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Photocatalytic Porcelain Grés Large Slabs Digitally Coated With Agnps-Tio

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Environmental Science and Pollution Research



Photocatalytic porcelain grés large slabs digitally

coated with AgNPs-TiO2
Claudia L. Bianchi 1 & Giuseppina Cerrato 2 & Carlo Pirola 1 & Federico Galli 1 & Valentino Capucci 3

Received: 24 July 2018 / Accepted: 16 April 2019

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

TiO2 is employed as both photocatalytic and structural materials, leading to its applications in external coatings or in interior
furnishing devices, including cement mortar, tiles, floorings, and glass supports. The authors have already demonstrated the
efficiency of photoactive micro-sized TiO2 and here its industrial use is reported using the digital printing to coat porcelain grés
slabs. Many advantages are immediately evident, namely rapid and precise deposition, no waste of raw materials, thus positively
affecting the economy of the process. Data for the thin films deposited by digital printing were compared with those obtained for
the conventional spray method. The use of metal-doped TiO2 is also reported so that the photoactivity of these materials can be
exploited even under LED light. The digital inkjet printed coatings exhibited superior photocatalytic performance owing to both
higher exposed surface area and greater volume of deposited anatase, as well as the greater areal distribution density of thinly and
thickly coated regions. Moreover, the presence of TiO2 doped silver increased the efficiency of the materials in NOx degradation
both under UVA and LED lights.

Keywords Micro-sized TiO2 . Photocatalysis . Building materials . Porcelain grés materials . Ag-doping . Digital printing . LED
light . NOx

Introduction two different approaches of either prevention or elimination

(Ren et al. 2017). In the latter case, there is an imperative
Concern for the impact of air quality on human health has request to both develop new and improve existing techniques
been increasing for many decades (Fullerton et al. 2008, for the destruction of air pollutants.
Kurmi et al. 2010). A 2014 World Health Organization Contrary to what is generally assumed, air in several indoor
(WHO) health report (World Health Organization 2014) states environments is often more polluted than outdoor because of
that there were about 7 million deaths globally from air pol- the many sources of indoor pollution, which include mold and
lution, 60% of which due to indoor pollution, 53% were from pollen, tobacco smoke, household products and pesticides,
outdoor pollution, and the overlap of 14% was from a combi- and materials usually used in buildings such as formaldehyde
nation of the two. Furthermore, the effects of air pollution on and organic compounds in general. Health effects from indoor
the welfare and survival of native flora and fauna remain top- air pollutants generally occur after a long or repeated exposure
ical issues. In general, air pollution can be addressed by the and they can be severely debilitating or fatal: moreover, main-
ly in the urban areas in more developed countries, population
Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues spends most of the time in closed rooms, houses, offices, and
schools (80–90% of a day).
* Claudia L. Bianchi There is still uncertainty about the level of concentrations
that can produce specific health problems. However, it is ac-
cepted that even low concentrations of some ubiquitous pol-
Dipartimento di Chimica, Università di Milano, Via Golgi 19, lutants can be very dangerous, often causing undesired effects
20133 Milano, Italy on health from sensory discomfort to serious consequences for
Dipartimento di Chimica & NIS Interdept. Centre, Università di physical conditions.
Torino, Via P. Giuria 7, 10125 Torino, Italy Photocatalysis is one of the most promising methods to
IrisCeramica Group, Via Ghiarola Nuova 119, 41042 Fiorano M.se purify air. For this reason, photocatalytic materials and
(MO), Italy
Environ Sci Pollut Res

technologies for air purification have emerged as some of the A frequent criticism to photocatalytic materials concerns
most intensively examined approaches to this end (Ren et al. their use only in the presence of sunlight or traditional artifi-
2017, Zhao and Yang 2003, Mo et al. 2009, Huang et al. 2016, cial lamps, but not with the recent LED lights that have a type
Chen and Poon 2009). Titania (TiO2) is one of the most suit- of radiation incompatible with the activation of traditional
able semiconductor materials for such photocatalytic applica- TiO2. All the photocatalytic processes are inexorably turned
tions owing to its photocatalytic activity, chemical and envi- off when the material is illuminated by LED lights and, even
ronmental stabilities, nontoxicity, and economy. Among the more so, when in darkness. For this reason, the commercial
three TiO2 polymorphs (i.e., anatase, rutile, brookite), anatase micro-sized TiO2 was decorated with Ag nanoparticles (Ag-
is recognized as being the most effective photocatalyst NPs) to enhance its activity even in the visible region (Cerrato
(Hanaor and Sorrell 2009). et al. 2019).
New class of building materials can be a good tool to play Seery and co-authors reported about Ag-modified TiO2
an active role in environment remediation. At the beginning of materials with increased visible light activity compared with
the industrial productions, porcelain grés tiles were considered bare TiO2 (Seery et al. 2007) due to the surface plasmon band
as just a technical material, esthetically not very beautiful. of Ag, which absorbs in the visible spectrum (Nolan et al.
Today, thanks to new industrial production methods, both 2010). The scientific literature is rich of both procedures and
properties and appearance of these materials completely fit data on the synthesis of Ag-NPs supported on TiO2. Examples
the market requests. In particular, the possibility to prepare include impregnation from Ag colloidal dispersions (Yu et al.
slabs of large sizes is the new frontier of building materials. 2017) or from Ag inorganic salts (Amruta and Vidya 2016),
However, it is time to go further the simple sustainable electrostatic self-assembly (Li et al. 2017), photo-reduction of
materials and to produce cements and tiles and in general Ag salts (Milosevic et al. 2017), or ultrasound-assisted syn-
building materials no longer inert but able to ^work^ to im- thesis (Stucchi et al. 2018).
prove the well-being of people living in those spaces. In fact, The photocatalytic properties of commercial digitally coat-
besides the noteworthy architectural features, new surface ed slabs, photoactivated both with bare TiO2 and AgNPs-
properties can be introduced in the last generation of eco- TiO2, were verified in the laboratory using NOx as a model
active materials. In particular, deposition of TiO2 transforms pollutant, to evaluate the good performance of the ceramic
the traditional ceramic surface into a photocatalytic eco-active slabs to tackle the environmental pollution both under UV
material able to (i) reduce polluting molecules present in air and under a commercial LED lamp. The presence of the dop-
and water, (ii) to eliminate bacteria, and (iii) to reduce the ant metal allows the material to act also as antibacterial both in
surface dirt thanks to the self-cleaning property. The standard the UVor LED light and in the dark, by eliminating one of the
requirements of the porcelain grés with respect to hardness, negative features of photocatalytic building materials that has
lack of porosity, vitrified surface, and durability typical of a so far limited their use on a large scale.
porcelain grés product do not change with the addition of the
photocatalytic coating.
The digital printing was exploited as a new tool to Materials and methods
manufacture photocatalytic tiles even of very large size
(150 × 300 cm). Conventional spray coating and dip coat- The support was a micrometric pure anatase TiO2 (K1077,
ing methods are basic techniques, typically involving KRONOS Worldwide, Inc.), as assessed by its crystallograph-
aqueous suspensions, applied to substrates over relatively ic structure: we thoroughly characterized it in previous works
large areas. In contrast, digital inkjet printing is more so- (Bianchi et al. 2015) and its main features are summarized in
phisticated, involving piezoelectric heads with precise di- Table 1.
rectional deposition of an aqueous/organic suspension
with an electrostatic field; details of the process are avail- AgNPs and AgNPs-TiO2 preparation
able elsewhere (Bianchi et al. 2018). Micro-TiO2 was in-
dustrially formulated in a tailored ink, digitally printed at AgNps-doped TiO2 was prepared following two different syn-
the tiles surface, fired in industrial kiln at 680 °C, and thetic procedures. The first one implied to start from silver
cleaned with a rotating wire brush to remove the TiO2 nitrate (AgNO3, ACS Reagent, ≥ 99%). The other reagents
fraction weakly stuck at the ceramic surface. In the for- were polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP40, average mol wt 40,000)
mulation, a commercial micro-TiO2 (Kronos, character- and ammonia (NH3, ≥ 99%). The preparation of the AgNPs
ized by pure anatase and a not coated surface) was sol is reported elsewhere (Minozzi et al. 2018). The second
employed avoiding the use of traditional nano-sized preparation was carried out starting from a commercial
TiO2 in powdery form, thus preventing possible side ef- AgNPs solution (Fluka).
fects on human health due to both use and exposure to In both cases, the final product was obtained by simple
nanoparticles mainly during the manufacture process. wet-impregnation of the AgNPs sol with the micro-sized
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 1 Characteristics of Kronos 1077 TiO2 powder Photocatalytic tests

Characteristic Units Value
The photocatalytic activity of the samples was tested for NOx
Mineralogy wt% ≥ 98.5 anatase degradation. Their efficiency was monitored using a setup
pH – 7.0–8.5 precisely described elsewhere (Ardizzone et al. 2007) operat-
Brightness – 97.0–97.8 ing in static condition. Photocatalytic degradations were con-
True density kg/m3 3800 ducted in a Pyrex glass cylindrical reactor with an effective
Particle size range nm 110–130 volume of 20 L. The gaseous mixture in the reactor was ob-
Surface area m2 g−1 12 tained by mixing NO2 (0.6% in nitrogen) with air humidified
Optical indirect band gap eV 3.15 at 40%. It is important to underline that we start from an inlet
Band gap eV 3.15 gas of pure NO2 pulsed into the reactor that, as soon as it
XPS (OH/OTOT) 0.32 comes into contact in the air already present, reaches the
chemical equilibrium between NO and NO2. In this way, all
the photocatalytic tests have been made using a mixture of NO
TiO2 K1077 for 24 h at room temperature and final calcination and NO2 in air. Two initial concentrations of NOx in the re-
at 450 °C for 2 h. actor were tested: 1000 ppb in order to follow the same pol-
lutant concentration requested by the ISO 22197-1:2016 rules
(ISO 2016) and 500 ppb for the tests performed under LED
Industrial ceramic tile production light.
Photon sources were provided by a 500-W iron halogenide
Tiles under investigation were commercial porcelain-grès lamp (Jelosil, model HG 500) emitting in the 320–400 nm
large slabs, manufactured by IrisCeramica Group. Industrial wavelength range (UV-A) with a specific UV power on the
porcelain-grès tiles are produced under high pressure by dry- surface of the samples of 20 Wm−2 and by a commercial LED
pressing finely processed ceramic raw materials with large lamp (Philips) emitting > 420 nm wavelength irradiating
proportions of quartz, feldspar, and other fluxes and finally 1000 lx. In all cases, UV and LED light emissions were mea-
fired at high temperatures (1200–1300 °C) in a kiln. sured using a photo radiometer (Delta Ohm—HD2101.2
Commercial photoactive porcelain-grès tiles were subsequent- model).
ly covered at the surface with a mixture of either pure TiO2 NOx photocatalytic tests were performed at 25 °C for 6 h.
(product label, digital Active) or TiO2 doped with AgNps The actual concentration of pollutants (NO, NO2, and conse-
(product label, Active 2.0), mixed with a tailored SiO2-based quently their sum, i.e., NOx) in the reactor was determined
ink by digital printing (Projecta Engineering, Italy) (Bianchi directly by chemiluminescence (Teledyne, Mod. 200E).
et al. 2018). To ensure the requested product stability, at the
end of the preparation procedure, the tiles were treated at high
temperature (680 °C) for 80 min and then brushed to remove Results and discussion
the powder present at the sample surface and not completely
stuck. The temperature was precisely chosen to maintain the Conventional and HR-TEM images of the various samples
anatase form of the semiconductor and allow the vitrification have been obtained and the relevant results are summarized
of the tile surface (Bianchi et al. 2018). in Fig. 1.
The morphological features of plain micrometric TiO2 re-
main unchanged after the addition of Ag species as it can be
Sample characterization observed in Fig. 1a. Both at low magnification (main image)
and at high magnification (inset to Fig. 1a), large and ordered
Micro-sized powders were characterized by Transmission micro-crystals are evident, almost all exhibiting smooth edges
Electron Microscopy (TEM). Images (either conventional or and a 100–130-nm average size dimension. The inspection of
in high resolution) have been obtained by means of a Jeol JEM the fringe patterns indicated by the arrows (and of the relevant
3010 UHR instrument, equipped with a LaB6 filament (oper- electron diffraction) indicates that the family of planes most
ating at 300 kV) and an Oxford INCA X-ray energy dispersive frequently exposed is the (101) of the TiO2 anatase phase
spectrometer (X-EDS) with a Pentafet Si(Li) detector. [ICDD 21-1272]. As for the samples containing Ag species
Samples were Bdry^ dispersed on lacey carbon Cu grids. (see Fig. 1b), no morphological peculiarities could be singled
Furthermore, tiles were characterized by SEM and EDX out for what concerns the TiO2 support, indicating that the
analyses, using a Field Emission Gun Electron Scanning addition of Ag brings about no changes on it. On the other
Microscopy LEO 1525, metallization with Cr. Elemental hand, the presence of Ag species is well assessed by (i) the
composition was determined using Bruker Quantax EDS. EDS spectrum reported in the left-hand image of Fig. 1b and
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 1 a TEM images of the plain

micrometric TiO2. b TEM images
of AgNPs-doped TiO2. Left-hand
section, low magnification image.
Right-hand image, high magnifi-
cation image and electron dif-
fraction patterns. c EDS spectrum
relative to the left-hand image re-
ported in panel b

(ii) also by the inspection of the fringe patterns/electron dif- digital printing process, it has been possible to disperse in a
fraction marked with b (see the right-hand image): the crystal uniform way the micro-sized particles of the photocatalyst at
planes put into evidence are those related to the (111) family of the surface of the tiles, thanks for the ink containing the TiO2
metallic Ag [ICDD 01-0783] and the average dimensions of powder (K1077) and delivered by the printing heads.
these metal particles reside in the nanometric range, being The single element distribution can be appreciated by EDX
located in the 10–20 nm. characterization carried out during the SEM analysis (Fig. 3).
The particle distribution on the ceramic surface was evalu- Both Ag and Ti are homogeneously dispersed on the tile sur-
ated by SEM analysis. Figure 2 reports that, by means of the face with some small voids in the Ti presence due to the
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 2 SEM images of AgNPs-doped TiO2 coated on the ceramic surface obtained after digital printing process. Left-hand section, low magnification
image (10 KX). Right-hand image, high magnification (50 KX)

peculiar tile texture. In fact, the black spots are raised areas of powder not perfectly adhered to the ceramic surface. The av-
tile structure where TiO2 has been partially removed by the erage amount of TiO2 coated on the tile surface is 20 g m−2 as
industrial brushing process carried out downstream to the pro- fixed by the digital printer and confirmed by EDS
duction and aimed at the removal of the excess photocatalyst measurements.
The characterization results obtained so far in terms of uni-
formity of the photocatalyst on the surface allow us to predict
that the activity towards the NOx degradation of the ceramic
slabs produced with the digital technology (digital Active) can
be considerably higher than that obtained with the tiles pro-
duced with the old spray technology (spray Active). In addi-
tion, the new slabs produced with the K1077 doped with
AgNPs (Active 2.0) show, as foreseen by the tests on the
photocatalyst in powdery form (Bianchi et al. 2018), that the
Ag brings about a beneficial effect in terms of greater efficien-
cy of the ceramic as anti-pollutant material under UVA lights
(Fig. 4).
It is possible to observe that the NOx photoabatement
greatly increased from 56 to 90% on passing from spraying
technology to digital printing, indicating that the latter allowed

Conversion NOx


30 spray Acve

20 digital Acve
10 Acve 2.0
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Time (min)

Fig. 4 NOx (1000 ppb) conversion vs time. Tests performed on industri-

Fig. 3 EDX images of AgNPs-doped micro-sized TiO2 coated on the ally produced ceramic tiles using ▲ AgNPs-K1077 digitally printed
ceramic surface obtained after digital printing process. a Ag distribution, (Active 2.0), ∎ K1077 digitally printed (digital Active), ♦ K1077 coated
green spots. b Ti distribution, red spots by spray on the ceramic surface (spray Active)
Environ Sci Pollut Res

a greater uniformity in the surface distribution of the surface area and greater volume of deposited anatase, as well
photocatalyst. The presence of the decoration with AgNPs as a greater areal distribution density of thinly and thickly
on the K1077 has even more increased the effectiveness of coated regions. Moreover, the presence of Ag-NPs has been
ceramic material up to 96% NOx conversion with UVA lamp. found to greatly increase the efficiency of the materials in
T h e g e n e r a l m e c h a n i s m of N O x o x i d a t i o n b y NOx degradation both under UVA and LED lights: this aspect
photocatalysis implies their oxidation to either nitric or nitrous has been thoroughly investigated also in the case of large
acids by active oxygen species produced on the TiO2 surface. ceramic slabs, prepared with the same digital printing technol-
In particular, in a previous work, we investigated the NOx ogy, leading to very interesting results opening the door for
photodegradation with micrometric TiO2 using 60 × 60-cm antipollution applications in real environment.
tiles activated with TiO2 (Bianchi et al. 2016a). As expected,
the reaction follows a pseudo-first-order with respect to both
NO and NO2 to form oxidized species (i.e., NO3−).
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