Lights, Camera, Orama!: Showtime at The Avinger

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July 99

Governo r's School East Volume 22, IssueS Laurinburg, North Carolina

Lights, Camera, Orama!

-Robin Williams
Out of the 800 students who audi­ I was patting my dog, it came to me!" clement weather, the rest of Massfest
tioned for the Governor's School drama Led mainly by the genius of assistant was canceled Saturday night and moved
program, only fifty made the cut. The director Anna Ward (who was the back- to Tuesday.
GSE drama department consists of the bone behind all performances), the Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, the drama
half of those fifty. No one is quite sure drama kids, imitating the Dadaist move- · department started the festivities with
what exactly it takes to get into ment, left the theater and started creat- an introduction modeled after the char­
Governor's School for drama. A lot of ing sight-specific pieces which w�re acters from the futuristic show Allison?
talented students try out each year but exhibited all over the campus. No doubt the dances would have also
don't make it. Indeed, you can ask any­ Each drama student also directed a • been lacking without the pure energy
one on campus; drama students have a ten-minute scene which was then show- · that flows from the minds and bodies of
lot to live up to. Notorious for being cased in one of five Director's Dis- · GSE drama students. Every Saturday
"loud and obnoxious," drama students courses, most of which were performed night, drama kids are seen busting
play a noticeable role in campus life at on Mondays at 3:15. An exceptionally grooves in front of the crowd.
Governor's School every year. Most large audience was found at each of Yes, the twenty-five drama students
would agree that this year's group has these shows, which helped add to the have played a major role in GSE life. If
been nothing but the same. excitement surrounding the much antici- you can find one walking around, they'll
Unfortunately, this year, the GSE pated eight-hour showcase of the arts on probably humbly say they came for the
drama department was not aliowed to the 241h (known as Massfest). love of the theater. Most drama students
utilize the stage for performances. This The drama department kicked off the won't admit they are here for one to­
means, under the guidelines of the St. evening with an untitled, improvisa- tally different reason-the worship of
Andrews staff, they could not build, tiona!, interactive dinner theater piece Hillary Weeks. The apotheosis of
paint, or adjust lights in the theater. which transformed the cafeteria into a Hillary (who played the green bean
These rules, therefore, precluded the use secretive, illegal food speakeasy. fiend, Gretchen Mueller, (modified af­
of the stage for a major production. Around 5 00 theatergoers were trans- ter her mother)) has been a major focus
Thus, guerrilla art sprung from the mind of the drama department.

formed into participants at the MEAL

of director, Eric Johnson. "I was really convention and quickly found them- The theater department's last perfor­
upset we couldn't use the stage at first," selves involved in the"illegal" food ac- mance will be the radio show broadcast
says Johnson, "But then one day, while tivities. Unfortunately, due to the in- Saturday morning at 8:10before classes,
as always.

Showtime at the Avinger The Long Road Home

-Lani Go/stab -Adam Shupe
On July 251h· Avinger Auditorium Well, that's all folks. Time's up. cist ways of our own school systems
vaguely resembled the Star Search stage. Game over man. That day which has once again, we are doing an injustice to
That's because GSE was holding its been whispered in hushed tones this Governor's School and to ourselves.
1999 talent show, sponsored by the Rec. week is fmally arriving. Time to go back Don't let this experience go to waste.
Staff. The emcees for the night were to our own beds, showers, family, and Start a swing class. Have jam sessions
Natalie Frith, Mark Darby, and Abby friends. Time to leave our safe haven in front of the school. Have your own
Johnson. The twenty-nine acts dis­ from the terrors of public education. Spirit Week every week. Hold a Chess
played a variety of talents including Time to return to our mundane lives. I or Ping-Pong tournament. Post stuff on
singing, dancing, acting, and playing imagine, no matter if you are 5 min or 5 walls, lockers, cars, and yourself, no
instruments. Vocal selections ranged hours away, the ride matter what it
from the dramatic, Katrina Rose home wil l be long says. Create lots
"-../ 'We shall never cea se from ex
Dickerson's rendition of "Daddy's for all of us. But we of guerrilla art.
Son," to the light hearted, Tim Matson shouldn't look at
Ioration and the end of ou Da nce, even if
and John Bennett's version of"Kiss Me" this as the end. It is e xplori ng will be to a rri v you don't know
complete with kazoo. Some students more like the begin- how.. Mess with
here we started and know th
chose to debut their own compositions, ning of the rest of your hair. Spike
such as Ryan Zimmerman's drum piece
l ace for the first ti me."
your lives. We ha':'e � -it, dye i.t;-shave it,
- - -:

_"EUBAR." even-got­ a een changea in T.S. Elio -

whatever. Sing,
messy when Joel, Odell, Brian and the some way by GSE. even if it's only
PrettyBoys covered the auditorium with And we can all take this experience with songs from food commercials. And
feathers and birdseed during their per­ us. I challenge each and every one of most important of all, keep in touch with
formance of "No Scrubs/No Pigeons." you to attempt to change your high your friends. Just because we are leav­
Judging from the thunderous applause scho01 in some way. If waves of ing doesn't mean we will never see each
and numerous standing ovations, the Governor's School students crash at our other again. Most of us are seniors and
'udience thoroughly enjoyed the show- high schools each year, maybe we can college is only a year or two away. And
e of talent. Could these GSE students make a difference. I doubt that Saran when you get there, the top students are
be the stars of the future? English stu­ Wrap will be added to the dress code, going to be those you met here at
dent Emily Glover says, "Most defi­ or that plastic foons will be available in Governor's School. Plus, next year we
nitely! These GSE students shone the cafeteria, but it is worth a shot. If have the Reunion to help us catch up.
brightly that night." we just go hon�e and conform to the fas- continued on page 3
The Dirt on GSE · Slice of. Wry . ,

-Kelly Keegan When asked to write my farewell col­ Mia Wallace, Grease's Danny
umn for the final edition of The Bridge, Zuko, and Jessica Hoffert's Frieda
I was a little disappointed on Sat­ �

I was struck with a feeling of bittersweet Wilson

urday when rain forced the much­
parting, of leaving behind the haven we 13. Rigorous Wizard of Oz rehearsals,
awaited Massfest to be postponed.
have established for ourselves and re­ and Grandon's booming outburst·5
Nevertheless, I was looking forward
turning to our comparatively dull envi­ of"People! Work with me here!"
to spending a relaxing evening with ronments, knowing that all good things 14. The loathed sign-out books gracing
my friends in the Wilmington lobby. must come to an end. The process of the corners of Mecklenburg and
So after drama's terrific and highly readjustment is painful but necessary. Concord, and the two words that
entertaining dinner performa.TJ.ce, I At such a time of conflicting emo­ accompany any failure to sign back
accordi ngly headed o v er to tions, I am reminded of the closing scene in ... early curfew!
Wilmington. Well, I was hanging of one my favorite movies, The Way We 15. SGA election campaigns, and the
Were, with Barbra Streisand and Rob­ sad realization that half-naked bod­
out and talking in the lobby when
ert Redford. Several years after the ies plus chocolate syrup don't al­
suddenly a mud person ran in. He
break-up of their passionate romance, ways equal victory. What went
features being covered in mud, I was
they reunite by chance of a crowded wrong?
surprised that I could even tell she
New York sidewalk. Both have moved 16. Mind journeys in Avinger, and the
was smiling. And then I realized on with their lives and found love with surprisingly sleep-inducing condi­
with a gasp who this mud person was. other people, but before they continue tions of clunky metallic chairs and
Yes, she was one of our own staff - on their way, they seem to recall the a persistent chill
Abby who CO-writes the advice col­ happiness they once shared. Let us take 17. Fourth of July festivities, and the
umn. What was she doing covered a few moments to reminisce on the high­ practicality of the cafeteria workers
from head to toe with mud? I de­ lights of our adventure together, in a list to drench the unused fried chicken
cided, however, to dismiss my curi­ much like the original"Slice of Wry": in barbecue sauce the next day
1. Awkward silences, and futile 18. Rumors, i.e. the popular, "Do you
osity for the moment. After all,
efforts to fill them with overused know who was caught making out
strange things do seem to occur in
questions in the Nucleus?," and the wildfire
Wilmington's lobby on a regular ba-
2. Cafeteria meals, and the perilous speed with which they fly
sis. But not five minutes later in
game of name-tag swapping, some- 19. Assemblies in Avinger, and the two
walked Aaron, Abby's partner in times at the risk of being accosted most tantalizing options other than
crime -also covered in mud and grin­ by a snappish worker paying attention: a) rotating in an
ning. 3. The geese, and "tiptoeing through owl-like manner to search for
After the third mud person in­ the dried goose dung strewn on the friends in the darkness, or b) taking
vaded the lobby, curiosity got the causeway off the west side of advantage of the aforementioned
best of me. Camera in hand, I walked Wilmington..." (dedicated to all the sleeping conditions
out into the rainy night. I heard a lot GSE Ani DiFranco diehards) 20. And most recently, Massfest, and
4· The library, and usurping their com­ attempting Tantric lovemaking po­
of noise coming from the grass to the
puters when the computer lab was sitions as we writhed on layers of
side of Orange, so I headed in that
full, only to perform the sinful act ketchup and mustard
direction. I met Dr. Milner walking
of...e-mail! A little comic relief never hurts in
the other way and he said, "Watch
5. The pre-breakfast jogs, and the con­ the midst of a dismal situation. Now,
out! It's dangerous over there!" with stant pleading, "Hov.' long can it like Barbra, as she brushes the stray
a nod toward the grass. I thanked take to get around this campus?!" hairs off Robert's forehead and levels
him for the warning and continued 6. The nightly conversations in the her knowing eyes with his, we realize
walking ...wait a minute -had my dorm of choice, always followed by we must continue leading separate lives.
eyes mistaken, or was Dr. Milner's the"midnight stampede" to get back The teachers we have taken may never
shirt bespattered with mud? Naw... before curfew be equaled, the friends we have made
7. And afterwards, the �orm conver­ may never be encountered again, and the
I had originally thought to just be
sations, and the frantic steps to get experiences we have absorbed may
a spectator in the great mud sliding
back to the room before the famil- never be recreated. GSE is not our
games, but sounds of laughter and
iar"tap, tap, tap" of the counselor home.
cheering drew me on and I found
8. The talent show, and the fine feath­ The only comfort to be found is in
myself taking off my shoes and socks ery performance of "No Pigeons," the memories, the pure and untainted
and setting my camera aside. There outdone only be C1e girls' chants of remembrances. Retrospect has a way of
must be a part of a person that does · "No scrubs!" -- ·- · altering and even romanticizing the past.
no t leave with the end of childhood, 9. The art studio, and the lazy after­ I urge us to remember the full spectrum
ana this would explain why I found noon gatherings, making mellow of emotions each day brought, ftom the
an irresistible attraction to the mud masterpieces with Erykah Badu pro­ painful lessons, uncertainty, and utter
pit. I went to join the muddy revel- viding the ambiance conn sion, to tbe unbridled curiosity,
10. Yog� • . and the impossible task of freed:)m, and laughter, something I hope .
finding our karma while doing I have encouraged with my column. As
The scene that met my eyes con­
"Spitting Cobra" and "Downward Barbra and Robert remove themselves
vinced me that the rain had not
Dog" on a patch of jagged concrete from their final embrace, the theme song
drowned the spirit of Massfest out.
11. The computer lab, and the art of swells to an uplifting prospect: "It's the
Hordes of indistinguishable people looming behind the current users laughter we will remember whenever we
were making mud-pies, wrestling, and reading their e-mails until they remember the way we were."
and generally having a good time. reach"the breaking point"
Certainly no one hesitated to initiate 12. The masquerade ball, and the sur­ Farewell for now,
continued on page 3 real juxtaposition of Pulp Fiction's Robert
continued from page
Ode to nostalgia
So, stop worrying about when its going
-Anthony Palermo to end and start thinking about how you
Ludwig von Beethoven once com- Governor's School East, I leave daily are going to finish it. Write that last
posed a piece that entranced artists and thoughts of,"I wonder what they're do­ poem or story. Compose that piece of
music supporters throughout Europe and ing now..." '
music that's been in your head. Finish
sings. to today's musical appreciaries. To all of those with whom I did not ' that painting, complete that monologue,
This wonder fully haunting opus is titled converse, I offer thoughts of,"I wonder or work out that cryptology code.
" Elise ." Elise was Beethoven's only what I would be like if..." Apologize to a friend, talk to anyone you
' haven't met, and tell that special some­
love. This composition was a symbol To the Instrumental Music students,
for his longing for her. The music cap- I give luck and God speed in all of your one, "I love you." Make these last days
tures me because of its universal appli- endeavors. the best of all. I wish you all the best,
cation in the modern world. An example To the staff of GSE, I leave the hope and may our paths cross again.
of exceptionally captivating music such of further excursions into the niinds and r------------.,

as this may be used to express any num- hearts of ourselves and future students. I would like to take this oppor-I
ber of feelings. Therefore, I dedicate To Alyssa, Kate, Kate, and Jacob, I It has I
tunity to thank The BrOje staff.
this performance, my literary perfor- leave health. been a pleasure to work with these I
mance of " Filr Elise" to friendship and To Elizabeth, I give hope.
mature :) students over the course I
love. This, as a GSE student, is my last To Abby, Warren, Brian, Sean, and
of the past six weeks. The most I
will and testament. These are my wishes John, I offer unconditional love.
enjoyable part of my Governor's I
for you:
To my friends from home, I bestow
To Kathryn, I give immortal friend-
School experience has been inter- :
eternal nostalgia and beloved memories. Finally, to all at Governor's School acting with these very special stu-
To all the incredible people I have East, 1999, I give thanks. dents. We all gain - either posi-
come to aquaintance with here at tively or negatively - from each
contact made throughout life's 1
journey . .! have positively gained 1
. .

very much this summer. 1

Thank you for a wonderful job, I
(Thanks to Chinese fortune cook- I
ies you know what to add... ) I .

Jamie I
L ______ __:_ ______ J

continued from page 2

me in the practice of getting dirty and
enjoying it. Even though I am not
someone who normally likes to get
dirty, of fun to get big muddy hugs
and participate in the mudslinging
fights. When the last vestige of white

fast facts on my shirt was gone, I felt as if I

had finally arrived. Now I could
-Dustin Joyce
understand the huge smiles of the
Well, I guess this is it, my last
plaud now, or just laugh hysterically mud people in the Wilmington lobby.
column for The Bridge. Here goes:
if I got it wrong. Finally, it was time to leave the
0 The very firs! public demonstration
0 Okay, you know I have to mention big happy mud person family. As if
of color_ television was done on 9
something about Charlotte, since coming full circle I arrived back in
January 1941. Other interesting
I'm obsl!ssed with it-the signs on
events that took place on 9 Janu­ Wilmington. Somehow, I felt sorry
Ericsson Stadium are the largest in
ary-Connecticut became a state 9 for the unenlightened clean people in
the central business district, and will
January 1789; births: Richard the lobby who were gibing m e
continue to be so, seeing as how
Nixon, Muggsy Bogues, Daniel strange looks. I had to resist the urge
zoning laws forbi d signs larger.
Boone's wife, Joan Baez, me. to hug several of them and spread the
0 Europeans in the Middle Ages had
0 I find Switzerland to be an interest­ joy of being muddy. A scant hour
a time system in which the hours of
ing country, particularly when it
the day were-of var-ious- length - before I-had-'b-e-en one of t e c ean
comes to beliefs� For example;you
throughout the year. They also be- ones. But that Saturday night, I had
may walk into a normal magazine
lieved that the southern seas boiled. an epiphany. Mud is fun! And even
store, but yet see magazines with
0 The Greek national anthem has when the planned events were can-
topless women on the coversjust out
fifty-eight verses.
in the open. However, the last c :m­ celed for the night, GSE students still
0 Fill in the blank. I'm too tired
ton (a Swiss political sub-division had the imagination to find some-
to come up with another fact.
similar to a state) to grant women thing great to do.
0 I almost didn't come to Governor's
the ri ght to vote didn't do so until Later, looking at my muddy face
s c h 0 0 1
1 9 9 0 in the mirror, I felt saddened by the
0 I'm really glad--th:1t I did. Thanks a
0 For the math students, numbers­ prospect of taking a shower and
lot for making it the great time that
well, really, just one. Believe it or washing off the visible proof of my
it was! So, until later, good bye,
not, I know Euler's number,
good luck, and keep in touch! realization. ''This," I said to myself,
2.718281828459045. You can ap-
'tis what guerrilla art is all about."
-- 3 --
math Contest Results Thank You
Thirteen mathematics and natural -Collin Lee
science students took the sixth math Thank you Thank you
contest. The top scores follow. to all whom I met for the talent shows and musical
Michael Parsons (Math) 5 whom I know concerts
Patrick Barry (Math) 4 whom I will remember eternally. for the outlets for my writings and
Ken Chu (Science) 4 myself.
Thank you
Shane Farkas (Math) 3
for your generosity Thank you
Wonha Kim (Math) 3
for your kindness for the phone calls, and
Elizabeth Morgan (Math) 3
for your time. for the mealtime conversations.
Jonny Waldes (Math) 3
Top five contestants for 1999 are: Thank you Thank you
Patrick Barry (Math) 30 for three fortnights for a church in which I finally felt
Ken Chu (Natural Science) 29 for three wondrous fortnights that comfortable
Michael Parsons (Math) 26 should be everlasting. for friendships that I will never let die.
Shane Farkas (Math) 21
Jonny Waldes (Math) 19 Thank you Thank you
for accepting and listening to me, for all the hellos and smiles
The first three place finishers will
for letting me listen to you. for the emails and Instant Messages.
receive plaques and the 4th and 5th
place finishers will receive certifi­
Thank you Thank you
cates on July 31 to commemorate
for encouraging me for the dances
their achievements. Congratula­ for letting me be who I am. for dancing, my unparalleled libera­
Thank you

Staff ··
for an awesome English class
for my heightened appreciation of the
Thank you
for your generosity
females near me. for your kindness
Kate Barnhill
Kathryn Monroe
for your time.
Thank you
Reporters: for Concord Lobby, and Thank
Robert Basinger for Mecklenburg Lobby. you
Andrew Beal all,
Aaron Catrett Thank you I say as we disembark from our
Abigail Clarke-Sayer for the card games for the walks up journey.
Lani Golstab and down St.Andrews.
Nathaniel Homer
And, thank you, God,
Dustin Joyce
Thank you for three intimately meaningful letters:
Collin Lee
for the Colby & Monterey Jack cheese G
Susan Navarro
and s
Laura Nicholson
Tonya Oliver for Papa John's Pizza and Fong's Take E.
Anthony Palermo Out.
Derrick Preston
Adam Shupe
Robin Williams

Data Entry:
Tsu-Yin Chang
Sunny Kim

Jonny Waldes

Robert Jailall
Michael Parsons

Jamie Palo

C' est la vie!

Thank you to EVERYONE on making eight hour layouts only putting together a paper be so

The Bridge staff for helping put four! Thanks to Anthony P alermo funny!!!
out some great issues. Thank you for his layout help, too, a n d Thanks for everything,
to Jonny Waldes for the excep­ thanks t o Melinda who needs to Kate and �athryn

tional photography. Special come back. A big thanks to Jamie P.S. Our paper is better than

thanks to Michael Parsons for for his guidance. Never again will GSW's. (Their director said so!)


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