Kids on Brooms Adventure, Salem school musical

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The Salem Academy of Magical Studies’ production of

The Crucible (The Musical!)

A Kids on Brooms Adventure By Brad Barnes


In this adventure, players will take on the rolls of senior students at New England’s premiere
magic school. As with every group of seniors, they have been encouraged to take part in this
year’s school play; some will have volunteered eagerly, others will have been not so gently
nudged into their roles by the teachers. It is not long in the rehearsal process before they will
find the play threatened by a mysterious figure. With the show being threatened and their
graduation on the line, they will need to uncover the culprit and ensure that the show, however
bad it is, does go on.

The school play is a musical version of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible no knowledge of the plot is
required, but the play is about the Salem Witch Trials. At the very least everyone would think the
show is a bad choice for a wizard school.

This adventure is designed for all students to be upperclassmen about to graduate. Faculty
characters would simply be assigned as advisors for the play, with their employment on the line
if they fail to put on the play. Younger characters may be used as well, but they will have
skipped grades or will be joining the play for fun.

Character Creation

You can either take your characters through a full character creation or use some of the
premade tropes in the back of the Kids on Brooms rulebook. An abridged character creation is
recommended if you’re under a time constraint.

One thing that has been left out of this guide is the school’s magical sport, have your players
come up with that, and ask them a few of the school creation questions from the rulebook to
help make it theirs.

Using this Adventure

This is simply a guideline, any of this can be changed to suit your players and their interests. If
the players are interested in something completely different than the outlined plot, feel free to let
them follow it to your comfort level. Kids on Brooms (and all the Powered By Kids on Bikes
games thrive when you let your players decide what is the most fun.


Read the following to your group or put in your own words.

In 1692 a wave of mass hysteria swept through the village and town of Salem.
Neighbors began to accuse each other of supernatural crimes. Spectral visitations,
causing physical and mental harm, and consorting with the powers of darkness. And
through all these accusations a single word echoed through the community: Witchcraft.

All of this hysteria was very quickly dismissed as the worst kind of foolishness by the
magical community that lived hidden on Salem’s borders. The witch court and indeed all
of Salem were completely unaware that there was an invisible, enchanted tudor castle
hidden on the outskirts of town.

Today the entryway to the school is hidden in the only appropriate place, The Salem
Witch Museum, named the second worst tourist trap in the world by USA Today. You still
remember what it was like that first day to open the door marked “STAFF ONLY” and find
yourself in the grand entrance hall of the castle. Today you’re standing with most of the
senior class, the sound of chatting students echoing off the gray limestone blocks as
everyone waits for the thing that will change your year: the cast list for the senior play.

Without warning a bolt of green lightning crackles down from the roof and crashes into
the floor, the thunder is deafening and the light leaves you blinking to try and see
anything. But when the flashing after-image has disappeared from your eyes a white
stone monolith has appeared in the great hall, and carved into it is the cast list.

Drama Teachers.

Carved into the stone is a message.

“My dear Students, thank you for your heartfelt auditions, which though mandatory were
as thrilling as I have come to expect from our senior class. Below you find your parts for
this year’s show, an American classic about divisiveness, justice, and empathy, with
original songs by yours truly. I look forward to seeing all of you at rehearsals for:

The Crucible: The Musical!


Professor Sarah Adams”

Players may select their role in the play or may roll from the following table:

Role Type [Roll 1d6] Description

6. Lead Role This is your time to shine! All eyes are on you, is that a good
thing or did you not want this? Is this your first time on stage
or are you used to it?
Example roles: John Proctor, Abigail Williams,

5. Main Role You actually got a big part, that’s going to be a lot of lines to
remember. Have you got this handled or is this going to be a
Example Roles: Susana Walcott, Ann Putnam, Giles Corey

4. Minor Role You have a couple lines, that’s going to be cool. And you
don’t have to do too much, you can probably just hang out
backstage and practice potions work.
Example Roles: Mary Warren, Judge Hathorne

3. Chorus This is a musical, for some reason. You get to stand in the
back and do some singing, is this over yet?
Example Roles: Villager 1, Villager 5

2. Stage Crew No way are you stepping on the stage for this. You will make
sure the sets move and the lights come on at the right time.
Example Roles: Stage Manager, Lighting Crew, Sound Crew,
Stage Crew.

1. Understudy You’re an understudy for a major part! You might get to do it if

someone gets sick, but otherwise you’re sitting in the
audience and learning lines.

Once your players have selected their parts, whether at random or deliberately, ask them to
describe how the first few weeks of rehearsal went. Do they like their role? Who are they getting
along with? Who are they not? Are they worried about their grade? Once everyone has had a
turn to talk, begin Act I.

Act I

Read the following or put into your own words:

In the auditorium of the Salem Academy, the first dress rehearsal for The Crucible: The
Musical has begun. The music director, Auguste Moreau, lifts his hands and begins to
wave his wand at racks of musical instruments, which begin to play themselves.
Professor Moreau is a tall thin man, with dark skin, a shaved head, and a deeply creased
face. He seems to have taken his job as music director very seriously, even though he is
the school’s assistant headmaster. The overture rings out and Julia Fowler, the stage

manager, calls for the curtain to rise. The stage is covered with living trees slowly
dropping autumn foliage onto a forest floor as a group of 17th century village girls begin
to dance in a dark magic ritual. Or the closest thing A non-magic playwright could think
up. Professor Adams, her red hair a frizzy sculpture of tangles, pencils and chopsticks,
takes notes adding the jangling of her large stack of bracelets to the sound from the

As the ritual begins to come to a climax one girl, our leading lady playing Abigail Williams
steps forward, takes a breath and begins to sing.

“No, no, no, halt, stop!” Professor Adams holds out a hand, eventually raising her wand
and shooting a shower of red sparks into the air, “We agreed on red lights for this scene,
it’s meant to be a dream sequence. Julia?”

“I don’t have that Professor– I’m sorry!” Julia says, frantically flipping through her notes.
“Alright, fine,” Professor Adams shakes her head, “Everyone take a five minute break,
lighting crew with me will we go through the cues once again.”

Have each of your players describe how they are spending their five minute break:

● Any lighting crew members will not get a break and will be lectured by Professor
Adams while they run through all the different lighting scenarios for the show. Other
players can elect to spend their break sitting in the theater will also overhear everything.

● Anyone who hits a 7 brains roll or equivalent can see that Professor Adams is
more stressed than usual for a senior show. The professor seems to blame Julia
for the mishap and has her go through all her notes to catch any more mistakes.

● Anyone who wants to get outside for a break can go through the stage door to the
school courtyard, where flying lessons can be seen in progress.

● Behind the school, students may encounter Coach Oliver, currently instructing
the flying lesson. The coach is a burly Minotaur, in a gray sweatshirt and a blue
baseball cap perched between his horns. If the students engage him in
conversation they’ll find that he’s anxious for rehearsals to be done, too many of
his players for the school sport (ask one of your players to come up with one) are
in the cast this year.

● Players can walk toward the dining hall where several animated refreshment carts are
waiting to serve them any kind of snacks they want. A charm roll, difficulty 5 will be
required to coax the proper treat from the carts, who are very serious about hoarding
their food.

● By the food carts the students will find Sasha Salenko. The Queen Bee of the
senior class Sasha is rumored to have elven ancestry, and her platinum blonde
hair and frosty blue-gray eyes do nothing to dissuade people from the rumor. She
wanted the role of Abigail Williams this year but instead has to be satisfied with
Elizabeth Proctor, so she’s currently wearing a fake, pregnant belly.

● If a female student has gained a lead role they will be playing Abigail and Sasha
will be actively hostile, a charm role of 10 will make Sasha begrudgingly forgive
the player for stealing her part.

Once everyone has completed their five minute break Professor Adams will call everyone in to
run the trial scenes. Read the following or put it into your own words:

The Trial set is huge, one of the biggest in the show, even with magic it takes an
army of stage crew to maneuver the benches and the judges’ bench into position.
Professor Adams has all of you take your places around the stage and calls for
the scene change from the Proctors’ home to the trial. As the set is being moved
in darkness, with Judge Hawthorne on top of it the lights begin to flicker on and
off, and a strange glow can be seen coming from the lighting catwalk above the

[If you have a player on the lighting crew read the following.] Up above the
stage on the lighting catwalk you notice this and start checking the wiring.
Professor Adams won’t let you use magic to rig up the lights, so you start
checking wiring.

Player must make a Grit check, difficulty of 7.

ON A PASS: You turn around and see a strange figure. At first you think it’s an
actor in costume, maybe one of the Judges, but the costume is dirty, caked in
half dried mud. They’re wearing a dirty, wide-brimmed Puritan hat, and when they
look up at the player, they have no face. Instead under their hat is a gray, snowy
pattern of television static.

The Puritan will charge at the player and attempt to push them over the edge of
the Catwalk. The player can try to make an opposed Brawn check difficulty of 10,
a flight check of 7, or a fight check of 8.

ON A FAIL: A powerful arm spins you around and you see a strange figure. At
first you think it’s an actor in costume, maybe one of the Judges, but the costume
is dirty, caked in half dried mud. They’re wearing a dirty, wide-brimmed Puritan
hat, and when they look up at the player, they have no face. Instead under their
hat is a gray, snowy pattern of television static. Their hands grab you with

superhuman strength and they lift you off the catwalk and throw you over the

If the Puritan successfully pushes the player off the catwalk they will have the
opportunity to save themselves via magic. Use the included chart to determine
the difficulty of the spell they will attempt. The Puritan will also become visible to
everyone in the auditorium, allowing anyone to roll a brains check to gain
information about its nature. On a five or higher they will determine that the
Puritan is magical in some way. On a 10 or higher they will determine that some
kind of spell is being cast. On a 15 or higher they can determine that the Puritan
is a magical creation being controlled by someone nearby.

This Puritan looks down at you from the catwalk, its static-lit face glowing in the
darkness. It pulls a sword from a sheath at its waist and cuts through the wires
holding the catwalk up. LIghts come crashing down on to the stage

[If you do not have a player on the lighting crew] Suddenly one of the lighting
crew is flung out from the catwalk, crashing to the stage with a bang. Leaning
down from the rigging is a figure that you almost think is an actor in costume,
maybe one of the Judges, but the costume is dirty, caked in half dried mud.
They’re wearing a dirty, wide-brimmed Puritan hat, and when they look up at the
player, they have no face. Instead under their hat is a gray, snowy pattern like
that of television static. It raises a sword gleaming in the gray light and cuts
through the wires holding the catwalk up. LIghts come crashing down onto the

Everyone will need to make a flight check of 8 to avoid the lights. Failure of 5 or
more will result in that player having to go to the nurse for treatment of a minor
injury. The Pilgrim will vanish after the destruction of the lighting rig. Anyone may
roll a Brains check to gain information about its nature. On a five or higher they
will determine that the Puritan is magical in some way. On a 10 or higher they will
determine that some kind of spell is being cast. On a 15 or higher they can
determine that the Puritan is a magical creation being controlled by someone

The darkness of the theater is broken by light from Professor Adams wand, as
she flies over to start levitating lighting rigging off of the students and starts
teleporting them straight to the school infirmary. That’s when you all notice it as
she raises her wand high. The backdrop of the courtroom scene has been
covered in blood red paint. Sasha lets out a scream and Professor Moreau
orders everyone out of the theater. A message has been written on the backdrop:

Players are able to ignore Adams and Moreau to try to search the theater. Or they can decide to
meet up later. If they elect to stay they will need to make a skill check or a magic roll to avoid
Professor Adams spotting them. For Example:

● A Flight Roll, difficulty of 7 to make it seem as though they are leaving with the crowd
and to split off without being noticed.
● A Brains roll, difficulty of 9 to think of a way backstage without Professor Adamas
noticing, (Going through the orchestra pit in front of the stage would be a good method)
● A Charm roll, difficulty of 10 to get Professor Adams to let the players help with the
cleanup and rescue of other students, which would allow them to search after.
● All magical solutions are options. Though if they try to magically discern the Puritan’s
identity even if the spell succeeds they will be unable to.
The catwalk that has crashed to the stage is destroyed, but the staircase that led up above the
stage is still intact. An 8 brains roll will help them identify boot prints that don’t have a tread,
just like handmade old boots would. They seem to be in some kind of soil. A success of 5+
over the target would give the player the information that this soil is strangely smooth, more like
dust or ash than dirt.

There are two more areas backstage available to search, the dressing rooms and the scenery
shop. The dressing rooms will not contain anything unusual but hitting a brains or grit roll of
5 or more will give players the information that none of the costumes have been taken, so the
Puritan was not wearing one of the costumes from the show.

The scenery shop will currently be storing the living trees from the opening scene, players can
use a difficulty 5 brains or grit roll to turn up a discarded page out of a book. The page
appears to have been burned, though some writing appears on the torn page “-ND IT.” They will
not know the handwriting.

After searching these areas the players will be forced to retire to their rooms for the night.


Read the following or put it in your own words:

The following morning you wake to the sound of a piece of paper sliding under your
door. When you get up to examine it quickly folds itself into an intricate origami shape of
an old 1940s radio. The tiny screen begins to glow and Professor Moreau’s voice comes
out of the speakers: “Students participating in the senior musical, please assemble in the
library after breakfast.” A small fanfare plays afterwards and the tiny radio turns itself off.

Later that morning, after breakfast you convene in the library where Professor Moreau is
standing next to Professor Adams. The Salem Academy’s library, as in many magical
schools, is home to thousands of magic books, some of which need to be chained to
their shelves because they are to a certain degree, alive. The Academy differs in the

library staff, which are also living magical books. They flutter on wings made out of
leather, cardboard and paper, flitting between shelves sending out spells to drag carts of
less animated books back to shelves where they can be put away. The head librarian,
Professor Index, sits on the checkout desk, a thick, heavy, leatherbound book that is
happy to display directions to the exact book any student needs.

Professor Moreau calls everyone to attention and has everyone take a seat. Books are
still unfolding chairs for students that are wandering in at the last second. “Thank you all
for coming, given the circumstances we want to make this announcement in person. Due
to the extraordinary events of yesterday’s rehearsal we will need to cancel the play.”

Professor Adams tries to interject, “Musical.”

“Yes thank you Sarah,” Moreau raises a hand, “The more major issue for some of you is
that without the school musical you will not have enough credits to graduate. We will of
course be making this up for you with a summer program. Anyone who receives a red
packet, please see me if you have any questions.”

A book for each of you streams overhead and drops a red packet in your lap, making
one thing very clear. If the show doesn’t go on, all of you will have to spend the entire
summer at the school so you can graduate. Unless of course, you can find some way to
find out who attacked the play before Opening night.

The players can discuss their inability to graduate with Professor Moreau, who is sympathetic,
but they will need the credits for higher magical education so there really isn’t a lot they can do
besides the summer program. Moreau is interested in finding out who is responsible for the
Pilgrim’s attack but thinks it will be impossible to investigate and put on the show before

Professor Adams is devastated about the show’s cancellation, and will lament to the players if
they ask that magical schools have always been hostile to the arts. She suspects that another
teacher is responsible for the attack, which Moreau thinks is ridiculous..

Sasha is of course among the students and can be talked to as well. She is polite about them
having to go to summer school. Any player talking to her can make a difficulty 6 brains or grit
check to notice that Sasha seems to be hiding something.
● A difficulty 9 charm roll will get her to reveal more information.
○ Sasha heard a rumor that there was some kind of…creature that was
supposed to haunt the school, and it might have dressed like a puritan.

The players can choose to stay in the library at this point or they can leave to wherever in the
school they would want. If they’d like a private room in the library, Professor Index is happy to
provide them a large study room overlooking the courtyard.

● If the players elect to stay in the library, they may make a difficulty 7 Brains Roll to find
any information on something similar to the Puritan.
● On a Success: The players will find a journal from around the time of the Salem Witch
Trials written by the headmaster of the Salem Academy at the time. The beginning of the
book laments that children in Salem Village appear to be spreading rumors of witchcraft
to persecute marginalized people in the community.
● As the witch trials come to a close the headmaster begins writing more erratically, hastily
scrawled notes in the margins and warnings.
○ Since the non-magical people of Salem had decided magic was the cause of
their problems, a dark wizard named Hyperion Hill decided that he could
eliminate most of the humans in Salem by making them turn on each other. All of
New England could break out in new witch trials, even wars.
○ The faculty of the Salem Academy was able to stop Hill by locking him away in a
magical object. The headmaster doesn’t state what.
○ As Hill was imprisoned he vowed he would return, and that he would come for
the school the same way he had the people of Salem.
○ The headmaster enclosed a portrait of Hyperion Hill in the journal, a middle-aged
man dressed remarkably like the Pilgrim from the play rehearsal, complete with
the sword.
● If the students look for any more information on Hyperion Hill, they’ll find a genealogical
listing for the wizarding community of Salem, and it appears that Hirma HIll may have
had living descendants. Or at least he did the last time the genealogy was updated thirty
years ago.
○ On 10 Brains Roll the players will notice that the youngest people on the
genealogy were three siblings with only first initials, “S. Hill, J. Hill, and P. Hill. All
three would be in their forties at this point.

Players can also interview potential suspects all around the castle. They can find characters by
exploring or they can use magic to locate the people they want.

Coach Oliver
● Coach Oliver can be found on the grounds in the Broom House. The building is where all
the team brooms for the wizard sport are stored and Coach Oliver is responsible for
inspections and repairs. When the students find him he will be bent over a workbench,
want out, trying to attach new bristles to a broomstick that’s fighting him. When he’s
disturbed it will escape and begin flying toward the players. They can either use magic to
subdue it or chase it down on their brooms.
● Once the broom is subdued Coach Oliver will be willing to answer any questions the
players have.
○ If the players have spoken to anyone else about Coach Oliver, they will have
information that the Coach and Professor Moreau got into a fight about the play
before the incident.
○ Oliver will freely admit this if the player clears a Charm Roll, difficulty 8. Magic
can be used to get the teacher to feel comfortable enough to admit this.

○ Moreau wanted more of Coach Oliver’s players for the dancing scenes in the
play and he did not want to give them up. As the argument got more heated and
the coach threw a table out of the office window.
■ Coach Oliver did offer to repair it himself. And while he doesn’t like the
school play using his whole team, he just wishes they would choose
shows that they could do with volunteers.
○ Coach Oliver does not appear to know anything about Hiram Hill or The Puritan.
He has never heard that name before.
● Coach Oliver did not see anything when the Puritan appeared, though he did notice
earlier that day tha Julia did come out into the flying yard. She looked like she was crying
and seemed angry.

Professor Moreau
● If the players have let him leave the library, The Professor can be found in his office,
which also serves as the music room for the school. He is spending his time composing
a new music piece with several flutes and a piano, all of which are playing themselves.
He pauses occasionally to give one of the flutes directions. When the students arrive he
will have the flutes continue to play amongst themselves.
● Professor Moreau is adamant that the players should not get involved in any
investigation, as canceling the show should solve the problem. But if it will help them
cope with the disappointment of summer school he will not interfere.
○ If the players ask Professor Moreau about the Puritan or Hiram Hill he will admit
that there have been rumors about that particular ghost every few years since
he’s been a professor. He has never seen anything before now to indicate that it
was real, at least until now.
● Professor Moreau has worked on three shows with Professor Adams before and while
he is not the biggest fan of her directing style, he think she does good work. Though he
did think her insistence on writing the songs for the show herself was quite strange
considering he is a competent composer. He also has had to repeatedly ask her not to
be so hard on her stage manager Julia.
● Moreau will admit that Coach Oliver has been quite angry about the show, and broke a
window in his office before the show began.
● He’s received the most complaints about the show from Sasha.

Julia Reed
● Julia can be found in her room underneath the castle. She has a large room in the
undercroft, which she thinks is the actual best place in the castle and to a certain extent
she’s right. The brick room has high ceilings and pillars, and Julia has strung a large
hammock between four of them that she sleeps on. Her room is cozy and filled with
books and Julia more than anything looks relieved when the players walk in. The players
will need to charm Julia or try to magically find out information from her. Though it will be
less difficult than with other situations.
● Julia has been the object of Professor Adams ire for the entire production. Everything
that goes wrong in the play is blamed on Julia and her poor notekeeping, even though it

may be perfectly adequate at one moment and terrible the next. Julia quit halfway
through rehearsals and had to be asked back by Professor Adams.
○ When Coach Oliver saw her she was about to quit again during rehearsals, but
decided not to because she needed the grade.
○ Julia will also be attending summer school since she’s unable to finish the show
and had such a big part.
● If asked about the moments before the rehearsal, she will admit that she saw something
odd at the beginning of the rehearsal. And given what happened she wonders if it might
have been something malicious.
○ As soon as Julia mentions this, all the lights in her basement room will go out.
The hallways will be dark as well. The players will need to create light using
magic to see anything.
○ Julia will panic and run into the hallway, trying desperately to get away. Any
player who rolls a Brains or Grit roll of 8 will realize she is running deeper into
the tunnels under the school.
○ If the players follow Julia, she will run into the darkness until the static filled face
of the Puritan appears, illuminating the hallway in an eerie white glow. Julia
screams and turns to run away but the Puritan puts a hand out and pulls her back
toward him.
■ Players can make a similar check to Act I to determine the nature of the
Puritan: On a five or higher they will determine that the Puritan is magical
in some way. On a 10 or higher they will determine that some kind of spell
is being cast. On a 15 or higher they can determine that the Puritan is a
magical creation being controlled by someone nearby.
○ Physical attacks will not work against the Puritan, they seem to pass through him
as if he does not exist. These include magical attacks.
○ Sealing off the Puritan in any kind of magical barrier, or any kind of iron will block
the magical control and make him disappear.
○ If the players are unsuccessful in subduing the Puritan he will vanish with Julia.
● If the Players successfully rescue Julia from the Puritan, she will reveal that she saw
Professor Adams with a wand that wasn’t hers, a black, twisted wand glowing with an
eerie blue light. Just like the face of the Puritan.

Sasha Salenko
● Sasha can be found in her room, which is actually in a small cottage on the school
grounds. She shares it with four other girls, all of them are sitting in the back garden of
the cottage, drinking fizzing purple lemonade, and using smuggled non-magical cell
phones to play songs.
● Sasha initially doesn’t want to waste her time talking to the players but will open up if
anyone hits a Charm Roll difficulty of 5.
● If a player has the roll of Abigail Williams and has not yet spoken to Sasha, she will be
hostile to them unless they make a difficulty 10 Charm Roll.
● Sasha is of course upset that the show has been canceled, but since she did not get the
part she wanted anyways, she’s not bothered. She has more than enough to graduate

and she is going to apply to non-magical college in New York to pursue her theater
● Sasha knows about the rumors of the Puritan haunting the school but that’s it, she never
thought it would be real.
○ If given any of the information about Hiram Hill, she will mention that she has
seen Professor Adams with a box that had the name Hill written on it.
● She has also hear the rumor that Professor Adams' shows were so over budget and so
unrelated to magical school that the head of school was thinking about firing her.
● If players want to investigate Sasha further, they can wait until she leaves for class and
search her room. In it they will find, among other things, several burnt scraps of paper.
This will take an 11 Brains Roll

Professor Adams
● Professor Adams can be found in her office below the theater. It has to be accessed by
climbing down a flight of stairs underneath the stage. Professor Adams is dictating a new
play to a quill which is writing everything out for her.
● She’ll welcome the students and offer them some tea.
● Professor Adams is furious about the show, and even more annoyed that the players will
have to attend summer school.
● If asked about Hiram Hill or the Puritan, Adams will insist she has never heard of it
before, and has no idea who this person is. A 13 Brains roll or magically probing her
thoughts will reveal that she absolutely recognized that name.
○ There is a locked drawer in Professor Adams desk that contains evidence that
the Head of School is disappointed in her performance and will need to see some
improvement or she will be let go.
■ Accessing this will require magic and Professor Adams will not allow it if
she is free to act and in the room.
○ If confronted about this information she will not reveal it unless she is shown the
proof. If so, she will admit that her performance has not been ideal of late but she
would never sabotage her own show, as this would not help.
○ This locked drawer will also have a battered wooden box with the name “HILL”
carved into it. Though no wand will be inside.
■ If the players look at school records on Professor Adams they will see her
full name is Sarah Adams Hill, and she has disguised this due to her

Once the players have gathered their evidence, they can bring their accusation to the Head of
School this will trigger Act 3. Ask your players if there is anything else they would like to do
before they continue.

Act 3

Read the following or summarize it in your own words:

You send a message to the Head of School informing her that you have identified the
person behind the attack on the school play. She gathers everyone who was present at the
incident, including your suspects in the auditorium. The stage has been freshly cleaned, and on
it with Professor Moreau standing next to her is Head of School Abigail Shaw, immaculately
dressed in dark purple robes and dangling amethyst earrings that reflect against her pale skin
and dark hair. She asks everyone to take their seats and turns to you, “I understand you have
been conducting an investigation of your own, what have you found?”

Players will most likely accuse Professor Adams. If they accuse her or anyone else except
Sasha, Professor Adams will admit the following, “Professor Shaw please, I swear to you it
wasn’t me, I… it’s true I am Hiram Hill’s descendant but I have endeavored to separate myself
from him. I had sold all of his things that my mother had, except for his wand…which was too
dangerous. I didn’t know how to destroy it. And then it disappeared. Whoever has the wand,
that’s who did it.”

After this, or if the players accuse Sasha, read the following or summarize it in your words:

Sasha stands up from her seat, looking at everyone, especially Professor Adams. “I have to say,
I for one, have had enough of you!” She pulls a dark wand from underneath her robes, made of
twisted, gnarled wood, white light glowing from inside it. She waves the wand, sending a bolt of
electricity crackling toward Professor Adams, who flies across the room. She produces an old
scrap of paper from her pocket with the words “Destroy my Enemies” on it and whispers an
incantation. The page catches fire and burns away in her hand, and the Puritan appears in front
of her, putting its body between you and her. Sasha stares at you with ice in her eyes and says,
“And you couldn’t just leave it alone could you? She would have been fired! That hack couldn’t
find real talent with a wand and a map! Get rid of them, Puritan!”

Sasha Salenko

Fight: D20+1 [+4 Magic] Brains: D10 Brawn: D6+1

Charm: D12 [+1 Magic] Flight: D8 Grit: D4

Hiram Hill’s Wand: Hiram Hill’s wand gives Sasha +1 to Fight and Charm magic and allows her
to control the Puritan. Disarming her will disable the magic effect of the Puritan and remove this
amount from her bonuses.

Try to let your players deal with Sasha before the teachers intervene, once Sasha has been
defeated she can be questioned before she is taken to magical authorities. Searching through
Sasha’s things will reveal an old book, Hiram Hill’s journal. In it they will find instructions on how
to summon and command the Puritan. Professor Adams had donated it to the library and Sasha
had stolen it and the wand. Sasha had been furious with Professor Adams for not casting her as

the lead in the play, and when she found out that she was a descendant of a dark wizard she
wanted to make sure it came out and Professor Adams was fired.

If the players did not rescue Julia, the staff will find Julia in the cellar of Sasha’s cottage. Julia
had seen Sasha with the wand on the day of the first attack, so Sasha had been magically
spying on her, when she had tried to tell the players about what she had seen, Sasha had sent
the Puritan to take her.


Read the following or summarize it in your own words:

The audience is standing and cheering as the actors take their bow on the opening night
of the play. Sure, Professor Adams doesn’t write the best shows in the world, but this part is
worth it. And none of you had to go to Summer School. Sasha was sentenced to the loss of her
magical powers, and two years of working in the gift shop of The Salem Witch Museum.
Professor Adams managed not to get fired as the show proved very popular. Once Professor
Moreau helped rewrite a few of the worst songs.

Ask your players what their characters wound up doing after the play, and where they might
have wound up once they graduated.


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