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Abbas v. COMELEC

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Abbas vs.

COMELEC than one hundred twenty (120) days after the approval of
G.R. No. 89651 November 10, 1989 this Act: Provided, That only the provinces and cities voting
favorably in such plebiscite shall be included in the
Topics: nature of plebiscite, constitutionality of RA 6734 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. The provinces
and cities which in the plebiscite do not vote for inclusion in
Facts: A plebiscite in thirteen (13) provinces and nine (9) cities in Mindanao the Autonomous Region shall remain the existing
and Palawan, was scheduled for November 19, 1989, in implementation of administrative determination, merge the existing regions.
RA 6734, entitled "An Act Providing for an Organic Act for the Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao" (Organic Act). These consolidated petitions Thus, under the Constitution and R.A. No 6734, the creation of the
pray that the Court: (1) enjoin the COMELEC from conducting the autonomous region shall take effect only when approved by a majority of
plebiscite; and (2) declare RA 6734, or parts thereof, unconstitutional. The the votes cast by the constituent units in a plebiscite, and only those
arguments against R.A. 6734 raised by petitioners may generally be provinces and cities where a majority vote in favor of the Organic Act shall
categorized into either of the following: (a) that R.A. 6734, or parts thereof, be included in the autonomous region. The provinces and cities wherein
violates the Constitution, and (b) that certain provisions of R.A. No. 6734 such a majority is not attained shall not be included in the autonomous
conflict with the Tripoli Agreement. region. It may be that even if an autonomous region is created, not all of
the thirteen (13) provinces and nine (9) cities mentioned in Article II,
Issue: Whether or not certain provisions of the Organic Act are section 1 (2) of R.A. No. 6734 shall be included therein. The single
unconstitutional. plebiscite contemplated by the Constitution and R.A. No. 6734 will
therefore be determinative of (1) whether there shall be an autonomous
Held: The petition has no merit and the law is constitutional. region in Muslim Mindanao and (2) which provinces and cities, among
those enumerated in R.A. No. 6734, shall compromise it.
1. Petitioner contends that the tenor of a provision in the Organic Act
makes the creation of an autonomous region absolute, such that even if 2. The question has been raised as to what this majority means. Does it
only two provinces vote in favor of autonomy, an autonomous region refer to a majority of the total votes cast in the plebiscite in all the
would still be created composed of the two provinces where the favorable constituent units, or a majority in each of the constituent units, or both?
votes were obtained. there is a specific provision in the Transitory
Provisions (Article XIX) of the Organic Act, which incorporates substantially The 1987 Constitution provides: The creation of the autonomous region
the same requirements embodied in the Constitution and fills in the shall be effective when approved by majority of the votes cast by the
details, thus: constituent units in a plebiscite called for the purpose, provided that only
provinces, cities and geographic areas voting favorably in such plebiscite
SEC. 13. The creation of the Autonomous Region in Muslim shall be included in the autonomous region. [Art. X, sec, 18, para, 2]. It will
Mindanao shall take effect when approved by a majority of readily be seen that the creation of the autonomous region is made to
the votes cast by the constituent units provided in depend, not on the total majority vote in the plebiscite, but on the will of
paragraph (2) of Sec. 1 of Article II of this Act in a plebiscite the majority in each of the constituent units and the proviso underscores
which shall be held not earlier than ninety (90) days or later this.
3. Petitioner avers that not all of the thirteen (13) provinces and nine (9) 5. According to petitioners, said provision grants the President the power
cities included in the Organic Act, possess such concurrence in historical to merge regions, a power which is not conferred by the Constitution upon
and cultural heritage and other relevant characteristics. By including areas, the President.
which do not strictly share the same characteristic as the others, petitioner
claims that Congress has expanded the scope of the autonomous region While the power to merge administrative regions is not expressly provided
which the constitution itself has prescribed to be limited. for in the Constitution, it is a power which has traditionally been lodged
with the President to facilitate the exercise of the power of general
Petitioner's argument is not tenable. The Constitution lays down the supervision over local governments. There is no conflict between the
standards by which Congress shall determine which areas should constitute power of the President to merge administrative regions with the
the autonomous region. Guided by these constitutional criteria, the constitutional provision requiring a plebiscite in the merger of local
ascertainment by Congress of the areas that share common attributes is government units because the requirement of a plebiscite in a merger
within the exclusive realm of the legislature's discretion. Any review of this expressly applies only to provinces, cities, municipalities or barangays, not
ascertainment would have to go into the wisdom of the law. to administrative regions.

4. Both petitions also question the validity of R.A. No. 6734 on the ground 6. Every law has in its favor the presumption of constitutionality. Based on
that it violates the constitutional guarantee on free exercise of religion [Art. the grounds raised by petitioners to challenge the constitutionality of R.A.
III, sec. 5]. The objection centers on a provision in the Organic Act which No. 6734, the Court finds that petitioners have failed to overcome the
mandates that should there be any conflict between the Muslim Code and presumption. The dismissal of these two petitions is, therefore, inevitable.
the Tribal Code on the one had, and the national law on the other hand,
the Shari'ah courts created under the same Act should apply national law.
Petitioners maintain that the islamic law (Shari'ah) is derived from the
Koran, which makes it part of divine law. Thus it may not be subjected to
any "man-made" national law. Petitioner Abbas supports this objection by
enumerating possible instances of conflict between provisions of the
Muslim Code and national law, wherein an application of national law
might be offensive to a Muslim's religious convictions.

In the present case, no actual controversy between real litigants exists.

There are no conflicting claims involving the application of national law
resulting in an alleged violation of religious freedom. This being so, the
Court in this case may not be called upon to resolve what is merely a
perceived potential conflict between the provisions the Muslim Code and
national law.

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