Next Gen Operational Risk Management
Next Gen Operational Risk Management
Next Gen Operational Risk Management
Event date
Time to event, working days
7x actual
-0.5 loss 10x actual
Decline in market
-1.0 Actual loss = cap is 12x actual
0.16% of loss after 120 days
-1.5 capitalization
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
1 Based on sample of more than 350 operational loss events, normalized for industry performance
2 Need for heightened level of ownership of operational ▪ Operational risk management too concentrated in
risk within the 1st line and better clarification of roles and second line of defense
responsibilities across the three lines of defense ▪ Senior business managers not sufficiently involved in
core ops risk processes (e.g., BEICF, Scenario analysis)
3 Operational risk appetite statement needs to have both ▪ Operational risk appetite statement not defined or very
quantitative and qualitative elements and needs to be high level lacking quantitative elements
cascaded down to business groups and processes ▪ Consequently, banks struggling to determine whether
they are within their operational risk appetite
4 De-risking high risk business processes including ▪ Lack of alignment on key risks and their owners
focusing on prioritized risks and controls that truly matter ▪ Insufficient remediation plans given the changing nature
and higher levels of inherent risk in areas such as cyber
security and AML
5 Developing a well-prioritized set of top of the house KRIs ▪ Too many KRIs without clear identification of which
and reports reflecting the overall risk profile of the ones are critical
bank, with assigned thresholds based on risk appetite ▪ Lack of forward looking KRIs
▪ Operational risk reporting not integrated and not
reflecting overall risk profile
Sufficient staffing and skills, strong business and risk representation in committees,
2 Org and Gov (including Staffing, Skills and Escalation) strong oversight and challenge across the Lines of Defense
Loss and near miss data collection is comprehensive and of good quality and is used
3 Internal Loss Data for effective challenge, supporting mitigation
External data used to inform modeling, scenario analysis and as an input into
4 External Loss Data ongoing monitoring and reporting
Identification RSCAs are conducted at the right level of granularity, has strong first line ownership
5 BEICF (RCSA) to identify residual risks and includes strong data driven challenge
Some scenario analysis is used to identify material tail risks and strengthen controls.
Core Ops 6 Scenario Analysis SA is business-led and has sufficient challenge and bias control
processes Top of the house and business process level KRIs are well prioritized, reflect true risk
7 KRIs profile, predictive in nature, directly tied to business risk metrics and drive actions
Op Risk reports draw feeds from key elements of the framework, are actionable,
8 Reporting used to inform business judgment and drive executive and business-level decisions
Risk mitigation is owned by the first line, driven by risk areas and control weaknesses
Mitigation 9 Remediation and supported by strong and regular control testing activities
11 Culture mindsets and behaviors The Bank has the right culture mindsets and behaviors to risk ownership,
responsiveness, co-operation and challenge
12 Ops Risk Technology and systems Necessary functionality to support each element of the framework, drive automation
and support data driven challenge/backtesting
Risk and control functions partner with business to manage operational risk by designing, implementing and
assessing the effectiveness of controls
Data elements
External loss Operational risk
database management
Inputs to support Used for
scenario validation of
brainstorming assessment
adjustment for model
Scenario analysis BEICFs
SOURCE: Interagency guidance on the advanced measurement approaches for operational risk, June 2011 McKinsey & Company | 5
Core focus for this scenario
6 Example of estimating severity for rogue trader scenario Relevant to this scenario
Forensic cost
Regulatory fines
Legal costs
Amount recovered
Note: Opportunity cost excluded from the
Recovery operational risk estimation but may be
Client liability relevant for business
3 Business and risk-level KRIs 6 Notable external loss events 9 Scenario Analysis Results
Elements Description
Quantitative ▪ Severity:
outputs ▪ Likelihood:
▪ Severity:
▪ Likelihood:
Management ▪ TBD
actions (if any) ▪ TBD
Spill- ▪ TBD
over/regional ▪ TBD
implications (if ▪ TBD
any) ▪ TBD
Focus on input (“do we have controls”) rather than the output (“how are the
risks performing”) implying that critical risks may be missed
Banks’ Inventory of risks often not formally defined or prioritized and risk
historical identification is largely a subjective exercise executed inconsistently
Measures of residual risks are not integrated in systems of record creating
lack of management transparency into the objective performance of critical
risks with KRIs often being backward looking
risks has a
number of
short- Risk appetite statement for operational risk is based on aggregate loss
comings levels and is not tied to risk identification and monitoring
AML/BSA/OFAC Product approval
Tier 2 Tier 2 Tier 2 …
Mortgage & lending decisions
compliance …
KYC … Customer
Deposits & banking … communications & Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 3 …
operations …
Sanctions (OFAC) servicing
International compliance …
Patriot Act …
Regulatory change …
management AML/BSA Money laundering Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 1 …
… monitoring
Other operational risks
Third Party …
Funds gained from
Tier 3 Tier 3 Tier 1 …
illegal activity
Business change
Business resiliency … Monitoring of intl.
Tier 3 Tier 3 Tier 2 …
People …
Operations Capture amend/ Maintain
Booking trade cancel trade 5 trade
as needed
1 Generate Deal with
Match trade Identify Reconcile
Operations trade confirms Post-trade 1▪ Failure to match
details with settlement 4 trade with
Settlement (internal and settlement trade details match
client obligations exchange
external) issues exactly with CCP/
Operations Calculate
Manage 2▪ Failure to match
collateral trade with client,
Cash mgmt margin
requirements exchange, and trader
3▪ Breaks in PnL
Operations between trading
broker fees
Administrative desks and Finance
memberships 4▪ Lack of
reconciliations of
trade with exchange
Finance PnL PnL and
Month/ 5▪ Lack of oversight of
3 quarter end trade booking,
reconcile with
PnL checks processing, and
trading desk
maintenance (e.g.,
asset servicing)
Verify 6▪ Trades assigned to
inventory and
Finance incorrect legal
Hedging entities
KYC process
Sample new customer onboarding & KYC process – Current state
time 5-6 days1
1 5 6
Follow up with No Contact No
Customer completes App Disposition
customer regarding customer Issues Close
application online complete? incomplete app
missing info regarding resolved? account
Yes restriction
Review application
App Yes Open account,
completeness (per generate Yes
complete? High risk accounts per Relationship Clear
product requirements) account #
risk policy (e.g., SMEs; Manager account
investment accounts)
All other 2 3 4
accounts ID validation Yes
checks CIP review; CDD Yes Restrict
Red flag? Issues?
(LexisNexis, as necessary account
D&B, Equifax)
No No
Sanctions Clear Clear File reports (internal &
screening account account regulatory)
1 KYC requirements are not embedded into the application process 5 Unclear responsibilities between AML staff and relationship
managers as well as the unexpected restriction of the account that
2 Lots of red flags generated down the line due to missing ID info that could
the customer thought was open / fully functional creates confusion
have been requested / validated upfront at the time of application
and detriments for the customer experience
6 No system triggers to support customer outreach, info and doc
3 Lack of effective risk scoring upfront complicates CDD – trade-off assembly
between resources and compliance
7 Reporting process is manual and policy-based
4 CIP, EDD and sanctions Screening processes are manual; ‘swivel chair’
between various vendor apps
Conflicts of interest
1. Employees without training 2% 1%
2. Reviews with issues 100 90
3. Conflict of interest incidents 20 30
1. Trades with unapproved 2% 1%
2. Clients without signed disclosures 20 10
3. Number of trades outside
tolerance 50 80
P&L / Valuation
1. Valid client complaints 50 40
2. P&L red flags outstanding 40 30
Regulatory risk
3. P&L not available T+0 review
3% 6%
In addition to policy and risk limits, qualitative commentary will be included on the priority risk issues
% APR & NA
finance charges
outside of
NA MLO comp
tied to TILA
▪ Rating driven ▪ High inherent risk is mitigated by ▪ Residual risk mapping leads to
by control satisfactory controls in place, thus specific management action;
effectiveness the residual risk is moderate and one of the main objectives of
factors there is no immediate call to the RCSA
management action