Gaslands TX2

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Time Extended!

Issue Two of Gaslands: Time Extended! is a jam-packed arsenal, fit to bursting with
new and explosive toys for your death racing machines. Unbolt that trusty mini-gun
and give some of these new options a run out. You’ll also find a new sponsor, a new
perk class, and two new scenarios!
This issue also features a host of absolutely stunning pirate-themed builds from
the Gaslands community in honour of Scarlett. Congratulations to Sven Siewart,
Robert John Temple, Micky Churchill, James Hall, Jake Zettelmaier, and Harold
Crossley, and check out even more awesome work here:
A huge thank you to Glenn Ford, Joe Wood, Phil Hawtin, and Jay Newell for
their tireless effort in breaking, fixing, refining, and playtesting all these new rules.

The Silver Skulls Man O’ War by Robert John Temple

“Welcome to Stina’s Stockpile! You won’t find finer firepower, and that’s our money-back
guarantee. Have a look around. Ask me anything. We got some heavy-duty toys for you
today. Any specials? Sure, I can give you a discount at 25 cans. I’ll only loot it back out of
your twisted wreckage later on...”

Weapon Type Attack Range Build Slots Special Rules Cost

BFG Shooting 10D6 Double 2 Ammo 1. Ridonkulous Firepower. 1

Combat Laser Shooting 3D6 Double (Burst) 1 Laser. 5

Death Ray Shooting 3D6 Double 1 Atomize. Ammo 1. 3

Grav Gun Shooting 3D6* Double 1 Ammo 1. Electrical. *Gravity Manipulation 2

Grabber Arm Shooting 3D6 Short 1 Toss. 6

Harpoon Shooting 5D6* Double 1 *Harpoon. 2

Homing Missile Shooting 6D6 * 2 Ammo 3. Blast. *Heat-seeking. Highly Explosive. 8

Hypno Ray Shooting 3D6 Double 1 Ammo 1. Electrical. Mind Control 2

Wrecking Ball Shooting * * 1 *Steel Ball. 4

Wreck Lobber Shooting - Double/Dropped 4 Ammo 3. Trebuchet. Low-loader. Dumper. 4

Blunderbuss Shooting *D6 Double 1 *Scrapshot. 2

RC Car Bombs Dropped - Short - Ammo 3. Remote-Controlled Car. 6

Sentry Gun Dropped 2D6 * - Ammo 2. *Sentry Gun. 2

Ridonkulous Firepower: When this weapon is fired, the vehicle is immediately moved a
Short Straight backwards, is reduced to gear 1, and receives 3 hazard tokens. Front mounted
only (Ed: Another Battlehammer special).

Laser: Lasers are template weapons, but instead of the regular burst templates, they use the
double range shooting stick as a burst template.

Atomize: If this weapon scores five or more un-cancelled hits on the target, instead of
causing damage, the target car is immediately removed from play (although it counts as
having been wrecked for the purposes of audience votes, scenario rules, etc.).

Gravity Manipulation: If this weapon scores one or more un-cancelled hits on the target,
instead of causing damage, the attacking vehicle’s controller must choose one of the following:
until the end of the target’s next activation the target counts as one weight class heavier; or
until the end of the target’s next activation the target counts as one weight class lighter.

Toss: If this vehicle attacks a vehicle of the same weight class or lighter with the Grabber
Arm and scores one or more un-cancelled hits, the controller of the active vehicle may place
the target vehicle anywhere within short range of the target vehicle’s original position. The
target vehicle may be rotated to face any direction. This movement causes a COLLISION

Harpoon: This weapon’s hits do not cause damage. Instead, the first un-cancelled hit on
the target spins the target vehicle on the spot to either face directly away from or directly
towards the attacking vehicle, whichever requires the smallest degree of rotation, as the
harpoon catches and the chain goes taut. This triggers a COLLISION WINDOW.
The second and subsequent un-cancelled hits on the target then each move the target
a short straight towards the attacker, triggering a COLLISION WINDOW, as the harpoon
reels the target in.
If the target is a heavier weight class than the attacker, it is the attacking vehicle that is
spun and moved towards the target vehicle instead.

Heat-Seeking: This weapon may target any in-play vehicle. After assigning crew, spending
ammo tokens, and declaring a target, roll a D6. If this roll is over the target vehicle’s current
gear, the target is considered to be in range and line of sight, and may not benefit from cover.
Roll to hit as normal.

Mind Control: If this weapon scores one or more un-cancelled hits on the target, instead
of causing damage, the attacking vehicle’s controller may select and place the maneuver
template for the target vehicle next time the target vehicle activates, instead of its controller.
During the next vehicle’s activation, all templates are considered to be permitted and the
selected maneuver is considered to be hazardous.

Steel Ball: If this weapon is assigned a crewmember during the attack step this vehicle must
engage in a T-Bone collision with every vehicle and destructible obstacle within short range
of it. During these collisions all vehicles count as having no weapons, upgrades, perks, or
special rules except this one. During these collisions this vehicle gains +2 smash attack dice.
This vehicle cannot gain more than 1 hazard token during each of these collisions.

It was inevitable that someone would invent a gun that shoots cars instead of bullets.
Trebuchet: The Wreck Lobber doesn’t require a target. When it is fired, place a marker the
size of a penny within double range of the Wreck Lobber’s fire arc.
Roll a skid die:
• Shift: place the wreck of a Car touching the marker and trigger a COLLISION
• Spin or Slide: the player to the left of the active player must place the wreck anywhere
within short range of the marker and trigger a COLLISION WINDOW.
• Hazard: the player to the left of the active player must place the wreck touching the
active vehicle and trigger a COLLISION WINDOW.
Low-loader: If this vehicle collides with a wreck, it may gain 1 ammo for the Wreck Lobber.
Dumper: This vehicle may fire the Wreck Lobber as a rear-mounted dropped weapon instead
of using the Trebuchet rules above. In this case, the wreck of a car is placed touching the
rear of the active vehicle, and no COLLISION WINDOW is triggered.

Scrapshot: When attacking with this weapon, this weapon rolls 3D6 attack dice if the target
is within Short range, 2D6 attack dice if the target is within Long range, and 1D6 attack
dice if the target is within Double range.

Barracuda Trooper by Micky Churchill

These are bombs taped to remote controlled cars, which are dropped from a vehicle and
then piloted to impact.
Remote-Controlled Car: When dropped, place a tiny car miniature (no larger than 20mm
square) anywhere within short range of the active vehicle, and facing in any direction (this
placement triggers a COLLISION WINDOW). From now on, the tiny car counts as a
vehicle in gear 3 with 1 hull point, 1 crew and 0 handling. This tiny car can make shooting
attacks but cannot stick-shift. This tiny car does not count as part of the player’s team, and
so cannot be used for the purposes of (e.g.) scenario rules, audience votes or perks.
If this tiny car is involved in a collision, it suffers 1 damage before the collision is
resolved. When this tiny car would be wrecked, it instead explodes. When this tiny car
explodes, it rolls 4D6 attack dice, as if it were a middleweight vehicle.

Sentry Gun: When activating this dropped weapon, place the small burst template, and then
place a Sentry Gun so that it is wholly within the small burst template. This Sentry Gun then
remains in play, and uses the rules for Gun Turrets (found in the “Arena of Death” scenario).
These Sentry Guns will never target vehicles from the team of the vehicle that dropped it.


Weapon Type Attack Range Build Slots Special Rules Cost

Submachine Guns Shooting 3D6 Medium - Crew fired. Specialist. 6

Shotgun Shooting 2D6 Small Burst - Crew Fired. Specialist. 3

Rifle Shooting 1D6 Double - Crew Fired. Specialist. 2

Steel Nets Shooting 1D6 Medium - Crew Fired. Specialist. Entangle. 1

Gas Grenades Shooting 1D6* Medium - Ammo 5. Crew Fired. Blitz. *Choking Gas. 1

A vehicle may only ever purchase one weapon with this special rule.

Entangle: This weapon’s hits do not cause damage. Instead each un-cancelled hit adds 2
hazard tokens to the target vehicle.

Choking Gas: If this weapon scores one or more un-cancelled hits on the target, instead of
causing damage, reduce the target’s crew value by 1 for each un-cancelled hit, to a minimum
of 0, until the end of the phase.

Upgrade Name Build Slots Special Rules Cost

Improvised Sludge Thrower 1 See special rules. 1

Ejector Seat - See special rules. 1

Cluster Bombs - See special rules. 1


Sludge Thower: This vehicle may place the burst templates for its dropped weapons anywhere
within a 360° arc of fire that is at least partially within medium range of this vehicle.

When this vehicle is wrecked, an in-play vehicle from this team may immediately gain all its
perks (ignoring any duplicate perks). If it does, the wrecked vehicle may not be re-spawned
during this game.

When this vehicle makes a
shooting attack with a Mortar,
it may choose to roll 0 attack
dice to instead make a 2D6
explosion attack against every
vehicle within medium range of
the target vehicle, including the
target vehicle.

The Mad Dog by James Hall

“Gaslands is able to support a vast ecosystem of villainous and scurvy raiders,
picking off richer teams as their rigs roll from one televised race to the next. Many of
these self-styled pirate crews have gained renown, but none have rivalled the infamy or
showmanship of Scarlett Annie. A dashing and flamboyant buccaneer, her cult following
is likely more to do with her canny association with the long-running “Death Valley Death
Run” documentary TV series than any particular skill at dust bowl piracy.”

Perks Classes: Tuning and Aggression.

Teams sponsored by Scarlett gain the following
Sponsored Perks:
Crew Quarters: This team may purchase the Extra
Crewmember upgrade at half the listed cost.
Raiders: At the end of the attack step, this vehicle may
permanently reduce its crew value by any number, to a
minimum of 0 crew: remove 1 hull point from any vehicle in
base contact for each crew removed in this way.
Raise the Sails: After rolling skid dice,
this vehicle may permanently reduce
its crew value by 1, to a minimum of
0 crew to add 1 free shift result to the
skid dice result.
Press Gang or Keelhaul: When another
vehicle in contact with this vehicle is
wrecked, this vehicle may gain either
1 crew or 2 audience votes.

Black Jake’s Revenge

PERK CLASS: TUNING by Jake Zettelmaier

Fenderkiss (2 cans): Reduce the number of attack dice rolled for smash attacks by 2 for all
vehicles in collisions involving this vehicle.
Rear Drive (2 cans): This vehicle may pivot about the centre of its front edge, rather than the
centre of the vehicle, when resolving Spin results.
Delicate Touch (3 cans): This vehicle ignores the hazard icons on maneuver templates.
Purring (6 cans): This vehicle does not receive more than 1 hazard token from Spin results
each turn. This vehicle does not receive more than 1 hazard token from Slide results each turn.
This vehicle does not receive more than 1 hazard token from Hazard results each turn. Excess
hazards are ignored. This vehicle may still elect to resolve multiple copies of each result.
Skiing (6 cans): May only be taken on a Bike, Buggy, Car, or Performance Car. This vehicle
may take 3 hazard tokens at the end of its activation to be ignored by other vehicles during
their movement steps until the start of this vehicle’s next activation. If, by ignoring this vehicle
in this way, a vehicle’s final position would overlap it, move that vehicle backwards along their
maneuver template by the minimum amount to avoid overlapping any obstruction.
Momentum (3 cans): When resolving a skid check, this vehicle may set aside any number of
slide results to re-roll 1 non-slide result for each slide result set aside. When resolving a skid
check, this vehicle may set aside any number for each spin results to re-roll 1 non-spin result
for each spin result set aside. Set aside results must be resolved.

When a vehicle with zero crew is selected to activate, it first automatically stick-shifts down one
gear to a minimum of gear 1. During its movement step, only maneuvers that are hazardous
in the vehicle’s current gear count as permitted. Note: This means, in gear phases 1 and 2, the
player controlling a vehicle will be forced to select maneuvers that are not permitted.


In each issue of TX, we’ll try to include an optional house rule. These aren’t part of the
“official” rules, but they might suit you as a way to play.
When playing any Gaslands scenario in teams, in addition to the guidelines found on page
36 of the Gaslands rulebook, also use the following rules:
When a player has an opportunity to spend audience votes, that player may consider all
vehicles on the same team as them as if they were vehicles they control for the purposes of
spending audience votes.
Replace “player” with “team” for scenario victory conditions.


Lay out some terrain to represent a dystopian demolition derby arena.

Players roll-off for pole position. At the end of each gear phase, pass the pole
position marker clockwise.

Each player places a counter, such as a penny, on the table within medium
range of any table edge. This is their spawn point. When using audience
votes to re-spawn, the vehicle must re-spawn within short range of that
player’s spawn point.
Starting with the player with pole position, players take it in turns
to deploy all of their vehicles within short range of their spawn point.
Each player deploys a flag within medium range of his or her
spawn point, and further than medium from any table edge. The
flag is a lightweight destructible obstacle.

If a vehicle collides with another player’s flag, remove the flag
and the team whose vehicle collided with it gains 1VP. At the
start of the next gear phase, a player that has no flag in play
must redeploy their flag within medium range of their spawn
point, and further than medium from any table edge.

The Red Corsair by Jeffrey Kelly The first player to 3VP is the winner and the game ends.
Do not select teams normally. Instead, each player is given a Rutherford-sponsored team
containing two tanks only. Each tank is armed with a 125mm cannon, which begins the
game front-mounted.
Optionally, you may agree that each player also gains 10 cans to spend on additional
weapons, upgrades and perks.

Starting with the player with pole position, players take it in turns to place a counter, such
as a penny, on the table within medium range of any table edge. This is their spawn point.
When using audience votes to respawn, the vehicle must respawn within medium range of
that player’s spawn point.
Starting with the player with pole position, players take it in turns to deploy all of
their vehicles within short range of their spawn point.

Give Them A Good Show: Tanks have unlimited ammo tokens for their 125mm
cannon. This has the desirable side effect of guaranteeing that all wrecked tanks
explode automatically.
Turrets: Players may spend 1 audience vote to change the facing of their 125mm cannon
to be one of front-mounted, left-mounted, right-mounted or rear-mounted.
On My Mark: Players may spend 1 audience vote to fire an extra shot with
their 125mm cannon at any point when they would be allowed to spend
votes. This doesn’t count as their attack with that weapon for the
purposes of their attack step.
Close Range: When any vehicle makes a shooting attack, if the
target is within medium range, the attacking vehicle may re-roll
all attack dice that fail to hit.

If a player successfully causes an enemy tank to
become wrecked, that player gains 1 Kill.
The first player to 3 Kills is the winner and
the game ends.
Note: feel free to play to 5 Kills for a
longer game, or 2 Kills if you have a lot
of players.
Note: also feel free to
combine this scenario with any
of the other Gaslands scenarios
for Tank Flag Tag or Tank
Zombie Bash!

Captain Happy and the “Don’t Worry” by Harold Crossley

Osprey Games, an imprint of Osprey Publishing Ltd
c/o Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
PO Box 883, Oxford, OX1 9PL, UK
c/o Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
1385 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10018


OSPREY and OSPREY GAMES are trademarks of Osprey Publishing Ltd,

a division of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

First published in Great Britain in 2018

© 2018 Mike Hutchinson

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any
form, without prior written permission, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical articles and reviews. Enquiries should be addressed to
the Publishers.

Mike Hutchinson has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this book.

Alamthea by Thomas Widgren

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