A Security Architecture For 5G Networks: IEEE Access April 2018
A Security Architecture For 5G Networks: IEEE Access April 2018
A Security Architecture For 5G Networks: IEEE Access April 2018
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Abstract—5G networks will provide opportunities for the drastic increase in communication traffic carried on standard
creation of new services, for new business models, and for new commercial telecommunications networks [1]. These trends
players to enter the mobile market. The networks will support are expected to continue and the forthcoming generation of
efficient and cost-effective launch of a multitude of services,
tailored for different vertical markets having varying service telecommunication networks, namely 5G networks, aim to
and security requirements, and involving a large number of provide for this increase [2], [3]. 5G networks should also offer
actors. Key technology concepts are network slicing and network solutions for efficient and cost-effective launch of a multitude
softwarisation, including network function virtualisation and of new services, tailored for different vertical markets having
software-defined networking. The presented security architecture varying service requirements, and involving a large number
builds upon concepts from the 3G and 4G security architectures
but extends and enhances them to cover the new 5G environment. of actors. In particular, an important aim is to support critical
It comprises a toolbox for security relevant modelling of the services that have strict requirements on security and availability
systems, a set of security design principles, and a set of security such as network services in Industry 4.0 [4] and eHealth [5].
functions and mechanisms to implement the security controls Secure and reliable network services are also a prerequisite for
needed to achieve stated security objectives. In a smart city use support of secure digital markets.
case setting, we illustrate its utility; we examine the high-level
security aspects stemming from the deployment of large numbers 5G networks will leverage softwarisation and virtualisation
of IoT devices and network softwarisation. to achieve the service objectives on flexibility, configurability,
and scalability [6]. In particular, key design concepts of 5G
Index Terms—Telecommunication Networks, 5G, Security, Ar-
chitecture. networks will be network slicing (i.e., dedicating logical net-
works for isolated applications), mobile edge computing (MEC),
network function virtualisation (NFV) [7], and software-defined
I. I NTRODUCTION networking (SDN) [8]. The vision [9], [10] is that a 5G network
Communication is an essential part of our society. Already will provide a ubiquitous flexible and extensible infrastructure
today, most of our communication is digital and includes for all types of communication services on top of which a
human-to-machine and machine-to-machine communication. dynamic service and business environment can evolve.
Over the previous decades, we have also experienced a The security of 5G networks and their communication
services will be of vital importance. However, there are a
Ghada Arfaoui (e-mail: ghada.arfaoui@orange.com) is with Orange, number of challenges to be addressed which are mainly due
Pascal Bisson (e-mail: pascal.bisson@thalesgroup.com) is with to the networks’ dynamic environment and the fact that the
Thales, France. security requirements will be much more stringent than in
Rolf Blom (e-mail: rolf.blom@ri.se) is with RISE SICS, Security previous network generations since the diverse network services
Lab, Stockholm, Sweden.
Ravishankar Borgaonkar (e-mail: ravi.borgaonkar@cs.ox.ac.uk) from verticals will be mission critical.
is with University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 5G will allow the establishment of new business models with
Håkan Englund (e-mail: hakan.englund@ericsson.com) is with new actors in the mobile market. This will give rise to a need
Ericsson Research, Ericsson AB, Sweden.
Edith Félix (e-mail: edith.felix@thalesgroup.com) is with Thales, to take new types of trust relations between participating actors
France. into account in the security design; whom is to be trusted, in
Felix Klaedtke (e-mail: felix.klaedtke@neclab.eu) is with NEC which respect, and to what extent. Furthermore, the use of new
Labs Europe, Heidelberg, Germany.
Prajwol Kumar Nakarmi (e-mail: prajwol.kumar.nakarmi@ericsson technologies like network virtualisation (i.e., decoupling logical
.com) is with Ericsson Research, Ericsson AB, Sweden. networks from networking hardware) and SDN will bring new
Mats Näslund (e-mail: matsna@kth.se) is with Royal Institute of trust issues; in this case trust between application owners and
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; he was with Ericsson Research, Ericsson
AB while contributing to this work. compute and storage resource providers. In both these cases,
Piers O’Hanlon (e-mail: p.ohanlon@piersohanlon.com) is now the trust relations will manifest themselves in hard security
a consultant; he worked at the University of Oxford, Oxford, UK while requirements to enforce required service level agreements and
contributing to this work.
Juri Papay (e-mail: jp@it-innovation.soton.ac.uk) is with IT to protect information exchange between actors.
Innovation Centre, Southampton, UK. A cornerstone in developing secure systems is to apply a
Jani Suomalainen (e-mail: jani.suomalainen@vtt.fi) is with VTT security architecture. A security architecture provides a high-
Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo, Finland.
Mike Surridge (e-mail: ms@it-innovation.soton.ac.uk) is with level overview of the different entities involved, their relations
IT Innovation Centre, Southampton, UK. and interactions. Such a high-level overview is essential for
Jean-Philippe Wary (e-mail: jeanphilippe.wary@orange.com) is analysing the security of the developed system as a whole
with Orange, France.
Alexander Zahariev (e-mail: alexander.zahariev@nixu.com) is or parts of it, understanding how certain entities impact
with Nixu Corporation, Finland. the system’s security, identifying threats, and designing and
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http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2827419, IEEE Access
deploying effective security controls. and how to assemble those. However, when designing systems
The security architectures [11], [12] for previous network like 5G, which have a large variety of different instantiations,
generations (i.e., 3G and 4G) fall short for 5G networks. In we require a toolbox and guidance that allow us to model the
particular, they do not capture various security issues that system itself together with its security and develop security
originate from the technologies used in 5G and the new use solutions for the designed system from scratch. We therefore
cases stemming from the new business environment offered define in this paper a security architecture as a methodology
by 5G [4], [5], [13]–[15]. For instance, existing security for instantiation of secure systems, comprising a toolbox for
architectures were not designed for multi-tenancy operation security relevant modelling of the systems, security design
(e.g., shared physical infrastructure used by different providers) principles, and a set of security functions and mechanisms for
and cannot differentiate trust relations between the different implementation of the security controls needed to achieve
tenants. Furthermore, support for network virtualisation and the system’s security objectives. This view of a security
network slicing (i.e., dedicating logical networks for isolated architecture is corroborated by the security architecture in
applications) is something that was not part of their require- ITU-T X.805 [12]; in particular, X.805 states that “the security
ments. Thus, these existing security architectures need to be architecture logically divides a complex set of end-to-end
updated and extended to include support for such functionalities network security-related features into separate architectural
and technologies in 5G networks. components” and that “this separation allows for a systematic
The main contribution of this paper is a security architecture approach to end-to-end security that can be used for planning
for 5G networks, which, to the best of our knowledge, is of new security solutions as well as for assessing the security
the first of its kind that captures the relevant security issues of the existing networks”.
brought about by the use of new technologies and new use We note that a 5G (or any other) security architecture in
cases stemming from the new business environment offered itself does not provide answers to what the security threats to
by 5G. Our proposed security architecture serves as a pre- the network are and to which threats that have to be mitigated
standardisation effort that aims to be useful for 3GPP (focus by specific countermeasures. The basis for such considerations
being on its working group SA3 on security and privacy) should be a multi-stakeholder Threat, Vulnerability and Risk
in particular and the 5G community at large. To this end, Analysis (TVRA) taking the security objectives for the network
we first present design objectives of a security architecture into account, see e.g. [17], [18]. The TVRA should result in
for 5G. Then, we show that the defined architecture can a risk treatment plan stating whether to (a) reduce the risk
be used to instantiate secure 5G networks, which utilise all by implementing specified security controls, (b) accept the
the technologies introduced in 5G, delivering the targeted risk (i.e., assume it won’t happen or won’t cause much harm),
flexibility, configurability and scalability. Secondly, we describeor (c) transfer responsibility for managing the risk to other
in detail the architectural concepts and components used. stakeholders, either explicitly (by agreement) or implicitly
Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of the proposed (because they seem trustworthy). The options (b) and (c) involve
security architecture by applying it to an IoT use case for trust: a stakeholder either trusts that the 5G network will not
smart cities. This smart city example highlights some key misbehave or trusts another stakeholder to prevent the risk or
security issues and solutions. The use case is challenging as mitigate any harm it may cause. These considerations are risk
the 5G network must support a massive number of devices management decisions.
utilising a large variety of services, and the services and the We also note that our emphasis in this paper is on the
network will be managed by a number of different actors. issue of how to model 5G networks in a security relevant
The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. In way such that a high quality TVRA may be performed. This
Section II, we elaborate on what a security architecture is, means that we focus on providing a modelling toolbox for 5G
what the main design objectives of the security architecture networks and its security. In the following, we introduce the
itself should be and list the objectives of a security architecturemain concepts of our modelling toolbox and further details are
for 5G networks. In Section III, we describe the components provided in Section III. The other two components of a security
of our security architecture in detail. Then, in Section IV, architecture, i.e., the security design principles and the security
we analyse whether the architecture fulfills the objectives. In functions and mechanisms are also treated in Section III but
Section V, we illustrate our security architecture by discussing more briefly. There we provide a categorization of the required
a smart city IoT use case. In Section VI, we discuss related security functions and mechanisms, i.e., the set of security
work. Finally, in Section VII, we draw conclusions. controls. For the security design principles, we refer the reader
to established security standards from NIST, ISO, ITU, IETF,
II. S ECURITY A RCHITECTURE AND O BJECTIVES IEEE etc., and industrial best practices. A discussion of relevant
In this section, we discuss what constitutes a security security design principles can be found in [19].
architecture, define the main concepts of our proposed security The starting points for our work on a new security architec-
architecture and its application. We also state objectives that ture for 5G are found in the security architectures for previous
our 5G security architecture should fulfil. 3G and 4G network generations and in ITU-T X.805. We
In the literature, ready-made security solutions are often extend and revise the architectures to cover the specifics of
labelled as security architectures (e.g. 3GPPP TS 33.401 [16]). 5G networks since the proposed security architecture needs
Such architectures serve a different purpose than our security ar- to comprise additional actors, handle the novel technologies
chitecture, namely, they describe implemented security controls used in 5G, and allow modelling of networks for many new
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2827419, IEEE Access
use cases. 4) Perform a TVRA and derive a risk treatment plan with
The main concepts in the security architecture are domains, required security controls. One step in the TVRA should
strata, security realms, and security control classes. The be to determine where and by whom the required protec-
definitions of these concepts are as follows. tive measures should be implemented. In the considered
– A domain is a grouping of network entities according multi-stakeholder environment with defined trust relations
to physical or logical aspects that are relevant for a 5G between actors, trust modelling [23]–[25] would constitute
network. The concept of a slice domain is used to capture a sound basis for such decisions. The analysis in the TVRA
network slicing aspects, see Section III. should be structured based on domains, strata, and security
– A stratum is a grouping of protocols, data, and functions realms.
related to one aspect of the services provided by one or 5) The definition of required security controls should follow
several domains. established security-by-design principles and best prac-
– A security realm (SR) captures security needs of one or tises [19].
more strata or domains. 6) Implement defined security controls and validate achieved
– A security control class (SCC) is a concept that refers to a network security objectives.
collection of security functions and mechanisms (including We end this section, by formulating the design objectives
safeguards and countermeasures) for one security aspect, for the qualitative attributes that a security architecture for 5G
e.g., integrity. Security classes contain security functions should exhibit. In Section IV, we will return to these objectives
and mechanisms to avoid, detect, deter, counteract, or and analyse how our security architecture satisfies them. These
minimise security risks to 5G networks, in particular, objectives are the result of studying the security architectures
risks to a network’s physical and logical infrastructure, from previous mobile network generations and the 5G security
its services, the user equipment, signalling, and data. use cases in [26].
The domain and stratum concepts are leveraged from the
Backward compatibility: It must be possible to use the
corresponding concepts in 3GPP TS 23.101 [20]. They are
security architecture to describe and analyse the security of
aligned with ITU-T X.805 [12] in that they are used to logically
3G and 4G networks as they will be an integral part of future
divide a complex set of end-to-end network security-related
5G networks.
features (and entities) into separate architectural components.
The security realm concept is similar to the security feature Flexibility and adaptability: It must be possible to adapt
group concept defined in 3GPP TS 33.401 [16]. Security realms the security architecture to future network solutions with new
extend the security feature groups to consider the management functionality and services. It must also be possible to use the
and virtualisation aspects. Security realms provide a focus on security architecture and evolve it to cope with new threats
a specific network aspect and its security, for example, the and/or security solutions not known or considered at design
access network security realm provides a focus on the security time.
services of the access network. Trust relations: Current mobile networks assume a three-
The security control class concept is inspired by the security party trust model. Namely, it consists of a mobile network
dimensions in ITU-T X.805 and the security controls found operator, a service provider, and an end user, where the mobile
in security standards, e.g. by ISO [21] and NIST [22]. network operator is responsible for the network state. This
The purpose of the security control classes is to provide a model is insufficient for 5G. As the use cases show [26], a
breakdown of the needed security functions and mechanisms 5G network will have more actors with different roles such
in terms of security concerns e.g., authentication, confidentiality, as Virtualised Infrastructure provider, and VNF provider, etc.
availability, privacy. Actual controls that are needed depend on Our security architecture must be able to make trust relations
the considered domain, stratum, or security realm. between these actors explicit.
The following is a high-level description of the process to
secure a 5G network by applying our security architecture with Virtualisation and slicing: 5G is expected to be a network
its security realms and security control classes. that fits all use cases and all requirements. Because 5G use
1) Model the 5G network by first introducing top-level cases [26], [27] have to some extent, contradictory requirements,
physical and logical domains. These domains should be 5G is supposed to be dynamic and flexible. To this end,
characterized by ownership, management control, and virtualisation technologies and slicing concepts will be used
functional area. Then define the types of slice domains to provide the required flexibility, adaptability and evolvability.
to be supported. This top-level domain model should be That is why our security architecture must capture virtualisation
based on the network’s functional architecture. and slicing.
2) Introduce reference points (interfaces) between the defined Protocols and network functions: As with existing mobile
domains. The reference points will define the dependencies networks, 5G will introduce several new (security and non-
and interactions between the domains. Characterize the security) protocols and network functions. However, 5G
information carried over the reference points according networks will need to utilise a multitude of them, as it
to defined strata together with used protocols and assign will also include the ones inherited from previous network
relevant security realms. generations. Our security architecture must identify security
3) For each reference point, define the trust relations between relevant protocols and network functions used and offered in a
the domains involved. 5G network in order to build effective protection.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2827419, IEEE Access
Security control points: 5G networks will be much more First, the infrastructure domain contains “hardware” and (low
complex than 4G and earlier mobile networks. For instance, level) software providing infrastructure platform services, in-
they will have a large variety of actors, comprise various layers, cluding hypervisors and trust anchors (TAs). On the user equip-
and different means of accessing the network. Furthermore, ment side, it consists of universal integrated circuit card (UICC)
they will be dynamic in the sense that new (virtualised) and mobile equipment hardware (MEHW) domains, and on the
network nodes can automatically be added to and removed network side it consists of infrastructure provider (IP) domain.
from the network, or a slice of it, at any time [26]. Well- The UICC domain contains a conventional tamper-resistant
defined boundaries and interfaces will be crucial to identify module offering protected storage and processing of security
and model attack vectors, which in turn will allow better critical information. The MEHW domain provides hardware
network protection. Hence, our security architecture must support for the mobile equipment and may include trusted
enable depiction of the boundaries and interfaces of a 5G execution environments (TEE) supporting, e.g. other forms
network. of credentials such as certificates. Similarly, the IP domain
Security controls: Along with the new use cases, new trust contains the hardware platforms for the compute, storage, and
relations and new technologies that 5G will bring to the table, networking resources required in (core) functionality and the
new security functions and needs will emerge. Our security access (radio) specific hardware. The figure also shows TAs
architecture must enable structuring and modelling the mobile that capture various trust issues appearing in virtualised systems
network functions and needs into areas with specific security (therefore various colours/shades), e.g. how to get assurance
concerns. of tenant domain integrity and that a tenant domain executes
Network management: Current mobile network genera- on a designated and trusted infrastructure. The TAs can also
tion specifications [11], [16], [20] do not formalize network be used to verify infrastructure domain’s integrity and to bind
management aspects. It was considered to be implementation tenant domains to infrastructure domains.
dependent. In 5G, technologies will be blended; new roles and Next, the tenant domains contain several logical domains that
actors are emerging. In this context, specifying and defining the use infrastructure domains, e.g. to execute their functions. On
network management is important in order to ensure efficient the user equipment side, it consists of mobile equipment (ME),
and secure operation of the networks. Our security architecture universal subscriber identity module (USIM), and identity
must consider the management aspects. management (IM) domains. The ME and USIM domains are
analogous to the ones in TS 23.101 but only contain the logical
III. S ECURITY A RCHITECTURE D ETAILS functionalities required for accessing the network services and
In this section, we provide further details of our proposed 5G using user applications. The IM domain is an important addition
security architecture. In particular, we detail the main concepts, to our 5G security architecture which contains functionality
which were introduced in Section II, for 5G networks. to support alternatives to USIM-based authentication, e.g.
public key certificates for industry automation use cases. The
tenant domains on the network side consists of access (A),
A. Domains serving (S), home (H), transit (T), 3rd party (3P), internet
The domain concept is a cornerstone in our 5G security protocol service (IPS), and management (M) domains. The
architecture as it makes it possible to represent different domains analogous to the ones in TS 23.101 are the A, S, H and
functionalities, services, and actors in 5G networks. Figure 1 T domains which respectively contain the logical functionalities
depicts the 5G domains we foresee and illustrates where they to manage access (radio) network resources; route or transport
are located in 5G networks. calls and end-user data; manage end-user subscription data;
In figure 1, the horizontal lines H1, H2 and the vertical and provide communication paths between the S domain
lines V1, V2 give a first high-level classification of domains. and external network. The IPS domain represents operator-
The ones above H1 represent the logical network aspects, external Internet protocol networks such as the public Internet
called tenant domains; the ones between H1 and H2 represent and/or various corporate networks. The remaining two domains
the physical network aspects, called infrastructure domains; are an important addition to our 5G security architecture as
and ones below H2 represent higher order groupings based on discussed below. The 3P domain contains functionality for
several aspects, such as ownership or joint administration, called use cases where a trusted (all services are allowed) or semi-
compound domains. V1 separates the user equipment from trusted (only agreed services are allowed) third party, such
the network, and V2 further separates operator network from as a factory/industry vertical, provides its own authentication
external network, e.g. Internet services used by the operator services, e.g. to its machine-to-machine (M2M) devices like
network. industry robots and IoT devices. The M domain contains
Most importantly, for earlier generations of mobile networks, the logical functionality required for management of specific
i.e., 2G, 3G, and 4G, there was no distinction between the aspects of 5G networks, e.g., secure management, management
infrastructure and the tenant domains. But this distinction, of security, traditional network management, orchestration of
which is in correspondence with the ETSI NFV work [28], SDN and virtualised environments, and management of user
is fundamental for the next generation 5G networks. This is equipment domains.
so because virtualisation, together with SDN, form the basis Finally, the compound domain consists of a collection of
for the softwarisation of networks for the introduction of such various other domains, grouped together according to 5G
technologies as network slicing and mobile edge computing. relevant aspects, e.g., ownership, joint administration or the
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2827419, IEEE Access
Fig. 1. 5G domains
like. On the user equipment side, it comprises a general domain base station attacks, user plane data injection over-the-air, and
called the user equipment (UE) domain, and on the network spoofed radio resource control messages are common threats
side it consists of the network (N), operator network (ON), to communication between user equipment and a radio access
external network (EN), access network (AN), and core network network, while tracking of subscription identifiers, spoofing of
(CN) domains. The figure illustrates which domains from control plane messages, tampering of security capabilities, etc.
the infrastructure and tenant domains are grouped by these are common threats to communication between user equipment
compound domains. Therefore, no further description will and the core network. In this sense, our strata concept has
be given for grouping. However, we describe two important some commonality with the security layers defined in ITU-T
additions to our 5G security architecture. The first one is called X.805 [12]. The use of strata thus helps in structuring for
“other UE domains” that captures the so-called direct-mode or which purpose and where different security controls are needed
UE-to-UE type communication. The second one, called slice in 5G networks, some examples of which are the 3GPP TS
domain (SD), is of particular importance because it captures 33.401 [16], 3GPP TR 33.899 [29], and work-in-progress
network slicing aspects in 5G networks. A slice can cover only 3GPP TS 33.501 [30] that separately address security threats
some parts of the network, e.g. parts of the CN domain, but pertaining to the access stratum (between user equipment and
are in general defined end-to-end. We note that slicing may radio access network) and the non-access stratum (between
be implemented without relying on a virtualised networking user equipment and core network).
solution, although most 5G networks use such a concept. The The application, home, serving, transport, and access strata
SDs shown with solid border lines indicate that they are located are analogous to the ones in 3GPP TS 23.101 [20]. They
in domains that are fully slice aware, i.e., the domains can respectively include protocols and functions related to end-to-
fully support flexible deployment of different slices. An SD end applications provided to end-users; handling and storage
with a dashed border line indicates that it is deployed in a of subscription data and home network specific services;
domain which provides some functionality for slicing but is providing telecommunication services like calls and end-user
not fully slice aware due to legacy systems. data; transport of end-user data and network control signalling
The SDs shown with different colours/shades indicate from other strata through the network; and transmission of
different slices. data over the radio interface. When end-users are roaming,
some protocols and functions belonging to the home stratum
B. Strata are performed by the serving stratum, which is viewed as a
Figure 2 depicts the strata we foresee in 5G networks. Recall sub-stratum of the home stratum. The access stratum is shown
that the strata of our 5G security architecture provide a high- as a sub-stratum of the transport stratum because the radio
level view of protocols, data and functions that are related in the interface is a part of the transport, although very important
sense that they are exposed to a common threat environment and and with special characteristics.
exhibit similar security requirements, e.g., radio jamming, false In addition to the above-mentioned strata, our 5G security
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2827419, IEEE Access
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2827419, IEEE Access
Backward compatibility: The security architecture must allows definition of new domains, strata, and security realms.
apply to 4G networks. The concepts of domain and strata were The security control classes may also be refined and new
inherited from 3GPP TS 23.101 [20] and 3GPP TS 33.401 ones added. This makes it possible to adapt the framework to
and constitute the basis for 3G and 4G networks security capture aspects relevant for new types of threats that need to
architectures. Our security architecture defines (compound) be considered and to describe future network solutions with
domains and strata corresponding to the ones used in 3G new actors, functionalities and services.
and 4G and can thus model such networks and their security
controls. Trust relations: The security architecture must be able to
model the trust relations between 5G actors. A 5G security
Flexibility and adaptability: The security architecture architecture does not only depend on the security of individual
must be flexible and adaptable to future network solutions components (domains or strata) but is also impacted by the
with new functionality and services. The security architecture way actors provide security over the domains and strata that
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2827419, IEEE Access
they control. Our security architecture models the different that security requirements are fulfilled.
types of domains and strata used to represent the different Network management: The security architecture must
functionalities, services, and actors in a 5G network. As the consider the management aspects. To encompass the important
defined domains may occur in multiple instances and belong aspects of management in the architecture, management do-
to different actors taking on different roles and responsibilities, mains, a management stratum and a management security realm
they provide a flexible tool for modelling different 5G network have been introduced. These groupings of entities, services and
configurations and their inherent multi-party trust aspects. By functions enable mapping of different management aspects onto
observing interdependencies and required interactions between the architecture. In addition to general security management it
domains, it becomes a straightforward task to model and will allow the mapping of orchestration of SDN functionality
analyse their trust relations, threat propagation and needed and virtualisation platforms in the architecture.
security controls. Overall, the discussion in this section shows that the
Virtualisation and slicing: The security architecture must objectives for the design of the architecture have been achieved
capture virtualisation and slicing. The security architecture and thus that our security architecture provides a high-level
reflects the important aspect of virtualisation in 5G networks overview of involved entities, their interactions, and their
by defining infrastructure and tenant domains giving a clear relations, which allow analysis and assessment of the security
division between the physical platform offering an execution offered by implemented security mechanisms and protocols.
environment and the logical functions and services in the
tenant domain. Trust issues appearing in virtualised systems, V. U SE C ASES
i.e., assurance of tenant domain integrity and execution on In this section, we illustrate the use of the proposed 5G
designated and trusted infrastructure, are captured in the security architecture to achieve a systematic treatment of
architecture by the introduction of infrastructure trust anchors. security issues by analysing the vulnerabilities of individual
These trust anchors can be used to verify infrastructure domains’ domains and trust relations between stakeholders. In the context
integrity and to bind tenant domains to infrastructure domains. of smart cities, we focus on two aspects of 5G communication
Slicing is explicitly handled by the introduction of slice security for IoT devices. The first aspect is on providing
domains. The use of slice domains also highlights the trust connectivity and the second aspect is a follow-up that is
issues appearing between actors controlling a domain and concerned with the softwarisation of 5G networks.
different actors controlling concurrently operating slices in
that domain. The requirement on strict isolation between the
domains and slices belonging to different actors also becomes A. Smart Cities and 5G
clear. Smart cities are typically characterised by a large number
Protocols and network functions: The security architecture of low-cost IoT devices. These devices collect data for large
must enable capturing of the protocols and network functions scale analysis that enable more efficient and often autonomous
used and offered in a 5G network in order to build effective control actions. For instance, smart cities may optimize
protection. The definitions of the different strata in the security electricity consumption and production as well as rapidly react
architecture provide a high-level view of protocols, data and to malfunctions based on near real time data from electricity
functions that are related in the sense that they are exposed meters. The essential security requirements in this case are
to a common threat environment and exhibit similar security connectivity, confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Since
requirements. The use of strata thus helps in structuring for IoT devices are geographically distributed and can also be
which purpose and where different security controls are needed. mobile, private physical networks such as WiFi do not provide
Security control points: The security architecture must a suitable solution. 5G technologies, however, can offer a cost-
enable depiction of the boundaries and interfaces of a 5G efficient and scalable solution by providing dedicated logical
network. The domains and slices in the security architecture networks (i.e., slices) with guaranteed and customized security
provide boundaries between different network functions and properties.
services and the strata provide information on required security Figure 3 illustrates the relationships within this setting
needs for domain interaction and communication. A joint threat between the stakeholders, processes, and resources by utilising
analysis of domains and strata will thus enable identification the various different domains of our security architecture. The
of required security control points. stakeholders are the UICC manufacturers, electricity meter
Security controls: The security architecture must enable providers, 5G infrastructure providers, virtualised infrastructure
structuring and modelling the mobile network functions and providers, MNOs (Mobile Network Operators), and the city
needs into areas with specific security concerns. The defined that manages the electricity service. The dedicated end-to-end
security control classes provide a structured way to express slice for IoT traffic flows (red dashed line in Figure 3) is
security needs of specific data, functions and services in a managed by MNOs.
network. The defined security realms capture needs of one or The electricity meter is represented by the UE domain that
more strata or domains and are there to group different network consists of UICC, USIM, MEHW, and ME domains. The
aspects with specific security concerns. Bringing these two hardware of the operator network is a collection of IP domains.
concepts together by analysing which security controls that are On the network’s logical level we can distinguish between
required in a given security realm will provide a detailed and access (A), serving (S), home (H), and transit (T) domains.
structured view of the required security mechanisms to ensure The electricity service is part of the external network domain
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consisting of IP and IPS domains. The IoT slices are created and access network domains as well as a privacy challenge
from VNFs (Virtualised Network Functions). The stakeholders for the application domain. This motivates the use of slicing
either manage (blue lines) or provide (dashed blue line) the technologies that isolate applications and thus better guarantee
domains. The relationships between the stakeholders can be availability in the infrastructure realm as well as hardware-
described by the trust model that states the following: based trust assurance and monitoring techniques that enable
preventive and reactive actions in the UE and management
1) The city trusts the MNOs to enforce that only authorised
electricity meters are allowed to access the given slice.
2) The city trusts the MNOs to protect the readings during
the transfer from the electricity meter to the electricity B. An SDN Attack
The enabling technology that is used in the aforementioned
3) The users trust the city and the MNOs to securely collect
described smart cities scenario relies on NFV (Network
and transfer data.
Function Virtualisation) [28] and SDN (Software Defined
4) The MNOs trust the UUIC manufacturers to securely store
Networking) [31]–[33]. NFV and SDN technologies enable the
the network key in the UICC.
operators to provide cost-effective means for creating dedicated
Table III highlights the security control classes that are slices for traffic flows. Mobile network functions are virtualised
relevant for the security realms of the use case. For each and the data flows between functions are managed by SDN
realm, we analysed one-by-one which classes are relevant and controllers. SDN also allows for decoupling of the control
then for each selected class we analysed the challenges and and data planes by providing programmability of network
prominent control technologies. Specific challenges for this use configuration, evolution, and policy enforcement.
case arise from device-side resource restrictions and unique One of the main threats in all mobile networks is the loss of
machine-to-machine traffic patterns that differ from the patterns connectivity. This can happen as a result of a DoS (Denial of
of user originated communication. To compensate for hardware Service) attack when an adversary overloads SDN controllers in
and power limitations, optimized protocols and solutions are the H, S or access domains. The threat affects a function in the
needed in the application, network, and access network realms. transport stratum (i.e., forwarding function) through a function
Unique traffic patterns and out-of-date security software of IoT in the management stratum (e.g. reconfiguration of routing
may be source of availability challenges in the network, home tables). The attack could be carried out by measuring the
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2827419, IEEE Access
response times of the network and determining how to trigger printing attack relates to the availability control class in the
the reconfiguration of routing tables. By revealing information infrastructure and virtualisation realm. One potential control
about the network’s forwarding logic, this “fingerprinting mechanism [34] is to delay the first packets of each flow
attack” [34] makes subsequent DoS attacks more powerful. and thus hide the timing information that can be used for
The DoS attack itself is a continuous loop that repeatedly fingerprinting.
reconfigures the SDN controller until it gets overloaded. The
implications of this attack can be summarized as follows: VI. R ELATED W ORK
– The customers (i.e., electricity meters) may lose connec- Several organizations have been working on designing
tivity and cannot access the electricity service. architectures for telecommunication networks. We first describe
– The MNOs will also suffer if the network becomes their work and explain how it relates to the security architecture
unavailable. Customers will lose confidence in MNOs. of this paper. We note that their work is ongoing for 5G.
The operator has the responsibility to address this threat The 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) is the stan-
on behalf of customers. dardisation body for telecommunication networks. At the time
– The VNFs will be affected by the degradation of the net- of writing, 3GPP is actively working on release 15 [35], which
work. In this case the MNO can either take responsibility includes various requirement and standardisation documents
for managing this threat or transfer it to the infrastructure for 5G. For the work of this paper, the 3GPP working groups
providers. SA2 and SA3 are of particular relevance. SA2 is in charge of
The security architecture is used here to identify all the the system architecture and identifies the main functions and
realms and domains that are affected by a particular threat entities of the network, how these entities are linked to each
and thus require instantiation of security controls. The finger- other, and the information they exchange. SA3 is responsible
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2827419, IEEE Access
for determining the network’s security and privacy requirements Since the CoAP protocol [43] includes functions, those could
and specifying the security architectures and protocols. SA3 be mapped in future works onto the different domains, strata,
analyses, e.g., in 3GPP TS 33.899 [29] new 5G security issues realms, and security control classes to clarify their application
and proposes individual solutions for each of them but does domain and coverage.
not provide any overarching architecture that puts the pieces
together. Section II describes how our work is based on domain VII. C ONCLUSION
and stratum concepts from 3GPP TS23.101 [20] and uses our
security realm concept as a concept similar to the security Although 5G networks will be very different compared to
features concept from 3GPP TS33.401 [16]. Other 3GPP their predecessors in some regards e.g., through the use of
work such as [11], [30] describe security features and security virtualisation and support for diverse and critical non-telecom-
requirements of prior releases for 3G and 4G. We note that these oriented services, they will still share similarities and they will
technical specifications focus on the functional aspects by using reuse and extend existing concepts that have proved successful
the stratum concept and use less of the domain concept, which and that are widely adopted. Reusing and building upon the
leads to a lack of a solid anchoring in the trust model. Beyond accepted and well-known concepts and terminology in 3GPP
the domain and stratum concepts, our security architecture TS 23.101 [20] (also 3GPP TS 33.401 [16] and other standards)
proposes two transverse concepts—namely, security control helps to understand the similarities and differences better,
classes, which are inspired by ITU-T X.805 [12], and security and provides us with the opportunity to clarify or enhance
realms—so that requirements can be modelled and traceable earlier work by eliminating some of its shortcomings that
through the different views of the proposed security architecture. we have identified as part of our work. Towards this, we
This architecture enables the description and inclusion of, for proposed in this paper a 5G security architecture that builds
example, new requirements for virtualisation and concerns upon the concepts of domains and strata, inherited from the
between multiple stakeholders, in particular, the related trust security architectures of 3G and 4G networks, but adapts to
issues [36]. Therefore, our architecture covers new and relevant a 5G context. We also introduced a set of security realms to
aspects of 5G networks, which are not addressed by the current capture security needs of sets of related domains and strata.
3GPP work, e.g., segregation between infrastructure domains The means to satisfy these security needs are categorized in
and tenant domains, network management and the interface a number of security control classes focusing on different
with new domains such as 3P or IPS domains. security aspects. The security realms are inspired by security
The NGMN (Next Generation Mobile Networks) Alliance’s feature groups previously defined for 3G and 4G networks.
5G working programme [37], [38] has identified new threats Security control classes find their source in the dimensions
and security issues that may arise with 5G. In particular, the defined in ITU-T X.805 [12]. Then, we demonstrated that our
NGMN Alliance provides 5G security recommendations for security architecture achieves the key objectives of 5G namely
network slicing, access network, and low-latency use cases. For by enabling the capture of new trust models, identification of
example, for network slicing, these recommendations express security control points, capture of security related protocols
security needs of the infrastructure and virtualisation security and networks functions, considering network management and,
realm. Our security architecture could be used to improve the capture of virtualisation and slicing. Finally, we studied the
precision of the way security controls should be implemented, mapping of a major 5G use case, i.e., smart city, to our security
and where to position security control points on the different architecture. This use case includes IoT and SDN associated
domains and their interfaces. requirements which are of wide interest in 5G.
Schneider and Horn [39] discuss potential security re-
quirements and mechanisms for 5G networks. Our work ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
is complementary to Schneider and Horn’s work. We pro- This work has mainly been performed within the 5G-
vide a security architecture in which such requirements and ENSURE project (www.5gensure.eu) and received funding
mechanisms from [39] can be identified and mapped to and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innova-
clearly positioned within a 5G network. Mantas et al. [40] tion programme under grant agreement number 671562. It has
conduct a threat analysis on a 5G network architecture, also been supported by the CORNET project (5gtnf.fi/projects/
giving a description of the threats by network domains. In cornet/), partly funded by Business Finland and VTT.
comparison, we provide a security architecture, based on a
network architecture, which provides a well-suited framework R EFERENCES
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Ghada Arfaoui is a research engineer working on services and networks Felix Klaedtke received his PhD in 2004 from the Albert-Ludwigs University
security at Orange Labs France. She received her Telecommunication Engineer Freiburg, Germany. He joined NEC Labs Europe, Heidelberg, in 2013, where
degree from Télécom SudParis, Institut Mines-Télécom, in 2011. In 2015, she he is a senior researcher with the Security Group. In 2000 and 2001, he
received her PhD in Computer Science from University of Orléans, INSA was an international research fellow with SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
Centre Val de Loire, France. She contributed to French and European research USA, and from 2004 to 2013, he was a researcher and lecturer with the
projects and presented in national and international conferences and meetings. Information Security Group at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. His research interests
Her main research interests encompass 5G Security, Future Network Security are in building correct and secure IT systems. His current research focuses on
Architectures, Mobile Network Infrastructure Security, Trusted Computing, security in software-defined networking, enforcement of security policies, and
Cryptography, Privacy. runtime verification.
2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2827419, IEEE Access
Mike Surridge is a Professorial Fellow and Research Director at the University 15 years at SFR (French Mobile Operator) as Security Expert and Chief
of Southampton IT Innovation Centre, UK. He gained his PhD in Theoretical Information Security Officer for Networks and Services. Five years at Alcatel
Physics at the University of Southampton in 1986, and has worked for 30 (real time, telecom, security, electronic war). Applied Mathematic Master
years in computer science and IT systems engineering research. His current in Stochastic Models and Statistics (Paris-Orsay). More than 20 families of
focus is on business models, trust and security in advanced dynamic networked international patents in telecom, services and security.
applications based on cloud and 5G networking technologies. He was a co-
founder of the EC/NESSI Software and Services Trust and Security Working
Group, and served on other EU cross-project advisory or steering groups,
including the Vision and Societal Challenges Working Group of the H2020
5G PPP initiative. In 5G ENSURE he leads IT Innovation’s work focusing Alexander Zahariev obtained in 2011 his MSc degree in mobile computing,
mainly on models of trust and trustworthiness. He has published approaching services and security from Aalto University, Espoo, Finland. For the past six
100 scientific papers. years, he is a Senior Security Consultant in Nixu Corporation, Finland, where
he is part of a team responsible for infrastructure and mobile telecommunication
security. Previous positions held are BotNet developer and other positions
at Nokia. Mr. Zahariev currently is a Certified Information Systems Auditor
(CISA) by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) as
Jean-Philippe Wary is the Research Program Director at Orange Labs (since well as GIAC Systems and Network Auditor (GSNA) certified by the Global
2011), in charge of infrastructures security research for 5G and IoT topics. Information Assurance Certification (GIAC).
2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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