When Size Does Matter: Sizing Refrigeration Sizing The Genset
When Size Does Matter: Sizing Refrigeration Sizing The Genset
When Size Does Matter: Sizing Refrigeration Sizing The Genset
Jim Wright of Marathon Electric—manufacturer of LIMA-brand Today’s newer, better insulation on the windings allows generators
generators—says that when limited-capacity generators are hit with very to run at higher temperatures by using less copper and steel to get the
large inrush current the voltage decays very rapidly until the motor same nameplate kilowatt rating. Less active material may result in a greater
reaches running RPM, then goes back up, akin to cruise control. voltage dip for a given starting load.
“The real trick in motor starting is to get the motor to accelerate in Wright explains that insulation systems allow the windings to carry
speed up to this point,” says Senior Product Engineer Wright, explaining more current—so there’s more heat but not more guts to the genera-
that the genset should be sized for this full peak current-inrush capability. tor. It’s just running harder.
With the motor’s rotor initially at a standstill, momentarily the mo- As load increases the hotter it gets. Nameplate temperature rise at
tor requires additional power to start—typically drawing 5–8 times its a given load is the running temperature above ambient. A generator
rated full-load current. Wright says the motor’s power demand will exceeding the permitted load will waste fuel, wear rapidly, fail prema-
decrease—but not much—until reaching 80% rated RPM, when it goes turely. For every 10°C above rated operating temperature the insulation’s
down radically. life expectancy cuts in half; running 20°C hotter cuts it to 25%. Name-
Precisely evaluating motor-starting capability depends on the mo- plates sometimes ignore temperature rise, but running at high tempera-
tor characteristics. To calculate power requirements MER owner Bob tures or right to the limit can reduce generator life.
Allen looks to the nameplate data off the refrigeration motor tag: HP Where the total load dictates generator size, the largest motor that
and NEMA starting code letter, or locked-rotor amps. These National it starts (and when) will determine generator type—whether chiller or
Electrical Manufacturers Association NEMA codes classify motors by the freezer, what the motor’s turning doesn’t matter. Newage AVK SEG sug-
ratio of locked-rotor kVA (kilovolt amperage) per HP. Different motors of gests the electronically regulated precision voltage control (standard
equal horsepower may well have different starting codes, depending on voltage-regulated) together with the PMG (permanent magnet gen-
the purpose of the motor. erator) for better motor-starting ability, the best of both worlds. Newage
MER General Manager Mike Hoyt also says that generator manu- AVK SEG, a.k.a. Stamford, offers a number of options as well as version-
facturer ratings are not consistent, so “you kind of have to rely on the specific designs for marine applications.
genset guys” to figure out the equivalent starting kVA of a motor from Most often Seattle’s MER sells the self-regulated (motor-starting),
its NEMA code or lock-rotor amps. or LIMA MAC-style (Motor Application Characteristics), for its higher
“Voltage change is one of the functions of the size of the unit,” says copper/steel content and better starter ability. Designed 1:1—1 kW starts
Wright, and economically sizing a generator to the load is to “decide 1 HP—motor starters generate extra amperage with higher ability to
how much transient voltage dip you can tolerate.” Simply put: The gen- take the load. Standard voltage-regulated generators are limited to 2–3
erator has to produce X amount of kVA to get the motor started. If you kW per HP starting capacity.
want to limit depth of the dip, have to use a bigger generator. If it can Think about your refrigeration needs and options first. At IMS, we
go deep, use a smaller one. work together with generator companies to build a system adequate to
Hoyt sizes most generators so when the largest motor goes on-line the task and sufficiently powered to run the show—refrigerating the
voltage droop does not exceed 30%: “If greater than 30% the generator’s catch while keeping the lights on too.
too small.” He says a large voltage dip that separates magnetically-held
motor contactors can make them chatter or the lights go dim.
We thank the following for their generous time & technical support:
Bob Allen & Mike Hoyt, MER Equipment, 1.800.777.0714; www.merequipment.com
Jim Wright, Marathon Electric, 1.715.675.3359 (Wis.); www.marathonelectric.com
Gary O’Malley, Newage AVK SEG, 1.800.367.2764 (Minn.); www.newage-avkseg.com
Tom Magwire, Norton Sound Seafood Products, 907.274.2248 (Anchorage office)
Grant F. Seran, Marine Specialist, 360.379.1291, seran@waypt.com
Editor: Jana M. Suchy