Title 27 / Subchapter 19
Title 27 / Subchapter 19
Title 27 / Subchapter 19
6 Demolition Operations
[1905.1] 1036 Preparations
SUBCHAPTER 19 [1905.2] 1037 Protection of Adjacent
CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS [1905.3] 1038 Protection of Sidewalks
TABLE OF CONTENTS [1905.4] 1039 Demolition Operations
[1905.5] 1040 Completed Demolitions
[Sub-Art. Art. [1906.0] Art. 7 Repair and Alteration
or Sec.]* or Sec.** Operations
[1906.1] 1041 General Requirements
[1900.0] Art. 1 General [1907.0] Art. 8 Scaffolds
[1900.1] 1007 Scope [1907.1] 1042 General Provisions for all
[1900.2] 1008 Definitions Scaffolds
[1900.3] 1009 General Requirements [1907.2] 1043 Pole Scaffolds
[1900.4] 1010 Inspection [1907.3] 1044 Outrigger Scaffolds
[1900.5] 1011 Sizes and Stresses of [1907.4] 1045 General Provisions for
Materials Suspended Scaffolds
[1900.6] 1012 Inspections [1907.5] 1046 Two-Point Suspension
[1900.7] 1013 Utilities Scaffolds
[1900.8] 1014 Fire Protection [1907.6] 1047 Multiple-Point Suspension
[1900.9] 1015 Design Scaffolds
[1900.10] 1016 Alternate Details and [1907.7] 1048 Manually-Propelled Free
Procedures Standing Scaffolds
[1901.0] Art. 2 Maintenance of Site and [1907.8] 1049 Power Operated Free
Adjacent Areas Standing Scaffolds
[1901.1] 1017 Construction Equipment [1907.9] 1050 Standard Guard Rail and
[1901.2] 1018 Housekeeping Toeboard
[1901.3] 1019 Removal and Storage of [1908.0] Art. 9 Structural Ramps,
Material Runways, and Platforms
[1901.4] 1020 Obstruction of Sidewalks [1908.1] 1051 Ramps and Runways
and Streets [1908.2] 1052 Platforms
[1901.5] 1021 Protection of Sidewalks [1908.3] 1053 Special Requirements
[1901.6] 1022 Safety Netting and Where Power Buggies Are
Scaffolding Used
[1901.7] 1023 Warning Signs and Lights [1909.0] Art. 10 Material Handling and
[1901.8] 1024 Watchmen and Flagmen Hoisting Equipment
[1901.9] 1025 Escape Hatches Required [1909.1] 1054 General Requirements
[1902.0] Art. 3 Protection of Adjoining [1909.2] 1055 Rigging, Rope, Chains,
Property and Their Appurtenances
[1902.1] 1026 General and Fittings
[1902.2] 1027 Abandoned and [1909.3] 1056 Material Platform Hoists
Discontinued Operations and Bucket Hoists
[1902.3] 1028 Excavation or Filling [1909.4] 1057 Testing Inspection,
Operations Affecting Approval and Use of
Adjoining Property Power Operated Cranes,
[1902.4] 1029 Foundation Operations Derricks and Cableways
Affecting Adjacent [1909.5] 1058 Conveyors and Cableways
Properties [1909.6] 1059 Trucks
[1902.5] 1030 Protection of Trees [1909.7] 1060 Power Buggies
[1903.0] Art. 4 Excavation Operations [1909.8] 1061 Lift and Fork Trucks
[1903.1] 1031 General Requirements [1909.9] 1062 Hand Propelled Vehicles
[1903.2] 1032 Protection of Sides of [1909.10] 1063 Mixing Machines
Excavations [1909.11] 1064 Jacks
[1904.0] Art. 5 Erection Operations [1910.0] Art. 11 Explosive Powered and
[1904.1] 1033 Protection of Sidewalks Projectile Tools
[1904.2] 1034 Structural Steel Assembly [1910.1] 1065 General
[1904.3] 1035 Concrete Formwork [1910.2] 1066 Explosive Powered Tools
[1910.3] 1067 Projectile Tools
Title 27 / Subchapter 19 §[C26-1900.3] 27-1009 General requirements.-
[1911.0] Art. 12 Explosives and Blasting
(a) A contractor engaged in building work shall
[1911.1] 1068 General
institute and maintain safety measures and provide all
[1912.0] Art. 13 Flammable and
equipment or temporary construction necessary to
Combustible Mixtures,
safeguard all persons and property affected by such
Compressed Gases,and
contractor's operations.
Other Hazardous
(b) No structure, device, or construction equipment,
whether permanent or temporary, including all partly or
[1912.1] 1069 General
*"C26" omitted from section numbers in this column. fully completed elements or sections of the building,
**"27" omitted from section numbers in this column. shall be loaded in excess of its design capacity.
LIST OF TABLES (c) At a height of no more than twelve feet above
Table No. ground and on each perimeter of a construction site
19-1 Minimum Sizes of Timber Bracing and Timber Sheet fronting on a public thoroughfare, a sign shall be
Piling for Trenches Four Feet Wide or Less erected no more than twenty-five square feet in size
19-2 Minimum Sizes of Timber Bracing and Timber Sheet which shall bear in letters no less than six inches high,
Piling for Trenches Four to Eight Feet Wide the name, address and telephone number of the owner
19-3 Minimum Lateral Pressures to be Assumed for Fresh of the property, and the name, address and telephone
Concrete Weighing 150 Pounds per Cubic Foot number of the general contractor.
19-4 Size and Number of Nails Required for Scaffold (d) A construction site safety coordinator must be
Construction designated and present on a construction site in
19-5 Maximum Permissible Spans for Two-Inch Plank Used accordance with department rules and regulations.
on Scaffolds §[C26-1900.4] 27-1010 Inspection.- Except for the
19-6 Minimum Size and Maximum Spacing of Members of installation of underpinning and the construction of
Single Pole Light Duty Scaffolds temporary retaining structures (see section 27-724 of
19-7 Minimum Size and Maximum Spacing of Members of article thirteen of subchapter eleven of this chapter) and
Single Pole Medium Duty Scaffolds for other operations specifically required by the
19-8 Minimum Size and Maximum Spacing of Members of provisions of this subchapter to be inspected by an
Single Pole Heavy Duty Scaffolds engineer or an architect, inspection of operations for
19-9 Minimum Size and Maximum Spacing of Members of compliance with the provisions of this subchapter may
Independent Pole Light Duty Scaffolds be performed by, or under, the authority of the person
19-10Minimum Size and Maximum Spacing of [sic] superintending the work. Unless required by the
Members of Independent Pole Medium Duty Scaffolds provisions of this subchapter, inspection and test reports
19-11Minimum Size and Maximum Spacing of Members of relating to operations within the scope of this subchapter
Independent Pole Heavy Duty Scaffolds need not be filed.
§[C26-1900.5] 27-1011 Sizes and stresses of materials.-
ARTICLE 1 GENERAL (a) Sizes.-All sizes and dimensions prescribed in this
subchapter are minimum requirements. Lumber sizes are
§[C26-1900.1] 27-1007 Scope.-The provisions of this nominal or commercial except where stated otherwise.
subchapter shall govern the conduct of all construction (b) Stresses.-Except where sizes are specifically prescribed
operations with regard to the safety of the public and in this subchapter, temporary equipment and constructions
property. For the purposes of this subchapter, construction shall be designed so that the allowable stress values
operations shall include excavation, erection, alteration, prescribed in subchapter ten of this subchapter are not
repair, removal and demolition as related to buildings. exceeded.
For regulations relating to the safety of persons §[C26-1900.6] 27-1012 Inspection.- Any construction
employed in such construction operations, the provisions equipment or device, except hand tools, that would
of subchapter ten of the labor law as implemented by affect the public safety when operated shall be inspected
the industrial code of the state of New York, rule no. by the person superintending the work or by his or her
23, shall apply. designated representative before using the equipment or
device on a specific job. Such inspection shall be
§[C26-1900.2] 27-1008 Definitions.-For definitions to carefully made, and every defect or unsafe condition
be used in the interpretation of this subchapter, see shall be corrected before use is permitted. Any unsafe
subchapter two of this chapter. equipment or device shall be made safe immediately or
removed from the site. Periodic inspection procedures
shall be instituted during construction operations, and a all lower floors for fire department use. Standpipe hose,
record of inspections shall be kept at the site for the nozzles and spanners are not required to be maintained
duration of the work. and may be removed at any time. Siamese hose
§[C26-1900.7] 27-1013 Utilities.- connections shall be kept free from obstruction and
(a) Existing services.-The location of all existing utilities shall be marked by a metal sign reading, "Standpipe
and service lines shall be determined and adequate Siamese Connection" and by a red light at night.
measures taken, or devices provided, to safeguard the (3) The standpipe system may be used for water supply
public and property before such utilities are disturbed. necessary to demolition operations. In freezing weather
If any utility is to be removed, relocated, or have its such standpipe system shall be completely drained after
service interrupted, the utility company or city agency use to prevent freezing. Existing standpipe systems
affected shall be notified at least seventy-two hours in shall not be utilized to convey compressed air unless
advance. the standpipe consists of two or more risers in which
(b) Maintaining essential services.-Fire preventive, sanitary, event one of the risers may be used to convey
or other facilities that have been provided for the protection compressed air to any floor or portion of the premises
of life, health, and property shall be continuously maintained upon application to and permission from the fire
and protected unless authorization is obtained from the department.
agency having jurisdiction to temporarily or permanently (4) In structures undergoing demolition which have existing
disconnect such facility. sprinkler systems with siamese hose connections, such
(c) Electrical work.-All temporary electrical equipment system shall be maintained as a non-automatic sprinkler
and wiring shall meet the requirements of the electrical system. When demolition starts, the sprinkler risers
code of the city of New York, and shall be maintained shall be capped immediately below the floor being
to meet such requirements. Portions of permanent demolished so as to maintain the sprinkler system on all
electrical installations may be used for temporary lower floors for fire department use. Siamese hose
operations provided the requirements of the electrical connections shall be kept free from obstruction and
code are met. At least seventy-two hours before work is shall be marked by a metal sign reading "Sprinkler
begun that may affect a power line, above or below Siamese Connection" and by a red light at night.
ground, the person superintending the work shall notify §[C26-1900.9] 27-1015 Design.-Whenever design is
the utility company affected. required by the provisions of this subchapter, such
§[C26-1900.8] 27-1014 Fire protection.- Fire fighting design shall be executed by, or under, the supervision
equipment at the construction site and the conduct of all of an engineer or an architect who shall cause his or her
construction operations affecting fire prevention and seal and signature to be affixed to any drawings or
fire fighting shall meet the requirements of the fire specifications that may be required for the work. All
department. such documents shall be kept at the site for inspection
(a) Temporary elevator.-Whenever in the course of by the commissioner for the duration of the job.
building construction the work is at a height greater §[C26-1900.10] 27-1016 Alternate details and procedures.-
than seventy-five feet, at least one elevator meeting the Whenever "alternate" or "equivalent" details, materials
requirements of subchapter eighteen of this chapter shall or procedures are specified in this subchapter, they shall
be kept in readiness at all times for fire department use. be permitted as provided in section 27-133 of article
(b) Standpipe systems.-Standpipe systems during seven of subchapter one of this chapter. In the absence
construction operations shall comply with the following: of specific criteria, the degree of structural safety shall
(1) If in the course of erection or alteration for which a be deemed to require a factor of safety against
standpipe system will be required the work reaches a structural failure consistent with the requirements of
height greater than seventy-five feet a permanent or subchapter ten of this chapter.
temporary standpipe meeting the requirements of
subchapter seventeen of this chapter shall be kept in ARTICLE 2 MAINTENANCE OF SITE AND
readiness at all times for fire department use. The ADJACENT AREAS
system shall be a dry system when freezing conditions
may be encountered. §[C26-1901.1] 27-1017 Construction equipment.-
(2) In structures undergoing demolition which have (a) Machinery.-All exposed, electrically charged, moving
existing standpipe systems, such systems shall be or otherwise dangerous parts of machines and construction
maintained as dry standpipes. When demolition is equipment shall be located, guarded, shielded, or
started, the standpipe risers shall be capped above the barricaded so as to prevent contact by the public.
outlet on the floor immediately below the floor being (b) Services* lines and conduits.-Hose lines, wires,
demolished so as to maintain the standpipe system on ropes, pipes, chains, etc., shall be located so that they
Title 27 / Subchapter 19 Provisions of the air pollution control code concerning
precautions to prevent particulate matter from
will not constitute a tripping hazard. Where it is becoming airborne shall apply.
necessary to carry such lines across sidewalks, or any (b) Chutes.-When chutes are used for removal of
public way, either they shall be suspended at least eight material, they shall meet the following requirements:
feet above the walks or suitable chamfered planks or a (1) ENCLOSURE.-
pedestrian bridge shall be provided. a. Material chutes that are at an angle of more than
(c) Contractors sheds.-Contractors sheds and offices forty-five degrees with the horizontal shall be entirely
located within thirty-feet of new construction or enclosed on all sides, except for openings at the floor
existing buildings shall be made of metal or other levels for the receiving of materials. Such openings
noncombustible material. Fire retardant treated wood shall not exceed forty-eight inches in height, measured
may be used when protected from the weather. along the wall of the chute, and all openings, except the
* top opening, shall be closed and secured when not in
As enacted but "Service" probably intended.
** §[C26-1901.2] 27-1018 Housekeeping.-
b. Chutes at an angle of less than forty-five degrees
(a) All areas used by the public shall be maintained free
with the horizontal may be open on the upper side.
from ice, snow, grease, debris, equipment, materials,
projections, tools, or other item, substance, or condition
a. Every chute used to convey waste material from a
that may constitute a slipping, tripping, or other hazard.
**Local Law 61-1987. building shall be rigidly supported and braced throughout
(b) When not being used, materials, equipment, and its height. Chutes less than twenty-four inches in
tools that might fall from levels above areas used by the maximum dimension shall be constructed of not less
public shall be kept away from edges or openings. than one inch (nominal) wood or one-eighth inch thick
When exterior walls are not in place, material piles steel. Chutes more than twenty-four inches in maximum
shall be kept at least ten feet back from the perimeter of dimensions shall be constructed of not less than two
the building. inch (nominal) wood or three-sixteenths inch thick
(c) Material may be stored within two feet of the edge steel.
of a building provided however that such material is b. Chutes shall be provided with a metal impact plate
stored not more than two stories below the stripping where material is forced to change direction while
operation on concrete structures or the uppermost falling.
concrete floor on steel frame structures. Such material c. A gate shall be provided at the lower end of every
shall be secured against accidental movement. Storage chute to control the loading of material into trucks and
of material on all other floors shall conform to to close the chute at all other times. Splashboards or
paragraph (b) of this section and shall be secured when baffles shall be erected to prevent materials from
not being used. rebounding into the street or under the sidewalk shed.
(d) Waste dumpsters, debris boxes and skip boxes shall d. A bumper or curb at least four inches by four inches
be secured and those containing material or debris shall in section shall be provided at each chute opening
be covered at the end of each work day. Such waste where such opening is level with, or below, the floor or
dumpsters, debris,*** boxes and skip boxes shall not be platform. Every space between the chute and the edge
placed at the edge of the building at any time except of the opening in the floor or platform shall be solidly
when being moved from the floor or building. planked.
(e) Sufficient containers of metal or other material (3) FIRE RETARDANT CONSTRUCTION.-All chutes,
acceptable to the commissioner shall be available for constructed of combustible material shall be covered on
the storage of all garbage and debris. The containers the exterior with corrugated steel sheeting having a
shall be of three-quarter cubic yard minimum capacity. minimum thickness of 24 gage [sic] through their entire
*** height or shall be constructed of non-combustible
As enacted but comma probably intended to be omitted. material when used in the following applications:
§[C26-1901.3] 27-1019 Removal and storage of material.- a. Chutes exceeding seventy-five feet in height.
(a) Removal of waste material.-Combustible waste b. Alteration, repair or partial demolition of buildings
material or combustible debris shall not be permitted to classified in occupancy groups H1 and H2.
accumulate, and shall be removed from the site at (4) SUPPORTS.-All structural supports of material
reasonable intervals, in accordance with the requirements chutes shall be of noncombustible material.
of the fire department. No material shall be dropped or (c) Storage of combustible material and equipment.-
thrown outside the exterior walls of a building. Storage of combustible material and other material and
Precautions shall be taken to prevent concrete or mortar equipment that present a fire hazard shall meet the
washings, sand, grit, or any other material that would requirements of the fire department.
cause clogging from entering a sewer or drain.
Title 27 / Subchapter 19 3) A fence, in lieu of a sidewalk shed, may be
constructed along the inside edge of the walkway or
§[C26-1901.4] 27-1020 Obstruction of sidewalks temporary walkway when a structure higher than forty
and streets.-The requirements of the department of feet is to be constructed or a structure higher than
transportation shall apply with regard to the closing of twenty-five feet is to be demolished and the horizontal
streets or to the obstruction of any part thereof, except distance from the structure being built or demolished to
as hereinafter provided. Building department personnel the inside edge of the permanent or temporary walkway
are authorized to consider failure to display a current is between one-half and three-quarters of the height of
department of transportation permit for any street or the structure. If permission to close the sidewalk has
sidewalk closing or obstruction not authorized by this been obtained from the department of transportation,
code as a violation of this section; and to direct removal such fence may be erected along the curb or outside of
thereof. the curb to such extent as may be approved by the
department of transportation. The fence shall be
§[C26-1901.5] 27-1021 Protection of sidewalks.- returned at its ends to the extent necessary to effectively
Unless the street is officially closed to the public during close off the site.
construction operations, the following minimum safeguards (4) For cases that do not fall within the circumstances
shall be provided for the protection of the public: described in paragraphs one through three of this
(a) Types of safeguards and when required.- subdivision, a standard guard rail (section 27-1050 of
* (1) a. A sidewalk shed shall be erected when a article eight of subchapter nineteen of this chapter), in
structure higher than forty feet is to be constructed or a lieu of a sidewalk shed or fence, may be constructed
structure higher than twenty-five feet is to be demolished along the inside edge of such walkway or temporary
and the horizontal distance from the structure being walkway. If permission to close the sidewalk has been
built or demolished to the inside edge of the permanent obtained from the department of transportation, the
or temporary walkway is equal to one-half or less of the railing may be constructed along the curb or outside of
height of the structure. No sidewalk shed shall be the curb to such extent as may be approved by the
erected unless and until a special permit therefor has department [sic] of transportation. The railing shall be
been issued by the department. Each applicant for a returned at its ends to the extent necessary to effectively
sidewalk shed permit shall state the reason the sidewalk close off the site.
shed is needed. The term of the sidewalk shed permit *(5) A sidewalk shed shall be erected when a portion
shall be one year, or upon the expiration of the of a facade over forty feet above curb level is being
contractor's insurance, if such time period is less than altered or repaired and the horizontal distance from the
one year. No renewals of shed permits, except for new portion of the structure being altered or repaired to the
buildings under construction, will be given unless an inside edge of the temporary or permanent walkway is
architect or engineer conducts a thorough examination less than one-half the height of the structure being
of that part of the premises on which work is being altered or repaired. Applications for sidewalk shed
conducted and submits a report acceptable to the permits shall meet the requirements listed in paragraph
commissioner, which clearly documents the condition one of this subdivision. Where a sidewalk shed is
of the applicable part of the premises and the scope of erected in conjunction with the repair of an unsafe
work that has been performed thereon, and estimates condition of a facade, or for the repair of any other
the time needed to complete the work. To renew a shed violation issued by the department, and such repairs
permit for a new building under construction, each have not been made, and the sidewalk shed has not
applicant shall file an application with the commissioner. been removed within two years from the date of
All renewal applications shall include the name and issuance of the original sidewalk shed permit, in
address of the owner of the premises. addition to any of the penalties provided for in section
* 27-129 of this code, the owner of the building shall be
Local Law 93-1996;Local Law 33-1991.
liable for a civil penalty in the amount of two hundred
b. Following the receipt of a permit to erect a sidewalk
fifty dollars per month for every month or part thereof
shed, the permit holder shall post a sign on the sidewalk
during which such sidewalk shed is not removed, unless
shed. Such sign shall include the name, address, telephone
such owner has submitted a report in compliance with
number, and permit number of the permit holder. The
section 26-252 of this code and the commissioner
sign shall also include the date that the permit expires.
determines that the unsafe condition could not be
The sign shall measure twenty-five square feet.
repaired within such two-year period. Provided,
(2) A sidewalk shed shall be erected regardless of the
however, that nothing in this paragraph shall be
height of the structure or the horizontal distance
construed to prevent the commissioner, prior to the end
between the structure and the sidewalk when material
of such two-year period, from taking action against the
or debris is to be moved by a hoist, crane, derrick, or
owner of a building for failure to repair an unsafe
chute over a sidewalk or temporary sidewalk that is not
closed to the public.
Title 27 / Subchapter 19
condition pursuant to section 27-129 of this code or any plywood. Temporary removal of portions of the
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. enclosure shall be permitted for handling material.
* (7) a. For all buildings one hundred feet or more in
Local Law 33-1991.
height, the deck and protective guards of the sidewalk
**(6) Horizontal safety netting shall be provided on the
shed shall be extended parallel with the curb at least
sides of a structure more than six stories or seventy-five
twenty feet beyond the ends of all faces of the structure
feet in height above the adjoining ground or adjoining
[regardless of whether such extensions are in front of
roof level, whichever is applicable, when, while under
the property being developed or in front of adjacent]***
construction, the facade of such structure is not enclosed
property. Extensions of sidewalk sheds complying with
and there is exposure to the public or adjacent property
the foregoing shall be constructed so as not to
as determined in rules and regulations promulgated by
unreasonably obstruct, either visually or physically,
the Commissioner. Vertical safety netting or screening
entrances, egress, driveways and show windows of
shall be provided at the sides of a structure more than
adjacent properties.
six stories or seventy-five feet in height above the ***
adjoining ground or adjoining roof level, whichever is Copy in brackets not enacted but probably intended.
applicable, when, while under construction, the facade b. All sidewalk sheds shall provide a protection for the
of such structure is not enclosed and is exposed to the full width of the shed extending upward at an angle of
public or adjacent property as determined by rules and forty-five degrees from the ends of the deck and outward a
regulations promulgated by the commissioner. In horizontal distance of at least five feet beyond the ends
addition, safety netting shall be provided as required by of the shed. Such sloping end protection shall be
section 27-1022. constructed to meet the requirements of paragraph one
** of this subdivision with substantial outriggers bearing
Local Law 61-1987.
on and securely attached to, the deck.
(b) Sidewalk sheds.-
(8) The passageway shall be wide enough to accommodate
(1) Every sidewalk shed deck shall be designed and
pedestrian traffic normal for that location without
constructed to carry a live load of at least three hundred
causing congestion; but in no case shall the width be
psf. However, a live load of one hundred fifty psf may
less than four feet. The passageway shall have a
be permitted for buildings less than one hundred feet in
minimum clear ceiling height of eight feet.
height provided there is no storage thereon. The
(9) Unless the top deck of the sidewalk shed is built
members of the sidewalk shed shall be adequately
solidly against the face of the structure in such a
braced and connected to prevent displacement or
manner that no material can fall onto the sidewalk, the
distortion of the framework. Where posts supporting the
side of the shed toward the structure shall be solidly
shed deck are placed beyond the curb, such posts shall
sealed with wood or other suitable material for the full
be protected against displacement by vehicles.
height of the shed. Solid sliding or in swinging [sic]
(2) The deck of the sidewalk shed shall consist of
gates may be provided as necessary for the proper
planking closely laid, and made tight.
prosecution of the work.
(3) Steel, or other materials having equivalent strength
*(10) The underside of the sidewalk sheds shall be
and suitability may be used in lieu of wood to construct
lighted at all times either by natural or artificial light.
sidewalk sheds.
The level of illumination shall be the equivalent of that
(4) Where deemed necessary by the commissioner, the
produced by two hundred watt, thirty-four hundred
deck shall cover the entire width of the sidewalk, except
lumen minimum, standard incandescent lamps enclosed
for reasonably small clearances at the building line and
in vandal-proof fixtures and spaced fifteen feet apart
the curb.
and eight feet above the floor level. Artificial lighting
(5) Except as authorized by paragraph seven, sidewalk
units shall be inspected nightly; and burned out or
sheds shall extend at least the entire length of the
inoperative units shall be replaced or repaired immediately.
property line of the structure unless constructed solely *
to comply with paragraph two of subdivision (a) of this Local Law 33-1991.
section, and may extend beyond the curb to such extent (11) When a sidewalk shed is required for the erection
as may be approved by the department of transportation. of a structure, construction of the structure shall stop at
(6) The outer side and ends of the deck of the shed a height of forty feet unless, and until, the sidewalk
shall be provided with a substantial enclosure at least shed has been completed. Such shed shall remain in
three feet six inches high. Such enclosure may be place until the structure is enclosed, all exterior work
vertical or inclined outward at approximately forty-five completed and the sash is glazed above the second
degrees, and shall consist of boards laid close together story, exterior of the facade is cleaned down, and all
and secured to braced uprights, of galvanized wire outside handling of material, equipment and machinery,
screen not less than no. 16 steel wire gage with a onehalf and all dismantling of a material hoist, or climber or
inch mesh, of corrugated metal, or of solid tower crane or the use of a derrick in their removal,
Title 27 / Subchapter 19 materials. Such netting shall be secured and kept closed
above the second story is completed.
(12) When a sidewalk shed is required for the at all times except during actual loading operations or
demolition of a structure, the sidewalk shed shall be perimeter construction operations.
completed before any demolition work is performed. (3) In addition to the requirements set forth in
Such shed shall remain in place until the structure has paragraphs one and two of this subdivision, required
been razed to the height of the shed and as long as safety netting and its supports shall comply with
necessary to meet the requirements of paragraph two of reference standard RS 19-4 and all applicable rules and
subdivision (a) of this section . regulations promulgated by the commissioner. Scaffolding,
(c) Fences.-Fences shall be at least eight feet high, and screening or its equivalent shall comply with rules and
constructed of wood or other suitable material. They regulations promulgated by the commissioner.
shall be built solid for their entire length, except for Local Law 61-1987.
openings with solid sliding or in swinging sic] gates as ** §[C26-1901.6] 27-1022 Safety netting and
are required for the proper prosecution of the work, and scaffolding.-
for viewing panels, which shall be blocked with (a) When required.-
plexiglass or equivalent nonfrangible material. (1) When demolishing the exterior walls or the roof of
(d) Openings in sidewalk sheds, fences, and a structure more than six stories or seventy-five feet
railings.-Openings in sidewalk sheds, fences, and above the adjoining ground or adjoining roof level,
railings for loading purposes shall be kept closed at all whichever is applicable, horizontal safety netting shall
times except during actual loading operations. be provided on the sides of a structure where there is
(e) Temporary walkways.-Where permission has exposure to the public or adjacent property as
been granted by the department of transportation to determined by rules and regulations promulgated by the
locate a temporary walkway beyond the curb line, such Commissioner unless an exterior built-up scaffold
temporary walkway shall be provided with a standard providing equivalent protection has been erected. The
guard rail (section 27-1050 of article eight of horizontal safety netting or scaffolding shall be required
subchapter nineteen of this chapter) on the traffic side. in addition to the sidewalk sheds, fences, or railing
All temporary walkways shall be illuminated at all required under section 27-1021 of this article, and shall
times as required in paragraph ten of subdivision (b) of be constructed and maintained not more than two
this section. stories or thirty feet below the story from which the
(f) Foot bridges.- exterior walls and roof are being removed until such
(1) When a temporary foot bridge is used as a sidewalk demolition has progressed to within six stories or
in front of a structure during construction work, the seventy-five feet of the ground level.
bridge shall be wide enough to accommodate normal (2) When exterior walls are being constructed more
traffic without congestion; but in no case shall it be less than six stories or seventy-five feet above the adjoining
than four feet. The bridge, and steps or ramps, shall be ground or adjoining roof level, whichever is applicable
designed and constructed to carry a live load of one horizontal safety netting shall be provided on the sides
hundred fifty psf. The walkway on such bridge shall be of the structure where the facade of such structure is not
provided with standard guard rails for its entire length enclosed and is exposed to the public or adjacent
and shall be provided with steps at both ends or with property as determined by rules and regulations
inclined ramps at a maximum slope of one in four. promulgated by the commissioner. Such safety netting
Ramps shall have cleats to prevent slipping. shall be maintained at a level not more than two stories
(2) Where planks are used to pave the walkway, they or thirty feet below the stripping operation on concrete
shall be laid close and securely fastened to prevent structures or the uppermost concrete floor on steel
displacement. Planks shall be of uniform thickness, and frame structures and in addition, on such lower stories
all exposed ends on ramps shall be provided with as required pursuant to rules and regulations
beveled fillers to eliminate tripping hazards. promulgated by the commissioner.
(3) Foot bridges shall be illuminated at all times as (b) Debris shall be removed at least daily from safety
required in paragraph ten of subdivision (b) of this netting provided in accordance with the requirements of
section. this section.
**(g) Safety netting.- (c) Storage of material.- Safety netting shall not be
(1) When required to be installed horizontally, safety used for storing materials.
netting shall include a structural mesh lined with a fine **
mesh of a size and strength sufficient to catch falling Local Law 61-1987.
tools and materials.
(2) When required to be installed vertically, safety
netting or its equivalent shall include a fine mesh of a
size and strength sufficient to contain falling tools and
Title 27 / Subchapter 19
§[C26-1901.7] 27-1023 Warning signs and lights.- such floor. The escape hatch shall be located as near to
(a) Obstructions and openings.-Where a material pile the center of the building as shall be practical.
or other obstruction, or an excavation, opening, or other (b) The escape hatch shall be constructed with at least
hazard is located in, or adjacent to, a way open for use two ladders enclosed in a metal shield. The ladders
by persons other than workmen, such hazard shall be shall extend from a distance of three feet above the
indicated by red flags or signs during daylight hours, floor under construction to at least two stories below
and by red lanterns, red lights, oil flares, flashing unless such floor is less than two stories above the
beacons, lighted signs, or equivalent devices from lowest floor. The metal shield shall enclose the ladders
sunset to sunrise. Such warning devices shall be located on all sides from the top of the floor where the concrete
no more than thirty feet apart. is being placed to at least the top of the floor next
(b) Dangerous areas.-In areas where special danger to below.
the public exists, such as at vehicle entrances and exits, (c) The inside dimensions between faces of the shield
hoisting areas, points of storage of explosives or highly shall be not less than three feet eight inches.
flammable material, or discharge ends of chutes, descriptive (d) The space between the shield and the perimeter of
warning signs shall be provided. Such warning signs the opening in the floor under construction and also
shall contain the word "danger" in prominent letters between the shield and the perimeter of the opening in
and, where in, or adjacent to, a public way, shall be the floor next below, shall be decked over with two
illuminated from sunset to sunrise. Barricades and/or inch or heavier planking covered with plywood or sheet
designated personnel shall be provided to the extent metal so as to make the decking smoke tight. At the
necessary to keep the public away from such areas or to termination of the ladders the opening in the floor shall
guide them around the areas. be covered completely with two inch planking or other
(c) Vehicular traffic.-Whenever any work is being material of equivalent strength.
performed over, on, or in close proximity to a highway, ARTICLE 3 PROTECTION OF ADJOINING
street, or similar public way, control and protection of PROPERTY
traffic shall be provided by barricades, signals, signs, §[C26-1902.1] 27-1026 General.-
flagmen, or other devices, equipment, and personnel in (a) License to enter adjoining premises.-The
accordance with the requirements and standards of the provisions of chapter one of title twenty-six of the
department of transportation. administrative code, as amended, shall apply.
*§[C26-1901.8] 27-1024 Watchmen and flagmen.- (b) Physical examination.-
(a) Watchmen.-Where a building being constructed or (1) When permission to enter upon adjoining property
demolished occupies a ground area of more than five has been obtained, a physical examination of such
thousand square feet, and up to forty thousand square property shall be conducted by the person initiating the
feet, a competent watchman shall be on duty at the site construction or demolition operations prior to the
during all hours when operations are not in progress. commencement of the operations and at reasonable
Where the construction or demolition area occupies a periods during the progress of the work.
ground area of more than forty thousand square feet at (2) During demolition operations, the provisions of
least one additional watchman shall be on duty for each section 27-1037 of article six of this subchapter shall
additional forty thousand square feet of construction or also apply.
demolition area, or fraction thereof. Watchmen shall be (c) Adjoining walls.-When any construction operation
familiar with the location of street fire alarm boxes and exposes or breaches an adjoining wall, the contractor
the location and use of fire fighting equipment required shall maintain the structural integrity of such wall and
to be on the job site. maintain all required fire exits and passageways or
(b) Flagmen.-A flagman shall be provided whenever provide substitutions meeting the requirements of this
intermittent operations are conducted on, or across, code. Portions of the wall exposed by construction
areas open to use by persons other than workmen, or operations shall be protected against the elements, and
when dangerous operations, such as blasting, may shall be restored or left permanently protected after
affect such areas. completion of operations.
* (d) Weatherproof integrity of adjoining buildings.-
As enacted but nonsexist terms probably intended. Where the weatherproof integrity of an adjoining
building is impaired by construction operations, the
§[C26-1901.9] 27-1025 Escape hatches required.- flashing shall be restored, copings replaced, or other
(a) Where salamanders or other heating equipment are necessary measures taken to restore the weatherproof
used to provide temporary heating during the placing of integrity of such adjoining buildings. See paragraph
concrete for a floor, an escape hatch shall be provided three of subdivision (a) of section 27-1037 of article six
from the floor where the concrete is being placed, which of this subchapter.
shall extend through at least one story immediately below
Title 27 / Subchapter 19 provided around the trunks of all such trees, and written
notification shall also be made to the department of
§[C26-1902.2] 27-1027 Abandoned and discontinued parks and recreation at least forty-eight hours prior to
operations.- commencement of such work. No deleterious, caustic,
(a) Fencing.-If any construction operation is abandoned, or acid materials shall be dumped or mixed within ten
discontinued or interrupted, a solid fence at least eight feet of any such tree, nor shall salt for the removal of
feet high shall be provided to protect the public from ice or snow be applied when runoff will drain to a tree.
potential hazards on the site. ARTICLE 4 EXCAVATION OPERATIONS
(b) Filing** and grading.-If an excavation has been §[C26-1903.1] 27-1031 General requirements.-The
completed or partly completed and discontinued or provisions of this section shall apply to all excavations,
interrupted, and the required permit has expired under including those made for the purposes of taking earth,
the provisions of section 27-196 of article nineteen of sand, gravel, or other material as well as for purposes of
subchapter one of this chapter and a permit for a construction. The provisions of article three of this
proposed building has not been issued within six subchapter as applicable shall apply. The provisions of
months after the completion of such operations, the lot subchapter seven of chapter one of title twenty-six of
shall be filled and graded to eliminate all steep slopes, the administrative code, as amended, shall also apply.
holes, obstructions, or similar sources of hazard. Fill (a) Support of adjoining ground.-
shall consist of clean, noncombustible material. The (1) RETAINING STRUCTURE REQUIRED.-When
final surface shall be graded in such a manner as to the regulation of a lot requires the ground on such lot to
drain the lot, eliminate pockets in the fill, and prevent be raised or lowered and kept higher than the ground of
the accumulation of water, without damaging any an adjoining lot, provided the ground of such adjoining
foundations on the premises or on adjoining property. lot is not maintained at a grade lower than in
** conformity with the street or streets on which it is
As enacted but "filling" probably intended.
situated, or where an excavation has been made or a fill
§[C26-1902.3] 27-1028 Excavation or filling operations
placed on any lot meeting the curb level requirements,
affecting adjoining property.-Whenever an excavation
and the adjoining land is maintained at a grade in
or fill is to be made that will affect safety, stability, or
conformity with or lower than the street or streets on
usability of adjoining properties or buildings, the
which it is situated, and is without permanent structures
adjoining properties or buildings shall be protected as
other than frame sheds or similar structures, a retaining
required by the provisions of article four of this
structure shall be constructed as required for the safe
support of the adjoining ground and unless the bank
§[C26-1902.4] 27-1029 Foundation operations affecting
between the adjoining properties is maintained at a safe
adjacent properties.-Whenever subsurface operations
angle of repose. Any necessary retaining wall shall be
are conducted that may impose loads or movements on
built and maintained jointly by the owners on each side,
adjoining property, such as driving of piles, compaction
unless otherwise agreed to by both owners.
of soils, or soil solidification, the effects of such
operations on adjoining property and structures shall be
any owner shall insist on maintaining his or her ground
considered. The owner of the property that may be
either higher or lower than the legal regulation
affected shall be given forty-eight hours written notice
prescribed in the administrative code, the surplus
of the intention to perform such operations. Where
retaining structure that may be necessary to support
construction operations will cause changes in the
such height or provide for such excavation shall be
ground water level under adjacent buildings, the effects
made and maintained at the sole expense of such owner,
of such changes on the stability and settlement of the
and any additional thickness that may be required shall
adjacent foundations shall be investigated and provision
be built on the land of such owner.
made to prevent damage to such buildings. When in the
opinion of the commissioner a potential hazard exists,
retaining structure erected as provided under
elevations of the adjacent buildings shall be recorded by
paragraphs one and two of this subdivision, standing
an architect or engineer at intervals of twenty-four
partly on the land of each owner, may be removed by
hours or less as determined by the commissioner to
either owner when the original reason for the erection
ascertain if movement has occurred.
of such retaining structure ceases to exist.
§[C26-1902.5] 27-1030 Protection of trees.-No trees
(b) Support of adjoining structures.-
outside the street line shall be disturbed or removed
without the permission of the commissioner of parks
FEET.-When an excavation is carried to a depth more
and recreation. Protection meeting the requirements of
than ten feet below the legally established curb level the
the department of parks and recreation shall be
person who causes such excavation to be made shall, at
all times and at his or her own expense, preserve and
Title 27 / Subchapter 19
protect from injury any adjoining structures, the safety including subsurface structures. All sides or slopes of
of which may be affected by such part of the excavation excavations or embankments shall be inspected after
as exceeds ten feet below the legally established curb rainstorms, or any other hazard-increasing event, and
level provided such person in afforded a license to enter safe conditions shall be restored. Sheet piling and
and inspect the adjoining buildings and property. bracing used in trench excavations shall be at least
a. Such person shall support the vertical load of the equivalent in strength to that specified in tables 19-1
adjoining structure by proper foundations, underpinning, and 19-2.
or other equivalent means where the level of the (b) Guard rail.-In addition to the requirements of
foundations of the adjoining structure is at or above the section 27-1021 of article two of this subchapter, a
level of the bottom of the new excavation. standard guard rail or a solid enclosure at least three
b. Where the existing adjoining structure is below the feet six inches high shall be provided along the open
level of the new construction, provision shall be made sides of excavations, except that such guard rail or solid
to support any increased vertical or lateral load on the enclosure may be omitted from a side or sides when
existing adjoining structure caused by the new construction. access to the adjoining area is precluded, or where side
c. Where the new construction will result in a decrease slopes are one vertical to three horizontal or flatter.
in the frost protection for an existing foundation below (c) Placing of construction material.-Excavated
the minimums established in subchapter eleven of this material and superimposed loads such as equipment,
chapter, the existing foundation shall be modified as trucks, etc., shall not be placed closer to the edge of the
necessary to restore the required frost protection. excavation than a distance equal to one and one-half
(2) EXCAVATION DEPTH TEN FEET OR LESS.- times the depth of such excavation, unless the
Where an excavation is carried to a depth of ten feet or excavation is in rock or unless the sides of the
less below the legally established curb level, the owner excavation have been sloped or sheet piled (or sheeted)
of the adjoining structure shall preserve and protect the and shored to withstand the lateral force imposed by
safety of his or her structure provided such owner is such superimposed loads. When sheet piling is used, it
afforded a license to enter and inspect the property shall extend at least six inches above the natural level of
where the excavation is to be made. the ground. In the case of open excavations with side
(c) Support of party walls.-Where a party wall will slopes, the edge of excavation shall be taken as the toe
be affected by excavation, regardless of the depth, the of the slope.
person who causes the excavation to be made shall (d) Mechanical diggers.-Where trenching more than
preserve such party wall at his or her own expense so five feet in depth is done by a mechanical digger, the
that it shall be, and shall remain, in a safe condition. required protection shall follow the boom as closely as
(d) Drainage.-All excavations shall be drained and the practical.
drainage maintained as long as the excavation continues ARTICLE 5 ERECTION OPERATIONS
or remains. Where necessary, pumping shall be used. §[C26-1904.1] 27-1033 Protection of sidewalks.-The
No condition shall be created as a result of construction provisions of section 27-1021 of article two of this
operations that will interfere with natural surface subchapter as applicable shall apply.
drainage. Water courses, drainage ditches, etc., shall not §[C26-1904.2] 27-1034 Structural steel assembly.-
be obstructed by refuse, waste building materials, earth, (a) Placing of structural members.-
stones, tree stumps, branches, or other debris that may (1) During the placing of a structural member, the load
interfere with surface drainage or cause the impoundment shall not be released from the hoisting rope until the
of surface waters. member is securely supported.
(e) Access.-Every excavation shall be provided with (2) Open web steel joists that are hoisted singly shall be
safe means of ingress and egress kept available at all transferred from their place of storage directly to their
times. permanent location and safely secured. No load shall be
§[C26-1903.2] 27-1032 Protection of sides of excavations.- placed on open web steel joists until they are permanently
fastened in place.
(a) Shoring and bracing and sheeting.-With the
exception of rock cuts, the sides of all excavations, (b) Tag lines.-While structural members or assemblies
including related or resulting embankments, five feet or are being hoisted, tag lines shall be used to prevent
greater in depth or height measured from the level of uncontrolled movement.
the adjacent ground surface to the deepest point of the (c) Erection of trusses.-All trusses shall be laterally
excavation, shall be protected and maintained by braced or guyed as necessary for the safety of the
shoring, bracing and sheeting, sheet piling, or by other structure.
retaining structures. Alternatively, excavated slopes (d) Erection of frames.-All structural frames shall be
may be inclined not steeper than forty-five degrees or properly braced with shores or guyed cables and
stepped so that the average slope is not steeper than turnbuckles as necessary for the safety of the structure.
forty-five degrees with no step more than five feet high,
provided such slope does not endanger any structure,
Title 27 / Subchapter 19
§[C26-1904.3] 27-1035 Concrete formwork.- applied until such loads can be supported by the
(a) General requirements.- permanent construction.
(1) Formwork, including all related braces, shoring, (2) Vertical and lateral loads shall be carried to the
framing, and auxiliary construction shall be proportioned, ground by the formwork system, by the new
erected, supported, braced, and maintained so that it will construction after it has attained adequate strength for
safely support all vertical and lateral loads that might be that purpose, or by existing structures.