Oral Communication 11
Oral Communication 11
Oral Communication 11
2. When you correct student's essay. Don't forget to give friendly comments.
Ex: Hi Eric! Thank you for submitting you homework on time!
I can see the improvement but you still have to study more about spelling.
When it comes to grammar, I do not have any corrections for you.
Keep it up! I know you can do it! Keep on studying!
See you on Monday, Eric! Take care!
3. Do not use dark blue on the picture. It could hardly be seen. Change the font color
depending on its background.
DO NOT recommend Let's Go, Back Pack over 10 years old (for Intermediate)
Everybody Up, Starship English are good for Intermediate level over 10 years old.
(Leave it as a second choice : We Can)
Even though the student is not good in English, never recommend Let's Go to an adult.
The topic of Reading Boat is too easy to 6th grader in elementary.
You need to consider the age of the student when you recommend a book.
Reading book: (Elementary school Student) AST is good for academicals student.
Reading Train and Reading Rocket are for Elementary 5 – 6 who needs a fun class
(Bricks Reading is a plan-B)
Do not recommend conversation book for Pre-intermediate, Middle and High School
student. Recommend Free-talking book according to the Level.
Cactus, CUB, Teen Talk, Debate Club are good for Middle and High School student who is
in Intermediate level.
If you don’t know what book you need to recommend then you have to ask the Korean
Admin before you recommend, you have to check the contents of the book.