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Student Handbook 2018-2019

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Principal: Emily Holloway 

Assistant Principal: Paul De La Garza  

Elkton Middle School 
21063 Blue and Gold Drive 
Elkton, VA 22827 
(540) 298-1228 
Fax: (540) 298-0029 


Grading and Report Cards​ (See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook) 

There will be four grading periods per year. Each grading period will be nine weeks in length. Report cards will be
issued to students six school days after the grading period ends. The grading scale is as follows:

A (90-100) Outstanding Work

B (80-89) Above Average Work
C (70-79) Average Work
D (60-69) Below Average Work
F (59 and below) Poor Achievement/Failing

Mid-term reports will be sent to the parent(s) of any student with a mark of “D” or “F” and other midterm grades will be sent
the first nine weeks and as requested. RCPS has available to parents and students an on-line computer based system
(Power School). ​Obtain your log-in and password at registration or from the office staff- No phone requests!! 

Homework Policy/Requests ​(See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook)

Some guidelines concerning homework are as follows:

A. Homework should be connected to the student’s educational program and be purposeful.
B. Homework provides opportunities for research, inquiry, and creativity.
C. Coordination and cooperation among departments and teachers are encouraged to help students balance
their homework load.
D. If assigned, the table below details the maximum homework allowed per day:

​Grade Level Minutes

Sixth 60 minutes
Seventh 70 minutes
Eighth 80 minutes

Homework is most beneficial when it is a cooperative effort among teachers, students, and parents. The responsibility to
ensure that homework is: purposeful, relevant, reasonable in length and follows guidelines, directly related to the
curriculum, allotted an adequate completion time, understood by the students, reviewed by the student and teacher, with
appropriate feedback, and positive in nature. It is the student’s responsibility to complete homework neatly, correctly and on
time. It is the parent’s responsibility to support this portion of the educational program by encouragement and involvement
with the student and teacher. If a parent or guardian has concerns about the quality or quantity of homework assigned;
he/she should discuss his/her concerns with the student’s teacher. If the problem is not resolved, then he/she should speak
with the school administration. On-going communication among teacher, student, and parent is essential for the success of
this important part of the school’s program. The types and length of homework assignments should vary according to the
students’ level and abilities. Homework should include one or more of the following: Practice to reinforce learning,
preparation to obtain background knowledge for upcoming instruction, application of knowledge in creative ways. Please
check the EMS Homepage (​www.rockingham.k12.va.us and select EMS from the schools) for homework assignments in
each class. Feel free to email teachers for communicating about your child.

*Teachers may be unable to send homework to the office on the day a student is absent due to no planning period that day.
Teachers may not be prepared to assign several days of work in advance. Students taking vacations during the school year
may need to make-up all work upon returning to school. Do not expect full assignments in advance since instruction
changes as day to day progress is made or delayed.* Any student missing school for a trip must send in a written note and
obtain permission from administration.

Make Up Work 
After an ​excused absence, the student is responsible for making up all work missed. The student will be given one day for
every excused day absent to complete missed assignments. ​Therefore, students are to collect all missed work the day 
he/she returns to school. He/she must make arrangements with each teacher to make up tests (preferably not during
another class period).
Late Work​. 
Sixth/Seventh/Eighth Grade​- Beyond the excuse absence policy; 7​th and 8​th grade students will lose 15% for assignments
one day late (85%), an additional 15% off for a second day (70%) another 15 off for the third day an assignment is late
(55%), and 50% on assignments that are turned in 4 or more days late.

It is the purpose of the schools of Rockingham County to meet the educational needs of all students. It is recognized that
each child is unique and that all students in a class will progress at a different rate. When necessary, children should be
retained in a grade when it is determined by the teacher, principal and parent that retention is in the best interest of the
child. When a disagreement arises about a student’s retention, the principal shall make the final decision about
promotion/retention of student.
Middle School Promotion Requirements: ​Middle school students in sixth and seventh grade must pass five (5) out of seven
(7) courses. Within the courses passed, four (4) core subjects must be passed. The core subjects are social studies,
science, reading, English and mathematics. Middle school students in eighth grade must pass six (6) courses for
promotion. Within the courses passed, 4 (4) core subjects must be passed. The core subjects are social studies, science,
English, mathematics, and computer literacy/technology. Failure to pass the required number of courses will result in the
student being required to attend a middle school summer program. Failure to successfully complete summer school
requirements will result in the student being retained by the principal.

Recognition of students for outstanding performances is vital component of the EMS student’s educational experience.
Students will be recognized each nine weeks throughout the school year by Grade Level Teams and special recognitions
are awarded at the end of the school year. The EMS Honor Club will have recognition and activities to celebrate academic
success. Students meet attendance, behavior, and academic criteria.

(See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook) 

Testing includes assessments based on the Virginia Standards of Learning. Prior to the state testing program dates,
students will be given formative assessments to assist teachers in determining strengths and weaknesses. ​Please do not
make plans to take students out of school during the month of May.
State SOL tests for students are listed below:
● 6​th​ Grade- Reading, math
● 7​th​ Grade- Reading, math
● 8​th​ Grade- Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Algebra, and Civics

Rockingham County Public Schools also administers local formative tests during the SOL testing period.

(This is a decision from the teacher- some will be online textbooks)

At the beginning of the school year, each student will be issued textbooks by some content teachers. The student’s
responsibility is to:
A. Write his/her name in the books in ink;
B. Take responsibility for the proper care of the books;
C. Pay for lost, stolen or damaged books;
D. Return the books in the condition in which they were received except for normal wear.

If a student should lose a textbook, then the student should do the following:
A. Notify the teacher at once;
B. Bring money to school to pay for the book;
C. Carry a receipt to the teacher who will issue another book;
D. Save the receipt of the lost book.

In the event that the lost book is found later, the money will be refunded provided that the receipt is available.

Textbook Fees ​(See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook) 


Absences ​(See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook) 

If a student must be absent from school, a parent or guardian should telephone the school prior to 9:00 a.m. on the day of
the absence. Every reasonable attempt will be made to contact a home of an absent student. ​However, the responsibility is
with the home and if no contact is made the absence will be listed as unexcused. ​Whether or not contact with a parent or 
guardian is able to be made by the school in order to verify the absence, the student must present a note to the 
school secretary upon his or her return to school, for every absence or the absence will be unexcused.

Excused absences are issued for medical reasons (personal/family), a death in the family, or prearranged situations with the
principal. Unexcused absences are issued for not having a note, oversleeping, haircuts, shopping, missing an instructional
field trip, no reason stated on note, etc. If a student has excessive absences, a note from a physician may be required for
future absences to be excused. ​Five unexcused absences will initiate the Truancy Process as prescribed by the Code 
of Virginia. 
Early Dismissals ​(See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook) 
Early dismissals interrupt a student’s instructional day. Parents are encouraged to keep requests for early
dismissals to a minimum. ​All early dismissals should be requested and granted in the morning with a note signed by 
a parent or guardian.
Students will not be called from class until the end of the day unless an emergency exists. An excused
doctor, dental, etc. note is to be turned in the following day. Students are not to be called to ​“wait” in the office. Parents
are to allot time to enter school. Unless an emergency, phone calls for a change in transportation home must be made by
2:00 ​(this prevents buses from being held and unable to exit in the PM). It is the responsibility of the student to make up
any work missed as a result of an early dismissal.

Tardy to class​: Students have four (4) minutes for travel between classes. Tardy to class will result in a minor.
Tardy to school​: Every student is expected to be in school on time. Students who are late for school need to report
directly to the Main office. Students must either have a note explaining their tardiness or be “signed in” by a parent or
guardian; failure to do so will result in an unexcused tardy. Tardy students will be given an excused or unexcused ADMIT
PASS to class.  
Extra-Curricular  Activities​: Students (grades 6-8) must attend ​two full blocks of class in order to participate in
extra-curricular activities held on a given day. Students assigned to the After-school Behavior Intervention Program (ABIP)
will ​not be allowed to attend after-school activities on the day of the ABIP assignment. Exceptions may be made by the
administration. No students (grades 6​th​-8​th​) are allowed to attend extra-curricular activities if absent that day or suspended
from school.
Student Notes 
Notes from parent/guardian must be brought to the office in the morning before first block for the secretary to
sign/approve. Notes include those for absence, tardy, students riding home on a different bus with a friend (​both students 
need notes​), getting off the bus at a different stop, etc. Arrangements relating to after-school social activities MUST be
made prior to arrival at school.

Announcements of interest will be read to students during the school day. Students will be responsible for the
information on the bulletin and will need to listen carefully. Daily bulletins are available on our school webpage and through
email. If you are interested in signing up for email news bulletins, sign up at registration to update your email information
with School Messenger.. “Messenger” (on your cell phone) is used for schoolwide notifications if you signed up during
Telephone Messages: ​Parents are asked to call school prior to 9:30 AM so ​messages may be delivered to the 
student during lunch.  Please refrain from calling/texting your child or having your child text you during the day 
since it is against school policy. 
Every household will receive ​ELK TRAX at the end nine weeks and these newsletters will be sent via school messenger to
emails. It will also be accessible on the EMS webpage or parents can come to the school and pick up a paper copy. This
newsletter will keep you informed about what is happening in the classrooms and school at Elkton Middle School. In
addition, it will keep you updated on extra-curricular activities including sports and special programs being offered. ​Please 
check the Elkton Middle School website (www.rockingham.k12.va.us and select EMS from the schools) for school, 
administration, and teacher information.
The telephones located in the office are for school business only. Any student needing to call home must report to the main
office where an adult will place the call for the student. Calls home should be for emergencies only. If a student believes
he/she is ill, he/she must report to the nurse and contact will be made with the parent if necessary. ​Students must make 
prior arrangements regarding after school activities the night before.  All calls will occur during lunch blocks.  A 
note from each home must be submitted for a child to ride home with another student. 
Cell Phones  
RCPS school board has implemented a policy allowing middle school students to have their phone with them, but turned
off. Cell phones are not to be used for social reasons in the middle school. The first offense will lead to a warning & cell

phone is picked up in the office at the end of the day, the second offense will result in 1 day of BIP & the parent picks up the
phone, 3​rd offense will result in three days OSS and loss of cell phone being brought to school, and 4​th offense results in ten
days OSS & referral to the county disciplinary committee.
Each student will achieve excellence in academics, citizenship, and community service.
Positive Rewards:The ELKS TEAM plan is a positive, school-wide behavior program designed to reward students. Students
can earn recognition from faculty, staff, and other students for positive actions. This program will be led by a team of school
personnel that includes our principals, faculty, and staff. Rewards may include assemblies, Pride Days, field trips, dances,
and special nine weeks celebrations. Achieving good attendance, good choices, hard work, and good character will result
in participation in these special events. Students may earn positives throughout the year for the following actions:
Showing kindness to others
Good manners
Academic extension
Anti-bullying behavior
Civic duty
Elkton Middle School’s student management and discipline program revolves around the CHARACTER COUNTS Pillars!
These six words are the foundation of our behavioral expectations for teachers, staff, students, parents and visitors. Our
actions should be guided by them every day! The pillars are: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring,
and Citizenship. There will be procedural consequences for students making unwise choices that are in direct conflict with
the pillars of character. The severity of the consequence depends upon whether the broken pillars is defined as major or
minor and/or becomes habitual in nature.
During each nine weeks, students earn minors for breaking the pillars of character (major events will lead to an immediate
discipline referral to the administration, not a minor). Students receiving 6 minors within a nine weeks period will receive a
d-slip from grade level teams and be assigned 3 days of lunch detention.
Disciplinary Flowchart for the minor system​:
For each successive offense:
The teacher/team issues a verbal warning to the student.
The student has silent lunch.
A member of the team calls the parent to discuss the minors.
The student meets with the team to discuss the minors.
The student has silent lunch.
The student meets with the team, receives a d slip, and is assigned 3 days of lunch detention.

*Disciplinary referral forms (d slips) need to be signed by the parent and returned to the office on the next school day.
Minors will be given for the following broken pillar offenses​: 
Tardy to class
Excessive talking in class
Disruptive behavior
Not bringing materials to class, including Chromebook
Not completing homework and/or assignments consistently
Refusing to work
Classroom procedure violation
Cafeteria violation
Hallway violation
Bathroom violation
Chromebook violation
Every time a student comes to school without his or her Chromebook, he or she will get a strike. Students will also
get strikes for having Chromebooks without charge in the battery. 3 total strikes will equal one minor in the discipline
Administrative disciplinary Flowchart (for major offenses): 
*Disciplinary referral forms (d slips) need to be signed by the parent and returned to the office on the next school day.
Administration will meet with students when a d-slip is referred for major offenses. Consequences will follow the county
policies for discipline.
Automatic referrals to the administration will be given for the following major offences: 
Forging notes and/or forms
Defiance or disrespect
Destroying property
Skipping school or class
Possession of sexually explicit material
Honor code violations: ​plagiarism – copying another’s work and presenting as your own, including copying and
pasting any parts of another’s work off the internet; ​cheating ​– giving or receiving work or answers on any assignment,
homework, or assessment
Abusive, vulgar, or threatening language or behavior to a student, teacher, or staff member
Careless/reckless behavior that could inflict bodily injury or result in an accident
Inappropriately dressed as described by the Rockingham County School Board (re: School Board Student Dress
Public displays of affection
Cell phone violation
Defiant behavior
Minor Altercation

Suspendable Offenses 
Major altercation
Abusive, vulgar, or threatening language made to a student, teacher, or staff member
Illegal acts
Repeated major offense infractions
Sexual harassment (unwanted notes, advances, statements, physical acts, etc.)
Disrespect to adults or others

Illegal Acts
Possession or use of tobacco, fireworks, weapons, illegal drugs, and/or look-alike substances (re: School Board Drug
All acts classified as criminal by the laws and statutes of Rockingham County and The Commonwealth of Virginia


•Disciplinary referral to the office
•Administration/student/parent conference
•The student will be suspended for up to 10 days per semester. A written appeal may be made to the
superintendent within 3 days.
•Involvement of outside agencies as needed

Poor School Standing (PSS) 

When a student violates school rules, he/she may be placed on poor school standing (PSS). This means:
The student may not participate in any school activities other than classes for the stated period of time. Students may be
excluded from club meetings, assemblies, sports, and other activities outside of regular classroom instruction as determined
by the administration.
**Co-curricular and sports activities are allowed one exception to this rule.
Any office referral due to disciplinary problems while a student is on poor school standing may result in either ABIP or
suspension from school.
Each student will achieve excellence in Academics, Citizenship and Community Service.
Substance Abuse Policy (See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook online)
Violation of this policy may result in suspension or expulsion from school. Please read it carefully.
Tobacco ​(See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook) 
The use of tobacco on school premises at any time is prohibited by Rockingham County School Board policy. Students who
possess or use tobacco on school premises will be disciplined in the following manner:
1. Administration/Student/Parent conference
2. 1​st​ offense – 3 days OSS
3. 2​nd​ offense – 5 days OSS
4. 3​rd​ offense – 10 days OSS
A written appeal may be made to the superintendent within 3 days
5. Involvement of outside agencies
6. Referral to the Rockingham County School Board for action
Weapons ​(See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook) 
Violation of this policy will result in 365 days of expulsion as required by Virginia state law. Please read this policy carefully.
Bullying​ is not tolerated at Elkton Middle School. Bullying is characterized by the following criteria:
o Aggressive behavior or intentional harm doing
o Behavior that is carried out repeatedly over time
o Behavior that occurs in interpersonal relationships characterized by an imbalance of power (i.e.: grade
level, size, etc)
- Students are encouraged to report bullying to the counselors and teachers. The administration at EMS encourages
parents to communicate bullying concerns with counselors or teachers when students come home reporting it.


General Appearance/Student Dress (See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook) which 
In furtherance of the considerations and purpose of this policy, the following dress or attire is prohibited:
1) Clothing which exposes undergarments;
2) See-through apparel;
3) Clothing that exposes the midriff, lower back, cleavage, or bare chest;
4) Strapless tops or tops with spaghetti straps;
5) Dresses, skirts, pants, or shorts that are shorter than the student’s mid-thigh;
6) Hats, hoods, or head coverings inside the school building, unless they are required for religious or medical
7) Sunglasses or other obscuring glasses inside the school building, unless they are required for medical reasons;
8) Spiked accessories or wallet chains;
9) Extremely tight pants worn without clothing which covers the student to mid- thigh, including, but not limited to:
yoga pants, leggings, spandex shorts, compression shorts, "jeggings," or tights.
10) Jewelry, including facial or body piercings, that is actually or likely to be disruptive, distracting, or hazardous to
the student or other students in the student's presence;
11) Dress that promotes, depicts, or in any way affirms, explicitly or implicitly, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or illegal
activity, including gang activity;
12) Dress that promotes, depicts, threatens, or in any way affirms, explicitly or implicitly, violence, profanity,
vulgarity, or sexually implicit or explicit messages; and,
13) Dress that promotes or depicts discriminatory messages or practices or that denigrates a particular group of
The administrators of each school shall have the discretion to decide on the consequences of a student’s violation of the
Dress Code. Recommended dispositions as a guideline are:
First Offense: Warning with requested change of clothes and notification to parent.
Second Offense: One day of in-school suspension, lunch detention, or Saturday school and notification of parent.
Third Offense: Three days of out-of-school suspension (with required notification to parent).
Fourth Offense: Five days out-of-school suspension (with required notification to parent)
Fifth Offense: Ten days of out-of-school suspension with recommendation to the Division Superintendent of
Schools for regular school suspension for the remainder of the semester or school year (with required notification to parent),
with the opportunity to continue academic studies in an alternative setting or arrangement, as may be​ available. 

The administrative leadership of each elementary, middle, and high school has the authority, within the boundaries of this
policy, to construe, interpret, and apply this policy and determine the appropriateness of student school dress and any
consequences, including any discipline. This authority and discretion extends also to making occasional exceptions on a
school-wide basis to establish, designate, and allow spirit days and other similar celebrations, while retaining the
prerogative to deal with particular items or styles that pose or likely may pose a disruption or threat of disruption, or as other
circumstances warrant within the criteria of this policy.

The Division Superintendent is authorized, consistent with this policy, to promulgate or issue administrative directives to
implement this policy. Such administrative directives may include pictorial depictions to illustrate and define more
specifically, within the boundaries of this policy, what is expected and prohibited.

Totes: Book Bags and Other Totes

Book bags and duffel bags may be used for transporting textbooks and materials to and from school; however, they
will ​not be permitted in the classroom. School lockers are not spacious. Compact style book bags should be used for
school. Chromebooks are to be carried in the case at all times.
Water Bottles: 
Students are permitted to bring bottled water to school for their own use. Students are ​not​ to share water bottles
with others. Water must be brought in​ ​clear ​bottles​ and cannot have flavorings added.

Equal Access Facility (See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook) 

Extra-Curricular Activities
Each student may participate in a variety of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. These activities are held
before, during, and after school hours. ​Those held after school will require parental consent and principal approval.
Eighth grade students may be eligible to participate in the activities at Elkton Middle School and some activities at East
Rockingham High School.
Activities at Elkton Middle School may include seventh and eighth grade girls’ basketball, eighth grade
cheerleading, 7​th and 8​th grade girls’ volleyball, seventh and eighth grade boys’ basketball, cross country for all grade levels,
wrestling for all grade levels, and track for all grade levels.
Eighth graders may be eligible to participate in the following activities at East Rockingham High School: football,
volleyball, baseball, softball, basketball, and wrestling.
Students participating in sports activities off campus will be provided transportation to practice after the close of the
regular school day. Return transportation to Elkton Middle School will ​NOT​ be available after practice. Elkton Middle
School students who take part in activities at their home school or at East Rockingham will be expected to abide by the
rules and regulations of the building where practices are held to ensure the right to continue to participate.

Participation at Elkton Middle School Dances 

Elkton Middle School dances are limited to ​EMS students o ​ nly​. This will include Elkton Middle School PTA
dances as well as the SCA End of the Year dance that is held at night. Rockingham County dress code will be enforced at
these dances.



A) Mission:​ Each student and customer will be offered a variety of appetizing high quality nutritious food, served
promptly, at the proper temperature, and at a reasonable cost. Each customer will be served by friendly food
service staff in a clean and safe environment. Students will be encouraged to learn about the importance of proper
nutrition and will be active participants in the meal program.
B) National School Lunch Program: 
1. Free/reduced price meal applications – Each student receives an application form. ​For applications 
containing income information, only one application is required per family​. To qualify, a student must
be directly certified (food stamps, migrant, etc.) or have an approved application on file. For continuous
benefits, returning students in families with income applications ​must​ submit a form annually (during first

30-days of school). Applications from students entering school after the initial 30-day grace period must be
approved before benefits are granted. Parents are notified about the result of the submitted application by
means of a letter​. ​If the meal status qualifies the student for additional services, the parent must 
retain a copy of this approval letter for further documentation​.
2. Breakfast – Each school offers a breakfast program. ​Lunch eligibility extends to breakfast​.
3. Extras – Regardless of meal status, if student packs lunch and desires to drink milk, cash or money in
account is required.
C) Financial Procedures: 
1. Pre-payment system – Each student is assigned a cafeteria number. This number is used at the point of
service and is ​never​ to be shared. It is preferred that pre-payment money be paid by check (identified with
account number). For elementary and middle school students cash should be placed in an envelope and
clearly marked with the student’s name and account number. Once the money is deposited in the student’s
account, the school cannot distinguish or control how it is “spent”. Unless authorized by the parent, money
in the account is for the child of the student, and the student is ​not​ able to “purchase” items for other
students. The parent and student should communicate about the selection of breakfast, ice cream, or other
a la carte items.
2. On-line payment – Parents have the opportunity to deposit money into their child(ren)’s meal account using
the internet. To learn more and be able to view account balances, visit the web site:
3. Prices - ​School Level​ ​Breakfast​ ​Lunch
Full-paying High School $1.25 $2.30
Full-paying Middle School $1.25 $2.30
Full-paying Elementary $1.25 $2.30
Reduced All $ .30 $0.40
Adults All $1.75 $3.00
2​nd​ Lunch All -- $3.00
4. Charging – Guardians are financially responsible for all items purchased by their child(ren). Students with
a negative account balance are not permitted to select a la carte items (cash or account). Students are
notified at the cashier’s station as the account balance begins to approach a zero balance. Every effort
should be made to avoid reaching a zero balance.
Middle School​ – Meals will continue to be served, while student receives reminder slips to be taken home.
Weekly email correspondence is sent to parents. Continued charging may result in selected student
privileges being withheld.
D) Offer versus Serve: ​To be served and counted as a meal: Any student may refuse one menu item at breakfast.
All students must select minimum of three of the five lunch menu components, one of which must be a fruit or
vegetable. Individual servings (without a meal) of entrees and potato products are not available to students.
E) Delayed School: ​One hour, breakfast served. -- Two hour, breakfast served.
F) Allergies:​ Students with special dietary needs or allergies require annual physician statement.


Emergency Closings ​(See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook) 

Evacuation Procedures/Fire Drills/Lock-Ins ​(See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook 
and the Elkton Middle School Safe School Plan) 
Fire drills, emergency drills, and lock-ins will be practiced during the school year. At least one such practice will
occur monthly. When the alarm sounds, students should:
A. Line up quickly and quietly;

B. Follow the teacher’s instructions exactly;
C. Exit the building in an orderly manner.
When the building is declared safe, students will be notified by one long bell or by an administrator. Students will
then return to the classroom from where they came with their teacher and continue with the regular schedule. More detailed
procedures for emergency situations are outlined on the ​HOT FILE​, Elkton Middle School’s Safe School Plan, located in
every classroom.
General Illness/Injury 
Students who become ill or have an injury at school need to report their condition to their assigned teacher at once.
The teacher will send ill or injured students to the school nurse so that the parent/guardian may be notified and
arrangements made for the proper care of the students.
**Please notify nurse of any illness student may have tested positive for at Doctors office (Ex. Flu, Strep.) This will 
help to know what illnesses are going around. 
General Guidelines for Medication Administration 
The administration of medication during school hours is discouraged and when possible, is requested to be
scheduled at other times than in school. Recognizing that this is not always possible, the following guidelines have been
established for the administration of medication during the school day.
Prescription Medication 
A written order from the student’s physician giving the name, dosage, and time to be administered is required for
each medication. The prescription label on the bottle may be accepted as the physician’s order. No verbal orders will be
The Medication Request Form must be completed and signed by a parent or legal guardian.
A parent or legal guardian must bring the medication to school in the original container, which is appropriately
labeled by the pharmacy or physician.
All Rx medications needed should be brought to school by a parent. A parent or guardian should pick up all
medication upon the last day of school.
Exceptions to these regulations may be necessary depending upon individual circumstances. Only the principal or
designee may only authorize exceptions. If the physician fills out the self carry medication form, then and only then are
students allowed to carry their asthma inhalers and/or epi pens; of course with parental and school permission.
Non-Prescription Medication 
Written permission must be provided indicating the name of the medication, dosage, time to be given, and the
parent or guardian’s signature. No verbal orders!
The medication and permission must be delivered to the school by a parent or legal guardian in the original
container. This also includes cough drops.
Any non-prescription medication which is to be given for a prolonged period of time (more than 10 consecutive
school days) must be authorized by a physician in writing.
Exceptions to these regulations may be necessary depending upon individual circumstances. Only the principal or
designee may only authorize exceptions. All medication must be in the original container. Plastic bags, envelopes or
Tupperware containers are not acceptable.
School Nurse 
Rockingham County Public Schools employs school nurses. Elkton Middle School’s nurse is a resource person to
school personnel, students, and their families. The school nurse is available to discuss a student’s health whenever
necessary. Please feel free to call for assistance at 298-1228.

Special Medical Problems 

If a student has a special medical problem or need, this condition needs to be reported to the school nurse. The
nurse will work with the student, their parents, and the staff in handling the situation in the best way possible. Examples of
special problems include but are not limited to: an allergy to insect bites or bee stings, diabetes, epilepsy, heart defects,

asthma, kidney, bladder, or bowel disorders, poor sight or hearing and other health concerns. Depending upon medical
requirements, additional health care forms may need to be completed by guardian and/or doctor besides the initial
Emergency Care Form filled out at the beginning of the school year.
Parents and Visitors 
Parents are allowed to visit the school at any time that does not interfere with instruction. They are asked to check
in through the office and obtain a visitor’s pass. School-age visitors and other outsiders who have no school business are
not allowed to visit on the school grounds. We welcome and need volunteers all years and would appreciate any help that
is available- particularly working with teachers to use the copier (after receiving training and permission), create bulletin
boards, etc. Volunteers are not allowed to grade work, see grade books, handle local or state tests or work with any private
or sensitive material. If a parent wishes to meet with a teacher, please call and set a date and time. No one is to try to
conference unannounced prior to the bell or during school hours.

Parent-Teacher Association ​(PTA)

The Elkton PTA was organized in 2001. The change was made for the opportunities that could benefit our
students. All parents are welcome to attend the meetings. Meetings are at 5:30pm and will be posted on the webpage. All
parents are encouraged to join the PTA. The purposes of the PTA include:

A. To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, church, school, and community;
B. To raise the standards of home life;
C. To secure adequate laws for care and protection of children and youth;
D. To bring the home and school into a closer relationship so that teachers and parents may cooperate
intelligently in the training of the child;
E. To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for every child the
highest advantages in physical, mental, and social education.

Permission from Parents 

Parents must give written permission for their child to go home with any other students after school​. Arrangements
must be made the night before and the note must be brought to the office and approved by office personnel to verify the
parent/guardian’s signature. Field trip permission slips will be sent home to be signed before students will be allowed to
take part in any trips other than visitations to other RCPS schools, including Massanutten Vo-Tech.
Parents should give written permission for their child to participate in selling expendable merchandise. The sponsor
should receive this permission slip before any merchandise is released to the student. This permission slip will not be
required for order sales.
No medications can be administered without specific permission from the parents.
Parental permission is also required to participate in major school sports and to ride the activity bus to other

Providing Addresses 
The school is required by law to have current mailing address ​and the physical address of students and their
parents. Please notify the school immediately if there is a change in address or in guardianship. There must be at least two
emergency backup phone numbers listed for the office to call in case the parent is needed. Keep the ​office notified of 
changes in phone numbers​.
A parent or guardian needs to notify the guidance counselor if a student needs to be withdrawn as a result of a
move and/or any other reason.

Elkton Middle School has an active volunteer program. Anyone interested in volunteering to help in the school is
asked to sign up during registration or notify the office of any interest. Interested persons will be contacted to work out the

Educational  Services  through  Special  Programs  ​(See  Rockingham  County  Public  Schools  Parent-Student 

Guidance Services ​(See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook) 

The guidance department is located across the main hall from the gymnasium. The guidance counselors are
available to students, parents and staff. Individual and group counseling as well as classroom guidance lessons are
provided to students. Individual, group, and classroom guidance focuses on academic, career, and personal/social
development. The counselors teach students about career planning beginning in 6​th grade classroom guidance lessons and
continue to talk about the careers in the 7​th and 8​th grade with career assessments as well as career and course planning for
high school and higher education. In addition to counseling, the guidance department works with:
A. Students’ permanent records
B. Scheduling of students
C. State and local testing programs
D. Enrolling and withdrawing students
E. Teacher referrals
F. Parent conferences
G. Special services
H. Outside agencies
Students may go to the guidance office before school, after school, or during lunch if they need to talk with a counselor or if
they wish to request to see a counselor at a later time. They may also sign up to see a counselor on the signup sheet in the
counseling office.

Media Center 
The media center is an important component of the overall school program. The combination of printed, audio
visual and digital services makes it an inviting resource for both students and teachers. The success of the media center is
dependent upon the librarian, the encouragement by the teacher for students to use the media center, and the students
themselves. Working together, the media center can be an exciting and resourceful place to be.
The media center is open every school day from 8:00 a.m. to 2:55 p.m. Students may visit the media center during
the school day as long as they have permission from their teacher. Circulation policies include:
A. Books may be checked out for a two-week period and may be renewed at the end of the two weeks;
B. Magazines may be checked out at a time for a two week period;
C. Students may access digital and printed reference materials as needed;
D. Any item that is lost or damaged will result in a fee for that student.
For those who ride a bicycle to school, they are to park their bikes in the rack on the west side of the main building
and keep them locked. The school cannot assume responsibility for lost and/or stolen bicycles and attachments.

Elkton Area Community Center 
Any students attending the community center after school ​must  have  written  permission  from  a 
parent/guardian​. No one is to walk there from other areas near the school. This permission form can be kept on file to
cover blocks of time, or for the entire school year.

Cars/Vehicular Traffic Pattern Arrival and dismissal traffic will turn off Blue and Gold Drive onto Rd. beside the 
church & travel around the parking lot to side entrance. Cars will exit onto Blue and Gold Drive. 
The circle in the front of the school is for the loading and unloading of buses only. All other vehicular traffic is to use
the west side parking lot for dropping off or picking up students. The student dismissal schedule is as follows: ​No vehicles
are to park and have students cross around the line of pick- ups. Every vehicle is to be in the line for pull up to the sidewalk.
If you park you must be going into the building to check out a student.

Dear Parents:

In accordance with AHERA (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Act) in conjunction with the EPA (Environmental Protection
Agency) we are making our yearly notification that your school building may contain asbestos containing material (see list
below). An operation and management plan was developed in 1988, and all 3-year follow-up inspections have been
conducted to help us manage the materials in a manner that promotes the safety of our students, employees and vendors.
You may examine the O & M plans located in the school office and division maintenance office during normal hours, or you
may contact the division Asbestos Coordinator at (540) 434-4434.

Schools containing ACM’s 

Spotswood High School John Wayland Elementary School
Elkton Middle School Pleasant Valley Elementary School
J. Frank Hillyard Middle School Plains Elementary School
John C. Myers Elementary School Ottobine Elementary School
Montevideo Middle School McGaheysville Elementary School
Wilbur S. Pence Middle School Linville-Edom Elementary School
Elkton Elementary School Fulks Run Elementary School


No animals may be brought to school without special written permission from a principal. All animals in school
buildings, with the exception of seeing-eye and seizure dogs, must be caged. Please notify the office if an animal is
observed on school grounds.

Distribution of Non-Curriculum-Related Materials to Students  

(See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook) 

All school clubs and organizations must have written permission from the principal to engage in any fund raising
activities. Non-school organizations engaged in fundraising activities for school related purposes must also obtain
permission from the principal.
No student may sell items of any kind for private gain.

A locker is provided for each student in the hall for storing books, coats, and other school materials. In order for
students to use lockers, it must be clearly understood that administration may search the lockers at any time at its
Students are responsible for the proper care of the lockers. Care should be taken to keep the contents in order, to
keep the locker locked, and to avoid having objects caught in the door. It is suggested strongly that students purchase one
lock (one for the gym locker) from the office and use them at all times.

Lost and Found 

Please bring all found articles to the office. Students need to check in the office when they lose an item. After a
reasonable period of time, unclaimed items will be disposed of as there is limited storage space.

Personal Possessions 

Each student must accept responsibility for his/her own personal possessions. Please …:
A. Do not bring large sums of money to school;
B. Keep your pocketbook and valuables (electronic equipment, or valuables) locked up in your locker;
C. Mark all physical education clothes and shoes for identification;
D. Do not leave books, papers, pens, and pencils around for others to pick them up and claim as their own.
E. Cell phones are not needed since the office phone is available during lunches to call for items left at home
or to inform parents regarding a schedule change. The office is open until 4:00 and will be opened after
athletic events/bus returns.
F. Chromebooks must be fully charged at home prior to arrival at school.

All fireworks, ammunition, explosives, incendiary devices and weapons are forbidden on school grounds, in the
school building, in school vehicles, or in connection with all school related events.
Students should only bring items of an instructional nature to school. If items are brought to school that are judged
not to be of an instructional nature by the administration or teachers, the student will be asked to relinquish the item. The
item may not be returned to the student and further disciplinary steps may be taken.

Search and Seizure ​(See Rockingham County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook) 

Student Grievance Procedure (see Rockingham County Public Schools Parent- Student Handbook- p. 58 for steps 
This procedure is established to investigate allegations by a student of sex discrimination in the Rockingham
County Public School system. A grievance is a difference or a dispute between a student and an employee of the School
Board regarding a misinterpretation or misapplication of any educational or extra-curricular program as it relates to sex
discrimination. Students or school personnel report the concern to the building administrators, a teacher and/or a guidance
counselor as soon as possible.

It is the policy of the Rockingham County School Board to comply with all applicable state and federal laws, regarding
non-discrimination in employment and educational programs and services. It is an equal opportunity employer and educational
The Rockingham County School Board will not discriminate in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training,
classification, referral and other aspects of employment or in educational programs and services on the basis of race, color, national
origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), gender, marital or economic status, age, disability, genetics, or veteran status and prohibits
retaliation against anyone who files a complaint of discrimination, participates in such a proceeding, or otherwise opposes


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