higher in content, and O2 •− formation rate (Chattopadhayay et al., 2002; Bor
NBG than in NB (P < 0.05). et al., 2003). Increases in MDA, H2 O2 content, and O2 •− formation
rate have been reported in many plant species under salt stress
(Sheokand et al., 2008; Sumithra et al., 2006; Seckin et al., 2009).
In the present study, we also demonstrated that excess Na+ and
3.6. Analysis of GPX, GST, GR, -ECS and GS transcript levels by
Cl− accumulation in leaves of plants under NaCl treatment resulted
real-time RT-PCR
in the increase of MDA and H2 O2 content, and O2 •− formation
rate, reflecting NaCl stress induced oxidative stress (Figs. 1 and 2).
Fig. 5 shows the relative transcript levels of five key enzyme
This agrees with the reports by Leyva et al. (2011) and Queirós
genes related to GSH biosynthesis and metabolism. Compared with
et al. (2011). Application of BSO aggravates the oxidative stress
the control, salt stress significantly reduced the transcript levels
induced by NaCl stress, implicating enhanced oxidative degrada-
of GPX, GST, GR, -ECS, and GS genes (P < 0.05). The NG treatment
tion of lipids. To protect themselves against oxidative stress, plants
significantly increased the transcript levels of GPX, GST, GR, -ECS,
have evolved enzymatic and non-enzymatic ROS scavenging sys-
and GS on all three sampling dates compared with NaCl treatment
tems. These systems play a crucial role in protecting the structure
(P < 0.05). The highest expression levels of GPX, GST, GR, -ECS, and
and function of membrane systems and in maintaining the cellular
GS in tomato seedlings in NG were 6.10, 8.74, 6.83, 13.49 and 9.29
redox state (Baisak et al., 1994). In plants, SOD constitutes the first
times higher than those in the corresponding NaCl treatment. In
line of defense to funnel O2 •− into H2 O2 and O2 . Subsequently, H2 O2
contrast, NB significantly down-regulated GPX, GST, GR, -ECS, and
is eliminated by conversion to water by the action of CAT, POD, the
GS expression (P < 0.05). The NBG treatment significantly increased
ascorbate-glutathione cycle, the thioredoxin (Trx) system, and the
GPX, GST, GR, -ECS, and GS expression in the tomato leaves com-
glutaredoxin (Grx) system (Hasanuzzaman et al., 2012; Garg and
pared with NB treatment (P < 0.05). The highest expression levels
Manchanda, 2009; Mittler et al., 2004). In the ascorbate-glutathione
of GPX, GST, GR, -ECS, and GS in the NBG treatment were 3.26,
cycle, APX plays the most important role in removing H2 O2 . The
5.58, 4.20, 2.92 and 6.92 times higher, respectively, than those in
MDHAR, DHAR and GR are mainly responsible for providing sub-
the corresponding NB treatment, respectively.
96 Y. Zhou et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 220 (2017) 90–101

Fig. 3. Staining of O2 • − (A) and H2 O2 (B) in leaves of salt-stressed tomato seedlings as affected by exogenous GSH and BSO.

strates for APX through the formation of AsA and GSH. Here, we point to a deficiency in H2 O2 detoxification in response to salt stress
showed that NaCl stress reduced the activities of SOD, CAT, POD, Moreover, the application of GSH significantly reduced the accu-
and four key enzymes (i.e., APX, DHAR, MDHAR and GR) involved in mulation of Na+ and Cl− , and lipid peroxidation and ROS levels
the AsA-GSH cycle. The great accumulation of H2 O2 by salt stress is in salt-stressed plants or salt and BSO combined stressed plants
accompanied with great drop in SOD activity, indicating a decline in (NB treatment) (Fig. 2A–C). Furthermore, exogenous GSH applica-
H2 O2 detoxification, rather than great production, due to the inhib- tion also elevated the internal content of GSH and the activities
ited activities of POD, CAT and APX. Therefore, the present results of SOD, CAT, POD, and four key enzymes involved in the AsA-GSH
Y. Zhou et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 220 (2017) 90–101 97

Fig. 4. Activities of APX (A), SOD (B), POD (C), CAT (D), DHAR (E), and MDAHR (F) in leaves of salt-stressed tomato seedlings as affected by exogenous GSH and BSO. Error
bars represent SD (n = 3). Bars with a different letter within a sampling date are significantly different (P < 0.05).

cycle in salt-stressed plants or NB treated plants, respectively. An salt-stressed tomato seedlings (Table 1), whereas exogenous GSH
exogenous GSH-induced improvement in cell membrane proper- application induced the accumulation of antioxidant metabolites
ties (Alla and Hassan, 2014) or higher endogenous GSH level is which provided additional resistance to the toxic effects of salt
observed to reduce oxidative stress under various abiotic stresses stress-induced ROS. We observed that exogenous GSH increased
(Hasanuzzaman et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2011). These results give the contents of GSH and AsA, and the ratios of GSH/GSSG and
strong evidence that the higher antioxidant defense capacity is one AsA/DHA in the salt-stressed tomato seedlings. Furthermore, when
of the important mechanisms for exogenous GSH to alleviate oxida- GSH accumulation was inhibited in salt-stressed plants with BSO
tive stress induced by accumulation of Na+ and Cl− in the leaves of treatment, GSH application had similar effects on NB treated plants.
tomato. Specifically, the lower H2 O2 and MDA accumulation and O2 •−
Mounting evidence shows that the intracellular redox state is formation rates in NB-treated plants with GSH application were
an important factor in the ability of plants to resist the effects of observed as compared with NB treated plants. These parameters
biotic and abiotic stress (Dietz, 2008). Maintaining a high reducing were correlated with the higher GSH and AsA contents, and ratios
power level is essential for plants to quench excess ROS. Because of GSH/GSSG and AsA/DHA. These changes could enable plants to
GSH is a major cellular antioxidant, GSH content and GSH/GSSG maintain the redox state in their leaves and keep the sulfhydryl
ratio are regarded as determinants of cellular redox state and might groups of soluble and membrane proteins in the reduced state,
indirectly influence many fundamental cellular processes. The high resulting in the alleviation of salt stress. Thus, exogenous GSH
GSH content and GSH/GSSG ratio in plants could be conducive to alleviated salt-induced membrane injury is closely related with
maintaining an appropriate redox environment and reducing the the higher reducing power levels, thereby protecting plants from
oxidative stress caused by biotic and abiotic stress. In the present oxidative stress.
study, a disturbance of the GSH redox balance was evidenced by The amount of GSH in a given organism is the result of the
a significant decrease in the GSH/GSSG and AsA/DHA ratios of combined action of biosynthesis, consumption, and degradation
98 Y. Zhou et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 220 (2017) 90–101

Fig. 5. Activities (left) and transcript levels (right) of GPX (A), GST (B), GR (C), ␥-ECS (D) and GS (E) in leaves of salt-stressed tomato seedlings as affected by exogenous GSH
and BSO. Error bars represent SD (n = 3). Bars with a different letter within a sampling date are significantly different (P < 0.05).

(Tripathi et al., 2012). GSH is synthesized in two sequential reac- lation of GSSG, which would help explain the lower GSH/GSSG
tions catalyzed by ␥-ECS and GS (Foyer and Noctor, 2011; Yadav, ratios of seedlings under salt stress conditions (Table 1). However,
2012). Arabidopsis cad2-1 mutant accumulates lower levels of GSH GSH application to salt stressed seedlings switched the GSH pools
than the wild type due to the lack of ␥-ECS (Cobbett et al., 1998). towards reduced forms, thereby improving the GSH/GSSG ratio.
Some studies have found that an increase in the activities of ␥-ECS The observed higher levels of GSH could result from the increased
and GS can lead to GSH accumulation, and hence enhance resistance GSH synthesis catalyzed by ␥-ECS and GS and from the increased
of plants to heavy metal, ozone, and oxidative stress. However, GSH regeneration catalyzed by GR. To further investigate the role
there is also evidence that increases in the activities of the two of GSH, we used BSO, an inhibitor of ␥-ECS, which is believed to
enzymes do not account for GSH accumulation (Noctor et al., 1998; be the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of GSH. The depletion
Di Baccio et al., 2005). The cellular GSH pool is determined not only of GSH by pretreatment with BSO is found to augment the oxida-
by the rates of GSH synthesis but also by GSH regeneration (Foyer tive damage induced by Cd in tomato (Ammar et al., 2008) and A.
and Noctor, 2011). Our results showed that salt stress reduced the thaliana (Wójcik and Tukiendorf, 2011), primarily due to impaired
content of GSH and the activities of ␥-ECS and GS (Fig. 5D and GSH-dependent redox homeostasis. In our study, application of BSO
E). This suggests that NaCl stress reduces the rate of GSH synthe- reduced not only the activities of ␥-ECS, GS and GR and but also cell
sis, making it impossible to rapidly replenish the depleted GSH GSH concentrations and GSH/GSSG ratio in salt-stressed seedlings
pool and maintain the GSH/GSSG ratio. Salt stress also affected the during the entire sampling period. Previous studies in our labo-
recovery of GSH from GSSG in seedlings with reduced GR activity ratory have shown that BSO significantly depleted GSH pools and
(Fig. 5C). Reduced GR activity may therefore lead to the accumu- augments the oxidative damage in tomato seedlings after salt stress
Y. Zhou et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 220 (2017) 90–101 99

for 5 d (Liu et al., 2014a). However, application of GSH reversed the In addition, under salt stress, the GSH-induced increase in the tran-
effects of BSO on salt-stressed plants, as evidenced by significant scripts of GPX, GST, GR, -ECS, and GS genes was not accompanied by
increases in the activities of ␥-ECS, GS and GR. These results indicate enhanced enzymes activity. We observed that the transcript levels
that exogenous GSH maintains GSH redox homeostasis and helps of GPX, GST, GR, -ECS, and GS genes in leaves of tomato seedlings
to meet the increasing demand for GSH by regulating GSH synthe- in NG treatment were higher than CK treatment. However, activ-
sis and regeneration, thus increasing resistance to the damaging ities of GPX, GST, GR, ␥-ECS, and GS in leaves of tomato seedlings
oxidative effects of salt stress. in NG treatment were lower than CK treatment. The discrepancies
Enzymes involved in the GSH metabolism may have vital roles in between changes in expression and activity of enzymes related to
plant tolerance to environmental stress. GPX and GST are important GSH synthesis and metabolism under NG treatment might be due
such enzymes involved in GSH-metabolism and play significant to the presence of multiple allo- or iso-zymes or post-translational
roles in the cellular ROS detoxification (Anjum et al., 2012). In modification. The reasons remain to be further studied.
plants, GST is a multigene family of isoenzymes that catalyze the In conclusion, our results clearly demonstrate that exogenous
conjugation of GSH with toxic compounds and may relieve the application of GSH increase the transcript levels and activities of
oxidative stress by scavenging various ROS (Zhang et al., 2013; enzymes related to GSH synthesis and metabolism, including ␥-
Haluskova et al., 2009). GPX is another GSH dependent enzyme ECS, GS, GST, GPX and GR, and the contents of intracellular GSH and
that serves as an intrinsic defense tool, catalyzing the detoxifi- AsA and the ratios of GSH/GSSH and AsA/DHA in the salt-stressed
cation of H2 O2 as well as organic and lipid hydroperoxides (Gill plants or salt-stress plants treated with BSO. Application of GSH also
and Tuteja, 2010; Passaia and Margis-Pinheiro, 2015). The GPX also enhanced the activities of SOD, CAT, POD and enzymes related to the
plays an important role in modulating the GSH/GSSG ratio to main- ascorbate-glutathione cycle including APX, DHAR, MDHAR and GR,
tain the higher reducing power and to deliver information about and decreased the contents of H2 O2 and O2 •− , lipid peroxidation.
ROS to the redox signal network (Noctor et al., 2002; Sarvajeet Therefore, application of exogenous GSH to salt-stressed tomato
and Narendra, 2010). Roxas et al. (1997) indicate the overexpres- can be a successful strategy for enhancing ROS detoxification and
sion and improvement in the activity of GST and GPX in transgenic regulating GSH synthesis and metabolism. These changes keep ROS
tobacco increase GSH-dependent peroxide scavenging and alter- levels low and maintain the cellular redox homeostasis.
ations in GSH metabolism that lead to less oxidative damage. In the
present study, the reduced of GST and GPX activity and higher H2 O2 Authors’ contributions
and MDA levels were observed in salt-stressed seedlings (Figs. 1A,
B and 5A, B). Application of GSH affects GPx- and GST-catalyzed The work was carried out in collaboration between all the
protective mechanisms that utilize glutathione in salt-stressed authors. Huiying Liu and Yan Zhou defined the research theme.
seedlings (Fig. 5A and B), There was an up-regulation of GST and Huiying Liu and Yan Zhou designed the experiment, determined
GPX activity in response to salt-stress with GSH treatment, which the methods, carried out the laboratory experiments, analyzed the
is consistent with an increase in ROS detoxification. Furthermore, data, interpreted the results, and wrote the paper. Zelin Wen co-
in our study, BSO application to salt-stressed seedlings further designed experiments, carried out the laboratory experiments, and
aggravated the oxidative stress induced by salt stress and signifi- discussed the analyses and interpretation. Jianwei Zhang, Xianjun
cantly decreased GST and GPX activities on all three sample periods, Chen, Jinxia Cui and Wei Xu worked together on total RNA extrac-
whereas exogenous GSH application stimulated the detoxification tion and gene expression analysis. Huiying Liu conceived of and
of oxidative degradation of lipids in salt-stressed plants with BSO coordinated the study. All authors have contributed to, seen, and
treatment by increasing GST and GPX activity. These results fur- approved the final manuscript.
ther confirm that exogenous GSH-induced GSH-related antioxidant
defense system might be the main mechanism of ROS detoxification
Conflict of interest
in salt-stressed tomato seedlings.
There is no information about the effect of exogenous GSH on the
expression of genes involved in GSH biosynthesis and metabolism.
B. Juncea overexpressing GS or -ECS has been reported to exhibit
its enhanced tolerance to a variety of heavy metals including As, Acknowledgments
Cd, Zn and Pb due to higher capacity of GSH synthesis as well as PC
synthesis (Reisinger et al., 2008). The transcription of -ECS, GS and This work was funded by National Natural Science Foundation of
GR is significantly induced after ochratoxin A treatment, consistent China, China (No. 31360478 and No. 31160391), and International
with the increased GSH content in these tissues (Wang et al., 2014). Cooperation Project of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,
Our RT-PCR results showed that the transcript levels of the GPX, GST, China (No. 2014BC002).
GR, -ECS, and GS genes in salt-stressed plants were all elevated by
GSH application, but were reduced by BSO application when com- Appendix A. Supplementary data
pared to the salt-stressed plants during the entire sampling period.
Similar to the gene expression, the activities of GPX, GST, GR, ␥- Supplementary data associated with this article can be found,
ECS, and GS and the contents of GSH in the tomato leaves of GSH- in the online version, at
and BSO-treated under salt stress were increased and decreased, 02.021.
respectively. Again, the BSO-induced decreases in the transcript
levels and activities of these enzymes were recovered by the sub- References
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