DC Microgrid Operational Method For Enhanced Service Reliability Using DC Bus Signaling
DC Microgrid Operational Method For Enhanced Service Reliability Using DC Bus Signaling
DC Microgrid Operational Method For Enhanced Service Reliability Using DC Bus Signaling
Abstract - This paper proposes a DC microgrid operational strategy and control method for improved
service reliability. The objective is to supply power to as many non-critical loads as possible, while
providing an uninterrupted power supply to critical loads. The DC bus signaling method, in which DC
voltage is an information carrier, is employed to implement the operational strategy in a decentralized
manner. During grid-connected operation, a grid-tied converter balances the power of the microgrid by
controlling the DC voltage. All loads are connected to the microgrid, and operate normally. During
islanded operation, distributed generators (DGs), a backup generator, or an energy storage system
balances the power. However, some non-critical loads may be disconnected from the microgrid to
ensure the uninterrupted power supply to critical loads. For enhanced service reliability, disconnected
loads can be automatically reconnected if certain conditions are satisfied. Control rules are proposed
for all devices, and detailed microgrid operational modes and transition conditions are then discussed.
Additionally, methods to determine control parameter settings are proposed. PSCAD/EMTDC
simulation results demonstrate the performance and effectiveness of the proposed operational strategy
and control method.
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DC Microgrid Operational Method for Enhanced Service Reliability Using DC Bus Signaling
decreases. At time T2, the terminal DC voltage of VCES 2 connected operation, the BG is switched off, due to its high
reaches Vref2. After time T2, VCES 2 starts supplying power generation cost. If an outage occurs in the AC grid, the DC
to control the DC voltage, as shown in Fig. 2(b), and the microgrid is disconnected from the AC grid and initiates
DC voltages are maintained in Zone 2. islanded operation. During islanded operation, the DGs, BG,
From this analysis, we can derive three important and/or ESS supply power to the loads according to the load
operational characteristics of the PI-controller-based DBS demand.
method. Firstly, the generation priority of the VCESs can For uninterrupted power supply to all loads, the power
be arranged by setting the reference voltages differently. ratings of the GTC, BG, and ESS should all be greater than
The VCES with the highest reference voltage initially the maximum power consumption of the loads. However,
supplies power to the loads. Secondly, there are specific this is not appropriate from an economic perspective. In
operational zones for the DC voltages, depending on the this study, we assume that the power rating of the GTC
reference voltages of the VCESs. Finally, the operational (PGTC,rating) is greater than both the maximum power
reserves of the VCESs can be estimated in terms of the consumption of the loads and the total power rating of
DC voltage; i.e., the minimum values of the upward and DGs:
downward power reserves can be determined for each
operational zone. The upward / downward power reserve
of the microgrid is defined as the sum of the increasable/
PGTC ,rating > max {å P
LD ,max,i , åP
DG , rating , j
} (1)
reducible power margins of the VCESs. For example, if
where PLD,max,i and PDG,rating,j are the maximum power
the DC voltage is maintained in Zone 2, the power output
consumption of load i and the rated power output of DG j,
of VCES 1 is its power rating, and that of VCES 2 is
respectively. On the other hand, the power ratings of the
unknown. Therefore, the minimum upward power reserve
BG (PBG,rating) and the ESS (PESS,rating) are only greater than
is zero, and the minimum downward power reserve is the
the maximum power consumption of the critical loads to
power rating of VCES 1. The last characteristic is very
ensure an uninterrupted power supply to the critical loads:
important in the implementation of the proposed strategy
since the loads and DGs can estimate the states of the
VCESs only in terms of the measured DC voltage. PBG , rating , PESS , rating > å PCLD ,max,i (2)
- BG on rule:
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DC Microgrid Operational Method for Enhanced Service Reliability Using DC Bus Signaling
- Non-critical load reconnection rule 1: Based on the minimum power reserve for each zone,
the following reconnection rule for a non-critical load is
Vdc Î Zone 2 for TNLD , recon (8) proposed. If the DC voltage is maintained in Zone 1 or
Zone 3 for a specific time (TNLD,recon), a disconnected non-
However, during islanded operation, inappropriate re- critical load whose maximum power consumption is lower
connection of a non-critical load will cause a disconnection than PESS,rating can be reconnected in islanded operation.
of non-critical loads. For instance, if a non-critical load
is reconnected when the upward power reserve of the DC - Non-critical load reconnection rule 2:
microgrid is smaller than the power consumption of that Vdc Î {Zone 1 U Zone 3} for TNLD , recon (9)
load, the energy sources will be unable to supply power
to all loads, and thus the DC voltage will decrease.
Consequently, the reconnected non-critical load or another
non-critical load will be disconnected. 4. Operational Modes
In order to avoid this type of unexpected situation,
reconnection rules of non-critical loads for islanded The operation of a DC microgrid can be divided into
operation should be developed with respect to the upward grid-connected operation and islanded operation, according
power reserve of the DC microgrid. In other words, a to the state of the GTC. Each operational state can be
disconnected non-critical load can be reconnected only if subdivided into several operation modes, depending on the
the upward power reserve of the DC microgrid is greater power mismatch between generation and loads, and the
than the maximum power consumption of the disconnected states of the VCESs. This section describes the operational
load. Since the power consumption of a load varies modes in detail. Transitions between operational modes
continuously, the maximum power consumption is used as and relevant events are also discussed.
the criterion for reconnection.
Even though the exact values of the upward power 4.1 Modes of grid-connected operation
reserve is not measurable at loads, the minimum power
reserve can be estimated from the measured DC voltage, Fig. 5 shows the detailed operational modes for grid-
as described in Section 2. In Zone 4, the ESS controls the connected operation and the transitions between them. The
DC voltage thus the power output of the ESS is unknown. notation is summarized on the right-hand side of the figure.
And the power outputs of the DGs and BG are their Since the capacity of the GTC is larger than the maximum
maximum power outputs because the reference voltages power output of the DGs, the DC microgrid does not
of them are higher than that of the ESS. Therefore, the operate in Zone 1. There are five different operational
minimum upward power reserve of Zone 4 is zero. When modes, divided into two parts. The first part is general grid-
the DC microgrid operates in Zone 1 or Zone 3, there are connected operation, represented by GM 1. The second
two possible power outputs for the ESS, depending on part pertains to transitions from islanded operation to
the stored energy. If the stored energy has reached its general grid-connected operation, and comprises GM 2,
maximum, the output power of the ESS is zero. Otherwise, GM 3, GM 4, and GM 5. If the ESS is fully charged (i.e.,
the output power of the ESS is -PESS,rating. Therefore, the EESS = Emax), the DC microgrid initiates grid-connected
minimum upward power reserve of Zone 1 and Zone 3 is operation in GM 2, where the ESS and BG operate in
the rated power of the ESS. standby mode. Otherwise, the DC microgrid initiates grid-
GM 1
-BG: Off
------------- Device name -----------
-DGs: MPPT BG: Back generator
DGs: Distributed generators
ESS: Energy storage system
BG off GTC: Grid-tied converter
Fig. 5. Operational modes for grid-connected operation and transitions between them
Fig. 6. Operational modes for islanded operation and transitions between them
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DC Microgrid Operational Method for Enhanced Service Reliability Using DC Bus Signaling
Vk £ VDGs for k Î S DG (16) Zone 1. Considering the error in voltage measurement, the
* voltage reference for all DGs is determined as
Õ (V
k -V
DGs )=0 (17)
VDGs = VZone1, max - Verror , max . (34)
- Zone 2:
where Verror,max is the maximum voltage measurement error.
- PGTC , rating £ PGTC £ PGTC , rating (18) With given V*DGs, the minimum voltage of the DC
PBG = 0 (19) microgrid depends on various system conditions, such as
the power output of energy sources and power demand of
PESS = 0 or - PESS , rating (20) loads. The minimum voltage can be found by solving the
0 £ PDG , j £ PDG , j , rating (21) OP given as follows:
Vk = V GTC for GTC connected bus k (22)
Minimize f = min Vk (35)
[P] [k ]
- Zone 3:
where P is the set of decision vector of the OP that describe
PGTC = 0 (23) various system conditions, and the constraints are (11)-(17).
0 £ PBG £ PBG , rating (24) With the optimum value of the OP, fopti, the minimum
voltage of Zone 1 (VZone1,min), which is equal to the
PESS = 0 or - PESS , rating (25) maximum voltage of Zone 2 (VZone2,max), is determined as
0 £ PDG , j £ PDG , j , rating (26)
* VZone1, min = VZone 2, max = f opti - Verror , max . (36)
Vk = V BG for BG connected bus k (27)
Unlike V*DGs, V*GTC cannot be directly calculated from
- Zone 4: VZone2,max, since both the GTC and DGs can supply power
into the DC micro-grid in Zone 2. In the proposed method,
PGTC = 0 (28)
V*GTC is calculated by solving an OP iteratively. The
PBG = 0 or PBG , rating (29) objective function of the OP is to maximize the voltage of
- PESS , rating £ PESS £ PESS , rating (30) the DC microgrid for a given V*GTC:
0 £ PDG , j £ PDG , j , rating (31)
Maximize f = max Vk . (37)
* [P] [k ]
Vk = V ESS for ESS connected bus k (32)
In this OP, Eqs. (11), (12), and (18) - (22) are used as
where PGTC, PBG, PESS, and PDG,j are the power outputs of constraints. Initially, V*GTC is set at
the GTC, BG, ESS, and DG j, respectively, and S DG is a
set of DG connected buses. In Zone 1, at least one of the *
VGTC = VZone 2, max - DV (38)
terminal voltages of the DGs should be equal to the
reference voltage and the others should be lower than or
where ΔV is an positive constant. Since the voltage
equal to the reference voltage. This constraint is
measurement error is not considered in the calculated
represented by (16) and (17).
maximum voltage, fopti is compared to VZone2,max - Verror,max.
If fopti is larger than VZone2,max - Verror,max, the voltage of the
5.2 Operation zones and voltage references for VCESs DC microgrid can be measured larger than VZone2,max with
given V*GTC. Therefore, V*GTC is reduced by ΔV and the OP
Firstly, the maximum and minimum operation voltage should be solved again. The voltage ranges of Zones 3 and
ranges of the DC microgrid are assumed to be defined as 4, and the reference voltages of BG and ESS can be
Vdc,max and Vdc,min, respectively. Secondly, it is assumed that determined by similar procedure, as shown in Fig. 7.
the DC voltage should be maintained as high as possible to
reduce the loss of the system. 5.3 Disconnection voltage of the non-critical load
For Zone 1, the maximum voltage is simply set as
Vdc,max: Fig. 8 summarizes the proposed method to determine the
disconnection voltages for the non-critical loads. It is
VZone1, max = Vdc , max . (33) assumed that the list of the order of disconnection among
the non-critical loads or group of loads is given. For the
Since the DGs are the only VCES that supplies the first group of the loads in the list, the disconnection
power into the grid in Zone 1, the reference voltage of the voltage can be determined by (39) considering the voltage
DGs can be set as the same as the maximum voltage of measurement error.
Fig. 7. Determination method for ranges of operation zones 6. Simulations and Results
and voltage references for VCESs
In order to demonstrate the performance and validate the
effectiveness of the proposed operational method, we have
simulated various scenarios using the PSCAD/EMTDC
program. In this paper, two simulation results that best
illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed operational
method are presented.
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DC Microgrid Operational Method for Enhanced Service Reliability Using DC Bus Signaling
Fig. 9. DC microgrid test system (CLD: critical load, NLD: non-critical load)
Voltage (V)
Voltage reference Voltage range (V)
Zone 400
(V) Maximum Minimum 395
1 V*DGs = 419.0 420.0 415.3 390
2 V*GTC = 410.3 415.3 405.3 385
3 V*BG = 402.3 405.3 398.3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 V*ESS = 393.3 398.3 389.3 Time (s)
Table 3. Initial states for each case (b) Power outputs of the grid-tied converter, energy storage
system, and backup generator
Case 1 Case 2
PGTC 28 kW Off
EESS 95% 95%
PBG Off 10 kW 80
PDG1 9 kW 18 kW 60
PDG2 6 kW 10 kW 40
PCLD 18 kW 18 kW 20
PNLD1 14 kW 14 kW
PNLD2 11 kW 6 kW 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
(c) Energy stored in the ESS
proposed method and summarized in Table 1. The state
control parameters for the BG and non-critical loads are 15
listed in Table 2. For Verror,max and ΔV, 1 V was used. The
optimum values of the OPs were found by using a genetic
algorithm [21].
The initial states of the components for the two
simulation cases are summarized in Table 3. Case 1 0
demonstrates the islanding sequence of the microgrid, and 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
how power is supplied to the non-critical loads during Time (s)
islanded operation. Case 2 demonstrates the operation (d) Power consumption of non-critical load 1
mode change during islanded operation and the transition
from islanded operation to grid-connected operation. Fig. 10. Simulation results for Case 1
Voltage (V)
Fig. 10 shows the simulation results for Case 1. Initially, 410
the microgrid was connected to the main AC grid and 405
operated in GM 1 mode. The DC voltages were maintained 395
in Zone 2 by the GTC. In this simulation, it was assumed 390
that a three-phase fault in the AC grid (see Fig. 9) was 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
initiated at 1.0 s, and GTC was switched off (the DC
(a) DC voltages of the microgrid
microgrid started islanded operation) at 1.5 s.
At 1.0 s, the DC voltage started to decrease since the 50
15 PDG1
At 2.1 s, i.e. 1.1 s (TBG,on + TBG,start = 1.1) after the fault,
the BG started to supply power. Between 2.1 s and 4.2 s,
the BG supplied its maximum power, and the remaining 5
power was used to charge the ESS. During this period, the
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DC voltage was still controlled by the ESS in Zone 4, and Time (s)
the microgrid operational mode was IM 7. At 4.2 s, when (c) Power output of distributed generator 1
the ESS was fully charged, the operational mode of the
microgrid changed to IM 10. The DC voltage was
controlled by the BG in Zone 3. 95
since load reconnection rule 2 was satisfied (i.e., the DC
voltage was in Zone 3 for 0.2 s). After load reconnection, 85
the ESS started to discharge since the loads could not be
fully satisfied by the BG and DGs. Therefore, the DC 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
voltages were in Zone 4, and the operational mode was IM Time (s)
8. This operational status continued until the energy stored (d) Energy stored in the ESS
in the ESS reached its minimum limit and thus the ESS
stopped discharging at 8.5 s. At that time, non-critical load
1 was again disconnected since the BG and DGs could not
supply power to all the loads. This same pattern of
disconnection and reconnection would be repeated until 5
other conditions changed. To summarize, the simulation
results for Case 1 demonstrate that the microgrid can be 0
smoothly islanded via the proposed operational strategies. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (s)
Moreover, even though some non-critical loads must be
shed to ensure stable operation, they can be reconnected to (e) Power consumption of non-critical load 1
the microgrid, and thus service reliability is improved. Fig. 11. Simulation results for Case 2
6.3 Results for case 2 in Zone 3). The simulation scenario is as follows.
Fig. 11 shows the simulation results for Case 2. Initially, Ÿ 2.0 s: The power consumption of non-critical load 1
the microgrid was islanded and operated in IM 10 mode (PNLD1) is decreased from 14.0 to 2.0 kW.
(i.e. the ESS was in standby state, the DGs operated in the Ÿ 4.0 s: PNLD1 is increased to 14.0 kW.
MPPT mode, and the DC voltage was controlled by the BG Ÿ 6.0 s: The maximum power output of the DG 1,
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DC Microgrid Operational Method for Enhanced Service Reliability Using DC Bus Signaling
PDG1,MPPT, decreased from 18.0 to 5.0 kW. operational strategy was verified by PSCAD/EMTDC
Ÿ 8.0 s: The operation mode of the DC microgrid changed simulations. The simulation results showed that service
from islanded operation to grid-connected operation. reliability for non-critical loads can be improved by using
the proposed operational strategies.
When PNLD1 was decreased at 2.0 s, the sum of the loads
became smaller than the power output of the DGs, even
though the BG supplied no power. As a result, the DC Acknowledgements
voltages of the DG1-connected bus started to increase and
reached 419 V, reference voltage, at 2.2 s. Therefore, the This work was partially supported by Korea Institute of
DG 1 controlled the DC voltage by reducing its power Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP)
output as shown in Fig. 11 (c) and the microgrid operated grant funded by Korea Government Ministry of Trade,
in IM 9 mode. Industry and Energy (No. 20123010020080). This work
At 4.0 s, the DGs could not fully supply the loads and was also partially supported by the National Research
the DC voltage started to decrease because PNLD1 increased Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea
to 14.0 kW. After a while, the BG controlled the DC Government (MSIP) (No. 2010-0028509).
voltage and the microgrid operated in IM 10 mode.
When PDG1,MPPT decreased to 5 kW at 6.0 s, the BG and
DGs could not fully satisfy the loads, and thus the DC References
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