Artículo Materiales
Artículo Materiales
Artículo Materiales
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The Science of Materials
The extraordinary diversity of todays advanced materials is
based on better knowledge of how to attain novel structures
displaying new properties that lead to improved performance
by Gerald 1. lied I
ometime in the eighth millennium powerful new theories and instrumen vide the first insights into details of the
the coupling of a material's external
properties to its internal structure.
Materials were discovered to possess
an inner architecture-a hierarchy of
0 Strontian
..... successive structural levels. The archi
Cal'bon niques that reveal increasingly fine de
tail. What Sorby had glimpsed through
his microscope was the microstructure
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of steel. In time optical microscopy
was followed first by transmission
Oxygen Zinc electron microscopy, which resolves
details of substructure, and then by
scanning electron microscopy, which
Phosphorus .9
provides important three-dimensional
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surface information. X-ray diffraction
maps the spatial arrangement of atoms
SUlphur Js ©
or molecules in a crystal. The very
identity of a material's atoms is re
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al with high-energy particles probes
the atomic nucleus.
Lime 24 0
ture of materials has provided a
framework for understanding the solid
knowledge has led not only to more ef
Soda Platina
fective manipulation of natural mate
28 rials but also to an extraordinary di
versity of new, manmade materials:
Potash 41 0
synthetic polymer fibers and plastics,
high-strength and high-temperature
Mercury metal alloys, glass fibers that serve as
optical waveguides, magnets made of
rare-earth elements, high-strength ce
ramics, composite materials and the
ATOMIC THEORY was advanced by John Dalton at the beginning of the 19th century. semiconductors that gave birth to the
In a chart displayed during lectures he showed symbols for what he took to be the irre microelectronics industry.
ducible "elements or atoms," with atomic weights based on a weight of 1 for hydrogen. This array of advances has been
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CHEMICAL BONDS, determined by the electronic structure of a
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pairs of atoms share their outer electrons and thus fill their outer
material, are directly related to a material's properties. The five electron shell. In a metal all the outer-shell electrons are shared
kinds of bond are shown here highly schematically; in most mate among atoms, moving through the lattice of atoms as conducting
rials there is some combination of bonds. The ionic bond forms be electrons. The van der Waals bond is a weak attraction between
tween ions, or positively and negatively charged atoms; opposite nearby neutral atoms or molecules. The weak hydrogen bond is
ly charged ions are attracted to each other. In the covalent bond mediated by a hydrogen atom that is shared by two molecules.
achieved by what can now be consid acteristic responses to external stimuli. Structure, properties and perform
ered an integrated discipline: materials For example, the mechanical proper ance are tied together by processing,
science and engineering. Its practition ties of a material, such as strength and which can be defined as the control or
ers, whether they consider themselves elastic modulus, relate deformation to modification of any level of the inter
to be scientists or engineers, deal with an applied load or force. Does a steel nal structure of a material in order
the relations among structure, proper rod subjected to an increasing force to achieve desired properties and per
ties and performance, and with how applied in a particular direction bend formance. Processing, in other words,
those mutual interactions are affect or break? When? If it bends, does it is what makes it all happen.
ed by processing. These terms deserve spring back when the force is no longer
some definition.
A material has structure: particular
applied? Such electrical properties as
conductivity and its reciprocal, resis M aterials scientists have for the
most part studied structure and
arrangements, or configurations, of in tivity, are responses to the stimulus of properties and the relation between
ternal components. To begin with, it an electric field. A solid material has a them. Materials engineers, on the oth
has subatomic structure: one studies wide range of other properties of inter er hand, have concentrated on the
the locations and densities of electrons est, including thermal, magnetic, opti relation of structure and properties
and their mutual interactions. Pro cal and chemical. to performance and on processing
ceeding to the next level, one investi The structure and properties of a techniques that improve performance.
gates the organization of atoms or material largely determine its per Now, as more becomes known about
molecules, for example the precise ar formance, or how it behaves in actual how processing can modify a materi
rangement of atoms in the lattice of a use. Performance introduces a new set al's structure, and thus its properties
crystalline material. The next structur of concerns. For example; to know the and ultimately its performance, scien
al realm consists of very large groups mechanical properties of a material is tists are becoming more interested in
of atoms that have identifiable charac to be able to describe the response of processing and are having more im
teristics, such as the individual grains that material to a well-defined "ideal pact on it. Their findings have been
of a metal or a ceramic. These groups ized" force. In actual use the force translated into improved processes in
agglomerate to form the microstruc may instead be far from well defined. areas ranging from steel manufacture
ture and in turn the macroscopic struc It is likely, in fact, to be a complex sys to the production of pure glass fibers.
tural elements that can be seen with tem of varied and variable forces that A striking example of scientific input
the unaided eye. may have competing, additive or syn is the development of ways to grow the
A material also has properties: char- ergistic effects. very large single crystals of the semi-
I nnia1960Institute
Pol E. Duwez of the Califor
of Technology and his
co-workers devised "splat" cooling, in
which a small amount of molten metal
is propelled at high velocity to impact
on a very cold surface. They showed
that metals could thereby be cooled
from the liquid state at rates on the or
der of 10,000 degrees Celsius per sec
ond (compared with typical rates of
hundreds or perhaps 1,000 degrees per
second), and that such rapid quench
ing would give rise to an entire range
of new characteristics.
By now a variety of techniques have
been developed for very fast cooling.
In all of them rapid heat transfer is
accomplished by impelling, squeezing
or spraying molten metal into sudden·
RAPIDLY COOLED aluminum-cobalt alloy is magnified 125,000 diameters in an elec
contact with an extremely cold medi tron micrograph made by Sanders. The material, solidified as a "melt-spun" ribbon, was
um. At least one dimension of the rap cooled at the rate of about a million degrees Celsius per second. There was not enough
idly cooled solid is therefore restrict time for separate phases to form and the resulting "nonequilibrium" material has only a
ed: the solid is in the form of either single, microcrystalline phase. Feathery elements are differently oriented microcrystals.
M BEtechnology
is not yet a production-line
for the manufacture
of integrated circuits, but it may be
soon. Even as production people work
toward that end, interesting questions
about the growth and the electronic
structure of superlattices are being
investigated by experimentalists and
For example, in a high-magnifica
tion electron micrograph of an inter
face one can in effect see the individ
ual atoms of the two different semi
conductors. (One actually sees images
formed by the diffraction of electrons
from each atom's electron cloud.) It
can be seen that the inevitable strain
at the interface between these mis
matched lattices is accommodated by
a regular array of "misfit" disloca
COLORED SURFACES in this phase diagram developed at Alcoa Laboratories show tions. Just how do such interfaces
what phases will be present in an aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloy of a given composi between adjoining layers affect the
tion if it is heat-treated at a given temperature. The vertical axis gives the temperature; growth of these structures? Again, the
the two horizontal axes give the content of silicon and of magnesium. The phases are the basic role of periodicity in determin
aluminum (AI) matrix, a magnesium-silicon (Mg,Si) precipitate and a silicon (Si) solid
ing the electronic properties of solids
solution. Within the three-dimensional space above the orange surface only the aluminum
phase is present (up to the melting point of aluminum, 660 degrees C.). Both the alumi
is put to new tests in the artificially
num and the magnesium-silicon phases are present between the orange and green sur
created world of the superlattice. It
faces, all three phases between the green and blue surfaces and only the aluminum and should be possible to synthesize solids
silicon phases between the blue and purple ones. The interactive computer program that in which electrons display new ranges
generates the diagram was developed by Dhruba J. Chakrabarti and Sharon L. Ramsey. of energy and move from one ener-
ly new kinds of performance. As I filled. As the articles that follow this
have tried to show, improved perform one will make clear, new theory and
ance stems from the development of instrumentation and innovative proc
processing methods that achieve new essing technologies have already yield
structures exhibiting new properties. ed an array of advanced materials un
Sound theory makes it possible to pre- dreamed of only a few decades ago.
361 illustrations.)
BOOK THREE opens up
further fields of enterprise:
binoculars, camera lenses,
spectrographs, Schmidt
optics, ray tracing (made
easy). (646 pages, 320
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I City I INDIVIDUAL ATOMS (actually their diffraction images) are resolved in an electron
I I micrograph of the interface between gallium arsenide and cadmium telluride layers in a
I State Zip
superlattice. A cross section has been enlarged 5.1 million diameters in the micrograph,
I city sales tax. Other NYS residents nology. The lower part of the image shows gallium and arsenic atoms, the upper part cad
e d a s I mium and tellurium atoms. "Misfit" dislocations accommodate strains at the interface.
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