Ancient India - Time Period & Events

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Ancient India - Time Period & Events

Topics Period Events

4,00,000 BC – 2500 Paleeolithic Age, Mesolithic Age, Neolithic Age and
Pre-historic India
BC Age in the sub-continent

Sindhu-Saravasti Valley- About the civilization, Society, Life, Important

2500 BC – 1500 BC
Civilization settlements and the End of the Civilization.

About the vedic life, Vedas, Important tribes, Rituals

The Vedic Age 1500 BC – 1000 BC
and Vedic Gods.

The Epic Society, Ramayana, Mahabharta, Bhagvad

The Epic Age 1000 BC – 600 BC Gita, Upanishadas, Caste System, Distinction of
Aryans and Dravidians.

Transition of Hinduism, Rituals, Rebels against Rituals,

Jainism, Buddhism, Mahajanapadas, Rise of Magadha
Hindusim and Transition 600 BC – 322 BC under Bimbisara and Ajatashatru, Foundation of
Pataliputra, Shishunaga Dynasty, Nanda Dynasty,
Alexander's Invasion, Fight with Puru and results.

Establishment of the Mauryan Dynasty by

Chandragupta with the help of Chanakya, Negotiation
with Seleucus Nicator, Northern India United, Money
The Mauryan Dynasty 322 BC – 185 BC first came into use, Bindusara extends kingdom
southwards, Asoka's war on Kalinga, Asoka embraces
Buddhism, Asoka sends Buddhist missionaries,
Pushyamitra Shunga overthrows the Mauryas.

Invasions from Bactrian Greeks, Parthians, Shakas and

Kushans. Cultural Fusion. Central Asia was opened to
trade. Silk Route opened. Nagarjuna converts
The Invasions 185 BC – 320 AD Menander to buddhism. First gold coins issued.
Kanishka introduces Saka Era. Fourth council of
Buddhism held in Kashmir. Schism of Buddhism into
Hinayana and Mahayana.

Satavahana or Andhras establish power in Deccan

under the leadership of Simuka. Satakarni succeeds
Simuka. Building of Chaityas and Viharas. Domination
The Deccan & South India 65 BC – 250 AD
of Cheras, Cholas and Pandyas in South India.
Sangam Era started. Trimurthy takes place of Vedic
Gods. St.Thomas spreads Christianity in South India.

Gupta power extends under Chandragupta I. Classical

Age and Golden Age of North India. Fa-hien visits India.
Nalanda University becomes famous. Samudra gupta
extends kingdom. Vikramaditya campaigns against
The Gupta Era 320 AD – 520 AD
Shakas. Shankuntalam by Kalidasa, Panchatantra by
Vishnugupta, Kamasutra by Vatsayana were written.
Mathematics reaches zenith with Aryabhatta's
knowledge. Hunas raid north-west India.

Huna kings Toramana and Mihirakula claims Punjab

and Kashmir. Migration from Central Asia and Iran.
The Age of Small Kingdoms 500 AD – 606 AD
Emergence of new castes and sub-castes. Confusion
in North India while South enjoys peace.

Harsha Brings stability to North. Bana Bhatta writes

Harshavardhana 606 AD – 647 AD Harshacharita. Hieun Tsang visits India. Caste system
becomes rigid.

South India is united under Chalukyas, Pallavas and

Pandyas. Bhakti Cult emerges. Beautiful temples were
The Southern Kingdoms 500 AD – 750 AD
erected in the mountains. Cultural units come into

Vijayalaya establishes Chola empire. Cholas conquer

Sri Lanka and Maldives. Rajaraja and Rajendra I
9th Cen. AD – 13th strengthen Chola power. Temples play important role in
The Chola Empire
Cen. AD public life. Development of regional languages from
Sanskrit. Chola craftsmen excelled in making of
Rashtrakutas, Palas and Pratiharas establish their
empire. Regional languages evolved. Splendid temples
The Northern Kingdoms 648 AD – 1000 AD
of Konark, Puri and Kanchipuram were built. Miniature
painting flourished.

Medieval India
Topics Period Events
Rajputanas like Gahrwals, Paramaras and Chauhans
became powerful. Mahmud of Ghazni raids North India.
Somnath temple plundered 17 times by Ghazni.
The Turkish Invasion 1000 AD – 1206 AD Muhammad Ghuri conquers Sindh. Prithviraj Chauhan
with the help of other Rajputs defeats Ghuri in the first
battle of Tarain. In second battle of Tarain Prithviraj
loses to Ghuri. Delhi Sultanate came into prominence.

Ghuri leaves his Indian possessions in the care of his

former slave Aibak. Ghuri Dies. Aibak breaks links with
Ghazni and establishes Slave Dynasty. Iltutmish
The Slave Dynasty 1206 AD – 1290 AD succeeds Aibak. Qutub minar is built. Delhi becomes
new capital of India. Ghinghiz Khan sweeps through
north. Raziya becomes first lady sultan of India. Balban
comes to power. Balban dies.

Jalaluddin Khilji takes over Delhi Sultanate. Alauddin

Khilji murders Jalaluddin and takes power. Malik Kafur
The Khiljis 1290 AD – 1320 AD led the campaign to south India. Most of south India
falls under Khilji rule. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq revolts
against Khiljis and comes to power.

Tughlaqs extend their territories. Muhammad-Bin-

Tughlaq comes to power. Muhammad faces lots of
The Tughlaqs 1320 AD – 1412 AD
problems because of his plans. Firoz Shah comes to
power. Timur mercilessly sacks and plunders Delhi.

Timurs nominee Sayyids rules Delhi. Lodhis take over

power. Sikandar Lodhi moves capital from Delhi to
The Sayyids and Lodhi Sultans 1414 AD – 1526 AD
Agra. The power of Lodhi decreases and gives rise to
various kingdoms. Nanak founds Sikhism.

Harihara and Bukka establish Vijayanagara Empire on

the banks of Tungabhadra. Fight numerous wars with
Bahamani kings. Krishna Deva Raya establishes
The Vijayanagara Empire 1336 AD – 1565 AD
Tuluva Dynasty. Golden era of South India begins.
Bahmani comes together and in the fight for Rakshasa-
Tangdi defeats Rama Raja.

Hasan Gangu founds Bahamani Kingdom. Fights

numerous wars with Vijayanagara. Bahamani kingdom
The Bahamani Kingdom 1346 AD – 1689 AD breaks into five kingdoms. Defeat of Vijayanagara. Gol
gumbaz, Charminar are built. Fights battle with Shivaji.
Falls to Mughal power under Aurangzeb.

Babar defeats Ibrahim Lodhi in the first battle of

Panipath. Second classical age of north India begins.
The Mughal Dynasty – I 1526 AD – 1556 AD
Humayun comes to power. Sher Shah defeats

In the second battle of Panipath Akbar defeats Hemu

and takes Delhi back. Akbar extends his kingdom.
The Mughal Dynasty – II 1556 AD – 1627 AD
Salim succeeds Akbar. East India company comes to
India. Nur Jahan rules Delhi under Salim's guidance.

Shah Jahan succeeds Salim. Taj Mahal and Red Fort

were built. Aurangzeb kills his brothers and imprisons
The Mughal Dynasty – III 1627 AD – 1857 AD Shah Jahan and comes to power. Mughal power
reaches its zenith. Emergence of Marathas. Mughal
power weakens. British imprison Bhahdur Shah Zafar.

Shivaji takes the advantage of weakening power of

The Great Marathas 1674 AD – 1819 AD Bahamanis and establishes Hindavi Swaraj. Shivaji
escapes from Mughals and becomes Chattrapati.
Aurangzeb executes Sambhaji and takes Sahu as
prisoner. Tarabai comes to power. Marathas join under
new leadership of Peshwas. Maratha kingdom
weakens and loses power to British East India

Modern India History

Topics Period Events

Constantinople falls to Arab power. Vasco-da-gama
reaches India via cape of good hope. East India
Company was established for spice trading. Company
The British India Company 1600 AD – 1858 AD opens its trading centre in various parts of India. Battle
of Plassey. Company establishes power in Bengal and
extends it power to other kingdoms. People suffer
under cruel management of East India Company.

Growing resentment in Indian people. Mutiny started

under the leadership of Mangal Pande. Bahadur Shah
Zafar was proclaimed as new king. Jhansi was drawn
The Independence Struggle 1857 AD – 1858 AD into war. Rani Lakshmi's power becomes legendary.
Company ransacks Jhansi and overcomes the mutiny
ruthlessly. End of Company rule in India. British Crown
takes over India.

Presidencies are formed to govern India. British follow

divide and rule method to keep their power intact.
Indigenous industries were destroyed and Indian
The British Raj 1858 AD – 1947 Ad economy was transferred into Colonial economy.
Developement of basic infrastructure. Impact of
modern western culture brings social changes in Indian

Meetings were held in various presidencies but were

not collective. Indian National Congress formed under
initiative of Hume. Congress represented the common
The Indian National Congress 1885 AD – 1905 AD
will of Indians and led them in their struggle for freedom.
First Congress meeting was held in Bombay under the
leadership of W.C. Banerjee.

Lal-Bal-Pal came into limelight. Partition of Bengal

sends a tremor to the entire sub-continent. Militant
The Indian National Movement 1905 AD – 1914 AD groups and Revolutionay leadership were formed
against British. Swadeshi and Swaraj became the
mantra of the common man.

Rowlatt Act passed to suppress Indian movement.

Massacre in Jallianwala Bagh shakes Indian belief in
British Government. Non-cooperation movement
started by Gandhiji. British goods boycotted and Khadi
The Gandhian Era 1917 AD – 1948 AD becomes national symbol of freedom. Congress
passes resolution on Poorna Swaraj. Indian Tri-colour
unfurled. Civil disobedience movement started by
Gandhi. Gandhi makes a Dandi March and breaks the
Salt law.

Simon Commission failed and Round Table

Conference was convened. Conference fails.
Government of India Act was passed to form All Indian
The Government of India Act 1935 AD
Federation. Congress wins the poll. Subhash Chandra
Bose forms Forward Bloc. Jinha demands Pakistan.
Cripps Mission fails.

In Bombay session Congress passes Quit India

Resolution. Gandhiji calls Indians to Do or Die. Azad
The Quit India Movement 1942 AD – 1945 AD Hind Fauj marches towards India from south-east under
the leadership of Netaji. Andaman and Nicobar get
freedom from British. Netaji dies and INA soldiers were
tried in Red Fort. Entire country defends INA. British
resort to brutal repression.

Indian Navy in Bombay calls for Naval strike. British

foundation in India shaken by growing strong anti-
British feeling. Clement Atlee announces his intention
of granting independence. Formation of Indian
constitution started. Mountbatten takes control of India.
The Indian Independence 15th August 1947
Jinha's demand for separate country for muslims
sparks communal violence in the sub-continent. On
15th August India gets its Independence resulting in
partition of the country. Two Pakistans were carved out
of existing India.

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