Inter Discipline Co-Ordination: Sheet: 1 of 1
Inter Discipline Co-Ordination: Sheet: 1 of 1
Inter Discipline Co-Ordination: Sheet: 1 of 1
Files Location
1. Disciplines to print £ A3 sizes themselves. Documents > A3 size, hard copies shall be distributed to concern discipline by
originating discipline. However, disciplines may take help of DCC to arrange the documents for distribution.
2. In case of no comments on the document by any of the discipline, the document should be returned with "NO COMMENTS"
to close the IDC.
3. In case some disciplines are not responding, the matter is brought to the notice of Design Head immediately after elapsing
of the IDC date to get comments from the defaulting discipline, for closing the IDC.
4. Disciplines to attach the Comment lists / marked up documents along with their response duly filled in below.
5. In case the responses are being sent through e-mail, reference IDC No. should be mentioned in the e-mail for co-relation.
Rev. No.
of the Originator
of the Responder