Calculation The Spacing of Discontinuities From 3D Point Clouds

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Procedia Engineering 191 (2017) 270 – 278

Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics

Calculation the Spacing of Discontinuities from 3D Point Clouds

Andreas Buyer* & Wulf Schubert
Graz University of Technology, Institute of Rock Mechnaics and Tunnelling, Rechbauer Straße 12, A-8010 Graz, Austria


The influence of discontinuities on the mechanical behavior of rock masses, demands a detailed knowledge about the geometrical
properties of the existing discontinuity network. Traditional measurement techniques provide a rough knowledge about
a discontinuity network but are also prone to bias. To increase the reliability of discontinuity models, remote sensing techniques
like Close-Range Terrestrial Digital Photogrammetry (CRDTP) are increasingly applied for rock mass characterization. This
research contributes to the trend of automatic rock mass characterization and focuses on the analysis of a digital surface model.
This paper proposes a method to identify discontinuity sets in a point cloud and calculate the spacing of the sets.
The discontinuity sets are semi-automatically identified with the open-source software DSE (Discontinuity Set Extractor).
The program analyzes the density distribution of the point normal vectors in combination with a co-planarity test. The subsequent
calculations apply DBSCAN to cluster and assign the points in the point cloud to singe discontinuity sets. After identifying
the different discontinuity sets, the sub-members of each discontinuity set are again searched with DBSCAN in Matlab®
(The Mathworks Inc.) and exported as a structure map to calculate the normal spacing between the single members of each set
with ShapeMetriX3D Analyst. The point cloud is generated with CRTDP, using the digital mapping tool ShapeMetriX3D
(3GSM GmbH), which is also used to validate the results of the calculations.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier Ltd. is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Ltd. This
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of EUROCK 2017.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of EUROCK 2017
Keywords: rock mass characterization, discontinuity analysis, spacing, point clouds, remote sensing

1. Introduction

There hardly exists a rock mass without three or more different discontinuity sets. Hence, it is of crucial
importance in rock engineering to have a profound knowledge about the discontinuity network within a rock mass,
since present discontinuities, like bedding planes, joints or cracks, represent the weak zones, which separate singular

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +43-316-873-8615; fax: +43-316-873-8618.

E-mail address:

1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of EUROCK 2017
Andreas Buyer and Wulf Schubert / Procedia Engineering 191 (2017) 270 – 278 271

polyhedrons of competent rock blocks and control failure mechanisms. Furthermore, discontinuities influence
the mechanical properties and the behavior of rock masses.
Geotechnical engineers traditionally acquire this data by geological and geotechnical surveys, which combine
visual and manual technologies to characterize rock masses. The most common tool is a geological clino-compass to
directly measure the dip and dip direction of discontinuities. This method can be extended by scan lines and
mapping windows which reduce the inherent bias of a single measurement. But traditional geotechnical data
acquisition is nonetheless limited in accessibility, geological or geotechnical knowledge, time and scale. The results
are often subjective rather than objective and therefore not reproducible [1, 2].
Remote sensing techniques and analyzing digital surface models have become a well-established technique in
rock mass characterization over the last decades to extract geometrical and geotechnical information about
discontinuities. These techniques start to replace traditional mappings for the following reasons [2, 3]:
1. Reproducible and objective results
2. Reduced time for data acquisition
3. Variable degree of detail
4. Safe investigation of inaccessible or time restricted areas
5. Possible automatization of the mapping process

Remote sensing techniques, like Terrestrial Digital Laser Scanning (TDL) or Close-range terrestrial digital
photogrammetry (CRTDP) provide high resolution 3D surface models consisting of thousands of points with point
distances less than few millimeters. Digital data also opens the way for an automation of the characterization
process, so that geotechnical significant features can be recognized faster and more reliable [4–6].
After identifying discontinuity sets, one of the main difficulties in rock mass characterization is the estimation of
the spacing and persistence of a discontinuity set in the investigated rock face. For this, many models consider
infinite persistent discontinuities, which might lead to a too close spacing and underestimate the actual block size
distribution in the rock mass [7]. This paper focuses on an approach to automate the digital mapping of a rock face
by processing the point cloud data attained by CRTDP. It suggests a way to identify discontinuity sets and analyse
the data with the digital mapping tool ShapeMetriX3D (©3GSM GmbH) in respect to an analysis of the spacing and
length of the joint traces on a projected joint trace map.

2. Methodology

This paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, the different discontinuity sets in a rock face are identified
using the open source software DSE. In the second part, the spacing for each discontinuity set is calculated with
the commercial software ShapeMetriX3D Analyst (SMX Analyst). The results are validated by comparing
the results (dip direction (DD)/dip (D) and mean trace length (TL)) to a complete manual mapping of the rock face
with SMX Analyst. The single features of the manual mapping are clustered with the clustering algorithm
implemented in SMX Analyst.

2.1. The model

The model represents a blocky rock mass in a tunnel face (Fig. 1). The width of the investigated rock face adds
up to 11.61 m with a height of 6.45 m and a depth of 1.87 m. The surface has a total area of 84 m². The total number
of computed points is 158.5 k. The mean distance between the singe points is 2 cm. The x-direction points towards
East and y to North. Z references the height. The camera used for the outcrop imaging was a calibrated SLR Nikon
D300 with a focal distance of 12 mm. The model has been generated with a novel SMX-tool “MultiPhoto” using
the structure from motion approach. The model is not geo-referenced, since it represents a fictive case for testing
purposes. The orientation of the investigated tunnel face is ~ 000°/90°.
272 Andreas Buyer and Wulf Schubert / Procedia Engineering 191 (2017) 270 – 278

Fig. 1. Coloured 3D model of the investigated rock face calculated by the SMX-tool “MultiPhoto”.

2.2. Identification of discontinuity sets with DSE

DSE is an open source software (available on, which semi-automatically derives geometrical
information of discontinuity sets from 3D surface models. The program is based on a density-based analysis of
the deviation of point normal vectors to identify the single structure sets and assign points in the point cloud to them.
Since it is semi-automatically, the user still has the full control over the results [5].
The normal vectors were calculated considering the 15 nearest neighbors of the central point with a maximum
allowable deviation in a subset of points (tolerance, H) to consider them lying in a plane of 0.2 according to [5].
The deviation of the angles of the principal vectors must be higher than 10°. Only principal poles with a clear
increase in the density distribution were included in the calculations by manual selection. The maximum angle
between the normal vectors of an assigned point to the normal vector of the principal pole was set to 20°.
The standard deviation (Verij), as a testing parameter for merging two clusters, was set to 1.5 (default value). Planes
consisting of less than 10 points were excluded.

2.3. Calculation of the Spacing and Trace Length

The identified discontinuity sets and their relating points in the point cloud are processed further with Matlab
respectively SMX Analyst to calculate the spacing of the single discontinuity sets and their trace lengths. For
the calculation, the sub-members of each plane have to be identified in advance basing on the discontinuity
identification of DSE. The sub-members were identified by the spatial deviance of the singe points within one set.
Again the identification and clustering of points in one sub-member plane was done using the DBSCAN [8]. Again,
the minimal number of points was set to 10, epsilon was set to 0.2. For each identified sub-member plane, the mean
normal vector has been computed by fitting a local plane through a central point and its surrounding 15 neighboring
points using the Matlab-function pcfitplane. The border-points of each sub-member are detected using the Matlab-
function boundary with a shrink factor of zero. Doublets were erased with the function unique. This procedure had
to be done in order to extract only the border points, which span the specific plane in the SMX model and exclude
inlier points which would distort the planar extension. The coordinates of the boundary points of each single sub-
member were written into a file with their own local orientation, to process the data from the vector analysis with
SMX Analyst.
The spacing is calculated by the mapping-tool “Multiple Scanline” in SMX Analyst. The tool projects the sub-
members of each discontinuity set on a local reference plane perpendicular to the mean plane orientation of one set
and creates a 2D trace map for each set. The approach also considers non-persistent discontinuities. Furthermore,
Multiple Scanline also provides values for the trace lengths. The resulting discontinuity traces are then analyzed
according to:
Andreas Buyer and Wulf Schubert / Procedia Engineering 191 (2017) 270 – 278 273

x the number of joint traces

x the joint frequency [1/m]
x the mean, maximum and minimum spacing [m]
x the standard deviation [m]

3. Results

3.1. Identification of Discontinuity Sets with DSE

In total, six different discontinuity sets have been identified with DSE. Figure 1(a) shows the single points
according to their assigned discontinuity set (DSE-I to VI), symbolized by the different colors. Figure 2(b) shows
the stereographic projection (lower hemisphere) of the density deviations of the plotted point normal vectors.
Table 1 shows the calculated values for the dip direction and dip angles for each discontinuity set. In total
95378 points were classified, 63113 points have not been assigned.

Fig.2. (a) assigned points in the investigated cloud coloured by their specific discontinuity set; (b) Density deviation as a contour plot with
isolines each 1.25 % of the plotted point normal vectors in a stereographic projection (lower hemisphere) and identified principal poles (J1 to J6)
of the discontinuity sets.

Table1. Dip direction and dip angles of the principal poles of each identified discontinuity set with the relating number
of considered point normal vectors and the number of the assigned sub members.
Structure Set ID DD D number of assigned points
over the total number of points
[°] [°] [%]
I 53.90 51.50 8.91
II 309.39 75.83 12.46
III 248.33 52.70 10.25
IV 122.04 87.73 15.38
V 219.70 84.32 7.60
VI 99.16 58.69 10.51

3.2. Calculation of the Spacing and Trace Length

The joint trace map for each discontinuity from DSE, as they are projected by SMX Analyst, are shown in Fig. 3.
Table 2 shows the calculated values (mean ± standard deviation and maximum value) for the spacing of each
discontinuity set, the mean trace lengths (mean ± standard deviation and maximum value) and the discontinuity
274 Andreas Buyer and Wulf Schubert / Procedia Engineering 191 (2017) 270 – 278

frequency. DSE-V shows the highest mean value for the spacing (1.22 ± 0.89 m, max. 3.68 m), however,
the maximum spacing is reached in DSE-III. DSE-II shows the longest trace lengths (0.77 ± 1.02 m, max. 4.01 m).
A sub-member of DSE-I has the maximum trace length of 5.17 m. The most frequent discontinuity set is DSE-IV
(1.76 1/m).

Fig. 3. Trace maps of the detected discontinuities (DSE-I to VI) with DSE, calculated by SMX Analyst (coloured lines) with the projected scan
lines (grey lines) and the intersections (dots).

Table 2. Calculated spacing, trace length and frequency values for the discontinuity sets identified with DSE and calculated with SMX Analyst.
Set No. of Joint Mean Spacing Max. Spacing Mean TL Max. TL Frequency [1/m]
ID Traces [m] [m] [m] [m]
DSE-I 43 0.72 ± 0.52 3.34 0.62 ± 0.91 5.17 1.40
DSE-II 50 0.78 ± 0.58 2.74 0.77 ± 1.02 4.01 1.28
DSE-III 69 0.81 ± 0.68 4.34 0.53 ± 0.75 4.54 1.24
DSE-IV 53 0.57 ± 0.40 1.65 0.69 ± 0.92 4.27 1.76
DSE-V 38 1.22 ± 0.89 3.68 0.65 ± 0.9 4.51 0.82
DSE-VI 60 0.61 ± 0.38 2.26 0.57 ± 0.73 3.47 1.63
Andreas Buyer and Wulf Schubert / Procedia Engineering 191 (2017) 270 – 278 275

3.3. Discontinuity Mapping with SMX Analyst

Figure 4 shows the mapping results from SMX Analyst. Figure 4(a) shows the mapped discontinuities in
the investigated tunnel face, whereas Fig. 4(b) plots the mapped point normals (stereographic projection, equal
angle). In total, five different discontinuity sets could be mapped. Table gives the dip direction and dip angles with
their cone of confidence, spherical aperture and degree of orientation of the single discontinuity sets as well as
the number of mapped sub-members.

Table 3. Dip direction and dip angles with their cone of confidence, spherical aperture and degree of orientation of the mapped
discontinuity sets (SMX-I to V) with the relating number of the assigned sub members.
Structure Set ID DD [°] D [°] Cone of Confidence Spherical Aperture Degree of Orientation
[°] [°] [%]
SMX-I 45.13 59.45 6.42 17.46 91
SMX-II 123.19 65.40 7.90 21.41 86.67
SMX-III 219.88 86.64 5.70 18.05 90.40
SMX-IV 311.63 73.82 5.00 18.02 90.43
SMX-V 236.07 36.32 5.75 23.31 84.34

The cone of confidence defines a region around the calculated mean orientation, which delimits the deviation of
the true mean orientation for a predefined confidence level of 95 %. The spherical aperture represents the spread of
orientations around the mean value of the structure set. The degree of orientation is the normalized measure of
the alignment of orientations in one set [9].

Fig. 4. (a) Mapped tunnel face of the investigated rock mass; the colors represent the single identified discontinuity sets (SMX-I to V);
(b) shows the stereographic projection of the lower hemisphere and the plottet normals of the mapped planes.

Table 4 lists the calculated values for the spacing (mean ± standard deviation and maximum value) as well as
the joint trace length (mean ± standard deviation and maximum value) and the joint frequency of the manually
mapped discontinuities. SMX-3 shows the highest spacing with 1.34 ± 1.38 m (max. 5.73 m). SMX-IV is
the discontinuity set with the highest frequency (1.49 1/m) and has also the longest trace lengths (0.59 ± 0.75 m,
max. 3.80 m).
276 Andreas Buyer and Wulf Schubert / Procedia Engineering 191 (2017) 270 – 278

Table4. Calculated spacing, trace length and frequency values for the discontinuity sets manually mapped and calculated with SMX Analyst.
Set ID No. of Joint Mean Spacing Max. Spacing Mean TL Max. TL Frequency
Traces [m] [m] [m] [m] [1/m]
SMX-I 25 0.78 ± 0.47 2.21 0.43 ± 1.01 4.95 1.28
SMX-II 25 0.69 ± 0.63 2.73 0.47 ± 0.44 1.88 1.45
SMX-III 33 1.34 ± 1.38 5.73 0.57 ± 0.52 2.68 0.74
SMX-IV 42 0.67 ± 0.59 2.92 0.59 ± 0.75 3.80 1.49
SMX-V 53 0.78 ± 0.89 4.08 0.48 ± 0.43 1.74 1.28

Fig. 5. Joint trace maps of the manual mappings (discontinuity set SMX-I to V) projected with SMX Analyst (coloured lines) with the projected
scan lines (grey lines) and the intersections (dots).
Andreas Buyer and Wulf Schubert / Procedia Engineering 191 (2017) 270 – 278 277

4. Discussion

Comparing the stereographic projections of the results from DSE with those from the manual mapping,
the following connections can be concluded and the values for the orientation, the spacing and the trace lengths
compared (Tab. 5). The discontinuity set DSE-VI has no corresponding partner at the sets from the manual mapping.

Table 5. Absolute differences between the results from the discontinuity detection with DSE and the manual mapping with SMX Analyst.
Set ID Set ID |ǻDD| |ǻD| |ǻmean SP| |ǻmax SP| |ǻmean TL| |ǻmax TL|
DSE SMX [°] [°] [m] [m] [m] [m]
DSE-I SMX-I 8.77 7.95 0.06 1.13 0.19 0.22
DSE-II SMX-IV 2.24 2.01 0.11 0.18 0.18 0.21
DSE-III SMX-V 12.26 16.38 0.03 0.26 0.05 2.8
DSE-IV SMX-II 1.15 22.33 0.12 1.08 0.22 2.39
DSE-V SMX-III 0.18 2.32 0.12 2.05 0.08 1.83

The closest fitting show the orientation, spacing and trace length values of DSE-II with SMX-IV and DSE-V
with SMX-III. In this two cases the number of identified planes and mapped features is also very similar. Thus, it
can be said, on the one hand, the manual mapping detected almost all members of these discontinuity sets and on
the other hand, the semi-automatic detection of the discontinuity sets comes very close to the results a geotechnical
engineer would map, but with a reduced time effort to map these features. Nonetheless, there is a discrepancy of
more than a meter in the maximum spacing of the mapped discontinuities of DES-V and SMX-III, which cannot be
explained at this stage.
The second best fitting show the corresponding sets DSE-I with SMX-I. Obviously, the manually mapped
features of SMX-I are very dominant in the rock face, but still, the analysis with DSE detected almost twice
the number of planes. According to the number of sub-members, the orientation values for this discontinuity set
might be more precise from DSE-I, than from SMX-I.
The corresponding discontinuity sets DSE-III with SMX-V and DSE-IV with SMX-II show big differences in
either the orientation values or the spacing resp. trace lengths. In the case of the first corresponding pair, the density
plot (Fig-b) does show an increased density accumulation around 238°/43°, but DSE allocated the principal pole of
this set to the higher density which lies around 248°/53°. Fig-b does not show this accumulation of orientation
values but a larger scattering of the orientations. Since SMX Analyst calculates the mean of all elements in one
structure set, the resulting principal pole is influenced by first the k-means cluster results and second the existence of
outliers, which can be seen in the values for the cone of confidence and the spherical aperture for SMX-IV:
Although the data show significant differences in the orientation, the cone of confidence is relatively high. Both
techniques identified more than 50 single planes, which is also shown in the similar frequency values (fDSE-
III = 1.24 1/m, fSMX-V = 1.28 1/m). The big differences of the second mismatching correspondence (DSE-IV/SMX-V)
might be explained by DSE-VI. If during the manual mapping more than 25 elements could have been mapped,
the sixth discontinuity set like DSE-VI might also have occurred in the manual mapping results. The relatively high
spherical aperture and low cone of confidence of SMX-V indicates this as well. In this case SMX-II (25 elements)
stands between DSE-IV (53 elements) and DSE-VI (60 elements) and again, the results from DSE seem to be more
reliable. With this in mind, it is up to the observer, which result – manual mapping or semi-automatic clustering with
DSE – provides the better results.
Another discontinuity set, which was neither identified by DSE (due to exclusion) nor the automatic clustering
routine in SMX Analyst, can be suspected by a close look on Fig-b in the region of 309°/53°. This minor structure
can still have a huge influence on the global stability of the rock face if it intersects with other discontinuities in an
unfavorable way. To detect these features confidently is one of the key qualifications, an automatic discontinuity
detection has to fulfill.
The absence of orientations in the ranges of 000°± 20°/80°± 10° and 180°± 20°/80°± 10° (Fig-b) can be ascribed
to the orientation of the investigated tunnel face and the absence of (sub-)parallel structures to this orientation.
278 Andreas Buyer and Wulf Schubert / Procedia Engineering 191 (2017) 270 – 278

5. Conclusion

In this work, a method to identify discontinuity sets in a blocky rock mass using the open source software DSE is
applied. The software gave good results which were comparable with the manual mapping of the same rock face
with SMX Analyst. Three of five identified discontinuity sets of the analysis with DSE showed a reasonably good
match with the manual mapping results. One discontinuity set, identified with DSE could not be found by the
manual mapping, however, the number of mapped features was considerably less than the elements from DSE,
which implies that the feature might exist although it does not show up in the manual mapping results.
Furthermore, the spacing and trace length of the single discontinuity sets was computed by transferring the results
from DSE into SMX Analyst. A main advantage of this method is that unlike the method for calculating the spacing
of non-persistent discontinuities according to [7], this approach can handle the problem of unlinked and spatial
distributed discontinuity planes. It is not necessary, to fix the plane orientation of each planar sub-member, like with
the application to calculate the spacing, implemented in DSE, where the planar equations must currently be fixed
which does not meet the definitions of [10] and [11] for persistence and spacing.


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