USAFM Issue1

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They lose electrolytes, which are critical to his or her hydration plan from water to
rehydrating young athletes. Unlike water, Gatorade at

Revolution is a registered trademark of Riddell, Inc.

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FALL 2006

4 On the Prowl 18 Ball Hawk 24 Why I Coach:
Marvin Lewis has taken the Rod Woodson used to jump in Gary Patterson
lessons learned from his youth front of passes every Sunday. What’s a Horned Frog, you ask?
coaches in a small Pennsylvania Now the future Hall of Famer Texas Christian University’s
town to the NFL sidelines in jump-starts Play Football Month. Gary Patterson introduced that
Cincinnati. By Hilary Strahota rare species to the Oklahoma
By Tim Polzer Sooners last season en route to
an 11-1 record and Top 10 finish
in the polls.


6 USA Football Playbook: 14 Worst Case Scenario Playbook 2 Kickoff
Offensive Run Series: 34 Slant By Ed Passino
By Coach Tom Bass Bonus: Emergency Action Plan checklist 3 Audibles

7 Blueprints for Coaching Success 20 USA Football

By Coach Tom Bass OFFICIATING CENTER Pigskin
8 Coaching Spotlight: Todd Casey 16 When In Doubt
By Tim Polzer By Bill LeMonnier 22 USA Football


10 Beware: Heat Illness

By Cynthia Hobgood

12 To Serve and Protect

The Sky’s the Limit

At least that’s what we think of the premiere issue of USA Football magazine.
Palm trees, green grass and a brilliant sunset provided a warm welcome to the
Pop Warner Championships at the Wide World of Sports Disney Complex in Florida.

Front Cover

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Beware: Heat Illness

USA Football’s Prevention Guide for coaches and parents



can have an immediate impact on the
safety of young football players. While
adequate hydration is essential year-round,
during hot weather, dehydration occurs
more frequently and has more severe
consequences, including an increased risk

of heat illness. Now for the good news:


Dehydration and heat illness are preventable

if coaches and parents remain vigilant.

The key to prevention is proper hydration.

According to American Academy of Pediatrics
(AAP), a good starting point for coaches is
to have children drink 5 ounces of water or

sports drink every 15 minutes during hot and

humid conditions.
“In the late summer when football starts
you have youth that are going to be playing
in a very hot, humid environment,” says Dr.
David Joyner, sports medicine physician and

USA Football Health & Safety Committee

Chairman. “Coaches and parents need to
know that young athletes need to have free
access to water; they need to be able to drink
whenever they want to.”
Children do not adapt well to extreme
temperature and do not sweat as much as
adults, making them especially vulnerable.
CHECKLIST FOR COACHES CHECKLIST FOR PARENTS Do not rely on children to tell you if they need
c Be aware of temperature and c Before your child starts a sport, have fluid; most children don’t realize they are
humidity levels. a physical exam done that includes dehydrated until they are already thirsty.
c Change practice length, intensity, questions about history of heat illness “You need to be forward thinking,”
and equipment use as levels rise. c Tell your child’s coach about any says Joyner. “An athlete has to continue to
c Remind players to drink history or heat illness. be hydrated so that they don’t get thirsty

regularly. c Make sure your child is hydrated because at that point they’re already 20
c Fluid breaks should be scheduled before going to practice or a game. minutes behind on being able to hydrate, and
for all practices and become more Give children their own water bottles. that’s getting into a potentially problematic
frequent as the heat/humidity c Make sure your child’s coach has your situation.”
levels rise. contact information. Research conducted by the Gatorade
c Have parent contact information c Make sure your child’s league or team Institute of Sports Science and published
at all games and practices. has an emergency action plan. by the Internal Journal of Sports Medicine
c Have an emergency action plan. [SOURCE: NATIONAL ATHLETIC TRAINERS’ ASSOCIATION] indicates that young football players begin
practice measurably dehydrated.


“Recent research from our lab shows
that 60 to almost 80 percent of high-school
football players are likely to be dehydrated
before practice even starts,” says Craig
Horswill, Ph.D., Gatorade Sports Science GATORADE
Institute “By asking players to drink a bottle SPORTS SCIENCE
of sports drink or water after dinner and the INSTITUTE
morning on their way to practice, we were SUGGESTED
able to improve their hydration.” HYDRATION AND YOUTH ACTIVITY GUIDELINES
Generally, 7 to 9 cups, or 56 to 72 ounces, HEAT ILLNESS
of fluid are required for children every 24 PREVENTION TIPS: Zone A: Children should receive a 5-10 minute
hours to be hydrated. An additional 12-16 rest and fluid break after every 25 to 30 minutes of
ounces should be consumed approximately > To help prevent activity.
two hours prior to activity. dehydration, track
“Young athletes are coming to practice fluid loss of players Zone B: Children should receive a 5-10 minute rest
dehydrated, they’re getting more dehydrated during practice. and fluid break after every 20 to 25 minutes of activity.
as practice continues, and they’re Children should be in shorts and t-shirts (with helmet
progressively even more dehydrated on each > Have players weigh and shoulder pads only, not full equipment).
succeeding day of practice,” says Michael in before and after
F. Bergeron, Ph.D., American College of practice. The pounds Zone C: Children should receive a 5-10 minute
Sports Medicine. “Athletes need to pay more lost per practice is rest and fluid break after every 15 to 20 minutes of
attention to hydration in earnest, and make an estimate of sweat activity. Children should be in shorts and t-shirts
a stronger effort to be more hydrated at the rate and how much only (with all protective equipment removed).
start of practice, to drink regularly during fluid they need
practice, and to recover sufficiently from to drink during Zone D: Cancel or postpone all outdoor practices
each practice so they can start the next day training. Example: 3 and games. Practice may be held in an air-conditioned
adequately hydrated.” pounds weight loss/1.5 space.
Coaches and parents should also be hour practice = 2
mindful of the temperature and humidity pounds per hour. OTHER HEAT ILLNESSES IN CHILDREN” BY NATIONAL ATHLETIC TRAINERS’
levels and adjust practices accordingly. Keep ASSOCIATION]

in mind that moderate temperatures with > To stay hydrated

high humidity can still create a dangerous during training and
situation for young players. games, players should sprinkle extra salt on > When pads go
Cynthia Hobgood manages USA Football’s drink 16 ounces per food. The sodium on, again reduce
Health & Safety programs. To contact pound of fluid they helps replace that lost the intensity for a
Cynthia, e-mail expect to lose. in sweat and promotes few days to allow
better rehydration. for further heat
• To help rehydration adaptations.
WARNING SIGNS after practice: > During early training
OF DEHYDRATION AND when it is hot outside, > Between plays,
HEAT ILLNESS: > Players should drink 20 coaches should reduce during timeouts
• Thirst to 24 ounces for every intensity to allow for or at the breaks
• Irritability 1 pound (16 ounces) of heat adaptation. between quarters,
• Headache and dizziness weight they lost (and remove helmets and
• Muscle cramping and unusual fatigue didn’t replace) during > Start the first few padding to improve
• Nausea and/or vomiting the actual practice. practices without cooling and heat
• Hyperventilation pads and contact, to release from body.
• Confusion and change in personality > Use sports drinks that allow players to adapt
[SOURCE: AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE] contain sodium and to the heat.

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To Serve and Protect

A head-to-toe guide to equipping your players for the ultimate in protection

BEFORE YOUR TEAM OR CHILD SUITS UP, take a few minutes to learn how each
piece of equipment serves to protect your players. And always follow the manufacturer’s
guidelines to ensure proper fit, use and maintenance of all equipment.

These pads tend to take the most abuse
during the course of the game, especially

when used to block or tackle. Shoulder pads


protect the shoulders, chest and back.



Pants may be of one-piece or shell

construction. One-piece pants feature
removable (snap-out) hip and kidney
pads; knit (cotton/nylon) material is
suggested with tunnel belts, loops or
attached web belt. Shell pants typically

feature knee guard and waist-suspended

thigh guard pockets.


Some quarterbacks wear rib pads, designed to protect their ribs and lower A player’s thighs often are the targets of
back from blind hits. hard tackles and blocks. Thigh pads protect
the quadriceps muscles and femur bone.
RECEIVER GLOVES Sizes vary for players at different positions.
Worn by receivers, running backs and defensive backs, these gloves can Kickers and punters generally wear the
provide an improved grip for catching and holding the football. They also help smallest size pads because those positions
provide warmth when playing in cold weather. receive the least amount of contact.

Designed to protect the hands, knuckles and fingers of both offensive and
defensive linemen. They provide more padding than the receiver gloves.

Worn primarily by linebackers and defensive linemen, the neck roll is used to
protect the head from whiplash during straight-on contact.


Shields the face from Protects various parts of the head, neck and
contact and collisions. Most jaw from collisions with other players and the
importantly, it protects the ground. A variety of internal padding systems
nose. Various styles of face allow the fit to be adjusted to each player’s head.
masks provide safety and
vision options for different
positions. CHIN STRAP
Standard equipment for
all helmets, the chin strap
not only protects the chin
and jaw, but also works in
tandem with the helmet to
provide maximum protection.
Always remind your players
to snap their chin straps.
Fitted to each individual’s mouth and
teeth, the mouth piece also protects
against concussions resulting from blows
to the head. This small but essential
piece of equipment always should be
inserted into the mouth prior to every
live play in practice or a game.
The smallest pads required for
competition play a big role in protecting
important bones and internal organs.
They guard the exposed edge of the
hip bone, the base of the spine and the
kidney area. Pads must be worn in-
girdle or attached to a belt or pants.

Tucked inside the lower part of the
pants, these pads help absorb contact
with opponents and the ground. Make
SHOES sure they cover the player’s knee caps
Cleats or turf-soled shoes when the knee is flexed.
provide better traction
and help to protect the
foot during play. Leagues
usually regulate the length
of a shoe’s cleat.

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Worst Case Scenario


Drawing up a comprehensive Emergency Action Plan enables coaches and

leagues to prepare for the unexpected BY ED PASSINO
FOOTBALL IS WITHOUT DOUBT one of the most physically Injuries do occur, but you should have them occur at the lowest
demanding games on the planet. Yet, the sport consistently level. If they do occur, you should be very efficient in be being able
ranks as one of the safest youth recreational activities in the to protect the athlete.”

country. The reason? It boils down to one Emergencies ranging from natural disasters to the serious
simple word: Prevention. injuries of players, coaches and spectators can occur
When the inevitable anywhere and at any time. To limit confusion, a
injuries occur, readiness league’s EAP should be the same for every game,
and emergency every practice, every team and every situation.
planning can reduce the Your plan should include
severity of most injuries. information and medical releases
But being ready from all players and coaches,
means more than emergency contact
just understanding numbers for parents and/or
how to treat on-field guardians, methodology
injuries. A youth coach for contacting emergency
or administrator must services, and names and

be prepared for any type of availability of medical

situation. That’s why it is strongly recommended that technicians (EMTs) at practice
every league, club, team and facility draw up an Emergency and game fields. It also should include

Action Plan (EAP). designated shelters and strategies for player

“Having an Emergency Action Plan is the right thing to do if protection from severe weather or other significant events.
you’re a league administrator or coach,” says Dr. David Joyner, Developing an EAP is the responsibility of the each coach and
orthopedic surgeon and USA Football Health & Safety Committee league administrator. It is important that each person – coach
Chairman. “You want to make the sport as safe as possible. and league administrator – know what to do in the event of an

emergency and practice, putting the EAP in motion.

“You should have a plan,” Dr. Joyner says. “You should write
WHAT COACHES SHOULD down who is in charge of calling 911, who should have a cell
phone at every practices and games. And at least one member
KNOW ABOUT EAPS of the always present staff, should be trained in first aid, ideally
in CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). An action plan is
• An Emergency Action Plan (EAP) should define the

important because those kind of seconds can make a difference

responsibilities of everyone who may be involved.
in life- and limb-saving.”
• An EAP should include the layout of the building and the
Additionally, USA Football recommends that each team keep
equipment that can be used in an emergency, support
a first aid kit on hand at all games, practices and team functions.
personnel and staff responsibilities, communication
Coaches and league administrators should maintain effective
methods and follow-up methods.
communication tools to contact emergency services should the
• The coaching staff should practice the EAP so that need arise.
everyone knows what to do in the event of an emergency. Ed Passino manages USA Football’s League Enhancement
resources. To contact him, e-mail

14 USA Football Magazine

Field Layout
Plan and locate the following:
• EMS personnel access and entry/exit routes
Staff Responsibilities
Identify and assign the following EAP
responsibilities and duties to team and league staff:
• Location of rescue and first aid equipment • Person to provide care
• Location of telephones with emergency telephone • Person to control bystanders and supervise other
numbers posted athletes
• Location of keys to reach telephones or • Person to meet EMS personnel
equipment • Person to transport injured athlete
• Exits and evacuation routes
External Support
Equipment Identify and list phone numbers and contact
Make sure the following equipment is on hand at information for each of the following:
every game and practice: • EMS personnel
• Rescue equipment • Police
• First Aid supplies • Fire
• Emergency equipment (flashlights, fire • Hazardous materials team
extinguishers, etc.) • Poison Control Center
• Hospitals
Support Personnel Within Facility • Power and gas companies
Identify and assign EAP responsibilities and duties • Health department
to each of the following personnel:
• Coaches
• Athletic trainers
• Athletic officials and referees
• Facility administrators
• Management personnel
• Teachers and/or team parents
• School nurse/physician
• Athletic director
• Clerical personnel
• Maintenance personnel

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When In Doubt
Axioms help officials make the right call BY BILL LEMONNIER

sometimes doubts a call made during a game. Few non-officials realize the situation THE BALL FORWARD RATHER
happens more than we’d like to admit. That’s precisely why the “Axioms of Football THAN FUMBLING IT.
Officiating” have been developed through the years. These are the principles designed to Any action by the quarterback’s arm
aid officials in getting the call right more times than not. But the Axioms cannot live on moving forward and the ball coming out
paper alone. At their heart lies their mechanics. should be ruled a forward pass. Even if the
First, let’s look at the difference between having a call and having doubt. In most arm is going forward, untouched and the
calls, you’re in good position, you’ve seen the whole play and you simply make the call. QB loses the ball as he tries to pull it back.

Here, the Axioms The human eye is good enough to see the
do not apply. When full aspect of this motion. Again, ruling
you have primary these fumbles will result in more cheap
responsibility and you turnovers than correct calls.
didn’t see the whole
play – good mechanics IT’S A FUMBLE RATHER THAN
or not – you need to THE RUNNER DOWN.
use the Axioms to Replays show nearly 90 percent of
have a better shot at a the fumble/down situations are fumbles.
correct call. Any chance of getting help from your
Remember crew is taken away when you blow the
when you are not whistle without seeing the ball dead by
the primary official rule. Let the play continue and get help

covering a play, from a crewmate.

the Axioms do not
apply! They are strictly for the covering official who has primary responsibility. It’s Here’s one Axiom that needs more
the difference between making a call and having an opinion. Stay out of it unless the discussion: “When in doubt, it is an
covering official needs your help, and even then, understand the difference between incomplete pass/trap rather than a
having a call and an opinion. completed pass.” If we haven’t seen the
Let’s look at a few of the key Axioms: ball touch the ground, why would we call it
incomplete? If you see it touch the ground,
IT’S A TOUCHBACK RATHER THAN A SAFETY OR MOMENTUM. make the call: incomplete pass. If you aren’t
Too often we see officials not in a position to sell a safety call when the ball never came sure, look for help from another covering
out of the end zone. This is a fundamental Axiom that should be followed: Don’t put official, maybe even the umpire. Don’t take
cheap points on the board and have the team giving up the ball on the ensuing free kick. a good athletic play away from a receiver.
Axioms can be game savers but
THE FORWARD PASS IS INCOMPLETE RATHER THAN A FUMBLE. they don’t excuse officials from their

More times than not, the receiver never controlled the ball long enough to do responsibilities. Put yourself in position
something common to the game — run, pass or kick. Make sure a receiver has tucked the to make the call by using sound officiating
ball away with control before ruling a fumble. Often the receiver is outnumbered by the mechanics, rule knowledge and good
defense and has no chance to recover the ball. Make these plays incomplete! common sense. But never give up your
responsibility to make the call!
INTENTIONALLY BATTED/KICKED. Bill LeMonnier is a Big Ten Conference
Make the bat or kick obvious and intentional for everyone to see, not some little swipe and Arena Football referee and USA
and nick of the ball. Football Officiating Consultant.

16 USA Football Magazine

Mech 3346 USA Football Ad 8/10/06 7:52 PM Page 1


Youth Sled: 1-man, 2-man, 3-man, 5-man & 7-man sleds • Youth Gauntlet • Youth Pop-up
Youth Chute: 1-stall, 2-stall, 3-stall & 5-stall chutes • Youth Shield • Youth Dummy • Youth Step-over

Rod Woodson named honorary chairman of Play Football Month

ERENNIAL PRO BOWLER ROD to be successful in football and in life. USA Football Chairman and Pro Football
WOODSON grew up playing in Considering that I went on to a career in the Hall of Famer Jack Kemp, and other
the Police Athletic League (PAL) NFL, youth football obviously played a very former Mississippi football greats attended
of Fort Wayne, Ind. As an NFL player, important part of my life.” the Governor’s press conference on the
Woodson was on the receiving end of 71 Woodson remains active in youth steps of the capitol building. An awards
interceptions. But after 17 pro seasons of football through his two sons. Thirteen- presentation during the New Orleans
stellar secondary play both as a corner year-old Demitrius is in his fourth year of Saints-Indianapolis Colts preseason game
and safety, Rod is now delivering some tackle and 8-year-old Jairus is enjoying his topped off the weekend.
targeted passes of his own – in the form of second season of flag football. As the initiative continues throughout
inspirational and informative messages to “My sons enjoy athletics, and they love the month of September, USA Football
youth football coaches, league personnel playing football,” Woodson says. “It’s been a plans to award more than $500,000
and officials around the country. Woodson great experience for them.” in equipment grants to eligible youth
has volunteered his time and experience to football organizations and provide Play
serve as honorary chairman for this year’s Football Month Celebration Kits to
Play Football Month. youth football teams at no cost. Grant
USA Football, in conjunction with the applications, eligibility requirements and
NFL and NFL Players Association, kicked off kit registration information is available at
the 2006 football season with “The World’s
Largest Youth Football Celebration.” Play During the NFL preseason, all 32 teams
Football Month showcases how different invited local youth football teams to be part
communities celebrate the start of their of in-stadium celebrations through ticket
seasons and 2006 marks the third year of donations, pre-game activities, halftime
the initiative. Play Football Month officially kicked festivities and off-site events.
Woodson is the perfect spokesperson to off August 25 with the presentation of The During Play Football Month and
lead the best month of the year. He believes Governor’s Cup to Mississippi, selected as throughout the duration of the season, USA
in – and has experienced firsthand – the the nation’s top football state. The project, Football is hosting a weekly photo and video
importance youth football can have in a conducted by The Wharton Sports Business contest on, where youth and
young person’s life. Initiative, compiled a variety of criteria high school football players, coaches and
“I began playing just to spend time with including each state’s per capita percentages parents are encouraged to send in creative
my older brother. By the time I finished, of collegiate and professional football fans, pictures and videos from the season to win
I had been exposed to so many new and number of NFL players from each state, weekly prizes.
different things through my teammates and percentage of high school football players Hilary Strahota, marketing & events
coaches. Different backgrounds. Different and percentage of high school players who coordinator, organizes USA Football events
races. Different religions,” Woodson says. have letters-of-intent to play for NCAA including Play Football Month. To learn more
“PALs introduced me to the structure Division I-A colleges and universities. about getting involved in USA Football events,
of teamwork and the discipline needed Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, contact Hilary at

18 USA Football Magazine


“Youth football
obviously played
a very important
part of my life.”
Rod Woodson


Dear youth football volunteers,
We are delighted to debut USA Football Magazine for youth football coaches,
administrators, officials, volunteers and parents. Our goal is to offer you reliable
information you can use during this fall season.
USA Football is a non-profit organization
created by the NFL and NFL Players Association to Chairman
lead the development and growth of youth football.
Executive Director
USA Football helps youth football organizations SCOTT HALLENBECK
keep the sport fun, safe and accessible by offering
resources focused on coaching education, league
enhancement, officiating development, and health USA FOOTBALL
and safety awareness. EDITORIAL STAFF
In addition to our existing resources, such as
Managing Editor
our online Coaching Guide and Youth Football CYNTHIA HOBGOOD
Directory, in the coming months we will release Contributors:
more innovative tools. These include: youth TOM BASS, NATHAN BOUDREAUX,
football online coaches course, practice planner, BRIAN FEENER, BILL LEMONNIER,
rule interpretations and animations for officials,
and a league enhancement guide. Please visit to learn more.
To contact USA Football:
In the magazine, we will highlight the tremendous efforts of those involved in the (703) 918-0007
sport at every level of football. Most importantly, we will feature people just like you
– youth coaches, administrators, and officials working to create a positive experience
for the millions of youths that are playing our great sport. On page 8 of this issue, you
will find a profile of Todd Casey, a dedicated youth football coach in Vienna, Va.
We selected Bengals Coach Marvin Lewis for our cover feature not only due Publisher
to his coaching success, but also because of his involvement in the community in RUDY J. KLANCNIK

Cincinnati. The Marvin Lewis Community Fund supports numerous community Editorial Director
programs in the Greater Cincinnati region including Inner-City Youth Football
Collaborative, helping purchase safe equipment and providing on-site supervision WILLIAM BRIDGEFORTH
for 102 youth football teams.
Traction Media
We urge you to share your experiences, questions and photos with us so we
Editorial Offices
can learn from you and inform others in the process through best practices and 9435 Waterview Road
innovative resources. Dallas, TX 75218
USA Football wishes you the best of luck this season and hope you enjoy the first
issue of our magazine. Tell us what you think about the magazine, and what you’d like Editorial Department Phone
to see in the future, by writing to Cynthia Hobgood at (972) 896-8006
Custom Publishing
Sincerely, (972) 898-8585

USA Football Magazine is published by Traction

Media, LLC©. All rights reserved. Traction
Media does not accept unsolicited manuscripts.
Publisher assumes no responsibility for return
Scott Hallenbeck of unsolicited manuscripts or art. No part of
this magazine may be reprinted or otherwise
Executive Director, USA Football duplicated without the written permission of
the editor.

2 USA Football Magazine


Durham Fighting Eagles vs Capital City Steelers

Raleigh, N.C.

AYF Billings Broncos


Grimes County Rattlers Junior Team

Navosta, Texas

AYF El Segundo Eagles


AYF Torrance Panthers


European Youth Services Football

Hohenfels, Germany (U.S. Military families)

European Youth Services Football Flag Football

Hohenfels, Germany (U.S. Military families) South Arlington (Texas) Eagles

20 USA Football Magazine

7th-8th grade
Lake Oswego (N.Y.)
Eminence Redskins

Matteson Bears

South Arlington Eagles vs Grand

Prairie Cardinals

Tiny Mite at 2005 Pop

Warner Super Bowl
Lake Mary Rams (Fla.)

Pee Wee Tarheels

Ft. Wayne, Ind.



USA Football
attn: Cynthia Hobgood,
8300 Boone Blvd., Suite 625
Vienna, VA 22182
Jr Midget 2005 Pop Warner Super Bowl E-mail:
Lee’s Summit (Mo.) Tigers

USA Football’s newly designed Web site now offers even more valuable youth football resources. Visit for
up-to-date youth football information, playbooks, coaching and league aids and directories.

Coaching Guide
Click “Coaching” for instructional content for youth football coaches focused on
coaching philosophy, offense, defense and special teams including drills, tips and

Coaches Practice Planner

Click “Coaching” to find a comprehensive, start-to-finish online guide designed to
aid coaches in planning a season. The Practice Planner includes instruction, drills and
techniques from USA Football’s youth coaching curriculum.

League Enhancement Center

Click “League” to read tips for starting and managing a league, fundraising,
equipment purchasing and maintenance guidelines, background checks, operating
concessions, field set-up and emergency action plans.

Youth Football Directory

Click “Youth Football Directory” to promote your league on the USA Football website. The Youth Football Directory lets you submit
information about your league and search for leagues/organizations in your area. This directory is open to all youth football organizations.

Officiating Center
Click “Officiating” to discover a state-of-the-art resource for officials at all levels. Our nationwide network of respected and well-
trained football officials delivers tools and resources. The content pertains to football officiating with the core elements being rules,
mechanics and philosophy. Officials can ask questions of a credible source about rules, play situations, career success, etc. Recruiting
and mentoring information is provided, along with a listing of recommended clinics and seminars. Features, news and tips will be
added weekly during the season.

Health & Safety Center

Click “Health & Safety” to read recommended information on topics such as injury prevention, emergency care guidelines,
hydration, nutrition, conditioning, equipment fitting, the danger of performance enhancing drugs and current research. An
interactive tool allows users to send questions to sports medicine and research professionals.


The following resources are available at

NFL FLAG is the premier A national skills competition

NFL RUSH is the official youth football league for in which girls and boys in four
kids site for everything boys and girls ages 5-17. separate age divisions (8-
NFL. This new site The program provides young players a fun 9, 10-11, 12-13, and 14-15) compete against each
features fun games, and exciting opportunity to engage in non- other in punting, passing and placekicking in a fun
contests and exclusive contact, continuous action while learning and engaging forum. The program is free – both to
NFL player content, lessons in teamwork. Launched in 1996, organizers who host a local competition and to every
as well as information the FLAG Football program is designed to youngster who wants to participate! With more than
on youth football and educate young people about football while four million boys and girls from around the country
community programs. emphasizing participation and sportsmanship. taking part in the competition every year from July
Visit to Players learn skills and lessons that help them through January, it is one of the world’s largest
learn more. succeed both on and off the field. youth sports participation programs.

22 USA Football Magazine

The latest, coolest, must-have, must-see youth football equipment, tools and clinics


Whether rain or snow or sweaty
palms, no other receiver glove performs
like the Cutter Original C-Tack. Other
gloves may look alike, but Cutter’s
C-Tack material provides maximum
grip and durability. It also is ideal for
running backs, defensive backs and
K2 BALL DESIGNED FOR returners. Visit
LITTLE HANDS for additional colors.
Wilson’s exclusive Grip Stripes
and ACL Lacing System make the
K2 Pee Wee Game Ball perfect for
smaller hands. Wilson’s 864 Full
Grain Leather features a deep pebble UNDER ARMOUR
pattern designed for serious beginners HAMMER MID YOUTH
under 10 years of age. The K2 is used Built for stable, durable performance throughout
as the game ball of more intermediate the season. Breathable synthetic leather upper
youth leagues and junior high school with HeatGear liner locks in moisture transport.
leagues than any other football. Visit Performance cushioning in the insole keeps you for K2 Game Ball ready as the action heats up. Outsole cleat design
specifications and an inside tour of is designed for efficient cuts and maximum speed.
the making of a football. Visit to learn more.


The 2006 Nike Coach of the Year clinics feature the nation’s top college football
coaches speaking at 20 sites across the country. Founded by a pair of legendary
college coaches, Oklahoma’s Bud Wilkinson and Michigan State’s Duffy Daugherty,
these state-of-the-art clinics feature 70 Division IA college head coaches on the
staff. Many clinics include lectures designed specially for youth league coaches
covering techniques, drills and 1-on-1 sessions. Hammer Strength also provides
a session covering strength and conditioning. Visit for
locations and dates.


Kids require the best in head protection, too. Schutt’s award-winning DNA Helmet is
available for youth players. Schutt’s DNA helmet technology features a thinner, lighter
military-proven protective cushioning material, SKYDEX cushioning components
that are smarter and foam and the two-part SUREFIT air liner system that provides a
better fit for the back, sides and top of the helmet. Visit for more
information on the DNA Helmet.

Gary Patterson HEAD COACH

Purple People Leader

College football is no kids’ Why do you enjoy coaching?
game, but Gary Patterson Patterson: I enjoy coaching
still wants his TCU players to because of the kids. As coaches,
enjoy the game and think of we enjoy trying to help others
him as a friend. get where we can’t. I also love
game days and being able to
You’ll have to excuse Gary compete against others. It’s good
Patterson if he gets defensive on and fulfilling to see what you
you. Prior to the 2005 season, were able to get accomplished.
his Texas Christian University
Horned Frogs were picked to What was your first coaching
finish sixth in their conference job?
as they hit the road to take on Patterson: It was at my alma
Top-10 Oklahoma. So much for mater, Kansas State. I served as a
preseason predictions. TCU’s graduate assistant.
defense shocked the Sooners and
the nation in a 17-10 upset. The Do you recall a game or
Horned Frogs went on to post instance in your career that you
an 11-1 record and earn a Top- realized you could be a good
10 finish in the polls. In just five football coach?
seasons, Patterson has compiled a Patterson: When I think
43-18 record and is the only TCU back to when I was at Sonoma
coach to record three 10-win State (Calif.), it was a challenge
seasons. He also has added to his because we didn’t have all the
reputation as a defensive general, frills, yet we ended up leading After players leave your Do you remember a coach
twice finishing the season with the nation in defense in a couple program, how do you want them who impacted your youth?
the nation’s top-ranked defense. different categories. There were to remember you? Patterson: Oh yes, my junior
Coach Patterson took a few only maybe 200 people in the Patterson: Remember that high coach, Mr. Price. He was
minutes after practicing this stands, but that’s the first time I was someone they respected always positive and wanted
year’s Mountain West favorites I remember that we may have but more importantly that I was everyone to go out and work
and Top 25-ranked squad to something special defensively. tough on them and drove them hard and live up to his potential.
discuss his thoughts on coaching to be the best they could be. I’d He encouraged us to be all that
with USA Football Magazine. What is the greatest also want them to know that I we could be.
challenge any college football was their friend and cared about
What made you want to be a coach faces? them outside of football. Do you have any advice to
football coach? Patterson: Just the way the offer youth coaches?
Patterson: My whole life, world is changing. Did you play football at the Patterson: Make sure to
I grew up playing sports. My youth level? understand they are just little kids
uncles and my dad played in the What values and experiences Patterson: I played a little and to not yell at them. I’d want
Canadian Football League, so does football offer to young youth football but it was them to remember to be the kind
it’s just been a way of life. I was men? through the school system back of coach they’d want their children
raised in a small, little town so Patterson: I think if they’re in my hometown. When you to be coached by. Understand that
either you played sports or you coached right, it gives them come from a small town, you winning is important, but having
worked. You ended up doing an outlet to become physically play as a youth but it all works fun is more essential because you
both, but if you had your choice better and learn to play as a through grade school, junior want the players to continue to love
you’d do the sports part. team and not an individual. high and high school programs. the game as they get older.


When Tempers Flare this happens on 4th down, inside against your base Can you explain the proper
How to Deal with Players the defense is given the ball 4-3 defense that lines both way to snap the football?
Who Act Out 1st and 10 at the spot of the defensive ends on the outside – Evan
I’m an assistant coach on grounding. If the ball was shoulder of the offensive tackle, For a good grip, have your
my son’s third-grade tackle grounded to conserve time call a 4-3 PINCH that lets all center turn the laces of the
team. We have several players instead of loss of yardage, then four defensive linemen charge ball to the outside and below
on the team whose tempers a five-yard penalty is enforced through their inside gap. the midline of the ball and
flare up during the contact from the spot of the foul grip the ball as if he
drills that we run and it has and loss of down applies. was going to throw
become very disruptive during Declining the penalty a pass; First finger
practice. How can I teach my normally is not a good off the laces near
players to be positive and keep option for the defense the front of the ball,
a good perspective? as the grounding spot next two fingers
– Mack foul is usually several over the laces on the
Immediately take the yards behind the line front half of the ball
players out of the drill and have of scrimmage. [7-3-2-d and the little finger
them stand next to you, one on Penalty] resting on the laces
each side. Explain that they will Federation Rules: at the center of the
not be allowed to practice until The yardage penalty ball. The thumb
you are convinced they can in Federation play is five yards Playing the option out of should be on the top panel.
take part in the drill without from the previous spot and the base 4-3 lets your middle On the snap count, bring
losing their tempers. Players loss of down. Federation linebacker and both tackles the ball up between the legs,
play in games like they practice, interpretations say that secure the fullback, while both turning it sideways so that the
and the team cannot afford a declining this foul will result in ends play the line and force QB can grip it with both hands.
penalty during a game. When the same location as the spot of the pitch. Calling 4-3 CRASH In making this motion, the
you are faced with repeated the illegal pass is now the end sends both ends crashing snapping hand stays under the
outbursts, sit the player down, of the run. [7-5-2 Penalty] outside of the offensive tackles, ball and helps ensure a good
limiting his playing time in the – Bill LeMonnier, Big where they should immediately exchange while diminishing
next game. 10 Referee/USA Football hit the quarterback. any chance for a fumble.
– Coach Tom Bass, USA consultant – Coach Tom Bass – Coach Tom Bass
Football Advisor
Is crashing a defensive end
If a loss of down penalty is the best way to stop an inside
committed on fourth down, can running game? And what is the YOU’VE GOT QUESTIONS,
the defense accept the penalty, best way to stop the option? WE’VE GOT PRIZES
take the ball and receive the Should your defense hit the
penalty yardage? fullback and QB every time no Ask and you shall receive. USA Football is here for you – the
– Gary matter what? coach, the official and the league administrator. That’s why
Federation and NCAA – Charles we’re so interested in continuous feedback from all of our
rulebooks differ slightly when Having a variety of members. And that’s why “Audibles” is so important to this
in this scenario. defensive formations can take magazine. We want to hear your thoughts, your experiences
NCAA Rules: an offense out of its comfort and your questions. So fire away and keep them coming. Just
A yardage foul is not zone and create indecision to make it even more worth your while to e-mail or snail-
associated with intentional in your opponent’s blocking mail us, we’re randomly selecting one out of every 10 letter
grounding [ING]. It is a spot scheme. For example: If an writers for a special prize.
foul and loss of down. If offense is successful running

E-mail address: Mailing USA Football, attn: Cynthia Hobgood, address: 8300 Boone Blvd., Suite 625, Vienna, VA 22182


On the Prowl
Bengals head man Marvin Lewis’ NFL success links directly to
his experiences from his earliest football moments BY TIM POLZER
PLAYING SMALL-TOWN YOUTH Thanks to Lewis’ coaching prowess, empower, educate and inspire individuals in
FOOTBALL SEEMS LIKE LIGHT YEARS the Bengals entered the 2006 NFL season the Greater Cincinnati area “One Play at a
away from roaming the sidelines as the capable of challenging for a Super Bowl. Time.” Lewis frequently contributes his time
head coach of the Cincinnati Bengals. But But don’t think that the key to this coach’s and resources to young people. The Marvin
Marvin Lewis has not forgotten the way success is some sort of top secret formula. Lewis Community Fund supports numerous
home – or the youth coaches who helped Lewis still relies on the fundamentals that he community programs in the Greater Cincinnati
him make the journey. learned from the moment he pulled on his region including Inner-City Youth Football
“I remember those men’s names. Sam first football helmet. Collaborative, helping purchase safe equipment
Edmonds was one of my first coaches. Joe Lewis has taken the time to teach the and offsetting costs of officials and on-site
Almatti, Vic Mazzucca, Bob Cook,” Lewis lessons he’s learned by speaking to youth supervision for 102 youth football teams.
told a conference of youth and amateur football organizations and coaches at all levels. “Football teaches lessons in sacrifice,
football players and coaches. “I remember The Marvin Lewis Community Fund strives to hard work and team work,” Lewis says.
the impact they had on me and how they “It teaches you about success and
helped me learn the game of football.” “I LOVE WATCHING disappointment, and handling the
With his football fundamentals firmly in AND EXPERIENCING ups and downs.”
place, Lewis went on to run the single- A PLAYER THAT Lewis makes it a point to mention
wing as a quarterback in high school in MATURES INTO A that his youth coaches never cursed
McDonald, Pa. It was there that his path MAN.” or ranted and raved to make their
crossed with another future point. He tries to follow their
AFC North division coach, examples when teaching some of the best
one who brought home a football players in the world.
Super Bowl ring last season. “They taught me how to approach
Pittsburgh Steelers coach Bill and speak to people, being corrective
Cowher and Lewis played for and not critical. Always be positive,”
conference rivals in high school. Lewis says. “You have to be a great
And their bond was strengthened teacher. You have to be able to have
at a youth football camp. the patience to communicate
After playing the odd with the guy who is extremely
combination of linebacker, talented that can get everything
quarterback and safety at Idaho State, the first time to the guy that
Lewis decided to give coaching a try. He has zero talent and it takes
slowly but surely gained valuable experience him 10 times.”
in the college ranks. In 1992, his old high Trophies and accolades
school rival, now head coach of the Steelers, represent competitive goals for
offered him a shot at the NFL. He was to coaches at the highest level. But
coach linebackers in the Steel City. when asked about why coaching
Lewis immediately made an impact, football gets his engine revved every
cementing his reputation as one of pro morning, Lewis’ answer has little to do with
football’s brightest defensive minds. As victory parades or champagne toasts.
defensive coordinator for the Baltimore “I love the game of football and the
Ravens, a team that boasted one of the all- experiences of seeing someone accomplish
time best defensive units, he won his own a goal or improve,” Lewis says. “I love
Super Bowl ring. In just three seasons, watching and experiencing a player that
Lewis guided the Bengals from 2-14 to matures into a man.”
the AFC North division title and their That’s one for the win column, no
first playoff appearance in 15 years. matter the final score.



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Formation Deception

The diagram shows an inside running

play from a “Left Far Wing” formation.

The position of the tight end (TE) and

wing back (WB) reveals your offense’s
running strength to be on the left side of
the formation, but your offense also is in
position to run the fullback inside to the
opposite side by using the HB to serve
as a lead blocker on the weakside “Will”

linebacker (W).

Assignment Breakdown
• The quarterback (QB) can use a
reverse pivot to sell the misdirection
or open to the path of the FB driving to
the gap between the RG and RT
• The HB leads through the 4 hole and
blocks the W linebacker in whatever
direction the defender is moving
• The FB takes the handoff, follows the
path of the HB and cuts opposite the
block of the HB on the W linebacker

• Offensive linemen drive block the

defender lined up across from them,
on or off the line of scrimmage
• The WB and split end (SE) block
downfield on defensive backs
EARLY IN THE SEASON, it’s important to have a relatively simple offensive play • After the handoff, the quarterback
system that can be enhanced as your team becomes more experienced and you find should drop straight back and set up
the need to add more plays. Many coaches believe it’s better to have fewer plays to pass. This should set up a possible
— and run them well – than to have a large number of plays that can leave your players play-action pass later in the game and
uncertain in their execution. provide a third option off this formation.
As your team’s offensive strengths become apparent, defenses often will load
up against your best runner and most productive plays. By mixing in a weakside run When practicing this offensive
counter play, your offense can gain crucial yardage and keep the defense honest. series, impress upon your players
To get you started, here is an example of a counter play for your run series. to fire out on the snap, execute their

assignments and run the play correctly

FULLBACK INSIDE RUN RIGHT: “34 SLANT” using the proper technique.
When the defense believes the halfback (HB) is the main player in your running Tom Bass coached in the NFL for 30
game, opposing coaches will begin to overplay your formation by cheating their years as a defensive coordinator, offensive
linebackers and safeties, or slanting the defensive linemen to the tight end side of the and defensive assistant with the Cincinnati
formation. You can vary your attack and counter the stacked alignment by using the HB Bengals, San Diego Chargers and Tampa
as a lead blocker and handing off to the fullback (FB) or “3 back” who runs between Bay Buccaneers. He serves on the USA
the right guard (RG) and right tackle (RT) or “4 hole.” Football technical advisory committee.

6 USA Football Magazine P

Blueprints For Coaching Success
Positive leadership, organization and clear communication can produce
an enjoyable – and winning – experience for your team BY COACH TOM BASS
COACHING FOOTBALL AT THE YOUTH loitering around the field in a positive manner. Consider what you
LEVEL offers an opportunity to introduce > Having one coach remain at the field until want your players to do and instruct them
young players to one of America’s greatest the last player has been picked up in a step-by-step manner. In addition, stay
games and a tremendously rewarding > Having a pre-arranged plan for any positive in your conversations with parents,
experience. potential medical problem regardless of the subject being discussed.
You strive to experience the pleasure of One of the greatest lessons you can teach
watching your players evolve from awkward, Practice Preparation your players is how to communicate with
young athletes into a smooth, efficient team. Preparing yourself – and your assistants officials during a game. Show the officials
To realize this goal, it is important to ask – to accomplish your everyday goals may the respect they deserve and save any
yourself what your role and philosophy is as make it necessary to meet as a staff prior to discussions or questions for a time-out or
a coach. each practice, each meeting and each game at halftime.
Remember, as a coach you are first and in order to outline the goals for that day.
foremost a teacher. Considering the many Coaches need to understand not only what Leadership
complex issues facing coaches today, being a they will teach, but also how it fits into the Your players are going to look to you for
teacher may seem to take a backseat at times, but bigger team picture. leadership during practice and at games,
it shouldn’t. All great coaches are great teachers. and their attitudes will reflect yours. Young
Player Participation and Fun players want and expect you to provide
Safety and Enjoyment Youth teams should be geared to allow instruction, structure and discipline, so
Your first responsibility is to provide a even the least skilled players to enjoy don’t let them down.
safe and enjoyable setting for learning. This participating in games and practices. During Players come to the practice field wanting
involves: your practices try to: to learn and have fun. They hope you will
> Inspecting the field before the first player > Make sure every player participates understand that they will make errors and
arrives for practice > Use drills that teach only one skill, rather that they will need encouragement. Every
> Greeting each player by name than running one drill that involves player wants to play on a team in which
> Making a quick check of each player’s multiple skills, giving playing as many everyone is coached with kindness rather
equipment repetitions as possible than criticism.
> Pre-planning the practice, so drills are > Keep lectures to a minimum Remember, coaching is a tremendous
conducted in a safe manner and the > Keep it fun and always be upbeat responsibility. Parents entrust you with their
techniques that are taught emphasize most precious possession; their child. It is
proper and safe body movements Positive Communication your responsibility to treat each child with
> Being aware of any strangers who may be Coaches always should communicate respect and care.



Todd Casey, Vienna, Va.

All Smiles
Father and son dentist team drill at the office and on
the field for the benefit of all involved BY TIM POLZER few things that rarely change.
“You can never assume they know
anything. You have to approach each
aspect of the game as if they’re just
starting out,” Casey says. “Games are easy.
Games are fun. Practices are tougher.
You have to go in with the idea that you’re
teaching them and challenging them
every day.”
Casey has managed to coach successful
teams without leaving any kids behind.
He has found a way to make every player
feel a part of every team.
“Everybody wants to be a running
back or quarterback. But by stressing
the fundamentals, kids can enjoy
playing every position,” Casey explains.
“In fact, I think you’ll find that many
of the larger kids who may start youth
football as linemen eventually evolve
THE ROOTS OF TODD CASEY’S CONTRIBUTIONS to youth football run deep. Casey, a into quarterbacks and running backs as
dentist in Vienna, Va., need only look to his father and dental practice partner, George, they get older.”
as the person who got him started in youth football and, eventually, coaching. One of Casey’s most cherished youth
Todd began playing youth football in the late ’70s with his father as his coach, and football memories was taking his Steelers
the pair has remained active ever since. After Todd’s playing days were over, he decided to Minnesota to play in last year’s USA
to continue his youth football experience through coaching. Football Classic. The total experience,
Casey coaches the Vienna Steelers in the 110-pound division of the Fairfax County including fundraising efforts and
Youth Football League, an organization serving more than 20 youth sports and reaching out to community sponsors,
recreation clubs in northern Virginia. Casey has coached or co-coached in 13 County created a need for teamwork off the
Championships, six Metropolitan Super Bowls, the 95-pound American FCYFL field. Along the way, Casey said the team
Championship and a national championship game at last year’s USA Football Classic. enjoyed a unique bonding experience
While Casey’s father got him started as a youth player, it’s the joy of helping kids between coaches, players and parents.
learn the game that energizes him as an adult coach. The Caseys’ family affair with youth
“It’s really fun watching the kids evolve. It’s amazing how much they learn football already spans more than 30 years
and change from the first day of practice to the last game,” Casey says. “Their and there looks to be no end in sight —
enthusiasm keeps me going.” Todd’s 5-year-old son, Patrick, already is
Casey’s years of experience coaching seventh and eighth graders has taught him a running wind sprints in the backyard.


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