Pitwall Stability Analysis-Case Studies
Pitwall Stability Analysis-Case Studies
Pitwall Stability Analysis-Case Studies
Affam, M. and Allen, K. E., (2009), “Pitwall Stability Analysis-Case Studies”, Ghana Mining Journal, Vol. 11,
pp. 31 - 36.
The importance of pitwall stability in design and economy of open pits has been a subject of considerable research in rock
mechanics for some time now. Imperceptible slow mass movement has been a secret agent in inducing major pitwall fail-
ure. The problem is location specific and is associated with stress development, shear strength, discontinuity orientations
and groundwater regimes. This paper therefore sets out to present pitwwall stability analysis in some selected pits within
the Birimian environment in Ghana. Several attitude measurements were taken particularly on the footwall and along the
slope face of the oxide, transition and fresh (sulphide) rock materials from some selected pits. The geologic data was sub-
jected to the Romana’s Slope Mass Rating (SMR) analytical procedure and the pitwalls monitored through installed
The oxide/ transition zones gave an SMR quantitative value of 43.1 in the footwall and 44 within the hangingwall, indicat-
ing a partial stability at 50o. The fresh rock (sulphide) gave a value of 64 in the footwall showing stability at 55o. As usual,
the fresh rock was less problematic as indicated by the SMR assessment compared to the oxide and the transition materials.
Creep movement was observed to predominate, being nearly 250 mm/day within the oxidised zone but lesser in the transi-
tion and fresh rocks. Induced pitwall failure pattern within the Birimian was more of composite failure (ie.,planar and top-
pling) capable of destabilising several pits if unchecked.
The SMR calculation is based on the criteria dis- Hangingwall O/T zone 44.0 44.0 Partially stable @50o
cussed in Section 3.7. The SMR of the hanging- Hangingwall F/R zone 61.0 61.0 Stable @55o
wall and footwall for the oxide/transition zones Footwall O/T zone 44 44 Partially stable @50o
were determined. The calculation as outlined be-
Footwall F/R zone 64 58 Stable @55o
low in Table 2 was carried out using stability rat- North Shaft Pit
Hangingwall O/T zone 44 39.8 Partially stable @45o
**O/T = Oxide/Transition
F/R = Fresh Rock
ing from Romana’s assessment chart (after Roman,
1993). The overall rating for some selected slopes larly in terms of projected slope angles,
within the Pits is as shown in Table 3. bench geometries, etc.
Method of excavation: Mechanical (F4) = 0
Stability assessment at angle 50o is partially stable 4.3 Discussions
(Fig.4). The potential modes of failure of the pitwalls were
deduced from the stereographic analysis using
4.2 Measures for Pitwall Failure Prevention measurements of dip and dip directions of the geo-
Pitwall movement just like other mass movements, logical structures encountered in the pit. The varia-
could be imperceptibly slow. Being a natural phe- tion of the attitude of beds with depth was quite
nomenon, it is increasingly difficult to stop it once common. This was buttressed with sensitivity
it has started. Preventive measures must therefore analysis of the pitwall stability to the method of
take the lead in control as later remedial action has excavation employing the Romana’s Slope Mass
often proved to be ineffective. Among the preven- Rating. This approach was highly relevant because
tive measures are: it highlighted the impacts of geological disconti-
nuities which dominate failure in pitwall.
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