BAT Plastics
BAT Plastics
BAT Plastics
Agency for Environmental Protection and Technical Services
1. Introduction.
2. Operating phases of the plastic production: polymers
preparation, blend preparation and mixing, moulding,
3. Environmental issues and pertinent BAT: storage and
dispensing, mixing and dosing, hot operations on polymers,
hot operations on handworks.
4. Recycling of plastic packing in Italy.
5. Organisation of the recycling process.
6. Use of the recycled plastic materials.
7. A typical application: the refrigerators recycling plant.
Mr. Giorgio De Benedetti, Mr. Giorgio Grimaldi 2
Egyptian and Italian Cooperation Programme on Environment
Best Available Techniques (BAT)
1. Introduction
Mr. Giorgio De Benedetti, Mr. Giorgio Grimaldi 5
Egyptian and Italian Cooperation Programme on Environment
Best Available Techniques (BAT)
Inert toxic and noxious, very toxic powder
Volatile Organic and Inorganic Compounds
Inert toxic and noxious powder, very toxic, lead, cadmium and mercury
Grease powder and fog, Volatile Organic Carbon (VOC), acrylnitrile,
formaldehyde and total aldehyde, hydrochloric acid, chlorinated compounds,
ammonia and phosphine
Grease powder and fog, VOC, formaldehyde and total aldehyde, ammonia and
aliphatic amine.
Inert powder, volatile inorganic and organic compounds.
Powder, chloridric acid and plasticizers.
Grease powder and fog, Volatile Organic Carbon (VOC), formaldehyde and
total aldehyde, ammonia and aliphatic amine.
BAT for powder, grease fog aerosol: Dry Filtering; Dry Electrostatic Precipitator;
Coalescence Plants
BAT for VOC: Activated Carbon Absorber – External Regeneration; Wet
Filtering – Tower Scrubber (only for VOC soluble in the drawing fluid)
BAT for Volatile Inorganic Compounds (VIC) : Wet Filtering – Tower Scrubber
Volatile Organic Carbon (VOC), Volatile Inorganic compounds (VIC),
particulate, phenol, acetone, NOx.
BAT for powder aerosol: Dry Filtering; Wet Filtering- Venturi Scrubber
BAT for powder methyl acrylate, ethyl, propyl, butyl, amyl and their isomer and
powder: Wet Filtering-tower Scrubber
BAT for VOC: Activated Carbon Absorber – External Regeneration; Wet
Filtering – Tower Scrubber (only for VOC soluble in the drawing fluid);
Recovering Thermal Combustion; Regenerative Thermal Combustion
BAT for VIC: Wet Filtering – Tower Scrubber
BAT for aerosol: Dry Filtering; Wet Filtering- Tower Scrubber; Wet Filtering-
Venturi Scrubber
BAT for VOC: Activated Carbon Absorber – External Regeneration; Wet
Filtering – Tower Scrubber; Recovering Thermal Combustion; Regenerative
Thermal Combustion
BAT for VIC: Wet Filtering – Tower Scrubber
BAT for isocyanate: Wet Filtering – Tower Scrubber
Mr. Giorgio De Benedetti, Mr. Giorgio Grimaldi 21
Egyptian and Italian Cooperation Programme on Environment
Best Available Techniques (BAT)
Volatile Organic Carbon, ozone, ammonia, isocyanate, acrylate from C1 to C5
Finishing of handworks
Hot finishing
Emission of powder, Volatile Organic Carbon, carbon and nitrogen oxide, heavy
metals (Cr, Ni, Co, As, Sb, Cd).
• CO.RE.PLA (National consortium for collecting, recycling and renewal of
plastic packing waste)
– 911 conventions, 6791 Municipalities, 36 Collection centers, 368.000
tons collected in the 2005
• Recycling system
– Conveyance
– Selection
– Reworking
2005 2006*
Plastic Packing consumed in Italy 2080 2110
COREPLA recycling 243 257
COREPLA recycling (%) 11,6 12,1
Indipendent Operators –extra COREPLA recycling 304 305
Indipendent Operators –extra COREPLA recycling (%) 14,6 14,5
Total national recycling 547 562
Total national recycling (%) 26,2 26,6
*Estimed data
Source: COREPLA – PSP 2005
Selection of material
– Magnetic separators
– Mechanical systems for screening and separation
– Air separators
– Grindings
Recycling technics
• Chemical recycling
• Energy production
Mechanical recycling
Chemical recycling
Energy production
¾ Up to 60 refrigerators/hour processed
¾ Refrigerators up to 1050x950x2000 mm, 80 Kg
¾ Purity of the separated fractions
8. Final considerations
9. Reference documents
A specific BREF has not still been prepared. Some indications could be
found only for polymers production, thus covering only the preparation of the
raw materials used in the plastic industry.