Temperatura Gas Natural
Temperatura Gas Natural
Temperatura Gas Natural
Kim, ChangJong1, Cho, Sung Min2, Kim, Eun Jung3 and Yoon, Kee Bong4
Institute of Gas Safety R&D, Korea Gas Safety Corp, 11 Soraesan-gil, Shihung-si, 429-712,
South Korea, kimcj2009@kgs.or.kr
Institute of Gas Safety R&D, Korea Gas Safety Corp, 11 Soraesan-gil, Shihung-si, 429-712,
South Korea, cho225@kgs.or.kr
Institute of Gas Safety R&D, Korea Gas Safety Corp, 11 Soraesan-gil, Shihung-si, 429-712,
South Korea, ejkim@kgs.or.kr
Chung Ang University, 84 Heukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 156-756, South Korea,
The number of eco friendly vehicle, which is using green energy such as natural gas(NG) and
hydrogen(H2), is rapidly increasing in the world. Almost all of the car manufacturers are adopting the
pressurizing fuel method to storage gas. The fuel storage system which can pressurize the fuel as high
as possible is necessary to maximize the mileage of the vehicle. In Korea, the most important issue is
that makes sure of safety of the fuel storage system, and several tests are performed to verify safety of
the composite cylinder especially for Type 3 and Type 4. In this research, an empirical study on the
internal temperature change of Type 3 and Type 4 composite cylinder during filling is performed by
gas cycling test equipment. In order to measure the temperature, totally twelve sensors(every four
sensors on the top, middle and bottom) are installed in each cylinder. As a consequence, large amount
of compression heat is generated during rapid filling, and the result, temperature change in Type 4 is
greater than Type 3, is confirmed depending on property of the liner material such as thermal
conduction and thickness of carbon composite.
The world's interest in replacement energy is increasing due to the depletion of natural resources,
global warming, and environmental pollution. Amongst the replacement energies, hydrogen is the
most likely eco-friendly energy to replace the fossil fuel [1]. Nations (mostly USA, Europe, and Japan)
have researched on the safety regulations and codes for hydrogen since 2003 [2]. In order to apply
hydrogen into vehicles, there were efforts being made to construct an infrastructure of economy for
hydrogen which includes storage facilities and hydrogen products, and South Korea has been
researching aggressively on hydrogen energy since 2005. Gas is compressed under high-pressure in
order for natural gas and hydrogen to be used as fuels, and therefore, there is a need for inventing a
fuel storage system which can store the fuel with highest possible pressure for longer travel distances.
A composite cylinder which is safer and lighter is appropriate for high-pressure hydrogen gas.
Especially, Type 3 and Type 4 composite cylinders are viewed as the safest amongst other composite
cylinders because both of them are light, Type 3 is free from hydrogen embrittlement and Type 4 has
superior endurance performance. This study measured and compared the changes in internal
temperature of Type 3 and Type 4 composite cylinders which occurs when filling high-pressure gas in
order to investigate how the composite cylinders being installed in vehicles which use high-pressure
gas as fuels react to heat.
The international regulations for verifying the safety of composite cylinders for high-pressure
hydrogen gas are all established or in effect in many countries such as the members of EU. The first
hydrogen cylinder's safety standards were established in Europe as the UN EC No.406. Also, the U.S.
is testing the cylinders with pressure outlined in North American CNG industrial standard of
ANSI/NGV2 2007, came up with their own modified standard, Modified ANSI/NGV2 2007(HGV),
and testing the cylinders by installing them in hydrogen-fueled cars.
Composite cylinders are categorized into 4 types internationally and each type has different test items
for testing safety. Composite cylinders for natural gas have to pass 13 safety test items, but for
composite cylinders storing hydrogen, they have to pass 15 test items. Table 1 below lists the test
items for composite cylinders. ANSI NGV 2(2007) is a safety evaluation standard for composite
cylinders storing compressed natural gas which are installed in vehicles [3] and UN EC No.406(2010)
is a safety evaluation standard for composite cylinders storing hydrogen gas for vehicles [4].
Only the samples that have passed the hydraulic pressure test, ambient hydraulic cycling test, and
permeation test are allowed for gas cycling test due to safety concerns. The sample cylinder will
contain the actual gas with 1.0 times more pressure than the nominal working pressure and held under
2 MPa for 1,000 times with repetitive pressurization and decompression. The filling time must be
under 5 minutes during the test. During the test, a thermocouple should be placed at both metallic end
bosses to measure temperature. If there is only one end boss, then a temperature sensor should be
inserted on its opposite side to measure the temperature. A cylinder that was pressurized for 1,000
times should be tested for leakage after the cycling test and it also needs to be checked for any cracks
between the plastic liner and another liner or between a plastic liner and an end boss, and for
electrostatic leakage and such. The gas cycling test of composite cylinders for compressed natural gas
and hydrogen is summarized in Table 2 below.
Table 2. Comparison of Gas Cycling Test Standards for Composite Cylinders
This study used Type 3 and Type 4 composite cylinders for which can store up to 70 and 71 liters of
natural gas with 20.7 MPa pressure for the experiment. As you can see from Table 3 below, Type 3
composite cylinder is made of Al6061-T6 material along with seamless aluminium liner and fully
wrapped in T700 carbon fiber/epoxy in helical and hoop winding. Fig. 1(a) is showing the
measurements of Type 3 cylinder such as the liner thickness around the cylinder 4.3 mm, thickness of
composite layer 8.3 mm, and the external diameter of the cylinder 395 mm. Fig. 1(b) is showing the
measurements of Type 4 composite cylinder such as the liner thickness around the cylinder 7.5 mm,
thickness of composite layer 11 mm, and the external diameter of the cylinder 396 mm. Type 4
cylinder storing up to 71 liters of natural gas is made of HDPE(high density polyethylene), and liner
is fully wrapped with carbon fiber/epoxy material.
Table 3 below shows the specifications of the testing cylinders.
Both Type 3 and Type 4 composite cylinders took in compressed natural gas with 20.7 MPa twice and
22 MPa once with a natural gas cycling test equipment which can pressurize up to 38 MPa. Each
cylinder was maintained for 60 seconds at the target pressure, and then gas started to release. With the
pressure data, which was from the closest pressure sensor to test cylinders, the pressurization and
withdrawal were controlled. Fig. 2 explains the equipment used in the experiment such as test
chamber, compressing equipment, recovery equipment, etc. Also, Fig. 3 shows the set up of the
composite cylinders. Fig. 3 explains composite cylinders set up.
(b) Compressing and Recovery Equipment for Natural Gas(Max pressure: 38 MPa)
Figure 2. Gas Cycling Test Equipment
(a) Type 3 Cylinder (b) Type 4 Cylinder
Figure 3. Set Up of Composite Cylinders
A sensor to check for temperature change within the cylinder was created as Fig. 4(a) shows below. 12
t-type thermocouple temperature sensors were equipped from the gas injection hole and the sensors
were made with flexible plastic-like material to be able to be inserted through tiny holes of the
cylinders [5]. Also, in order to handle the cylinder, specially threaded plug(1.124 12UNF) was used,
and O-ring which made it possible for the cylinder to handle up to 35 MPa. In Fig. 4(b), 12
temperature sensors are able to sense heat from the gas injection hole and all possible angles inside the
cylinder(above, below, left, right, up, down, middle, back).
(a) Actual Temperature Sensor (b) Location of the Sensor Within the Cylinder
A pressure sensor was set up on the front of the testing cylinder to check the testing pressure, and an
exclusive computer program was used to control the gas cycling test. All data was set up to be
collected once every second and all testing and monitoring scenes were generated and saved into video
files to establish data.
When testing the cylinder's integrity, pressure tests are mostly conducted with water, because of safety
issues. However in this research, because of the actual use of the cylinder, internal temperature
measurements from natural gas pressure were taken from full-wrapping Type 3, Type 4 cylinders
which have low thermal conductivity. In this test, Type 3 and Type 4 cylinders were each tested under
20.7 MPa twice, and 22 MPa once with pressure and internal temperatures equal. The test compared
the amount of time each cylinder was able to hold the target pressure. Fig. 5 shows the internal
temperature changes after Type 3 Cylinder was pressurized to 20.7 MPa, and the average temperature
at 20.7 MPa 1st and 2nd test was determined as 30.3 °C and 29.7 °C.
1st Type 3 Test (average Temp.) 2nd Type 3 Test (average Temp.)
Figure 5. Type 3 Temperature Data to 20.7 MPa
Fig. 6 shows Type 4 cylinder's internal temperature changes after it was pressurized to 20.7 MPa, and
the average temperature for tests 1 and 2 was determined to be 38 °C and 33.5 °C. The cylinders in
this test were built to hold 20.7 MPa, but to observe the progress of internal temperature, the cylinders
were put under 22 MPa pressure and the resulting internal temperatures were recorded. Fig. 7-8 shows
Type 3 and 4 cylinders' internal temperature changes under 22 MPa pressure, and the average
temperatures were 30.2 °C and 33.8 °C respectively.
1st Type 4 Test 2nd Type 4 Test
1st Type 4 Test (average Temp.) 2nd Type 4 Test (average Temp.)
Type 3 Test (average Temp.) Type 4 Test (average Temp.)
Figure 8. Type 3 and Type 4 Temperature Data to 22 MPa(2)
After comparatively analyzing Fig. 5-7, Type 4 cylinder has average temperatures 3~7 °C higher than
Type 3 cylinder in all areas at 20.7 MPa, and about 3 °C higher at 22 MPa. Also Hydrogen gas
regulation UN EC No.406(2010) states that the gas should not be below -40 °C when releasing, but in
this test all types of cylinders were pressurized with gas below -40 °C. Fig. 9 shows how long each
cylinder can maintain pressure after reaching the target pressure, and its average temperature. Type 4
cylinder can hold 20.7 MPa for 8 seconds on average, and Type 3 cylinder holds for 4 seconds on
average. Under 22 MPa, Type 4 cylinder holds for 7 seconds while Type 3 holds for 3 seconds on
Table 4 through 10 shows the minor temperature changes during the target pressure duration, and
shows the amount of time maintained, and average temperature. Through the tables, Type 4 average
temperature was higher than Type 3, and in case of time maintaining maximum pressure, Type 4 was
longer than Type 3. In view of the results, it can be seen that Type 3's heat transference is higher than
Type 4's, enabling it to quickly disperse its internal temperature. It was verified that there is a bigger
internal temperature change in Type 4 cylinder.
Table 4. Temperature Data of Type 3 for Holding at 20.7 MPa(1st)
Time Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Pre ss ure
(sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (MPa)
1 31 29 31 29 28 30 30 31 29.9 20.7
2 31 29 31 29 28 30 30 30 29.8 20.7
3 31 29 31 29 28 30 30 30 29.8 20.7
4 31 29 31 28 28 30 30 30 29.6 20.7
Average 31.0 29.0 31.0 28.8 28.0 30.0 30.0 30.3 29.8
1 30 28 31 29 27 30 30 30 29.4 20.7
2 30 28 31 29 27 30 29 30 29.3 20.7
3 30 28 31 29 27 30 29 30 29.3 20.7
4 30 28 31 29 27 30 29 29 29.1 20.7
Average 30.0 28.0 31.0 29.0 27.0 30.0 29.3 29.8 29.3
1 38 39 39 38 38 37 37 34 38 38 39 37 37.7 20.7
2 38 39 39 37 38 37 37 34 38 38 39 37 37.6 20.7
3 38 39 39 37 37 37 37 34 38 38 39 37 37.5 20.7
4 38 39 39 37 37 37 37 34 38 38 39 37 37.5 20.7
5 38 38 38 37 37 37 37 34 38 38 39 37 37.3 20.7
6 38 38 38 37 37 37 37 33 38 38 39 36 37.2 20.7
7 38 38 38 37 37 37 37 33 38 38 38 36 37.1 20.7
8 38 38 38 37 37 37 37 31 38 38 38 36 36.9 20.7
Average 38.0 38.5 38.5 37.1 37.3 37.0 37.0 33.4 38.0 38.0 38.8 36.6 37.3
1 34 34 34 33 33 33 33 32 33 34 34 34 33.4 20.7
2 34 34 34 33 33 33 33 31 33 33 34 34 33.3 20.7
3 34 34 34 34 33 33 33 30 33 33 34 33 33.2 20.7
4 34 34 34 34 33 33 33 30 33 33 34 33 33.2 20.7
5 33 34 34 34 33 33 33 29 33 33 34 32 32.9 20.7
6 33 34 34 34 32 33 33 29 33 33 33 32 32.8 20.7
7 33 34 34 34 32 33 33 31 34 33 33 31 32.9 20.7
8 33 34 34 32 32 32 33 31 34 33 33 31 32.7 20.7
Average 33.5 34.0 34.0 33.5 32.6 32.9 33.0 30.4 33.3 33.1 33.6 32.5 33.0
Table 8. Temperature Data of Type 3 for Holding at 22 MPa
Time Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Pre ss ure
(sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (MPa)
1 31 31 32 29 28 30 31 31 30.4 22
2 31 31 31 29 29 30 30 30 30.1 22
3 31 30 31 29 29 30 30 30 30.0 22
Average 31.0 30.7 31.3 29.0 28.7 30.0 30.3 30.3 30.2
1 33 35 34 34 34 33 34 33 35 35 35 34 34.1 22
2 33 35 34 34 34 33 34 32 35 35 35 34 34.0 22
3 33 35 34 33 34 33 34 32 35 35 35 33 33.8 22
4 33 34 34 32 34 33 34 31 35 35 35 34 33.7 22
5 32 35 34 32 34 33 34 31 35 35 35 34 33.7 22
6 32 35 34 32 34 33 34 31 35 35 35 34 33.7 22
7 32 35 34 32 34 33 34 31 35 35 35 34 33.7 22
Average 32.6 34.9 34.0 32.7 34.0 33.0 34.0 31.6 35.0 35.0 35.0 33.9 33.8
30.3 -56.1 30.2 -58.1 4 3
38.0 -66.6 33.8 -67.9 8 7
In this study, gas cycling test was performed in order to figure out the relationship between the internal
temperature and composite material-made Type 3 and Type 4 cylinders. The temperature change and
the time of holding pressure, when natural gas was pressurized to 20.7 and 22 MPa, were analyzed
with 12 thermal sensors inserted into two composite cylinders. The following conclusion was reached.
1) Change of internal temperature : It was observed that Type 4 cylinder maintained higher internal
temperature compared to Type 3 cylinder by 3~7 °C on average under 20.7 MPa and by 3 °C under 22
2) Maintainability of target pressure : Both of Type 4 cylinders were able to maintain 20.7 MPa for 8
seconds, but both of Type 3 cylinders were only able to maintain the same pressure for only 4 seconds.
At 22 MPa, Type 4 maintained for 7 seconds, but Type 3 maintained for 3 seconds.
3) Temperature change during gas discharge : All cylinders fell below -40 °C during the experiment
As a result of this research, there is a bigger internal temperature change in Type 4 cylinder and a
longer heat exchange time. Through this, it is verified that the internal aluminum liner of Type 3
cylinder distributes internal heat faster than the internal HDPE liner of Type 4 cylinder. In addition to,
UN EC No.406(2010) does not allow temperature below -40 °C during gas discharge, but all cylinders
fell below -40 °C during the experiment. These results verify the need for controlling the gas leak
speed in experiments following the regulations. The advanced study on the internal temperature
change when using hydrogen gas based on this result will be performed. We hope that this study
helped readers to understand the internal temperature change within fully wrapped composite
cylinders Type 3 and Type 4.
1. Akansu S., Dulger Z., Kahraman N. and Veziroglu T., “Internal combustion engines fueled by
natural gas-hydrogen mixtures”, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy.,(2004)
2. Department of Energy., “Regulator Guide to Permitting Hydrogen Technologies,” U.S.A.,(2004)
3. ANSI NGV 2-2007, “American National Standard for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel
4. COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 406, “type-approval of hydrogen-powered motor
vehicles”, (2010)
5. Lee, S. H., Kim, Y. G., Kim, S. C. and Yoon, K. B., “Temperature Change of a Type IV Cylinder
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