Product Sheet IPF 03 2017

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Automatic dosing of polymer

The intelligent Dissolved Air Flotation (i-DAF) system is CUSTOMER BENEFITS

based on the Nijhuis innovative and intelligent aeration
1. Proven and robust technology
system (i-AIRATION) which forms fine air bubbles that
support and increase the separation of particles. For 2. Minimal footprint requirements, compact unit with plate pack.
decades the Nijhuis Dissolved Air flotation unit has been 3. High level of standardisation and efficient, state of the art
known as the most robust and best DAF unit available on production
the market. The compact i-DAF with plate packs, type IPF,
can either be integrated in a total solution or offered as a 4. Laminar flow through unit for optimal removal efficiency.
single product for your wastewater. 5. Intelligent DAF design:
• Lower sludge discharge costs, higher dry solids content
APPLICATIONS • Better effluent quality
• Compact pre-treatment solution for industrial and • i-AIRATION system to control & monitor the aeration process
municipal wastewater (with or without flocculation system). • Optimized chemical costs by use of a Nijhuis i-DOSE.
• Activated sludge solution for a continuous biological
treatment system for industrial and municipal wastewater.
• Smart removal of suspended solids, oil and greases and
coagulated & flocculated particles.


In the stainless steel Intelligent DAF, type IPF the separable particles will The on-built recirculation system & aeration system (i-AIRATION) is
float to the surface. The floating particles will be removed automatically equipped with unique and patented non clogging aeration devices and
and continuously by a scraper mechanism. will form air bubbles who will support the separation of particles.
The unit is equipped with automatic sediment removal valves for
A lamella plate pack is installed to increase the separation area of the unit removing any settled material.
and ensures that even the smallest flocs are removed from the wastewater.
This makes the Intelligent DAF, type IPF unit very compact. The unit selection and the stainless steel material selection is based on
the type of wastewater, the hydraulic and sludge handling capacity.

Hydraulic Sludge Load Length Width Height Weight Power

Type, Series
Capacity m3/hr m3/hr mm mm mm Empty - Full kW
IPF 005E 5 0,2 2470 968 2089 700 - 1750 4,2
IPF 010E 10 0,4 2470 1468 2089 850 - 2950 4,2
IPF 015E 15 0,6 2470 2027 2089 1130 - 4300 5,7
IPF 020E 20 0,9 2470 2527 2089 1950 - 7800 5,7
IPF 030E 30 1,0 4838 1537 3386 1950 - 7800 5,7
IPF 045E 45 1,0 4838 1537 3595 2000 - 9600 7,7
IPF 090E 90 2,0 4838 2590 3595 2800 - 17600 7,7
IPF 135E 135 3,0 4868 3644 3595 3700 - 25900 11,2

Nijhuis Industries I

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