Static and Seismic Design of One-Way and Two-Way Jack Arch Masonry Slabs

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Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 1639–1654

Static and seismic design of one-way and two-way jack arch

masonry slabs
Mahmoud R. Maheri ∗, Hamid Rahmani
Shiraz University, Department of Civil Engineering, Shiraz, Iran

Received 7 June 2001; received in revised form 26 May 2003; accepted 26 May 2003


Steel I-beam, brick jack arch slabs have long been used to floor and roof industrial and residential buildings in many parts of
the world. Collapse of a large number of these non-homogeneous one-way slabs during past earthquakes has highlighted their poor
seismic performance. However, due to their easy construction together with low cost, the jack-arch slab is still widely used in many
countries. In this article, the weaknesses inherent in the traditional one-way jack-arch slabs are explored. To overcome these short-
comings, a new two-way system is proposed. Results of static and dynamic tests on full scale two-way and one-way jack-arch
slabs and finite element numerical analyses, aimed at investigating the effectiveness of the proposed two-way system, are presented
with favourable conclusions. Following these investigations the static and seismic design of jack arch slabs are discussed. The
proposed, allowable stress design method is based on designing for the steel grid and controlling the stresses in brick arches.
Parameters necessary for an equivalent static seismic load calculation are first determined. Finite element numerical analyses are
then conducted to investigate the effects of a number of parameters on the design of the slab and the necessary design factors are
evaluated. In addition, appropriate tables and figures are presented to facilitate the design of the one-way and two-way jack arch
slabs. It is concluded that the jack arch slab system, designed and constructed as presented in this article, provides a viable, low
cost alternative to other forms of flooring in seismic zones and elsewhere.
 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Jack arch slab; Masonry slab; Design of jack arch slab; Seismic response; Dynamic testing

1. Introduction The floor slabs constructed using the steel I-beam jack
arch system are stable under normal static conditions as
The traditional steel I-beam, jack arch flooring system the brick arches transfer the gravity loads, mainly in
was developed in Britain towards the end of nineteenth compression, along the arch to the supporting beams
century and was used extensively to cover large floor (Fig. 1). The load is then transferred along the parallel
areas in factories and other industrial buildings. The steel beams to the supporting walls or beams. The geo-
technique spread eastwards and, by the middle of the metric form of the steel I-beam jack arch system and the
twentieth century, it became a popular flooring system load path through the steel beams, make the slab act as
in parts of East Europe, the Middle East and the Indian a one-way system.
subcontinent. Due to its technical simplicity, speed in Despite the wide spread use of the jack arch slabs and
construction and low cost, traditional jack arch slabs are their advantages, there are no particular procedures for
still very popular in the Middle East, where, not only their engineered design and there is no mention of the
industrial buildings and ordinary dwellings but also system in codes of practice. Indeed, a search of the
many high-rise steel and concrete framed buildings are literature reveals no reference to any particular scientific
floored by this method. research directed at studying this slab system or any
attempts to provide an engineering basis for its design
and construction. Design engineers, using the jack arch

Corresponding author. Tel: +98-711-832-1353; fax: +98-711- slab in framed buildings, consider the brick arches as
2352-725. merely dead loads, carried by the steel beams, and are
E-mail address: (M.R. Maheri). sufficient in designing the steel beams. This assumption

0141-0296/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1640 M.R. Maheri, H. Rahmani / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 1639–1654

A Design base acceleration
a Length of slab
B Slab dynamic response coefficient
b Width of slab
C Earthquake coefficient
Cs Slab design coefficient
E Earthquake load
Eeff Effective modulus of elasticity of slab
Em Elastic modulus of brickwork
fball Allowable tensile stress of masonry
fmall Allowable compressive stress of masonry
fsall Allowable stress of steel
fy Yield stress of steel
f’m Compressive strength of masonry prism
h Thickness of slab
I Importance factor
Ireq Required moments of inertia for slab beams (Ixx)
In Minimum normalized moments of inertia of slab beams (Ixx) given in design table
Ixx, Iyy Moments of inertia of slab beams around axis parallel to and perpendicular to the slab surface,
Rw Slab working performance factor
Rm Ductility reduction factor
S Section modulus of steel beams
Sn Minimum normalized section modulus of slab beams given in design table
T Fundamental period of vibration
To Type of soil parameter
V In-plane shear force on the slab
W Design load
We Weight of slab for calculating the earthquake load
Ws Weight of steel grid per unit area of slab
Wst Weight of transverse beams per unit area of slab
Y Allowable stress factor
⌬max Maximum allowable deflection
⍀ Over-strength factor
.a Correction factor for support condition
b Correction factor for width of brick arch
g Slab deflection parameter ( = αβ⑀λ)
gmin Deflection control parameter
⑀ Correction factor for elastic modulus of brickwork
λ Correction factor for allowable stress of brickwork
l1 Dimensionless parameter depending on geometry and boundary conditions
nm Poisson’s ratio of brickwork
r Mass per unit area of slab
w Correction factor for design load

ignores the role of brick arches in transferring slab loads construction technique, speed in construction, low cost
and the resulting large stresses developed in them. and the ability to alter the slab after construction, when
Despite the lack of a proper design basis and the poor compared to conventional reinforced concrete or con-
performance of the jack arch system under earthquake crete beam-block slabs.
loading, this type of flooring is still used extensively in The performance of the traditional one-way jack arch
many countries. The reason for this being a number of slab in a number of recent earthquakes in Eastern Europe
practical and economical advantages including simple and the Middle East, particularly in Iran, has generally
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(Fig. 2d). Restraining the ends of the I-beams with trans-

verse steel beams, or fixing the ends of the beams to the
concrete ring beam and using transverse or diagonal steel
tie bars over the span are two earlier recommendations,
presented by Moinfar [8], for improving the seismic per-
formance of the traditional one-way system.

2. The proposed two-way, engineered, jack arch

Fig. 1. Construction detail of a traditional, one-way jack arch slab.

been poor. Collapse of a large number of jack arch slabs To overcome the shortcomings of the one-way jack
and damage to many more was reported from the arch slab, the senior author has recently proposed using
Romanian earthquake of 1990. The Manjil, Iran earth- a number of transverse steel beams spanned between the
quake of 1990 [3,4] is of particular interest in this regard. main I-beams to form a steel grid [5]. In this way the
It provided a real testing ground for different forms of unconnected parallel steel beams will become part of an
the one-way jack arch system. Typical weaknesses and inter-connected steel grid, allowing the vertical loads to
modes of failure of the traditional one-way slab include be transferred in two directions, also enabling the trans-
(i) movement of simply supported steel beams from their fer of the in-plane forces (Fig. 3). In fact, by using a
position under earthquake shaking, causing the collapse steel grid, the grid will act as the main load-carrying
of brick arches; (ii) inability of the brick arches to trans- element in the slab, while the brick arches act mainly as
fer in-plane loads perpendicular to the steel beams (Fig. in-fill panels. The proposed two-way, steel grid, jack
2a); (iii) concentration of stresses in the stiff brick arches arch system therefore addresses all the weaknesses of
due to out-of-plane vibration of the slab (Fig. 2b); (iv) the traditional one-way slab as discussed below:
weakness of the slab system in transferring in-plane
shear (Fig. 2c); (v) dynamic interaction between the stiff (i) The steel grid will confine the brick arches in small
brick arches and the more flexible steel beams under ver- (steel framed) panels where no differential move-
tical vibration; and (vi) inability of the slab to act as a ments of the supporting steel occur during an earth-
diaphragm as is required for good seismic performance quake and as a result the arches remain in place.

Fig. 2. Different modes of failure of traditional one-way jack arch slab. (a) inability to transfer in-plane axial loads; (b) concentration of stresses
in brick arch under out-of-plane bending; (c) inability to transfer in-plane shear force; (d) inability to act as a diaphragm.
1642 M.R. Maheri, H. Rahmani / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 1639–1654

3. Experimental investigations

To investigate the behaviour of the jack arch system

in detail, numerical (finite element) models were neces-
sary to represent the real system. However, the presence
of many unknown parameters regarding the mechanical,
dynamic and strength properties of the slab materials and
elements, as well as the boundary conditions required
some prior experimental investigations. Static tests were
first conducted to determine the mechanical and strength
properties of slab elements, particularly those of the
brick arches. Dynamic tests on full-scale prototypes of
the one-way and two-way slabs were then carried out to
Fig. 3. Details of a typical configuration of the proposed two-way determine the dynamic properties and boundary con-
system. ditions. The results from dynamic tests also provided a
basis for adjusting, correcting and, in general, improving
the finite element models of the slab.

3.1. Material properties of brick arches

(ii) The inability of the one-way slab in transferring the
transverse in-plane loads through the brick arches is The proposed brick arches are lightweight perforated
overcome by inclusion of transverse steel beams. bricks joined together by a clay-gypsum mortar. No data
(iii) By creating a stiff steel grid, the in-plane shear on the strength and mechanical properties of this type
forces will be directed towards the steel grid and of masonry were available. For this reason, standard
away from the brick arches, hence the build up of static tests were carried out on brick units, mortar and
stresses in brick arches is avoided. brickwork. Details of the tests are presented elsewhere
(iv) In a two-way grid system, the brick arches are made [6]. Typical results include the minimum compressive
discontinuous at the location of transverse beams strength of brickwork, f⬘m = 4.8 MPa and average elastic
and become divided into a number of smaller panels modulus of brickwork, Em = 2.5 GPa. The stress–strain
undergoing much smaller out-of-plane bending relations for a number of brickwork test samples are
stresses. shown in Fig. 4. A near linear relationship, up to the
(v) Discontinuities in brick arches at the locations of ultimate load, can be seen in all the tests.
transverse beams also act as plastic hinges, which in
3.2. Dynamic properties
turn reduces the overall stiffness of brick arches. On
the other hand, a steel grid will be stiffer than indi-
The four-storey, steel-framed, main building of a flour
vidual I-beams. Therefore, the two systems will be
factory was used to test the idea of the two-way jack
dynamically more compatible and the effects of
arch system in a full-scale building. The detailed plan
dynamic interaction will be reduced. for the position of equipment, machinery, belts, cranes,
(vi) The steel grid creates a homogeneous diaphragm piping etc were not available at the time of construction.
action for the slab in such a way that if some local It was, therefore, decided to use the jack arch flooring
failure in supporting walls or support beams occurs, system, whereby the desired holes and openings could
the load from the unsupported part of the slab will easily be made in the floors at a later date. For the pur-
be carried by the continuous grid. This will stop the pose of our comparative investigations, the first and third
partial collapse of the slab. floors of the building were covered using the two-way
(vii) Finally, the use of a steel grid as opposed to indi- steel grid system and the second and fourth floors of the
vidual parallel steel beams does not necessarily building were covered using the one-way system.
increase the amount of steel required for the slab. Dimensions and details of a 5.0 by 6.0 m floor panel,
In many instances, it may in fact reduce the amount used for experiments is given in Fig. 5. Non-destructive
of necessary steel and therefore reduce the cost of dynamic tests were carried out on the second and third
the slab. The reason for this being that the steel floors of the building. These two floors have identical
grid creates a two-way action for the slab and, as details and boundary conditions, except that in the first
some of the load is transferred to the supports by floor two, equally spaced, transverse beams were used
the transverse beams, the load on the main longi- to create a two-way jack-arch system. Dynamic impulse
tudinal beams is reduced and smaller sections will tests were carried out on the floors to determine the natu-
therefore be required. ral frequencies, mode shapes and damping of their out-
M.R. Maheri, H. Rahmani / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 1639–1654 1643

Fig. 5. Construction details of the tested two-way jack arch panel of

the flour factory.

Fig. 4. The stress–strain curves of four lightweight brick lime-clay

mortar prisms.

of-plane bending vibration. The test procedure and

details of processing and extraction of data are reported
elsewhere [6]. A typical time history and the related
power spectrum function extracted from one of the tests
are shown in Fig. 6. The natural frequencies of each slab,
appearing as strong peaks in power spectra of their
respective records, were extracted from the spectra. The
damping ratio associated with each frequency was also
calculated from the spectrum, using the half-power
Due to the nature of the tests, it was not possible to
directly determine the mode shapes associated with each
frequency. Therefore, a mapping technique was adopted Fig. 6. Typical (a) response time-history and (b) auto-power fre-
in which, for any given frequency, the peak amplitudes quency spectrum of the two-way jack arch slab of the flour factory.
related to that frequency at different locations of the slab
were compared and in this way the associated mode was one-way system. A marked increase in damping ratio
determined. The main natural frequencies of the out-of- can also be noted for the two-way system.
plane vibration of the two slabs extracted from the tests,
together with their associated mode shapes and damping
ratios, are give in Table 1. 4. Loading
A review of the frequencies given in Table 1 indicates
an increase in the stiffness of the floor, due to transverse Loading to be considered in the design of jack arch
beams. The natural frequencies of the two-way system slabs, are gravity and earthquake loads. The gravity, ser-
are all higher than the corresponding frequencies of the vice dead and live loads may be determined using appro-
1644 M.R. Maheri, H. Rahmani / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 1639–1654

Table 1
Experimental natural frequencies and damping ratios of the one-way and two-way slabs

Mode number (1) Two-way system One-way system

Frequency (Hz) (2) Damping % (3) Frequency (Hz) (4) Damping % (5)

Mode 1 (1st bending) 11.6 4.2 10.9 2.8

Mode 2 (2nd bending) 19.1 5.0 14.4 2.9
Mode 3 (3rd bending) 30.5 4.8 24.2 2.8
Mode 4 (4th bending) 37.9 4.3 39.4 3.0

priate codes of practice. The earthquake loads, however, In this method, the earthquake load, E, is related to the
warrant further discussion. The earthquake loads, acting weight of the system, We, in the following form:
on a jack arch slab are in-plane horizontal loads and out-
E ⫽ CWe (1)
of-plane vertical loads.
We, is usually considered as the total dead load plus a
4.1. Horizontal earthquake loads percentage of the live load, the recommendation for
which differs in seismic codes for different structures.
The earthquake-induced horizontal forces acting on The earthquake coefficient, C, may be determined from
the slab may be either in-plane axial or in-plane shear the relation:
forces. The in-plane axial forces are caused by the inertia
of the slab alone. These forces are generally small and ABI
C⫽ (2)
the resulting stresses are minimal. The in-plane axial Rw
forces, therefore, are neglected for design purposes. The in which, A, B, I and Rw are the design base acceleration,
in-plane shear forces, however, may be large and should the dynamic response coefficient, the importance factor
be considered in design. These forces are the result of and the performance factor, respectively. The design
differential movements of the parallel slab supports base acceleration, A, is given by seismic codes for differ-
caused by the torsion in the building. The horizontal ent localities. This coefficient is, however, determined
shear force acting on the slab may be determined by for the horizontal earthquake loading and should be
analysing the building for earthquake loads, using an modified for the vertical loading. A 33% reduction is
equivalent-static, a pseudo-dynamic or a dynamic often used for this conversion. For design of jack arch
method. slabs, the importance factor, I, may be taken as that for
In a two-way jack arch system, in-plane shear force the whole building. The other two coefficients need
is carried mainly by the frame action of the steel grid, further considerations as follows.
whereas, in a one-way system, the brick arches are the
main load-carrying elements. The brick arches are weak 4.2.1. Dynamic response coefficient: B
in transferring in-plane stresses, therefore, the steel grid This coefficient is a function of the soil type, To, and
should carry the majority of the load. In other words, a the fundamental period of vibration of the system, T, and
one-way system will not be suitable when large in-plane represents the dynamic magnification of the system’s
shears are present. For the two-way system, the shear- response. Seismic codes provide information regarding
induced stresses in both the steel grid and the brick the soil type, To. Designer must determine the fundamen-
arches should be checked against the allowable stresses. tal period of vibration of the system, T. For jack arch
slab, the fundamental mode of vibration will be the first
4.2. Vertical earthquake loads out-of-plane bending mode. A simple method of
determining T, for the jack arch slabs, is discussed here.
The majority of stresses developed in the slab are due Assuming the slab as a linear, elastic rectangular plate-
to the combined effects of gravity and vertical earth- bending element, the classic solution for the fundamental
quake loads, both causing out-of-plane bending and bending mode of vibration is given in the following
shear in the slab. Design of the slab will, therefore, be form [1]:
governed by the out-of-plane bending of the steel beams.
Out-of-plane shear stresses in both the steel beams and 2pa2

冋 册
the brick arches should also be checked against the T⫽ (sec.) (3)
Eeffh3 1/2

allowable stresses. l21

To determine the vertical earthquake loads, it is pro-
posed that the simple, equivalent-static, method be used. In the above equation, a, h, Eeff, r and nm are length,
M.R. Maheri, H. Rahmani / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 1639–1654 1645

thickness, effective elastic modulus, mass per unit area tive elastic modulus of slab to elastic modulus of brick-
and Poisson’s ratio of the plate, respectively and l1 is a work (Eeff/Em) is plotted against Ws.
dimensionless parameter depending on the geometry of After determining Eeff, it is used in Eqn. (3) to deter-
plate and its boundary conditions. To be able to apply mine the fundamental period of vibration of the slab. To
this equation to a non-homogenous composite plate, such check the validity of Eqn. (3) for jack arch slabs, this
as a jack arch slab, equivalent effective parameters simple method was used to calculate the fundamental
should be used. The effective thickness, h, may safely be periods of the one-way and two-way jack arch slabs of
considered as the full thickness of the flat slab, including the flour factory discussed earlier. The calculated values
flooring and the effective density, r, should be determ- were compared with the periods determined from the
ined considering slab materials. The effect of Poisson’s experiments. The fundamental periods of vibration, T,
ratio will be small. Therefore, as a safe choice, the Pois- calculated using Eqn. (3), are 0.0989 s for the one-way
son’s ratio may be considered to be the same as that slab and 0.0912 s for the two-way slab. These values
for brickwork. compare well with the experimental results of 0.0913 s
The effective elastic modulus, Eeff, of the slab has an and 0.0858 s, respectively. The higher calculated values
appreciable effect on the fundamental period of vibration are due to the simple-support assumption made for the
and should be evaluated more accurately. The para- slab, as the worst case scenario.
meters affecting the Eeff of the slab are the dimensions To determine the dynamic response coefficient, B, dif-
and boundary conditions of the slab, the elastic modulus ferent seismic codes provide different relations and dia-
of brick arches and the number, and size and configur- grams, the majority of which are based on To and T.
ation of the steel beams. A number of numerical dynamic These relations are derived for the building as a whole
analyses were carried out on jack arch slabs with differ- and, in most codes, the region in the diagram covering
ent dimensions, boundary conditions, steel configur- small periods of vibration is considered a constant
ations and types of brickwork and from the results of maximum. This can be seen in Fig. 8 in which, as an
each analysis, an equivalent elastic modulus was calcu- example, the diagram given by the Iranian Seismic Code
lated. Details of these analyses are reported elsewhere [2] is shown. The dotted line for periods between 0 and
[10]. It was found that the effective elastic modulus of 0.4 s is recommended by the Iranian code for buildings.
slab, Eeff, is linearly proportional to the elastic modulus The fundamental periods of vibration of jack-arch slabs
of brickwork, Em. As for the slab boundary conditions, are, however, well below those of ordinary buildings and
the results from the worse case scenario, i.e. the simply sometimes fall within this range. It is, therefore, prudent
supported situation, are used. The best parameter to rep- to determine the actual values of B in this period range.
resent the other two variables, i.e. dimensions of the slab The actual values of B for the four different soil types
and steel grid configuration, is the weight of steel per are calculated and plotted, in the same figure (Fig. 8),
unit area of slab, Ws (kg/m2). The results of these analy- as full lines.
ses are plotted in Fig. 7. In this figure, the ratio of effec-
4.2.2. Performance factor of jack arch slab, Rw
The jack arch slab system discussed here may be con-
sidered as a confined masonry construction. For confined
masonry walls, a value of 4 is often used for the per-

Fig. 8. The proposed dynamic response coefficient (B) for the jack
Fig. 7. The effective modulus of elasticity (Eeff) of the jack arch slabs. arch slabs.
1646 M.R. Maheri, H. Rahmani / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 1639–1654

formance factor Rw [9]. However, the jack arch slab sys- ing the critical element of the slab, i.e. the steel grid.
tem is expected to behave differently to a conventional For steel construction, Y, varies between 1.4 to 1.5. The
masonry building system. A preliminary discussion on performance factor, Rw, may therefore be considered as
Rw factor for jack arch system will follow. 2.0 (Rm = 1.0, ⍀ = 1.5, Y = 1.4) for the one-way system
The system performance factor, Rw, corresponding to and 2.1Rm for the two-way system. Design tables and
the UBC allowable stress design format, is given by: figures presented in the following sections have been
prepared in such a way that allowable stresses and load-
Rw ⫽ Rm⍀Y (4)
ing parameters, other than those suggested in this article,
In which, Rm, ⍀ and Y are ductility reduction factor, can be easily accommodated.
over-strength factor and allowable stress factor, respect-
ively [11]. Design of jack arch slab will be based on
designing the steel grid and controlling the brick arches 5. Design method
for allowable stresses. Ductility of the slab, therefore,
will depend on the level of stresses in the brick arches The jack arch slab is primarily a masonry construc-
when the steel grid is at its allowable stress limit. The tion. In the one-way system, brick arches undergo large
number and size of transverse beams in a two-way sys- stresses as they transfer the static and seismic loads to
tem will govern the ductility of the slab. Assuming no the steel beams. In the two-way system, although the
ductility for the one-way system (i.e. Rm = 1), a number role of brick arches in the transfer of loads is reduced,
of finite element stress analyses were conducted on slabs they are still required to transfer their own loads. The
of different sizes and transverse beam configurations masonry buildings and steel buildings may be designed
and, in each analysis, the level of stresses in brick arches using the allowable (working) stress design method
were compared with those of the one-way system. This (ASD). It is, therefore, plausible to base the design of
comparison was used as a basis for determining the steel-beam jack arch slabs on the same method.
available ductility of the slab. Results of these analyses The design procedure to be adopted will be based on
are plotted in Fig. 9. In this figure, the ductility factor designing the steel grid, as the main load-bearing
of the slab, Rm, is plotted against the amount of trans- element, and controlling the brick arches for allowable
verse beams per unit area of the slab. In the expected stresses. The failure criterion for the slab is assumed to
range of transverse beam density, ductility factor varies be bending failure of the steel beams or compressive
between 1.0 and 2.0. For the one-way system, Rm, may failure of the brick arches. In steel beams, shear failure
be assumed as unity. is unlikely to occur prior to bending failure. The tensile
A safe value of ⍀ = 1.5 may be proposed for the failure in brick arches is governed by the bond tensile
overstrength of jack-arch slab. The allowable stress fac- strength. The bond tensile strength in masonry construc-
tor, Y, on the other hand may be determined by consider- tion is low. For the lime-clay mortar brick prism, this
was determined as 0.2 MPa. Tensile bond failure
between brick units and mortar will be allowed under
high frequency cyclic loads since this failure does not
affect the load-carrying capability of brick arches in

6. Design parameters and procedure

Similar to other slab systems, in the jack arch slab,

there are a number of parameters that affect the design.
The most important parameters in this respect are recog-
nized as (i) dimensions of the slab; (ii) layout of the steel
grid; (iii) boundary conditions and connections of slab
elements; (iv) width and rise of brick arches; (v) loading,
W; (vi) elastic modulus of brickwork, Em; and (vii)
allowable stress of brickwork (fmall). In the following
sections the allowable stresses of the slab materials are
first explored. Typical slab dimensions and steel grid
configurations are also discussed. Then a large number
of slabs having different dimensions and steel configur-
ations are selected and designed according to the design
Fig. 9. Ductility reduction factor (Rm) for the jack arch slabs. method outlined above. In designing these ‘reference’
M.R. Maheri, H. Rahmani / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 1639–1654 1647

slabs, constant ‘reference’ values are considered for the uncommon sizes are required, rendering a very expens-
design parameters, (iii) to (vi). Finally, for design cases ive slab.
in which one or more of the design parameters, (iii) to The number of main beams required for a jack arch
(vi) have values other than the reference values, appro- slab will be determined by considering the transverse
priate penalty or conversion factors are evaluated using dimension of the slab and the width of brick arches.
a series of parametric analyses. Within the limits discussed later, a designer may select
an appropriate width of arch and determine the number
6.1. Allowable stresses of required main beams.
The span of main beams and the level of loading dic-
The allowable stresses for steel and masonry are tate the number of required transverse beams. One of the
determined by codes of practice. For this study, in line objectives of providing transverse beams is to divide the
with the conventional codes of practice, allowable flex- long brick arches into a number of smaller brick panels.
ural tensile or compressive stress for steel will be The maximum distance between the transverse beams
assumed to be; fsall = 0.6 fy. Since no references exist should preferably be fixed as twice the width of the arch.
concerning the allowable stresses used for jack arch This would give brick panels of a maximum length to
masonry made with lime-clay mortar, the following width ratio of 2.0. The number of required transverse
are proposed: beams and their section modulus, as design parameters,
will depend on the level of horizontal and vertical load-
Allowable compressive stress for masonry: ing.
fmal ⫽ 0.2f⬘m; 6.3. Design of reference slabs (design table)
Allowable tensile stress for masonry:
Over 350 individual rectangular slabs of different
fball ⫽ 100 kPa. dimensions, ranging from 3.0 × 3.2 m to 6.0 × 12.0 m
and different steel configurations were selected as refer-
ence slabs. Each slab was then designed with other
The proposed allowable tensile stress is in line with design parameters ((iii) to (vi)) having reference values
the UBC codes of practice [12] and the test results dis- or conditions. These include a non-yielding support for
cussed earlier. For allowable compressive strength, fmall, the main beams (a = 1.0), a width of brick arch equal
the UBC gives a value of 0.16 f’m for masonry walls. to 80 cm with a rise of 5 cm (b = 1.0), an equivalent
The brick arches in a jack arch system are, however, vertical load of W = 10.0 kN / m2 (w = 1.0), a brickwork
less slender than masonry walls and due to the loading elastic modulus of Em = 2.5 MPa (⑀ = 1.0) and an allow-
situation and the geometry of the arch, an increase in able compressive stress for brickwork of fmall = 1.0
compressive stress (increase in load) will cause an MPa (l = 1.0). In the above, a, b, w, ⑀ and l are penalty
increase in the stability of the arch. For this reason, factors, values of which are unity for design parameters
fmall = 0.2 f’m is proposed for jack-arch construction. with reference values. For design parameters having
Further work will be necessary to establish a more rep- values other than those specified above, these factors
resentative relation between fmall and f’m. assume different values as will be discussed later. Also
in all analyses and designs, the allowable stress for steel
6.2. Dimensions and layout of slabs is considered as fsall = 144.0 MPa and the brickwork
Poisson’s ratio is assumed as n = 0.25.
Geometry and dimensions of the slab are governed by To design the slabs, finite element linear stress analy-
the architectural layout of the building. It is, however, a ses of the slabs were carried out using the general-pur-
useful common practice to limit the span of the main pose, SAP-90 program. Beam elements were used to
beams to 6.0 m. For larger floor areas, deep or stiff sup- model slab beams and shell elements were utilized to
port beams will be necessary to reduce the effective span model the brick arches. The number of beam and shell
of the longitudinal dimension of the slab. In the proposed elements used in each model varied according to the slab
two-way system, if the transverse beams are to be effec- size and steel configuration. In some models in excess
tive in carrying the load, i.e. the slab to remain as a two- of 1000 shell elements were used to model the brick
way system, it will be necessary to limit the transverse arches. The stress contours plotted for typical one-way
dimension of the slab to twice the span of the main and two-way slabs are shown in Fig. 10.
beam. This can be achieved by providing support beams. For each slab, the required section modulus, Sn and
To validate the above recommendations, stress analyses moment of inertia, In of the main and transverse beams
were made on slabs of larger dimensions. It was found were thus determined using the allowable stress limits
that, to limit the stresses in brick arches and the deflec- for steel and brick arches and deflection limits (discussed
tion of the slabs to the allowable limits, steel beams of later) as controlling parameters. For an optimum design
1648 M.R. Maheri, H. Rahmani / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 1639–1654

Ireq ⫽ CsIn (5)

Cs ⫽ abwel (6)
In Eq. (5), In, is the minimum moments of inertia of the
main and transverse beams, given in the design table and
a, b, w, ⑀ and l are the factors discussed in the next
section. The actual design for every steel configuration
is carried out by designer using Ireq. Design coefficient,
Cs, will be applied to both the main and transverse
In earthquake-prone areas, the slab may undergo hori-
zontal in-plane shear forces for which it should be con-
trolled. The in-plane shear force may act parallel to the
main beams or perpendicular to the main beams. The
weakest direction of the slab for this loading is the direc-
tion parallel to the main beams. In another set of analy-
ses, for each of the slabs given in the design table, the
finite element model was fixed at one side (parallel to the
main beams), and shear force was applied, distributed
between the beam nodes, at the other side. The
maximum stress developed in the brick arches and the
flexural stress in weaker, transverse beams, were used
as parameters for determining the in-plane, shear
Fig. 10. Typical stress results for (a) a one-way and (b) a two-way capacity of the slab. The in-plane shear strengths of all
jack arch slab showing the transverse bending stresses around axis steel grid configurations for every slab size were thus
parallel to main beams in the brick arches. calculated and are presented in the design table. In this
way, the choice of a particular configuration for a given
of the main steel beams and in line with design pro- slab size will depend on two parameters, namely the
cedures for RC slabs, the jack arch slab is divided into level of in-plane shear force on the slab and the economy
three strips: a central strip and two side strips. As in any, of steel configuration. A designer will choose the cheap-
simply supported, plate-bending system, the maximum est steel configuration, which is capable of resisting the
stresses will normally be in the central part of the slab. given in-plane shear force. It should be noted that the
By dividing the main beams into ‘central beams’ and maximum in-plane shear capacity of the steel configur-
‘side beams’, it will be possible to use smaller steel sec- ation is calculated using the Iyy for the transverse beams.
tions for the side beams. Unlike the RC slab, this
division cannot be made on a fixed length and, therefore, 6.4. Parametric evaluation of design parameter
the division is made on the number of main beams. It factors
should be noted that, if slab beams span over two or
more slab panels, the negative moments in side beams To design a jack arch slab with design parameters
become critical. In this case, all main beams should be (items iii to vii) having different values to their reference
of the same size as the central beams. values, conversion factors are necessary to account for
The results of the design of each reference slab in the the effects of the change in the values on the design.
form of the evaluated section modulus, Sn and moment For this purpose a series of parametric analyses were
of inertia, In of the steel beams are compiled in a table conducted on 15 different jack arch slabs, covering a
referred to as a ‘design table’. A typical section of the wide range of slab sizes and steel grid configurations in
design table is shown in Table 2. The complete design which the effect of each design parameter on the out-
table is presented elsewhere [6]. For every slab size, dif- come of the design was evaluated. The slab dimensions
ferent steel grid configurations are presented in the table considered included 3.0 by 3.2, 3.0 by 5.6, 4.5 by 4.8,
which include both the one-way and two-way systems. 4.5 by 8.8, 6.0 by 6.4 and 6.0 by 12.0 m and steel grid
All the given configurations will be suitable for a design configurations included (a) no transverse beams (one-
coefficient of Cs = 1.0, based on vertical gravity and way system), (b) one transverse beam and (c) two trans-
seismic loads only. The required moments of inertia of verse beams. Other parameters were kept constant
the main and transverse beams, Ireq, will be determined throughout the parametric study when not under study,
from the following equation: with reference values.
M.R. Maheri, H. Rahmani / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 1639–1654 1649

Table 2
Typical format of the design table

Slab dimensions Minimum normalized moments of Inertia (In) and the section modulus (Sn) In-plane shear
(m) capacity of slab

Main beams Transverse beams

Central beams End beams

No. of Sn (cm3) In (cm4) No. of Sn (cm3) In (cm4) No. of Sn (cm3) In (cm4)

beams beams beams

3.0 × 3.2 1 146 1320 2 78 541 – – –

1 109 869 2 53 318 1 53 318 30
1 78 541 2 53 318 1 109 869
3 78 541 – – – 1 53 318
1 109 869 2 53 318 2 53 318 40
3 78 541 – – – 2 53 318
1 78 541 2 53 318 2 109 869
3.0 × 4.0 2 146 1320 2 78 541 – – – –
2 109 869 2 53 318 1 53 318 40
4 78 541 – - – 1 53 318
2 78 541 2 53 318 1 146 1320
2 84 600 2 53 318 2 53 318 55
4 78 541 – - – 2 53 318
2 78 541 2 53 318 2 78 541

6.4.1. Slab support condition (factor, a) this figure that as the size of slab increases, the effect
The jack arch slab may be supported on walls or deep of support condition on the slab decreases.
beams, in which case, the deflection of the slab on the
line of its support will be nil or negligible. The flexible 6.4.2. Width of brick arches (factor, b)
beams of a framed building may also support the slab. In the construction of traditional jack arch slabs, the
In this case, the slab will deflect on the support lines width of arch varies from 80 cm to 1.0 m. Wider arches
with the supporting beams. This changes the stress level require a higher rise and, therefore, a thicker slab and
in the steel beams and the brick arches. All the analyses shorter arches mean extra steel beams. The rise of arch
leading to the design table were made assuming the for- is another important parameter affecting the performance
mer, unyielding support condition for the main beams of the slab. To determine the optimum rise of arch,
and the latter, flexible support condition for the trans- numerical models of one-way jack arch slabs were ana-
verse beams. A factor, a, will therefore be necessary to lysed. They had standard 80 cm wide arches, with rises
account for other forms of support conditions. This fac- of 3 cm, 5 cm, 7 cm, and 10 cm and were analysed
tor will be applied to the required moments of inertia of under a unit vertical load and the maximum compressive
the steel beams. To determine the influence of the flexi- stresses in the brick arches were determined. It was
bility of the support beams on the amount of steel found that the stresses in brick arches increase rapidly
required for the slab, numerical analyses were carried for width to rise ratios higher than 16, corresponding to
out on the selected slabs with different support con- a rise of 5 cm for an 80 cm wide arch. Numerical analy-
ditions. In each case, the slab was analysed and the ses carried out on slabs having different arch widths
stresses in brick arches and steel beams were extracted showed similar optimum width to rise ratio of 16. It is,
and compared with those of the slabs with reference sup- therefore, recommended that when geometry of the slab
port condition. The change in the moments of inertia of dictates using shorter arches, the rise of arch to be taken
slab beams, required to bring the stresses in steel beams as 5 cm and when a wider arch (up to 100 cm) becomes
and brick arches to the level of the reference model, was necessary, the rise of arch should correspond to the
then calculated in each case, using trial and error analy- width to a rise ratio of 16.
ses. In Fig. 11, the correction factor, a, indicating the The reference width of arch used for design table
required change in the moment of inertia of steel sec- analyses is 80 cm. When a wider arch is used, a factor,
tions, is plotted for slabs of different sizes, steel grid b, should be applied to the supporting steel beams to
configurations and support conditions. It can be seen in take into account the increased stresses in the brick
1650 M.R. Maheri, H. Rahmani / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 1639–1654

Fig. 11. Factor for slab support condition (a). 1, rigid support for main beams and flexible support for transverse beams; 2, rigid support for
main beams and transverse beams; 3, flexible support for main beams and transverse beams; 4, flexible support for main beams and rigid support
for transverse beams.

arches. The width of arch factor, b, is determined from 6.4.4. Elastic modulus of brickwork, Em (factor, ⑀)
the curves shown in Fig. 12. In this figure, b, is a factor Similar stress analyses to those mentioned above were
which indicates the increase in the moment of inertia of carried out on the selected slabs, this time changing the
the main and transverse beam sections required to keep variable parameter to elastic modulus of brickwork.
the stresses in brick arches and steel grid at the same Values between 2.5 and 20.0 GPa were used for Em in
level as the 80 cm wide arch. different analyses. The value of elastic modulus used as
a basis for comparison was taken as Em = 2.5 GPa which
6.4.3. Loading, W (factor, w) corresponds to the elastic modulus of the lightweight,
Loading is a design parameter calculated by the perforated brick-lime mortar prism previously tested.
designer. The design table is based on an equivalent The steel sections required to bring the maximum stress
static, vertical load of 10.0 kN/m2. A factor is, therefore, in brick arches to the level of the reference slabs (Em
necessary to account for variations in the load intensity. = 2.5 GPa) were then normalised to the steel sections of
The selected slabs were analysed with different loads of the reference slabs. The normalized values are equivalent
between 5.0 and 20.0 kN/m2. For every slab size and to a factor, ⑀, as shown plotted against the Em values in
steel configuration and for each loading, the steel sec- Fig. 14. This figure shows that the factor for elastic
tions required to bring the level of stresses in steel and modulus, ⑀, is also independent of slab size and steel
brick arches to the level of stresses for the 10.0 kN/m2 configuration and is directly proportional to Em.
load, were calculated. These sections were then normal-
ised to the steel section required for the load of 10.0 6.4.5. Allowable stress of brickwork, fmall (factor, l)
kN/m2. The normalised results, corresponding to a load The allowable compressive stress of brickwork used
factor, w, are plotted against the load intensity, W, in to evaluate the design table was assumed as 1.0 MPa
Fig. 13. As is evident in this figure, a near linear relation (fmall = 0.2 f’m). For allowable stresses, fmal ⫽ 1.0
exists between loading and the required steel sections. MPa, another factor, l, will be used. The values of this
This figure also indicates that the relation between the correction factor are shown in Fig. 15. Fig. 15 has simi-
load factor, w, and the load intensity, W, is effectively larly been extracted from analyses in which steel sec-
the same for all slab sizes and steel-grid configurations. tions for different values of fmall were calculated.
M.R. Maheri, H. Rahmani / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 1639–1654 1651

Fig. 12. Factor for width of brick arch (b).

Fig. 13. Factor for design load (w).

1652 M.R. Maheri, H. Rahmani / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 1639–1654

Fig. 14. Factor for elastic modulus of brickwork (⑀).

Fig. 15. Factor for allowable stress of brickwork (l).

M.R. Maheri, H. Rahmani / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 1639–1654 1653

7. Control of deflection 1. The proposed steel-grid, two-way jack arch system

has none of the shortcomings of the traditional one-
Control of deflection is an important aspect of a struc- way system. It provides a more homogeneous slab
tural design procedure. This is particularly true for the capable of diaphragm action and is able to transfer
jack arch slabs as they are generally more flexible than gravity and seismic loads. In the proposed system, the
the conventional concrete slabs. Some codes of practice in-plane and out-of-plane loads are both carried,
suggest a maximum allowable out-of-plane deflection of mainly, by the steel grid. This reduces the role of the
⌬max = l / 360. This limit has been used for control of low strength, brittle brick arches to small in-fill
deflections in jack arch slab design. For every slab size panels.
and steel configuration presented in the design table, the 2. The use of lightweight perforated brick units together
maximum out-of-plane deflection of the slab was with clay-gypsum mortar greatly reduces the weight
determined from the numerical analyses. This deflection of the slab and enhances the ductility and flexibility of
was in turn compared with the maximum allowable the brickwork. All these factors improve the seismic
deflection and the necessary changes in the design para- performance of the slab.
meters; a, b, ⑀ and l, required to reduce the deflection 3. The static tests showed that the brickwork made of
to the allowable limit and keep the stresses in brick lightweight bricks and clay-gypsum mortar has almost
arches and steel beams within their specified allowable a linear behaviour up to failure. Considering the lin-
stresses, were calculated. A deflection parameter, g, was ear-elastic behaviour of steel beams and the hinged
then calculated as: connection between the brick arches and steel beams,
linear, elastic analysis of the slab system is justified.
g ⫽ abelⱖgmin (7)
This also indicates the applicability of the ASD
This process was repeated for all the slabs considered. method for designing this type of masonry slab.
It was noted that the variation in deflection control para- 4. Dynamic tests carried out on full scale one-way and
meter for different slab sizes and steel configurations two-way systems showed the improved dynamic
was small, but it changed markedly with the allowable behaviour of the two-way system. An increased stiff-
stress for steel and the width of brick arches. The ness and damping ratio was observed in the two-way
maximum values of deflection control parameter evalu- slab. Dynamic test results were also used to create
ated for different slab types were, therefore, selected as representing numerical models for the slabs.
the controlling limits (gmin). These are presented in 5. The advantages of the proposed two-way system,
Table 3. regarding performance and cost, compared with those
of the one-way system, can be deduced from their
respective design. It is also concluded that an engine-
8. Conclusions ered design of the jack arch slab, as presented in this
article, will pave the way for this popular method of
A type of engineered jack arch slab, in the form of a flooring to be considered as an engineered construc-
two-way action, steel-grid system was introduced in this tion and a viable alternative to other forms of flooring.
paper. Experimental and numerical studies of full size,
one way and two-way jack arch systems show the effec-
tiveness of the proposed system. Conclusions drawn Acknowledgements
from the material presented in this paper may be sum-
marised as follows: The author wishes to acknowledge the financial sup-
port provided by the International Institute of Earthquake
Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), under the grant
Table 3 No. ZL-4744 and the Iranian National Research Council
Minimum values of g (= ab⑀l) for control of deflection in jack arch
for the grant No. NRCI-ZL-479 of National Research
Council Projects. Thanks are also due to Mr. Jafar Fal-
Allowable stress of steel, fsall, Deflection control parameter, lahi, Managing Director of the Naghshe-Rostam flour
(MPa) (1) gmin factory. Mr. A. Khoddam-Mohammadi and Mr. A.
Imanipour for their useful contributions to this
Width of arch (cm) research program.

80 (2) 90 (3) 100 (4)

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