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OpenDSS Bus Interface PDF

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OpenDSS COM Documentation

Bus Interface
Sept 2013

This interface is used to extract the listed values from a Bus object in the active circuit
after the appropriate solution is performed. Most of the properties are readonly as it is
unsafe to define these properties separate from the terminal connection definitions for
circuit elements.

The interface operates on the Active Bus. You can set a bus active using the Buses(i)
property or the SetActiveBus or SetActiveBusi functions in the Circuit interface. Also,
when you set an active circuit element and terminal, the bus connected to that terminal
becomes active.


Property Type Description

Coorddefined: WordBool readonly Returns TRUE if the X-Y coordinates
are defined for the active bus. Else returns
CplxSeqVoltages: OleVariant readonly Returns a variant array of doubles
representing the sequence voltages in complex
phasor form. Sequence order is 0, 1, 2
Cust_Duration: Double readonly Returns customer duration for active
bus after reliability calcs
Cust_Interrupts: Double readonly Returns customer interruptions for
active bus after reliability calcs
Distance: Double readonly Returns distance in km that this bus is
from the parent EnergyMeter (typically at head of
the feeder.)
Int_Duration: Double readonly Returns average interruption durations
for active bus after reliability calcs
Isc: OleVariant readonly
Lambda: Double readonly Returns total annual failure rate for
active bus after reliability calcs
N_Customers: Integer readonly Returns total number of customers
downline from the active bus after reliability calcs
N_interrupts: Double readonly Returns total number of annual
interruptions for the active bus after reliability
Name: WideString readonly Name of active bus. Set the active bus
in the Circuit interface (SetActiveBus function or
Buses(i) property).
Nodes: OleVariant readonly A variant array of integers containing
the order of the nodes at this bus. This is the order
of the Voltages and puVoltage arrays.
NumNodes: Integer readonly Number of nodes at the active bus.
SeqVoltages: OleVariant readonly Similar to CplxSeqVoltage except
voltage magnitudes only. Volts. Order is 0, 1, 2.
Voc: OleVariant readonly Open-circuit voltages after fault study.
Variant array of complex voltages.
Voltages: OleVariant readonly Variant array of doubles representing
complex voltage phasors, volts, (a + jb) form, for
the most recent solution.
YscMatrix: OleVariant readonly Variant array of doubles containing
complex short circuit Admittance matrix, column
by column.
Zsc0: OleVariant readonly Zero-sequence short-circuit impedance
looking into the bus. Variant array of doubles (2
Zsc1: OleVariant readonly Positive-sequence short-circuit
impedance looking into the bus. Variant array of
doubles (2 values).
ZscMatrix: OleVariant readonly Variant array of doubles containing
complex short circuit Impedance matrix, column
by column.
kVBase: Double readonly Base kV for the bus.
puVoltages: OleVariant readonly Same as Voltage property except values
in per unit on base kV of the bus.
x: Double X coordinate (for circuit plot)
y: Double Y coordinate

GetUniqueNodeNumber Integer To help avoid collisions of neutral node
(StartNumber:Integer): numbers for specifying connections of circuit
elements, this function returns a node number
that is not being used, Starting at the
StartNode value
ZscRefresh WordBool Refresh Zsc, Ysc values. Execute after a
major change in the circuit. Not necessary
after fault study.
This VBA sub loads the present solution’s node voltages in complex form. If voltage
bases are defined for the buses, the voltages are in per unit. One unique feature of this sub
is that it tacks the node order onto the bus name in column 1. Then it places the voltage(s)
in the cells according to the phase, or node, it corresponds to.

Public Sub LoadVoltages()

' This Sub loads the per unit complex voltages onto Sheet3 starting in Row 2

Dim DSSBus As OpenDSSengine.Bus

Dim iRow As Long, iCol As Long, i As Long, j As Long
Dim V As Variant, NodeOrder As Variant
Dim WorkingSheet As Worksheet
Dim Str As String

Set WorkingSheet = Worksheets("VoltSheet") ' VoltSheet = Sheet3

WorkingSheet.Rows("2:" & Rows.Count).ClearContents

iRow = 2
For i = 1 To DSSCircuit.NumBuses ' Cycle through all buses

Set DSSBus = DSSCircuit.Buses(i) ' Set i-th bus active using Buses

' Loads pu voltages (complex) at active bus as variant array of doubles

V = DSSBus.puVoltages
NodeOrder = DSSBus.Nodes

' Construct full bus name

Str = DSSCircuit.ActiveBus.Name
For j = LBound(NodeOrder) To UBound(NodeOrder)
Str = Str + "." & CStr(NodeOrder(j))
Next j

' Bus name goes into Column 1

WorkingSheet.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = Str

' Put values in Variant array into cells in sequence provided by DSS
iCol = 2
With WorkingSheet
For j = LBound(V) To UBound(V) Step 2
iCol = NodeOrder(j / 2) * 2
.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value = V(j)
.Cells(iRow, iCol + 1).Value = V(j + 1)
Next j
End With

iRow = iRow + 1
Next i

End Sub
Result in worksheet:
This is the first few rows of the solution for the IEEE 8500-node test feeder.

Bus Re(1) Imag(1) Re(2) Imag(2) Re(3) Imag(3)

_hvmv_sub_lsb.1.2.3 0.865398871 -0.593267853 -0.943739082 -0.455649678 0.073946307 1.04775717
hvmv_sub_48332.1.2.3 0.865398339 -0.593268409 -0.943739279 -0.455648964 0.073946998 1.047757071
m1009763.1.2.3 0.707352037 -0.705500302 -0.987319644 -0.227647038 0.185599725 1.013020715
l2673322.2 -0.987304697 -0.227639354
m1069148.3 0.170798901 1.016329408
l2673309.3 0.17080227 1.016288397
Etc. etc.

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