Levels of Assessment and Proficiency
Levels of Assessment and Proficiency
Levels of Assessment and Proficiency
Level 2 PROCESS: skills that the What do you want your students What is the area of a square
students perform on facts and to do with what they know? (e.g. cardboard whose sides measure 25
information for the purpose of solve for the area of a square) centimeters? (skill: computation /
constructing meanings or problem-solving) or Show that the
understandings area of a square whose side
measures 5 cm., is 25 square cm.
(process: student to prepare a model
composed of 25 pcs. of square
Level 3 UNDERSTANDING: big ideas What do you want students to The sides of a square cardboard
understand? (e.g. Understand the measure 25 centimeters. The
concept of “Conservation of cardboard is cut into 3 pieces to
Area”: cut a square into pieces form another shape. What is the
and make a different figure -the area of the figure formed? (big idea:
area of the new figure will still be Conservation of Area)
the same as that of the original
square figure)
Level 4 PRODUCT/PERFORMANCE: What products or performances You are an interior designer and
real-life application of do you want students to produce you have a client who has a
understanding/transfer of as evidence of their learning or sculpture made of triangular pieces
learning to real-life situation understanding? (e.g. Application of wood which were assembled
of the concept of “conservation of together to make one whole
area” to a real-life situation art piece. You were told that the
original wooden board where the
triangular pieces came from had an
area of 25 sq.m. The owner of the
sculpture also owns several square
paintings of different canvass sizes.
Your client requested you to cut up
any of his paintings and paste the
pieces onto the sculpture following
the size and shape of each piece of
triangular wood. You are to choose
the canvass which when cut up will
exactly fit the triangular pieces.
What are the measurements of the
sides of the painting you will
choose to cut up and paste on the
pieces of triangular wood?
Assessment of Student Learning 1