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I.Bandara, F.Ioras, K. Maher

Buckinghamshire New University (UNITED KINGDOM)

Cyberspace refers to the boundless space known as the Internet. Cyber security is the body of rules
put in place for the protection of this cyberspace. The increasing use of e-Learning systems has been
documented by numerous studies and shows continuing growth; little attention has been given to the
issue of security of e-Learning systems both in research and education.
In this paper, we illustrate an approach to understanding, evaluating, monitoring, measuring and
managing cyber security as it relates to e-Learning systems. Security of e-Learning systems
represents a unique challenge as numerous systems are accessed and managed via the Internet by
thousands of users over hundreds of networks. Moreover, this paper reveals the prevalence of internal
cyber-attack as well as a lack of proper IT policies and procedures in e-Learning systems, in light of
their standard architecture and their specific security requirements.
Also, we discuss the most important security challenges that can be relevant for distributed e-Learning
systems. Because e-Learning systems are open, distributed and interconnected, then security
becomes an important challenge in order to ensure that interested, and authorised, actors only have
access to the right information at the appropriate time.
Keywords: Cyber security, e-Learning systems, cyber-attack, IT policies, distributed e-Learning.

E-Learning is widely used as a method of learning that ultimately depends on the Internet in its
execution. E-Learning systems epitomise computing systems and networks of the Internet generation.
These systems are complex and they aim to guarantee the satisfaction of the learner and maintain the
good image of the learning process. There is clear evidence that innovative educational technologies,
such as e-Learning, provide unprecedented opportunities for students, trainees and educators to
acquire, develop and maintain core skills and essential knowledge [1]. However, e-Learning systems
employ the Internet as a place to obtain all necessary information and knowledge. Unfortunately, the
Internet has also become the venue for a new-fangled set of illegal activities, so-called cyber-crime.
Information associated with the e-Learning environment, some of which might be personal, protected
or confidential in nature, is then continuously exposed to security threats because e-Learning systems
are open, distributed and interconnected.
E-Learning has gone through a spectacular development during the past years [2]. E-Learning
systems are diverse and widespread, with examples including WebCT, Moodle and Blackboard. They
are large and dynamic with a variety of users and resources. The sharing of information, collaboration
and interconnectivity are core elements of any e-Learning system. Data must then be protected in
order to maintain confidentiality, integrity and availability. Protecting against data manipulation,
fraudulent user authentication and compromises in confidentiality are important security issues in e-
Learning. Meanwhile, e-Learning trends are demanding a greater level of interoperability for
applications, learning environments and heterogeneous systems.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the most important cyber security challenges
that are relevant to Higher Education systems and future distributed e-Learning systems. The main
sections will cover: cyber security and education; security threats, detection and protection in
distributed e-Learning systems; developing a security management model for e-Learning systems;
and, finally, some conclusions are presented.


The Higher Education sector is increasingly exploring the use of information systems and technology
to meet the needs and expectations of diverse learners who demand more than just traditional
classroom-based experiences. New course delivery models attempt to blend face-to-face elements

Proceedings of ICERI2014 Conference ISBN: 978-84-617-2484-0

17th-19th November 2014, Seville, Spain 0728
with e-Learning, Webinars and other online digital content. Building trust and encouraging
engagement amongst users of online learning systems is important because there are opportunities
for both synchronous and asynchronous interactions with the system. Synchronous learning occurs in
real-time, with all participants interacting at the same time, while asynchronous learning is self-paced
and allows participants to engage in the exchange of ideas or information without the dependency of
other participants′ involvement at the same time [5].

2.1 Building digital trust

Higher Education is a very different environment to what it was several years ago and is now offering
significant student engagement via online learning systems. Students have an increasing
understanding of information systems (IS) and information technology (IT) issues, so overall learning
strategies devised by course providers must be intrinsically linked with IS/IT strategies to meet student
needs now and in the future. Digital natives and digital immigrants will share high expectations of their
e-Learning system, in terms of usability, security and protection of their personal information. This
could include the secure handling of a student’s bank details associated with payments for course fees
and other products.
Universities in the UK hold significant intellectual property through research and other academic
materials, which could be attractive targets for cyber-criminals. Researchers will expect their sensitive
work and commercially important information to be securely stored, with no risk of theft or misuse.
Institutions should perform a cyber security risk assessment and determine best arrangements for
technology, people and processes.

2.2 Bring your own device and remote access

Bring your own device (BYOD) raises a number of data protection concerns due to the fact that the
device is owned by the user rather than the data controller. Students are comfortable using technology
for communication, finding information, for collaboration and as a platform for their learning and
development. They also want wireless and on-demand access to the university network, including any
virtual learning environment, not only through the university’s own fixed PCs in dedicated computer
rooms but also via their own device (tablet, smartphone) from different locations on and off campus.
It is crucial that the data controller ensures that all processing of personal data under his control
remains in compliance with the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998. The DPA is based around eight
principles of ‘good information handling’ [3]. These give people specific rights in relation to their
personal information and place certain obligations on those organisations that are responsible for
processing it. The specific risks that a BYOD policy addresses will be unique to each organisation. An
important question to consider is: Which personal data can be processed on a personal device and
which must be held in a more restrictive environment? Universities and organisations must consider if
those students, academics or employees using their own devices are processing non-corporate
information about the owner or other users of the device. Nevertheless, it remains crucial that users
are managing any pertinent personal information in compliance with DPA principles.

2.3 Security in learning management systems

Current e-Learning systems supporting online collaborative learning do not sufficiently meet essential
security requirements [4]. Collaborative learning experiences are normally designed and implemented
with pedagogical principles very much in mind, whilst security issues are largely ignored. This may
lead to undesirable situations that have a detrimental impact on the learning process and its
management, such as students falsifying course assessments, presenting a convincing false identity
to others, intrusion upon controlled or private conversations, alteration of date stamps on submitted
work, and a tutor gaining access to the personal data of students.
Moneo et al. [4] propose the use of an approach based upon Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) models
that offer essential security properties and services in online collaborative learning, such as
availability, integrity, identification and authentication, access control, confidentiality, non-repudiation,
time stamping, audit service and failure control.
PKI assumes the use of Public Key Cryptography; it is the most shared method on the Internet for
validating a message sender or encrypting a message. Traditional cryptography has usually involved
the creation and sharing of a secret key for the encryption and decryption of messages. This private

key system has the significant flaw that if the key is discovered or intercepted by someone else,
messages can easily be decrypted. For this reason, Public Key Cryptography and Public Key
Infrastructure is the preferred approach on the Internet.

2.4 Highest cyber security threats in higher education

Mobile devices are being utilised by the enthusiastic and early adopters of technology, with new
devices pervading campuses across the country. Many new and advanced mobile devices (such as,
iPads, new Android phones, tablet devices and portable Internet access systems) are launched daily
with upgraded versions of operating systems; these are ripe for infection and ready to infect a
university’s network system. It is then important to support these devices, whilst maintaining complete
visibility of their connectivity and interactions with the university system.

2.4.1 Viruses and Social Media

University and college students are the biggest users of social media, for example, Facebook, Twitter,
and YouTube. This will enable the hosting and spreading of Malware, and other viruses like Wildfire,
through social media sites. It will be virtually impossible to permanently block access to social media
on a college or university campus. Quick identification of infected devices is essential in order to
maintain network security and protect crucial data.

2.4.2 Virtualisation of desktops to servers

Virtualisation is a widely used and popular strategy in all types of enterprises including those in Higher
Education. The system offers significant savings on hardware and management costs, supports the
implementation of a green strategy, as well as taking advantage of the move to virtualised desktops.
When more users move to virtualised environments, more threats will arise. Higher Education
institutions need to remember that hosted virtualised desktops (HVDs) should be viewed in the same
way as traditional devices, posing the same threats as any connected device.

2.4.3 Consumerisation of IT
IT consumerisation is driven by users who buy their own devices, use their own personal online
service accounts, install their own applications and then connect to the university or corporate network
with the device - often without the organisation's knowledge or approval. In the Higher Education
sector, an institution’s own consumerisation of IT has made the problem even more difficult to
manage. As users increasingly adopt their own devices for professional use, Higher Education
institutions will see more network security threats. In fact, the consumerisation of IT is driving the need
for network security solutions that can cover multiple types of devices and infrastructure components.
It is necessary to respond with security solutions that identify any consumer-adopted device, scan for
threats and deficiencies and then provision access or automatically remediate problems, regardless of
the type of device or location.


E-Learning systems share the same characteristics and challenges as other e-services, requiring the
sharing and distribution of information. More specifically, they are associated with the accessibility of
service via the Internet, the consumption of services by a person via the Internet and the payment for
a service by a customer. Organisations must put greater emphasis on security risk management,
taking into consideration the type and severity of the different threats and vulnerabilities, and
recognising the diverse interaction and integration between clients, servers, databases and other

3.1 Cyber security issues for distributed e-Learning systems

E-systems are vulnerable to a number of threats: serious security threats include software attacks
(viruses, worms, macros, denial of service), espionage, acts of theft (illegal equipment or information)
and intellectual property (piracy, copyright, infringement). E-Learning systems do have some
peculiarities, having a variety of users, multiple applications and information to download and upload
E-systems are vulnerable to a range of security threats (summarised by Rjaibi et al.[8]):

• Authentication – broken authentication and session management; insecure communication.
• Availability – denial of service.
• Confidentiality attacks – insecure cryptographic storage; insecure direct object reference;
information leakage and improper error handling.
• Integrity attacks – buffer overflow; cross site request forgery; cross site scripting; failure to
restrict URL access; injection flaws; malicious file execution.
A threat is defined as a category of object, person or other entities that presents a danger, such as
Trojan horses or phishing. Schemes that involve password-based authentication of users are highly
susceptible to phishing attacks, which are becoming more and more sophisticated and require strong
preventative and countermeasures [12].
Rjaibi et al. [8] have also proposed and illustrated the use of a Mean Failure Cost (MFC) model for
managing and quantifying security threats, paying appropriate attention to: the basic architectural
components of an e-Learning system; the different stakeholders; the various security requirements;
the different types of security threats.

3.2 Privacy concerns in e-Learning

May and George [12] have acknowledged the technical and ethical aspects of using a tracking system
to observe and analyse the different human-computer interactions that occur as part of computer-
mediated learning (CML) in e-Learning, distance learning and blended learning. They have raised
awareness of security and privacy protection as important issues for practitioners and researchers
where student tracking and personal student data are utilised. An improved understanding of the
security issues will help participants to avoid security threats as well as improving their own protection
and that of their learning environments [9].
The providers of the virtual learning environment, and the tutors distributing the content, are
concerned with delivering a secure learning environment and the safe storage of confidential learner
data. The learners themselves make a trust judgement about the learning environment, and are
interested in the protection of their sensitive personal data [10]. Data collected about the issues of
privacy and security in technology-enhanced learning [11] established that people perceived different
aspects in the following order of decreasing importance: awareness raising > protection of personal
data > authenticity of learning resources > seamless access > address and location privacy > single
sign-on > digital rights management > legislation > anonymous use.

3.3 Information security management in e-Learning

Alwi and Fan [14] have reviewed the security issues that relate to e-Learning systems. They have
presented a useful overview of the most serious threats:
• Deliberate software attacks (viruses, worms, macros, denial of service);
• Technical software failures and errors (bugs, coding problems, unknown loopholes);
• Acts of human error or failure (accidents, employee mistakes);
• Deliberate acts of espionage or trespass (unauthorised access and/or data collection);
• Deliberate acts of sabotage or vandalism (destruction of information or system);
• Technical hardware failures or errors (equipment failure);
• Deliberate acts of theft (illegal confiscation of equipment or information);
• Compromises to intellectual property (piracy, copyright, infringement);
• Quality of Service deviations from service providers (power and WAN service issues);
• Technological obsolescence (antiquated or out-dated technologies);
• Deliberate acts of information extortion (blackmail for information disclosure).
Table 1, describes protection against data manipulation, user authentication and confidentiality as
important security issues in e-learning.
Chen and He [15] reviewed the academic research literature in order to discover the main security
risks and protection measures in e-Learning systems (online learning).

Table 1: Protection against data manipulation, user authentication and confidentiality

Security risks Protection measures

• ARP cache poisoning and MITM attack • Installing firewalls and anti-virus software
• Brute force attack • Implementing Security Management (ISM)
• Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) • Improving authentication, authorisation,
• Cross Site Scripting (XSS) confidentiality, and accountability

• Denial of Service (DoS) • Using digital right management and

• IP spoofing
• Training security professionals
• Masquerade
• Rootkits
• SQL Injection
• Session Hijacking
• Session Prediction
• Stack-smashing attacks

Information Security Management (ISM), including policies, processes, procedures, organisational

structures, and, software and hardware functions, needs to be properly implemented in order to
properly manage and mitigate against risks and threats.


Higher Education institutions should implement corporate approaches to managing their information
security risks as part of existing governance structures. Institutions have to identify the ‘controls’ of
data in order to establish clear lines of secure information sharing in a distributed environment.
Implementing cyber security governance needs appropriate levels of understanding of the threats
facing the university and the measures that must be put in place. It will require the allocation of day-to-
day responsibilities for assessing, managing and reporting risks appropriately [6]. Principles, heads of
schools/departments, all the academic staff and the IT support group in the Higher Education
establishment should be clear about their own responsibilities and stay alert to the emerging and
evolving threats and risks to data users. In Figure 1, the process model developed for managing
cyber security threats in Higher Education systems is illustrated.

Figure 1: Managing cyber security threats in Higher Education institutions: process model for security

The diagram shows how various stakeholders (staff and users) contribute to and are impacted by a
well-managed approach to cyber security in the organisation. Identification and specification of
requirements represents the input (from the left-hand side) to a process cycle with Plan, Implement,
Evaluate and Maintain stages. This Control cycle is continuing, repeating and goes through
appropriate amendments and iterations, in response to the information and intelligence available, such
that the output (on the right-hand side) is a managed security system. Effective stakeholder adoption,
with clear direction and expectations communicated from management about user responsibilities and
behaviour, is crucial for the success of such a security model.
All the Higher Education institutions should be aware of their duties regarding the protection of
institutional and research data and have appropriate measures in place to ensure that they are
compliant with the Data Protection Act (1998) [6]. Most of the Higher Education institutions will have
different structures for the management of data and research, and appropriate levels of oversight.
There will be a variety of data management policies and plans in operation, with very little
consideration given to errors. These features present a challenge for corporate governance to both
respect the issues and understand the real need for a process model to manage, control and mitigate
against employee cyber security threats.
Eventually, network security is a responsibility for the whole institution. Network administrators and
protectors can maintain up-to-date knowledge of threats and counter measures through exchange of
information with peers, government and others. The contribution of users cannot be underestimated in
the security of any network and related information. They must play a central role in evaluating the
risks posed to information, appreciating security priorities, and, finally, taking responsibility for the
implementation of controls [6].

The demand for e-Learning has changed the way in which Higher Education conducts its core
business of providing courses to various learners. Organisations must find and implement new
services that can enable students to study effectively and securely in a virtual environment. The
increased demand from e-Learners for flexibility, mobility and empowerment poses a significant
challenge to Higher Education IT departments, who are finding it harder to maintain control over how
data is used, stored and shared inside and outside the virtual class. The implementation of new
services, to meet demanding user needs, requires the building of secure, standardised, highly
available e-Learning environments, as well as centralised application management.

This article was supported by work conducted under the Tempus European project entitled
'Enhancement of cyber educational system of Montenegro' (544088-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-SI-TEMPUS-

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