Wave Run-Up

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Jeffrey A. Melby 1, Norberto C. Nadal-Caraballo1 and Nobuhisa Kobayashi 2

Wave runup determines the extent over which waves act. Wave runup is therefore an important parameter to
determine flood inundation extents from coastal storms. Cross-shore and longshore sediment transport are a function
of the hydrodynamics on the beach and are therefore related to wave runup. Several benchmark wave runup data sets
are summarized and used to evaluate the available tools for predicting wave runup for flood hazard assessment.
Benchmark data span a range of shoreline conditions including sandy beaches on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts,
dissipative to reflective beaches, as well as structures ranging from impermeable smooth levees to rough permeable
rubble mounds. Data include laboratory and prototype measurements. Tools for predicting wave runup are analyzed
including empirical equations, computer programs based on empirical equations, and the CSHORE time-averaged
cross-shore model. Most of the tools show fairly high degrees of skill but some do not. The study recommends using
CSHORE to model runup for most beach and structure conditions. However, CSHORE is not likely to predict wave
runup on infragravity-dominated dissipative beaches well. For these cases, it is recommended that one of the
recommended empirical equations for beaches be used.
Keywords: wave runup; wave setup; flood mapping; coastal flood; CSHORE

Wave runup prediction is required on most coastal engineering projects. Wave runup computation
is in a state of transition due to recent detailed and accurate field and laboratory measurements and
introduction of new computational tools. In this paper we review and compare some of the more
attractive new methods for computing wave runup by comparing to benchmark data sets.
In the U.S.A., flood mapping is done by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration)
within Flood Insurance Studies (FIS) to establish the 1% annual exceedance probability inundation
extent or base flood elevation (BFE). This mapping supports insurance requirements for flood prone
areas. More recent FEMA guidelines suggest computing wave and water level conditions for all
significant historical storms using high-fidelity regional wave and surge numerical models (e.g. Melby
et al. 2012). Runup limits are computed along transects and the BFE computed. For FEMA FIS, runup
has been determined using empirical equations as found in the Shore Protection Manual (USACE
1984) or the Coastal Engineering Manual (2002), or it has been computed using computer programs,
like Automated Coastal Engineering System (ACES) or Runup 2.0, which are based on empirical
equations. Most of these equations were derived from experiments measuring runup on steep slopes.
Both ACES and Runup 2.0 compute runup with empirical equations mostly on regular wave tests.
Empirical equations are limited to the conditions tested.
Recent studies by van Gent (2001), Stockdon et al. (2006) and others provide more generalized
guidance on runup for both structures and beaches. In addition, recently developed numerical models,
including CSHORE and BOUSS1D, provide high fidelity and efficient computation of runup and setup
and are now being introduced into flood mapping studies. In this paper we compare the predictions of
various empirical equations to a number of structure and beach benchmark data sets. In addition, we
compare predictions from Runup 2.0 and CSHORE programs to the benchmark data sets.
Wave runup, R, is specifically defined as the landward extent of wave uprush measured vertically
from the still water level (SWL). Wave runup consists of two parts: wave setup which is a mean
(averaged over time) water surface elevation and swash (Figure 1). Swash, S, is the variation of the
water-land interface about the mean. So wave runup is often referred to using the following equation
(e.g., Stockdon et al. 2006):
R = η max + (1)
where the maximum mean setup, η max , is the superelevation of the mean water level at the shoreline.

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS, 39180, USA, Fax: 601-634-3433,
Jeffrey.A.Melby@usace.army.mil, Norberto.C.Nadal-Caraballo@usace.army.mil
Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA, Fax 301-831-1228,



Figure 1. Conceptual sketch of wave runup on a beach (blue line) and setup (red shorter line)

Wave setup is a result of the momentum transfer of the radiation stress cross-shore gradient due to
breaking waves, and consists of a mean and an oscillating component (Longuet-Higgins and Stewart
1962, 1964). Setup varies across the surf zone, being slightly negative at the wave break point and
increasing to a maximum above the still water level. Often, setup is described by a mean component
with the time varying components of setup and swash both considered as runup as per Kobayashi
(1999). Wave setup variation occurs at periods on the order of 100 sec on natural beaches. For U.S.
Pacific Coast conditions where the wave spectra can be narrow, the slowly oscillating component of
setup may be the dominant portion of runup.
Wave runup has been studied extensively over the last half century. Recent summary works
include Kobayashi (1999), the Coastal Engineering Manual (2002), and the EurOtop Manual (2007).
Wave runup on coastal structures can be subdivided into impermeable core (levees and revetments),
permeable core (rubble mound breakwaters), smooth (grass covered levees or planar slopes in the
laboratory) and rough (stone or concrete armored structures), and complex or uniform slopes. Beaches,
on the other hand, are characterized by shallower average slopes of 1:100 - 1:10. Beach morphology
changes with time with beach steepening during storms when sediment and the nearshore bar move
offshore. So defining a single average slope for a beach, to estimate runup, can be uncertain. Steeper
beaches are wave-reflecting while shallower-sloping beaches are wave-dissipating.
Battjes (1974a, b) classified wave breaking according to the surf similarity or Iribarren parameter
ξ = tan α/(H/L) (Iribarren and Nogales 1949), where α is the nearshore slope from horizontal, H is the
incident wave height, and L is the incident wave length. Battjes noted that spilling breakers correspond
to ξ< 0.5, plunging breakers to 0.5<ξ<3.3 and surging or collapsing breakers occur for ξ>3.3. Madsen
et al. (1997a, b) found that ξ also governed the type of shoreline motion. They noted that individual
swash oscillations are distinct for breakers of the plunging to surging type (ξ> 0.5) but that wave
group-induced sub-harmonic motion dominates the swash oscillations for breakers of the spilling type
(ξ< 0.5). They also described the influence of bound long waves (wave grouping, e.g., Jiabao 1993).
Low frequency incident waves from bound long waves and slow time variations of the breaker location
generate both bound and free long waves in the surf zone creating what is known as surf beat or slow
variations of the shoreline. Incident short waves are mostly dissipated in the surf zone while free long
waves are almost entirely reflected.
Mase and Iwagaki (1984) and Mase (1989) summarized the impact of wave groupiness on wave
runup. They noted that for steep structures, increasing wave groupiness yields higher runup.
Conversely, for shallow slopes, wave groupiness variability has little effect on runup. Runup at
infragravity wave frequencies is commonly defined for frequencies lower than f = 0.05 Hz (e.g., Guza
and Thornton 1982). They note that the progressive wave component of runup is saturated so that the
infragravity component can constitute virtually all of the variance in the runup. Holland and Holman
(1999) also describe cross-shore standing waves or edge waves resulting from the almost complete
reflection of infragravity waves.
Nielsen and Hanslow (1991) suggested that the Rayleigh distribution is reasonable for runup on
beaches. Kobayashi (1997) summarized several studies that showed runup on structures to be
approximately Rayleigh distributed.
Hunt (1959) suggested that relative runup is proportional to the surf similarity parameter or
Iribarren number:
= ξ0 (2)

where H0 is the average deep water regular wave height and T the regular wave period. This simple
expression states that wave runup increases with increasing shore steepness and decreasing wave
steepness. In the following sections, we discuss this relation as it has been carried forward in present
day design equations.
In this section, a number of small scale laboratory and full scale prototype wave runup data sets
assembled for this study are summarized. The data sets are listed and discussed in more detail in Melby
Mase and Iwagaki (1984) and Mase (1989) conducted laboratory experiments of smooth uniform
slopes ranging from 1:30 to 1:5. Irregular waves were measured on the flat portion of the flume in
intermediate depth. Swash was measured at the level of the slope in a channel using a capacitance wire
gage. The runup gage channel was 1 cm deep and 3 cm wide. Runup statistics were computed by
dividing the number of runups by the number of incident waves and then rank ordering the result.
Runup included setup. The small-scale model experiment was not to any specific scale as it was a
generalized model. This data set is limited to the following ranges: 120 total tests, 30 per slope, 4
smooth impermeable uniform slopes; Spectrum Type: Pierson-Moskowitz; Spectral Groupiness
Factors: 0.74 and 0.53; Offshore Bathymetry: flat.
Van der Meer (1988) and Van der Meer and Stam (1992) summarized generalized irregular wave
laboratory experiments on a variety of permeable and impermeable rock-armored coastal structures.
The experiments were generalized and so not scaled to any specific structure. The related studies of de
Waal and van der Meer (1992) and van der Meer and Stam (1992) generated empirical runup equations
in the Coastal Engineering Manual (2002) and the Dutch Wave Runup and Wave Overtopping at Dikes
Manual (TAW 2002). They give significant wave height as a time domain parameter H1/3. These data
correspond to structures where the toe is in relatively deep water (ht > 3H1/3) with no surf zone seaward
of the structure; where ht is the toe depth. Therefore, H1/3 can be set equal to Hm0 for these data with
very little error. The data set is limited to the following ranges of parameters: Irregular waves on rubble
mound structures with uniform slopes; Spectrum Type: Pierson-Moskowitz; Offshore Bathymetry
slope: flat.
Van Gent (1999a, b; 2001) conducted laboratory and prototype experiments of relatively smooth
uniform and bermed impermeable dike slopes. The experiment consisted of two parts: a) full-scale
measurements from the Petten Sea Defense site with associated small scale physical model experiment
(Series P); and b) generalized small scale model experiments with systematic variation of parameters
(Series A – C). Series P is reported in van Gent (1999a). Series A – C are reported in van Gent (1999b,
2001). The small-scale model study was conducted using undistorted geometry at a length scale of
1:40. Irregular waves were measured on the flat portion of the flume in intermediate depth and across
the shallow surf zone to the structure toe. Swash was measured using a step gage at an elevation of 2.5
mm above the slope. The probes were spaced at 25 mm. In addition, a continuous runup gage was
placed parallel to the slope at an elevation of 5 mm above the slope. Runup was computed by dividing
the number of runups by the number of incident waves and then rank-ordering the result. These data are
limited to the following ranges of parameters: Spectrum Type: single peaked and double peaked
JONSWAP; Spectral Groupiness Factors: varied; Offshore Bathymetry: flat for lab.
Additional coastal structure runup data were obtained from van der Meer 3 based mostly on large
scale tests conducted in various flumes. These data are described in EurOtop (2007).
Stockdon et al. (2006) reported a large beach runup data set consisting of data from nine full scale
experiments conducted between 1982 and 1996. The foreshore beach slope βf was defined as the
average slope over a region between ±2σ of the mean water level, where σ was defined as the standard
deviation of the continuous water level record. In this case, the wave conditions are given in deep water
computed by deshoaling waves from a depth of about 8 m using linear wave theory. Most of the
measurements were made using shoreline tracking from video. Runup R2% was computed by rank
ordering the runups and dividing by the total number of runups. This can be contrasted with the data
sets for structures where the runups were divided by the total number of incident waves. There are
typically fewer runups than incident waves so Stockdon’s resulting runup statistic will be relatively
greater. Another thing to note is that for structure experiments, the wave conditions mostly correspond
to those of storms while those of beaches correspond to non-storm conditions for most open coast
locations. The impact of measuring non-storm conditions is primarily in the proportion of infragravity

Personal communication.

wave energy and beach slope. It is expected that during storm conditions, incident wave energy will
typically dominate the runup response whereas in non-storm conditions, it is possible for infragravity
energy to dominate. Beach slope typically steepens during storms, accentuating the impact of incident
waves on runup. The beach profiles used to describe these data are average profiles, averaged in time
but approximately corresponding to the beach profile at the location of the runup measurement.
Battjes (1974a) extended the regular wave Hunt (1959) formula to irregular waves using time
domain wave parameters. His formula for relative runup was as follows:
R2% tan α H gT 2
= Cm ξ 0 m ξ 0 m = s0 m = s L0 m = m (3)
H 1/ 3 s0 m L0 m 2π
with Cm = 1.49-1.87 and where α is the structure slope from horizontal, and Tm is the mean wave
period. Other authors have expanded the range of Cm. Ahrens (1981) gave a variation of Equation 3 for
a range of structure slopes from 1:1 to 1:4 using frequency domain wave parameters. Ahrens expressed
the surf similarity parameter where ξ0p= tan α/ s0 p , where s0p = Hm0/ L0p, L0p = gTp2/2π and Tp is the
peak wave period. His coefficient was C = 1.6, roughly in the middle of the range given by Battjes.
A more generalized form of Hunt’s equation was proposed by Holman (1986) for beach data
= aξ 0bp + c (4)
H m0
Hunt’s data suggested that a = 1, b = 1, and c = 0 using deep water regular waves. Holman (1986) fit
this equation with a = 0.83, b = 1, and c = 0.2 to field data from Duck, NC, using the intermediate
depth Hm0 and Tp. Mase (1989) developed a predictive equation for irregular wave runup on plane
impermeable slopes, based on the laboratory data summarized above. Equation 4 was modified with
a = 1.86, b = 0.71 and c = 0 using wave parameters from deep water. Figure 2 shows the fit of the Mase
equation to Mase data. Similar to the Holman equation, there is very good fit to the roughly linear
portion where ξ0p < 2 but deviation for cases with higher ξ0p with steeper slopes or lower steepness


1 Measured

Mase Predict
0 1 2 3 4
ξ op

Figure 2. Mase relative runup prediction plotted with Mase measurements.

Van der Meer and Stam (1992), analyzed wave runup on rock-armored structures for a range of
spectral shapes. Their recommended runup guidance, an extension of Equation 3, was given as:
R2% R2% R2%
= Aξ 0 m ξ 0 m ≤ 1.5, = Bξ 0Cm ξ 0 m ≥ 1.5, ≤3 (5)
γH1/ 3 γH1/ 3 γH1/ 3
where A = 0.96, B = 1.17, and C = 0.46. An influence factor γ is used to account for various things as
described below. The upper limit of relative runup was introduced for permeable-core structures.
Equations 3–5 all use wave parameters defined in intermediate to deep water resulting in wave
conditions that conform to the Rayleigh wave height distribution. As such, H1/3 can be interchanged
with Hm0 in Equations 3 and 5. However, these equations are not necessarily valid in shallow water
where there is a wide surf zone.

Equation 5 is plotted in Figure 3 against the van der Meer and Stam data. The equation fits the
range of surf parameters from the linear range, through the transition area, and into the surging region.
However, the scatter is increasing in the surging region where the fit is less certain.

3 5

Predicted R2%/γHs

1 Empirical Data
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 1 2 3 4 5
ξ om Measured R2%/γHs

Figure 3. Van der Meer and Stam relative runup prediction using Equation 5.

Battjes (1974a) gave runup influence factors that reduce the estimated runup for various structure
armor and cross section types. In Equation 3, Hs is replaced by γHs, where, for example, γ = 0.55 for
multi-layer stone armor. The influence factors were republished in the Shore Protection Manual
(USACE 1984). Empirical coefficient A = 0.96 in Equation 5 for runup on rock structures due to
plunging breakers is roughly 50 percent of the value of A = 1.86 in the Mase equation for smooth
structures, confirming Battjes factor for rock structures for ξ0p < 2. De Waal and van der Meer (1992)
gave an update of influence factors where the total influence factor is the product of component
influence factors γ = γbγf γhγβ and the various factors are for berms (γb), slope roughness (γf), shallow
water (γh), and angle of wave attack (γβ).
Recently, the Hunt equation was extended by van Gent (1999a, b; 2001) to shallow water where
wave heights deviate from the Rayleigh distribution. Van Gent (2001) gave equations to fit his runup
data for smooth and rough impermeable structures with varied uniform and compound slopes. The
primary best-fit equation is:

R2% c0ξ ξ≤p

= (6)
γH s  1 2
c − c / ξ ξ >p
where c2 = 0.25(c1)2/c0, p = 0.5c1/c0, and c0 and c1 are given for different wave period statistics. The
optimal fits were for Tp and Tm-1,0, where Tm-1,0 = m-1/m0 is the negative first moment wave period of the

wave variance density spectrum and mn = ∫ 0
f n S ( f )df . Typically, Tm-1,0 ≈ Tp/1.1. The fit coefficients
were given as: Tp: c0 = 1.35, c1 = 4.3, c2 = 3.4, p = 1.6; Tm-1,0: c0 = 1.35, c1 = 4.7, c2 = 4.1, p = 1.7.
Although not widely available, Tm-1,0 provides a more stable parameter than Tp because it is based on
the integrated wave variance density spectrum rather than the somewhat uncertain peak of the
spectrum. In Equation 6, γ = γf γβ is a cumulative adjustment for slope roughness (γf) and wave
directionality (γβ). Van Gent dropped γh and γb suggesting that these coefficients are not required. Van
Gent incorporated the depth effects into Equation 6 and the berm effect into the slope in the surf
similarity parameter. For a berm, van Gent suggests using an average structure slope of tan α = 4Hs/L,
where L is the horizontal distance between points on the structure at 2Hs below, and 2Hs above, the still
water line. Roughness reduction factors are 1.0 for smooth slopes, 0.9 for grass-covered slopes, 0.6 for
single layer rock slopes and 0.5 for multi-layer rock slopes. The wave directionality factor is given as
γβ = 1 - 0.0022β for β < 80 deg where β is the wave angle from shore normal. Equation 6 is plotted
versus Van Gent’s data in Figure 4.


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ξ m-1,0

Figure 4. Equation 6 relative runup prediction plotted with van Gent measurements.

The TAW (2002) manual has been updated in the EurOtop (2007) manual to include more recent
experimental results. The EurOtop runup equation is given in Equation 7 and plotted in Figure 5 with
the van der Meer and Stam data. A value of γf = 0.55 was applied to account for roughness of multi-
layer rock armor. In addition, the approximation Tp = 1.1Tm-1,0 was used. The fit to the data appears to
be reasonable in Figure 5 with a modest overprediction bias. The modification from the TAW equation
to the EurOtop is to decrease the coefficient on the first equation from 1.75 to 1.65, the two coefficients
in the second equation from 4.3 and 1.6 to 4.0 and 1.5 and change the wave period statistic. This
modification represents roughly a 14% decrease in predicted runup. Figure 6 shows the EurOtop
equation plotted with additional large scale data referenced in the EurOtop manual. The summary data
were provided to the author by van der Meer (2012) and are shown here for completeness.
R2% R2%
= 1.65γ bγ f γ β ξ m−1,0 ≤ γ bγ f surging γ β (4 − 1.5 / ξ m−1,0 ) (7)
H m0 H m0
where γf surging = γf + (ξm-1,0 – 1.8)(1-γf)/8.2 and γf surging = 1.0 for ξm-1,0 >10.


EurOtop Predicted

0 2 4 6 8 10
ξ m-1,0

Figure 5. EurOtop runup prediction plotted with van der Meer and Stam measurements.

Smooth, Deep
Single Peaked, Shallow

3.0 Double Peaked, Shallow


2.5 Berm

Short Crested
Short Crested with Berm
Skewed Spectrum, Short Crested

0.5 Skew, Short Crested, Berm

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
γbξ m-1,0
Figure 6. EurOtop runup prediction plotted with large scale measurements.

In Figure 6, a wide variety of structure and wave and water level conditions are represented
including shallow and deep water at the structure toe, single peaked and double peaked spectra, short-
crested and long crested seas, skewed spectra, smooth impermeable and rubble structures, varied
roughness, and bermed structures. As shown in Figure 6, the EurOtop equation fit appears to be
reasonable with a small overprediction bias.
In conclusion, runup is reasonably well predicted for structures using the Hunt-type equation with
variations that account for the reduced influence of the surf similarity parameter for steep structures
and low steepness waves as well as the many variations of structure and wave spectra conditions.
Analysis of runup prediction for structures
Statistical measures given below are utilized to describe the skill of the various runup models. For
these relations, RMS = root mean square, p = predicted, m = measured, and n = number of data points.

Dimensional RMS Error: 𝐸𝑟𝑚𝑠 = � ∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑝𝑖 − 𝑚𝑖 )2 (8)

1 𝑝𝑖 2
Non-dimensional RMS Error: 𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑠 = � ∑𝑛𝑖=1 � − 1� (9)
𝑛 𝑚𝑖
Bias: 𝐵 = ∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑝𝑖 − 𝑚𝑖 ) (10)
Standard Deviation of Errors: 𝜎𝑑 = � ∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑝𝑖 − 𝑚𝑖 − 𝑏)2 (11)
Mean of Measurements: � = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑚𝑖
𝑚 (12)
Scatter Index: 𝑆𝐼 = �
Normalized RMS Error Performance: 𝐸�𝑟𝑚𝑠 = �1 − � (14)
Normalized Bias Error Performance: 𝑏� = �1 − � (15)
Normalized SI Performance: � = (1 − 𝑆𝐼)
𝑆𝐼 (16)
𝐸�𝑟𝑚𝑠 +𝑏� +𝑆𝐼

Summary Performance Score: 𝑃𝑆 = (17)

These statistical skill measures were computed for the varied structure empirical models against
the structure data sets of van der Meer and Stam and van Gent. The results are summarized in Table 1.
Generally, the models have relatively high skill. The EurOtop equation is the most accurate and
versatile, fitting all data well. The EurOtop and van Gent equations also make use of previously
published guidance in the CEM and TAW manual for influence coefficients but give somewhat simpler

Table 1. Error statistics and skill scores for empirical equations for runup on structures
for van der Meer and Stam data
Van der
Van Gent EurOtop
Meer and
(Eq. 6) (Eq. 7)
Stam (Eq. 5)
Dimensional RMS Error (cm) 3.4 3.1 3.7
Bias (cm) 0.01 -0.01 0.01
Nondimensional RMS Error 0.17 0.14 0.18
Standard Deviation of Errors (cm) 3.1 2.7 3.4
Scatter Index 0.15 0.12 0.16
Normalized RMS Error Performance 0.85 0.86 0.83
Normalized Bias Performance 0.95 0.94 0.94
Normalized SI Performance 0.85 0.88 0.84
Summary Performance 0.88 0.89 0.87

Stockdon et al. (2006) developed empirical relations based on data from nine field experiments.
They differentiate the beaches as dissipative or reflective depending on the surf similarity parameter.
Dissipative beaches are defined for ξ0p<0.3 and reflective beaches for ξ0p >1.25. They characterize
runup as the sum of wave setup and swash and decompose swash into the sum of incident and
infragravity contributions. The separation of swash spectral energy is as follows: f > 0.05 Hz for

incident wave energy and f < 0.05 Hz for infragravity. The time varying beach profile is averaged over
the duration of an experiment. They recommend a universal beach runup formula as:
 1
[ 1/ 2 
R2% = 1.1 0.35β f ( H m 0 L0 p )1 / 2 + H m 0 L0 p (0.563β f2 + 0.004)  ] (18)
 2 
where the first term in the brackets represents wave setup contributions, the βf2 term is for incident
wave contributions, and the 0.004 term is for infragravity contributions. For dissipative beaches with
very shallow slopes, the equation reduces to infragravity-dominated runup:
R2% = 0.043 ( H m 0 L0 p )1/ 2 ξ 0 p < 0.3 (19)
As reported by Melby (2012), the incident-wave-dominated sites are all except Scripps, Agate, and
Terschelling. Agate and Terschelling are infragravity-dominated. Scripps is generally infragravity-
dominated. Stockdon relations predict that setup and swash are of similar relative magnitude with
swash contributing about 43 percent more for the incident-wave-dominated sites. For infragravity-
dominated sites, the swash dominates over setup and infragravity energy is the major contributor to
wave runup.
Equation 18 is plotted in Figure 7 with the measured beach runup data. The skill of Equation 18
was evaluated and the results are summarized in Table 2. The best fits of the Hunt-based Holman and
modified Mase formulae for the beach data are also evaluated in Table 2. The varied predictive
equations provide similar skill.

Predicted R2%/Hm0

Empirical Data
0 1 2 3 4 5
Measured R2%/Hm0

Figure 7. Fit of Stockdon equations to Stockdon beach data.

Table 2. Error statistics and skill scores for empirical equations compared to beach data
Holman1 Stockdon Mase2
(Eq. 4) (Eq. 18) (Eq. 4)
Dimensional RMS Error (m) 0.36 0.38 0.37
Bias (m) 0.00 -0.17 0.00
Nondimensional RMS Error 0.30 0.27 0.28
Standard Deviation of Errors (m) 0.11 0.34 0.37
Scatter Index 0.25 0.23 0.26
Normalized RMS Error Performance 0.77 0.76 0.76
Normalized Bias Performance 1.00 0.89 1.00
Normalized SI Performance 0.75 0.77 0.74
Summary Performance 0.84 0.80 0.84
1 Equation 4 with fit coefficients a = 0.90, b = 1.0, c = 0.25
2 Equation 4 with fit coefficients a = 1.10, b = 0.70, c = 0.0


Leenknecht et al. (1995) summarized models used for wave runup in the Automated Coastal
Engineering System (ACES). The Mase (1989) relation for runup on gently sloping smooth planar
slopes was included for beaches but the details of application were left as user inputs (beach slope, fit
coefficient). For runup on coastal structures, the relations of Ahrens and Titus (1985) are recommended

for smooth impermeable slopes, and Ahrens and McCartney (1975) for rough slopes (riprap). These
relations are based on regular wave experiments. The runup relation for rough slopes was given as:
R aξ
= (20)
H 1 + bξ
where R is the significant runup, H is the incident significant wave height, and ξ is computed using Hm0
and Tp. Here a and b are empirical coefficients for varied armor.
Relations for computing wave height in shallow water were given. Although Ahrens subsequently
updated the equations for both structures and beaches (e.g., Ahrens and Seelig 1996, Ahrens et al.
1993), the ACES program was not updated. Application of the ACES model is uncertain because the
documentation is not very clear on the parameter statistics. However, an evaluation of the ACES
program showed lower skill than the equations discussed above for structures and beaches.
Runup 2.0 is the computer program recommended by FEMA for use in Flood Insurance Studies
(FEMA 1981, 1991). The program is based on the empirical equations of Stoa (1978) for a wide variety
of slope configurations and wave and water level conditions. Stoa used small-scale regular wave
laboratory experiments to develop the empirical equations. The experiments did not include any of the
modern wave generation capabilities, such as active wave absorption and second order correction for
spurious bound waves. Because the Stoa tests included setup, the Runup 2.0 runup estimate also
includes setup.
Stoa conducted experiments for 10 structure profiles, all with flat offshore bathymetry and
relatively deep water directly offshore of the structure. So, the wave is assumed to break on the
structure rather than in the nearshore zone. Ten empirical curve sets for runup prediction were
developed for the 10 structure profiles and the program interpolates or extrapolates to determine runup
for input conditions. If the structure profile matches Stoa’s, then the calculation uses one of the
digitized Stoa curves. However, if there is no match, then the composite slope method of Saville (1958)
is used. This method extends runup estimates from simple structure geometries to more complex
profiles. The method defines a uniform slope that provides an equivalent runup to a complex profile. A
number of other adjustments are made within Runup 2.0 including corrections for depth-limited
breaking, slope roughness, and scale effects.
Runup 2.0 outputs mean runup representative of regular waves. For FIS, this statistic is converted
to R2% = 2.2* R assuming Rayleigh distributed runups. Table 3 gives the error statistics and skill scores
for Runup 2.0 predictions for several data sets. The skill is low because the physical processes are not
well represented by the regular-wave based empirical model.

Table 3. Error Statistics and Skill Scores for Runup 2.0 Predictions
Mase Data Van Gent Data Stockdon Data
Dimensional RMS Error (m) 0.03 0.13 1.04
Bias (m) -0.02 0.05 -0.84
Nondimensional RMS Error 0.36 0.80 0.62
Standard Deviation of Errors (m) 0.02 0.13 0.60
Scatter Index 0.21 0.54 0.41
Normalized RMS Error Performance -1.57 0.48 0.35
Normalized Bias Performance -0.92 0.81 0.47
Normalized SI Performance 0.79 0.46 0.59
Summary Performance -0.57 0.58 0.47


The nearshore and swash zone consist of spatially varying bathymetry and topography that impact
the incident wave climate and runup. Barred-beach and dune conditions are common and usually
consist of complex bathymetry from offshore to the landward extent of the dune. During the most
extreme storms, there may be significant morphological change and overtopping and erosion of the
dune. Empirical equations based on limited experiments using impermeable smooth uniform slopes
may not yield accurate solutions in many cases.
Several hydrodynamic models for modeling transects are in wide use and they generally fall into
two categories: phase-averaged or time-averaged and phase-resolving. Phase-averaged cross-shore
models, such as CSHORE, have been widely discussed in the literature (Kobayashi 1997, 2009). The
primary advantage of this class of models is that they run very quickly and are very stable. The
disadvantage is that they do not model the detailed transformation of individual waves so they contain

more empiricism than phase-resolving models. An example is modeling both incident and infragravity
components of a spectrum.
Phase-resolving models based on the Boussinesq equations have also gained recent popularity for
practical application. The primary advantage of the Boussinesq-based models is that they capture the
wave-to-wave physics and so can, in some cases, model the details of the spectral wave transformation
including infragravity wave contributions. However, surfzone infragravity wave generation, trapped
edge waves and other related physical processes may still not be modeled. In addition, offshore wave
hindcasts often do not typically include information on bound long waves. In this case, it is unlikely
that any wave model can adequately resolve the infragravity dominated components of wave runup,
particularly for regional flood inundation studies where thousands of transects must be modeled. A
disadvantage of Boussinesq-based models is that they require significantly more resources than phase-
averaged models and are less stable. So, for regional inundation studies where thousands of transects
are modeled for hundreds of storms, detailed phase-resolving modeling for all transects and all storms
may not be practical at this time.
Existing numerical models can provide consistent prediction of runup from steep to shallow
slopes, including structure/beach porosity and roughness, and account for complex nearshore processes
on irregular bathymetry. CSHORE has the option of including morphology change, bottom porosity,
and many other complex nearshore processes. CSHORE runs extremely fast – a few seconds per storm
per transect is typical. It is also very stable. A horizontally two-dimensional version of CSHORE is
called C2SHORE. The programs have been validated for limited data sets as described in the many
references (see Johnson et al. 2011, for validation to storm-induced morphology change data sets).
CSHORE is described in Kobayashi (1997, 2009), Pietropaolo et al. (2012), and Melby (2012) and
that discussion will not be repeated herein. The model solves the time-averaged continuity, momentum,
and energy equations in the region that is always wet and separately for the wet-dry region. Runup is
solved as a probabilistic estimate along a runup wire in the wet-dry region assuming runups to be
Rayleigh distributed. R2% is computed from this distribution.
CSHORE has a large number of options including moveable or fixed bed, roller effects, empirical
breaker ratio parameter, runup wire height, and bottom friction factor. In general, the model is not very
sensitive to the breaker ratio parameter or the bottom friction factor. The breaker ratio γc parameter is
typically in the range of 0.6 – 0.8 with 0.7 being generally used with success herein. The bottom
friction factor is less certain but values taken directly from the literature proved satisfactory for this
study (e.g., Hughes 1995, Kobayashi 1999). The details of the modeling are discussed in Melby (2012).
For this study, for the structure modeling, roller and wave-current interaction were turned off whereas
they were turned on for beach modeling. For structures, γc=0.7 and f = 0.02 while for beaches, γc=0.8
and f = 0.002. For beaches, the runup wire height (RWH) was 1.5 cm, except for Agate and SandyDuck
where RWH = 0.5 cm.
Input wave conditions for CSHORE were those on the flat part of the flume for Mase and van Gent
experiments and those just outside the surf zone for the beach studies. Peak wave period, Tp, was used
as input to CSHORE. Further, root-mean-square wave height, Hrms, was used and was computed as
Hm0/1.41421 assuming Rayleigh distributed wave heights outside the surf zone. For the beach
experiments, waves were measured at varying locations just outside the surf zone. Stockdon
transformed these wave conditions to deep water using linear shoaling. Only the deep water wave
conditions were provided to us for this study. For the present analysis, these offshore wave conditions
were transformed from deep water to a depth of 8 m using linear wave theory and the 8 m depth
conditions were used as input to CSHORE.
The profiles were time-averaged over the duration of the beach experiments. Each profile was
extended to elevation +4 m on the shoreward end and to -8 m on the seaward end using the average
swash and offshore slopes, respectively. Note that the Oregon profiles were estimated offshore and
assumed linear. For the beach experiment analysis, the measured water levels throughout each
experiment were obtained from the NOAA COOPS web site (http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov).
Figures 8 - 11 show measured versus CSHORE computed R2%/Hm0. Each figure shows a solid line
for perfect agreement and 20 percent error as dashed lines. Figure 8 shows the relative runup
comparison with van Gent data and Figure 9 shows the comparison for the Mase data. The runup is
normalized by the wave height at the toe of the slope in relatively deep water. These two figures
illustrate that CSHORE predicts R2% well for smooth structures with nearly all of the predictions within
20 percent error and little bias. Some bias on the high side is observed in the higher relative runup in
van Gent data.

Series P Series A, B, C
5 5

4 4

Predicted R2%/Hm0

Predicted R2%/Hm0
3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Measured R2%/Hm0 Measured R2%/Hm0

Figure 8. CSHORE predicted relative runup versus van Gent measurements. Solid black line is equality and
dashed lines are the 20 percent error.

Predicted R2%/Hm0

0 1 2 3 4 5
Measured R2%/Hm0

Figure 9. CSHORE predicted relative runup versus Mase measurements. Solid black line is equality and
dashed lines are the 20 percent error.

Figures 10 – 11 show CSHORE prediction of relative runup compared to Stockdon beach data.
Here, runup is normalized by wave height in 8 m depth. The sites are grouped where predictions were
similar in bias and scatter. Figure 10 shows Delilah (Duck 1990), Duck 1994, San Onofre, and Scripps.
The skill of CSHORE for these experiments was surprisingly similar with little bias and a reasonable
level of overall skill, particularly considering there was no tuning of the model to match these
measurements and only average beach profiles and nearby water level data were available. Also,
measurement and analysis of wave runup, incident waves, and bathymetry were complex for these
experiments, spanning nearly two decades when technology was changing rapidly and varying from
site to site. Because the conditions were generally not stormy, the waves and runup were often
relatively small, producing more relative scatter that would not be significant for flood hazard. Finally,
as stated earlier, Scripps data were infragravity-dominated. Given these issues, it is surprising that
prediction skill for data from disparate sites on different coasts would be similar. Although the largest
error is nearly a factor of two, the predictions show skill similar to the empirical equations that were
specifically tuned for these data sets.
Figure 11 (left) shows relative runup predictions for Duck 1982 and SandyDuck experiments while
Figure 11 (right) shows relative runup predictions for Gleneden, OR, and Agate, OR. Here we see
much more scatter than is shown in Figure 10, particularly for higher relative runup. Figure 11 (left)
shows more scatter than Figure 10 and a few outliers but reasonable overall prediction. Comparison of
the modified Mase equation with Duck 1982 and SandyDuck data in Table 4 also shows lower skill
than other incident-dominated sites suggesting that poor prediction for several data points is partly due
to uncertainty in the data. Figure 11 (right) shows that CSHORE has poor skill for the northwest
Pacific coast. The CSHORE model over-predicted relative runup for some cases. Uncertainty in

nearshore bathymetry and water levels for these sites adds significant uncertainty to the data. So model
predictions were not expected to be accurate for these sites. It is also likely that the CSHORE model
provides poor prediction of infragravity-dominated runup on dissipative beaches. For these cases, a
formulation specific for dissipative beaches, like Equation 19, may be required. The large uncertainty is
also a result of relatively small incident waves and resulting small runup values. It is expected that
CSHORE runup predictions for storm conditions corresponding to higher flood hazard where a higher
water level reaches a steeper beach face and runup is dominated by incident wave conditions would be
more accurate with accuracy represented by Figure 10.
Table 4 summarizes the skill of CSHORE for predicting runup on structures as shown in Figures 8
– 9. Table 5 summarizes the skill of CSHORE for runup on beaches as shown in Figures 10 – 11.

Predicted R2%/Hm0

Duck 94
1 Scripps 89
San Onofre
0 1 2 3 4 5
Measured R2%/Hm0

Figure 10. CSHORE predicted runup versus measured runup during Duck 1990, Duck 1994, Scripps, and San
Onofre experiments. Solid black line is equality and dashed lines are the 20 percent error.

6 6

5 5
Predicted R2%/Hm0

Predicted R2%/Hm0

4 4

3 3

2 2
1 Gleneden
Duck 82
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Measured R2%/Hm0
Measured R2%/Hm0

Figure 11. CSHORE predicted runup versus measured during Duck 1982 and SandyDuck experiments on left
and Gleneden and Agate on right.

Table 4. Error statistics and skill scores for CSHORE predictions of runup on structures.
Van Gent Data Van Gent Data
Mase Data
Series P Series A, B, C
N 120 40 97
Dimensional RMS Error (m) 0.03 0.64 0.06
Bias (m) 0.00 -0.02 0.02
Nondimensional RMS Error 0.13 0.09 0.19
Standard Deviation of Errors (m) 0.01 0.65 0.07
Scatter Index 0.11 0.20 0.11
Normalized RMS Error Performance 0.90 0.45 0.79
Normalized Bias Performance 0.99 0.98 0.94
Normalized SI Performance 0.89 0.80 0.89
Summary Performance 0.92 0.74 0.87

Table 5. Error statistics and skill scores for CSHORE predictions of runup on beaches.
Group 1: Delilah, Duck 1994, Scripps, and San Onofre; Group 2: SandyDuck and Duck 1982;
Group 3: Gleneden and Agate.
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
N 290 130 56
Dimensional RMS Error (m) 0.41 0.99 3.08
Bias (m) 0.09 0.64 1.97
Nondimensional RMS Error erms 0.37 0.94 1.83
Standard Deviation of Errors (m) 0.41 0.76 2.39
Scatter Index 0.28 0.55 1.42
Normalized RMS Error Performance 0.74 0.34 -0.77
Normalized Bias Performance 0.95 0.57 -0.13
Normalized SI Performance 0.72 0.45 -0.42
Summary Performance 0.80 0.46 -0.44

The results summarized above suggest that CSHORE can predict runup with a high degree of skill
over a broad range of wave and nearshore profile situations for storm conditions where there is a flood
hazard. For the most part, the skill is comparable to empirical models that were tuned to the data. There
were areas of weakness with the model though. In particular, CSHORE is not expected to predict runup
well for conditions where infragravity conditions dominate, particularly on gently-sloping dissipative
beaches that are typical of the northwest Pacific coast. Further research is required in this area.

The study goal was to establish several benchmark wave runup data sets and evaluate the available
tools for predicting wave runup for flood hazard assessment. Benchmark data covered a range of
shoreline conditions including sandy beaches on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, impermeable smooth
structures with uniform slopes from 1:30 to 1:5, impermeable structures with steep uniform and
compound slopes (clay earthen grass-covered levees), impermeable stone-armored structures (levees
and revetments), and permeable stone-armored structures (breakwaters). The beach data sets spanned
the range of dissipative to reflective beaches. The structure data sets encompass a wide range of wave
and water level conditions from deep water at the slope toe to shallow water with a wide surf zone. The
laboratory data sets were limited to data that were carefully obtained using modern wave generation
and wave measurement techniques. The data set from van Gent included full scale and small scale data
and included active wave absorption, second order wave correction, and incident and reflected wave
For most shoreline conditions, CSHORE can be used to predict wave runup. This includes coastal
structures and beaches. CSHORE also can be used to predict cross-shore beach morphology change
where important. In addition, CSHORE can be used to predict wave overtopping of structures and
dunes, although that was not analyzed in this report. CSHORE is not likely to predict wave runup on
infragravity-dominated dissipative beaches well. For these cases, it is recommended that one of the
recommended empirical equations for beaches be used, as discussed below.
For structures, the EurOtop equation showed good skill. For beaches where CSHORE is not
applicable, or the results are questioned, or if there is a desire to have an independent prediction for
comparison, one of the empirical beach runup equations described herein can be used. The Stockdon
and modified Mase equations showed similar skill.
Integral, energy-based wave parameters, such as Hm0 and Tm-1,0, are more stable than their non-
integral counterparts (H1/3, Tp, Tm) during wave transformation as a result of energy conservation. As
discussed herein, Tp becomes very uncertain in the surf zone as the wave energy density spectrum
deforms. So empirical equations based on integral wave parameters, such as the van Gent equation,
tend to be better generalized and have more skill. Also, wave transformation models, such as CSHORE
and those based on the Boussinesq equations, tend to show more skill across the wide range of possible
shoreline conditions than empirical equations partly because they take into account spectral wave
transformation and wave breaking across varied bathymetry. Empirical models based on deep-water
wave conditions are not very sensitive to the choice of integral or non-integral wave parameters
because both are stable in deep water. However, these models will yield significant uncertainty in
application to shallow water conditions with varied bathymetry. The recommendations above reflect

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