Group - C: DA 4104 - Computer Based Accounting
Group - C: DA 4104 - Computer Based Accounting
Group - C: DA 4104 - Computer Based Accounting
(Established in the Ministry of Higher Education, vide in Act No. 29 of 1995)
No of pages : 10
Group – C
Instructions for the candidates.
Examination No Marks %
Instructions to be followed,
Mention the date of the question paper in the DD/MM/YYYY format.
Do not create a folder to save your file.
Backup file of your company should be saved on your computer desktop. Backup file
should be named by using your examination index number.
Return the question paper to the examiner before leaving the examination hall.
The accountant who is working in Mineral Water Bottle Distributing Company is going to
introduce accounting software called “Peachtree Accounting- 2010” on 1st March 2016 to record
all the accounting transactions.
Account ID Information
MW 1800 April month Rs.2000, 000 sales will be increased by 1% in each month over the
value of April month.
MW 2350 April month Rs.6500 rent expenses will be the same for the remaining months.
MW 2400 April month Rs.13650 insurance expenses will remain the same for the entire year.
MW 2500 April month Rs.2000 advertising expenses will be increased by 10% in every
two months.
9. Balances of Account Receivables as at 29th February 2016 are as follows.
Customer CUS 001 CUS 002 CUS 003 CUS 004 CUS 005
Name A & D Groceries Well care More & Barakath Cilantro Restaurant
Pharmacy & More Super Minimart
Grocery Market
Address Main Street, 561/B 23 New No. 51, Co- 84C, No. 117, Kekirawa
Kinniya, Town, operative Anuradhapura Road,
Anuradhapura. Anuradhapura Road, Road,Galgamuwa Galenbidunuwewa.
Country Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Sales Tax T001 T001 T001 T001 T001
Telephone 0252563563 0254756514 0255612314 0374723425 0255766329
Contact Mr.Indika Mr.Saman Mr.Sampath Mrs.Deepa Mr.Pradeep
Contact T.P 0714521528 0773701828 0724265734 0711726358 0777789321
Terms Net 30,15 ,3% Default terms Net 30,18 Default terms Default terms
Credit Limit Default terms Default terms Default Default terms Default terms
11. Inventory details and Balances as at 29th February 2016 are as follows.
12. The following transaction took place after introducing Peachtree software on 1st march
a) The following purchase orders were made.
Date Vender ID PO No. Item Quantity it price
MW 500 5100
c) The following credit purchase items were returned due to the less quality.
Date Vender ID Credit No. Invoice No. Item Quantity
Date Customer ID Invoice No. Item Quantity Sale price Ref.No Method
20/03/16 CUS 001 INS 105 MW 300 2750 level 2 RS 003 Bank-
31/03/16 CUS 005 INS 108 MW 100 1000 level 3 RS 006 Bank-
r) A & D Groceries, one of the debtors, became bankrupt. It was learnt on 15th of March
2016, that out of the total debt of Rs. 250,000 only Rs. 100,000, will be recovered from
s) The company bought a Motor Vehicle on January 1st 2016, for 1,600,000 with a 800,000
salvage value and a five-year life. All adjustments have been made except the
depreciation adjustment.
1) Create the company file in Peachtree Premium Accounting package. (04 Marks)
2) Save as the Sales Tax Report for the given period with the file name of “Sales Tax”
(04 Marks)
3) Save your company’s General ledger Trial Balance as at 29/02/2016 with the file name
of “Trial Balance – 2015/2016” (20 Marks)
4) Save the Expenses Budget for the year 2016/2017 with the file name of “Expenses
Budget -2016/2017”. (10 Marks)
5) Save Customer Master File List with the file name of “Customer Detail” (04 Marks)
6) Save Vendor Master File List with the file name of “Vendor Detail” (04 Marks)
7) Save Inventory Stock States Report with the file name of “Inventory Stock States
(06 Marks)