5configuring Windows Server 2008 R2 File Sharing

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Configuring Windows Server 2008 R2 File Sharing

Given that Windows Server 2008 is a server operating system it is not surprising that a
primary function of this operating system is to serve files to users on other systems on a
network. The primary focus of this chapter, therefore, is the configuration and subsequent
management of file and folder sharing on Windows Server 2008 R2.


 1 Standard and Public File Sharing

 2 Enabling Windows Server 2008 R2 File Sharing
 3 Creating Shared Folders with Windows Explorer
 4 Creating Shared Folders on Remote Servers with Computer Management
 5 Creating Hidden Shares
 6 Understanding and Configuring Share Permissions

Standard and Public File Sharing

Windows Server 2008 R2 supports two types of file sharing, referred to as public file
sharing and standard file sharing.
In the case of public file sharing any files to be shared must be copied to the
server's Public folder located at %SystemDrive%\Users\Public, which in turn contains a
number of sub-folders for categories such as documents, downloads, music pictures and
videos. New folders may, of course, be created to fulfill other requirements. Once placed
in this folder the files are accessible to any users logged locally onto the machine and, if
enabled, to any network users. Public sharing provides some control over access to the
files. For example, when the server belongs to a workgroup the public folder can be
password protected. In addition, network access to files within the public folder can be
restricted to reading and executing only or given permission to read, write, create and
delete files.
Standard file sharing, which is only permitted on NTFS volumes, allows individual folders,
files and volumes to be shared to specific users. This provides far greater levels of security
over network access through a combination of NTFS file and folder permissions and share
permissions, and avoids the necessity to move files from their existing location in order to
share them.

Enabling Windows Server 2008 R2 File Sharing

File sharing in Windows Server 2008 R2 is managed from the Network and Sharing
Center, accessed by selecting Start -> Network and clicking on the Network and Sharing
Center button located in the toolbar of the Network dialog. Once invoked, the Network and
Sharing Center will list the current file sharing configuration and options as illustrated in
the following figure:

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To enable public file sharing, begin by clicking on the Change advanced sharing
settings link located near the top left hand corner of the dialog. This will display the
Advanced sharing settings screen as illustrated in the following figure:

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For each network environment in which the system operates a different profile is created
by Windows Server 2008 R2. This is a feature that is primarily of use in Windows versions
that are more frequently used on laptops such as Windows 7. Regardless, this feature is
still present in Windows Server 2008 R2. Be sure to select correct the profile by clicking
on the up and down arrows to fold and unfold the different profiles (if you are unsure of
which profile to use, the currently active profile is marked as “current profile”).
Once the settings for the required profile are unfolded, the various settings are displayed
and made available for modification. These settings are as follows:

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 Network discovery – Makes the system visible to other computers on the network
and also allows this computer to see other computers on the network. This must be
turned on to enable resource sharing.

 File and printer sharing – Allows select file and printer resources on the local system
to be accessed by other computers on the network. Once this setting has been
enabled, these resources must be individually configured to be shared before they will

 Public folder sharing – Controls whether or not the contents of

the %SystemDrive%\Users\Public folder is accessible to users on other computers on
the network.

 'Password protected sharing – When enabled, resources on the local system are only
accessible to users on remote computers that also have login accounts on the local
computer. To allow any users on the network to access shared resources simply
disable this setting

Creating Shared Folders with Windows Explorer

Shared folders can be configured using Windows Explorer, simply by navigating to the
folder to be shared, right clicking on the folder and selecting Properties from the menu. In
the properties dialog, click on the Sharing tab to display and modify the current shared
folder settings as illustrated in the following figure:

Within the sharing property panel, click on the Share... button to access the File Sharing
dialog. Within this dialog, the users who may access this shared folder are specified. If file
sharing has been restricted to users with local accounts and passwords, a list of users can
be obtained by clicking on the down arrow. In this situation, select and add users, or
select Everyone if access is to be made available to all users with local accounts:

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Once these settings are complete, click on the Share button to initiate the file sharing
process. Once this initial phase of the share setup is complete a dialog will appear
announcing this fact, listing the full Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to the
shared folder and providing the option to email users to notify them of this fact:

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Having specified which users will have access to the folder the next step is to enable the
sharing of the folder, specify share permissions and configure a Share Name by which the
folder will be referenced and accessed. In addition caching of shared files can be
configured. Caching allows users to maintain local copies of shared files so that they can
be accessed off-line (for example when the server hosting the files is not available to the
user's local system). With caching configured, local copies of shared files are stored on
the user's local system so that they can be accessed without a connection to the server.
When a connection is re-established, any changes made to the local copy of the file are
synchronized with the original copy on the server.
To configure these settings, click on the Advanced Sharing button to display the following

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In this dialog, set the Share this folder option to enable the sharing of the folder. Once this
has been selected the Share name field and associated button will activate enabling a
share name to be entered. By default the name of the folder being shared will be displayed,
although this may be changed to another name if desired. If the number of concurrent
users accessing a shared folder is of concern, modify the number of simultaneous users
accordingly. Enter optional comments about the share before clicking on Caching to
configure the off-line file settings. This will invoke the Offline Settings dialog where a
number of options are available including allowing each user to specify which files they
would like to be able to access off-line, only having files that users actually access
available off-line and disabling off-line sharing altogether:

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The final step in the folder sharing setup is to click on Permissions to configure the share
permissions, details of which are covered in a later section of this chapter.

Creating Shared Folders on Remote Servers with Computer Management

Windows Explorer provides an excellent mechanism for configuring shares on the local
system. This approach falls a little short in terms of convenience, however, when it is
necessary to configure shares on a remote server. Fortunately Windows Server 2008 R2
addresses this need by allowing shares to be configured from the Computer Management
tool. One point to note is that while this section will focus on the remote configuration of
file shares, the steps outlined here may equally be used to share files on a local server. In
fact, the Create a Shared Folder Wizard can be invoked on a local machine either from
Computer Management or by entering shrpubw at the command prompt or in a Run
After starting Computer Management on the local system, right click on Computer
Management in the left panel tree and select Connect to another computer... In the
resulting dialog box either enter the name of the remote computer or click on Browse and
then Advanced... to search the network or domain for the remote system. Once a
connection has been established to the remote server the Computer Management
interface will refresh and the Computer Management link in the tree will also display the
name of the selected remote server.
Once Computer Management is configured to administer a remote server, the next step
is to begin the folder sharing process. Begin by unfolding the System Tools, then Shared
Folders branches of the tree in the left panel. Select Shares to obtain a list of current

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shares configured on the remote system. The following figure illustrates Computer
Management with a list of shares configured on a remote system named WINSERVER-2:

The creation of a new shared folder on the remote server (although as previously
mentioned this can also be used on local computers) involves the use of something called
the Create a Shared Folder Wizard, which, as the name suggests provides a user friendly
way of configuring shared folders. To invoke this wizard, simply right click on New Share...,
then click on Next on the wizard's welcome screen. In the resulting Folder Path screen,
either type in the path of the folder to be shared, or browse the file systems to locate it.
With the required folder path selected click on Next to configure the name and description
settings. On this screen, specify the share name by which the folder will be accessed from
remote computers together with an optional description of the shared folder. Next,
configure the off-line file settings for the folder contents by clicking on Change.
Once these settings are configured, click on Next once again to configure the share
permissions for the selected folder. Either select one of the pre-configured options or
select Customize permissions and click on Custom to configure share permissions on a
per user basis. Finally, click on finish to complete the sharing process. If the configuration
is successful a summary screen similar to the one illustration in the following figure will be

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Creating Hidden Shares
By default, shared folders are listed when users browse for shared resources. From time
to time, however, it may be necessary to share a folder but have it hidden such that only
users who know of its existence can access it by referencing the share name. This concept
is known as hidden share access. The most important point to note about hidden shares
is that it does nothing to prevent access other than hiding the fact that the share exists. If,
for example, a user learns of the existence of a hidden share (perhaps because another
user tells them about it), and the share permissions are such that they have access to the
folder, the fact that it is hidden will do nothing to keep the user out of that folder.
Shares are made hidden by placing a $ at the end of the share name. For example, to
hide a share located at C:\accounts simply give it a share name with a trailing $, such
as accounts$.

Understanding and Configuring Share Permissions

<google>WIN28BOX</google> As outlined at the beginning of this chapter, Windows
Server 2008 R2 provides two levels of permissions for shared files and folders
namely share permissions and file and folder permissions. Share permissions are applied
when access is made via the network. When shared files and folders are accessed locally
from the server on which they reside these permissions serve no purpose. File and folder
permissions, on the other hand, take effect both when accessing files and folders both
locally and over the network. In the case of network access to shared files and folders, the
shared permissions are applied first, followed by any file and folder permissions. The key

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issue to note is that file and folder permissions provide a far greater level of control over
access than the more general permissions options provided by share permissions. In this
section, share permissions will be covered. For details on file and folder permissions refer
to Understanding Windows Server 2008 R2 File and Folder Ownership and Permissions.
Share permissions are granted on a per user and per group basis. In addition to allowing
a cap on the number of concurrent users accessing a share to be defined, share
permissions also provide three permission options, each of which can be set
to Allow or Deny:

 Full Control - Grants the specified users permission to change file and folder
permissions, execute, read, modify, create and delete files and sub-folders.

 Change - Grants the specified users permission to change file and folder attributes,
read, modify, execute, create and delete files and sub folders.

 Read - Grants the specified users permission to read and execute files and view and
access file lists and sub-folders.
Permissions are cumulative in that a user will inherit the permissions of all the groups of
which he or she is a member. If a permission is Denied, however, it overrides any cases
where that permission may have been granted. For example, if a user is a member of a
group where full control is provided over a folder, and also a member of a second group
where full control is specifically denied, the user will be denied full control regardless of
the fact that it was granted in the first group.
To configure share permissions, start Computer Management, connect to a remote server
if not working on local shares, unfold System Tools and select Shares to list all currently
shared folders. To configure share permissions for a folder, select it from the list, right click
and select Properties. In the properties dialog select the Share Permissionstab as
illustrated in the following figure:

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This screen displays the current share permissions and provides the ability to configure
additional permission controls. To change the settings for a currently configured group or
user select the user from the list, modify the permissions accordingly and click on Apply
to commit the changes.
To add permissions for a specific user or group click the Add button and enter one or more
users or groups into the text box (separating multiple entries with a semi-colon) and click
on Check Names to verify the names are correct. Click on OK to return to the properties
dialog where the added users and groups will appear in the list. Once again, select each
name in turn and configure the desired share permissions. Finally, click Apply to commit
the new permissions.

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