Exercise - V: JEE-Problems

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Exercise - V JEE-Problems
1. An electrical circuit is shown in the figure. Calcu- (A) IR = IG (B) IP = IG
late the potential difference across the resistance of (C) IQ = IG (D) IQ = IR
400 ohm, as will be measured by the voltmeter V of
5. The effective resistance between the points P and
resistance 400 ohm, either by applying Kirchhoff’s rules
Q of the electrical circuit shown in the figure is
or otherwise. [JEE-96]
2R 2R
V 2R

P r r Q [JEE 2002]
2R 2R

(A) 2 Rr / (R + r) (B) 8R(R + r)/(3R + r)

(C) 2r + 4R (D) 5R/2 + 2r

2. (i) A steady current flows in a metallic conductor 6. A 100 W bulb B1, and two 60 W bulbs B2 and B3, are
of nonuniform cross-section. The quantity/quantities connected to a 250 V source, as shown in the figure.
constant along the length of the conductor is / are : Now W1, W2 and W3 are the output powers of the
[JEE,97] bulbs B1, B2 and B3 respectively. Then
(A) current, electric field and drift speed
(B) drift speed only B1 B2
(C) current and drift speed
(D) current only
(ii) The dimension of electricity conductivity is
............. .
(iii) Find the emf (E) & internal resistance (r) of a B3
single battery which is equivalent to a parallel combi-
nation of two batteries of emfs V1 & V2 & internal
resistances r1 & r2 respectively with their similar po-
larity connected to each other
(A) W1 > W2 = W3 250 VW >W >W
(B) 1 2 3
3. In the circuit shown in the figure, the current
(C) W1 < W2 = W3 (D) W1 < W2 < W3
7. A thin uniform wire AB of length 1m, an unknown
resistance X and a resistance of 12 are connected
by thick conducting strips, as shown in figure. A bat-
tery and a galvanometer (with a sliding jockey con-
9V nected to it) are also available. Connections are to be
made to measure the unknown resistance X using the
principle of Wheatstone bridge. Answer the following
(A) the 3 resistor is 0.50 A
(B) the 3 resistor is 0.25 A
(C) 4 resistor is 0.50 A x 12 
(D) the 4 resistor is 0.25 A [JEE’98]
4. In the circuit shown, P  R, the reading of the (A) Are there positive and negative terminals on the
galvanometer is same with switch S open or closed. galvanometer ?
Then [JEE’ 99] (B) Copy the figure in your answer book and show the
battery and the galvanometer (with jockey) connected
P Q at appropriate points.
(C) After appropriate connections are made, it is found
that no deflection takes place in the galvanometer
when the sliding jockey touches the wire at a dis-
tance of 60 cm from A. Obtain the value of resistance X.

394,50 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. : 93141-87482, 0744-2209671

IVRS No : 0744-2439051, 52, 53, www. motioniitjee.com , info@motioniitjee.com

8. Arrange the order of power dissipated in the given P

circuits, if the same current is passing through all
circuit and each resistor is ‘r’

(I) A B

(ii) A Q R
(A) P and Q (B) Q and R
(iii) A B (C) P and R (D) any two points

12. For the post office box arrangement to determine

the value of unknown resistance, the unknown resis-
(iv) A tance should be connected between
(A) P2 > P3 > P4 > P1 (B) P3 > P2 > P4 > P1
(C) P4 > P3 > P2 > P1 (D) P1 > P2 > P3 > P4

9. In the given circuit, no current is passing through A

the galvanometer. If the cross-sectional diameter of
AB is doubled the for null point of galvanometer the B1 C1
value of AC would (A) B and C (B) C and D
(C) A and D (D) B1 and C1

13. Draw the circuit for experimental verification of

G Ohm’s law using a source of variable D.C. voltage, a
A main resistance of 100, two galvanometers and two
C resistances of values 106  and 10–3  respectively.
(A) x (B) x/2 Clearly show the positions of the voltmeter and the
(C) 2x (D) none ammeter.
[JEE-2003] [JEE-2004]

10. How a battery is to be connected so that shown 14. In the figure shown the current through 2 resis-
rheostat will behave like a potential divider ? Also tor is
indicate the points about which output can be taken. 10 
10 

C 20 
R (A) 2A (B) 0A
(C) 4A (D) 6A
11. Six equal resistances are connected between points
[JEE - 2004]
P, Q and R as shown in the figure. Then the net resis-
tance will be maximum between 15. A galvanometer has resistance 100 and it re-
quires current 100A for full scale deflection. A resis-
tor 0.1 is connected to make it an ammeter. The

394,50 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. : 93141-87482, 0744-2209671

IVRS No : 0744-2439051, 52, 53, www. motioniitjee.com , info@motioniitjee.com

smallest current required in the circuit to produce the 19. Figure shows three resistor configurations R1, R2
full scale deflection is and R3 connected to 3V battery. If the power dissi-
[JEE-2005] pated by the configuration R1, R2 and R3 is P1, P2
(A) 1000.1 mA (B) 1.1 mA and P3, respectively, then
(C) 10.1 mA (D) 100.1 mA

16. An unknown resistance X is to be determined us- 3V

ing resistances R1, R2 or R3. Their corresponding null 3V
points are A, B and C. Find which of the above will
give the most accurate reading and why ? R2
R1 R3

[JEE - 2008]
(A) P1 > P2 > P3 (B) P1 > P3 > P2
(C) P2 > P1 > P3 (D) P3 > P2 > P1

In a Meter Bridge experiment, null point for an un-
known resistance is measured. Now, the unknown re-
G sistance is put inside an enclosure maintained at a
higher temperature. The null point can be obtained at
the same point as before by decreasing the value of
A B C the standard resistance.
R = R1 or R2 or R3 and
Resistance of a metal increases with increase in tem-
17. Consider a cylindrical element as shown in the perature.
figure. Current flowing the through element is I and (A) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True;
STATEMENT-2 is a correct explanation for STATEMENT-
resistivity of material of the cylinder is . Choose the
correct option out the following [JEE-2006] (B) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True;
A B STATEMENT-2 is NOT a correct explanation for STATE-
4r 2r (C) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is False
(D) STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT-2 is True
l/2 l/2 [JEE - 2008]
(A) Power loss in second half is four times the power
loss in first half 21. For the circuit shown in the figure
(B) Voltage drop in first half is twice of voltage drop in
second half
(C) Current density in both halves are equal
(D) Electric field in both halves is equal

18. A resistance of 2 is connected across one gap

(A) the current I through the battery is 7.5 mA
of a metre-bridge (the length of the wire is 100 cm)
(B) the potential difference across RL is 18 V
and an unknown resistance, greater than 2, is con- (C) ratio of powers dissipated in R1 and R2 is 3
nected across the other gap. When these resistances (D) if R1 and R2 are interchanged, magni tude of the
are interchanged, the balance point shifts by 20 cm. power dissipated in RL will de crease by a factor of 9
[JEE - 2009]
Neglecting any corrections, the unknown resistance is
[JEE-2007] 22. Consider a thin square sheet of side L and thick-
(A) 3  (B) 4  ness t, made of a material of resistivity . The resis-
(C) 5  (D) 6  tance between two opposite faces shown by the

394,50 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. : 93141-87482, 0744-2209671

IVRS No : 0744-2439051, 52, 53, www. motioniitjee.com , info@motioniitjee.com

26. A meter bridge is set-up as shown, to determine

shaded area in the figure is : [JEE 2010]
an unknown resistance 'X' using a standard 10 ohm
resistor. The galvanometer shows null point when tap-
ping-key is at 52 cm mark. The end-corrections are 1
cm and 2 cm respectively for the ends A and B. The
determined value of 'X' is [JEE 2011]
X 10
(A) directly proportional to L
(B) directly proportional to t
(C) independent of L
(D) independent of t

23. Incandenscent bulbs are designed by keeping in

mind that the resitance of their filament increases A B
with the increase in temperature. If at room tempera-
ture, 100 W, 60 W and 40 W bulbs have filament re- (A) 10.2 ohm (B) 10.6 ohm
sistances R100, R60 and R40, respectively, the relation (C) 10.8 ohm (D) 11.1 ohm
between these resistance is [JEE 2010]
1 1 1 27. Two batteries of different emfs and different in-
(A) R   (B) R100 = R40 + R60 ternal resistances are connected as shown. The volt-
100 R 40 R 60
age across AB in volts is [JEE 2011]
1 1 1 6V
(C) R100 > R60 > R40 (D) R  
100 R 60 R 40

24. To verify Ohm's law, a student is provided with a
test resistor RT. a high resistance R1, a small resis-
tance R2, two identical galvanometers G1 and G2 and a
variable voltage source V. the correct circuit to carry
out the experiment is :[JEE 2010] 3V network 2
28. For the resistance shown in the figure,
choose the correct option(s).
G1 G1 I2 

R2 R1 
G2 G2  
(A) (B) 

v v I1

(A) The current through PQ is zero

R1 R2
G1 G1 (B) l1 = 3A
(C) The potential at S is less than that at Q
G2 G2
(D) l2 = 2A [JEE 2012]
(C) R2
(D) R1

v v

25. When two identical batteries of internal resistance

1  each are connected in series across a resistor R,
the rate of heat produced in R is J1. When the same
batteries are connected in parallel across R, the rate
is J2. If J1 = 2.25 J2 then the value of R in  is
[JEE 2010]

394,50 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. : 93141-87482, 0744-2209671

IVRS No : 0744-2439051, 52, 53, www. motioniitjee.com , info@motioniitjee.com

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