Nama Kelompok: Dwi Istiqomah: Sarizka Larasati: Isnaini Putri Rahmawati: Fatma Zachrani: Siti Maratul Janah
Nama Kelompok: Dwi Istiqomah: Sarizka Larasati: Isnaini Putri Rahmawati: Fatma Zachrani: Siti Maratul Janah
Nama Kelompok: Dwi Istiqomah: Sarizka Larasati: Isnaini Putri Rahmawati: Fatma Zachrani: Siti Maratul Janah
: Sarizka Larasati
: Isnaini Putri Rahmawati
: Fatma Zachrani
: Siti Maratul Janah
Zebras are four legged herbivorous mammal who belong to the Equidae Family.They
have a distinctive black and white stripes skin.They live in Africa.They love to run.They eat
Butterflies are an insect that live anywhere from 2 days to as long as 11 months.They
wings are colorful for many reasons.They live in forest and garden. They it nectar of
flowers.They like to eat around flowers.
Dragonflies is a belong to the order of Odonata.They are agile fiers flying skills can
cover a widw area.They body of a dragonflies consist of head, thorax, and abdoman.They eat
insect.They live in forest, garden, river, and lake.They love to fly.
Deers are the ruminant mammals forming the family carvidae.They live in Europa,
Asia, North America and Shouth America.They eat grass.They love to run.Ther are two
general types of calls that are used by deer to challenge a fellow deer.
Horse is one of ten species of mammals modern from the Genus Equus.They live in
Europa end Asia.they have four legs, a hair, one of the strongest mammals, run faster.they
love grass to eat.They helping humans terms of energy and as a means of transportation