MacMahan - Infragravity Rip Current Pulsations

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1029/2003JC002068, 2004

Infragravity rip current pulsations

Jamie H. MacMahan
Oceanography Department, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA

Ad J. H. M. Reniers
Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands

Edward B. Thornton and Tim P. Stanton

Oceanography Department, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA
Received 28 July 2003; revised 6 October 2003; accepted 18 November 2003; published 31 January 2004.

[1] The origins of rip current pulsations within the infragravity frequency band
(0.004–0.04 Hz) are determined from measurements made with arrays of colocated
pressure and velocity sensors deployed on a beach with persistent rip current channels.
The observations indicate significant energy in cross-shore infragravity velocities that
varies spatially in the alongshore due to the presence of rip channels. Infragravity
velocities are smaller within the rip channel than on the shore-connected shoal owing
to differences in water depth. Rip current pulsations at infragravity frequencies are
linked to standing infragravity motions but not to the ponding and subsequent release
of water by wave group pumping. INDEX TERMS: 4546 Oceanography: Physical: Nearshore
processes; 4560 Oceanography: Physical: Surface waves and tides (1255); 4599 Oceanography: Physical:
General or miscellaneous; KEYWORDS: rip current, nearshore circulation, infragravity, waves, surf zone
Citation: MacMahan, J. H., A. J. H. M. Reniers, E. B. Thornton, and T. P. Stanton (2004), Infragravity rip current pulsations,
J. Geophys. Res., 109, C01033, doi:10.1029/2003JC002068.

1. Introduction motions can be energetic (J. MacMahan et al., Very low

1 frequency motions on a complex beach, submitted to
[2] Rip currents are strong (up to 2 m s ) jet-like Journal of Geophysical Research, 2003), they are not
seaward-directed flows that originate within the surf discussed here.
zone. There have been few field measurements of [5] The focus here is to test two hypotheses for rip
topographically controlled rip currents owing to the current pulsations on a beach with persistent rip channels.
extreme difficulty deploying instruments within the rip The first hypothesis is that the rip current pulsations are
current channels, which tend to migrate alongshore. due to infragravity motions. Sonu [1972] placed one
Rip current pulsations (temporal modulations of the colocated pressure and current meter within the rip
rip current velocities) generally have been attributed to channel for a tidal cycle, and found that the rip current
wave groups, but complete spatial and temporal field pulsations (velocities) were 90 out of phase with the sea
measurements have not been available to evaluate this surface elevation within the frequency band from 0.004 –
relationship. 0.04 Hz (surf beat), consistent with standing infragravity
[3] Observations of currents within rip channels demon- waves (Suhayda [1974], Guza and Thornton [1985], and
strate pulsations on the wave group timescales (25 –250 s) others).
[Shepard et al., 1941; Shepard and Inman, 1950; Sonu, [6] The second hypothesis is that the mass transport and
1972; Aagaard et al., 1997; Brander and Short, 2001]. wave setup (hydraulic head) produced by the higher waves
However, these observations were not accompanied by within wave groups ponds significant amounts of water
simultaneous measurements of offshore waves nor of waves within the surf zone. During the subsequent minima in the
alongshore of the rip channel, precluding the investigations short-wave groups, the ponded water returns outside the
of relationships between rip currents and the approaching surf zone through the rip channels, which are hydraulically
wave groups. more efficient [Munk, 1949; Shepard and Inman, 1950].
[4] Additional lower-frequency motions of nongravity Thus the flow is pumped over the shoal with the incoming
waves associated with rip current shear instabilities short-wave groups and primarily returns through the rip
[Smith and Largier, 1995; Brander and Short, 2001; channel.
Haller and Dalrymple, 2001] and wave group– induced [7] The two hypotheses can be distinguished by the
vortices [Reniers et al., 2004] may also contribute to rip temporal lag between the maxima of rip current pulsations
current pulsations. Although these very low frequency and the incoming wave groups, and by the alongshore
temporal variation of the pulsation, both of which would
Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union. be large for pulsations driven by ponding and subsequent
0148-0227/04/2003JC002068 release of water in the rip channels. The observations

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Figure 1. Bathymetry at Sand City, California, for year day 117. The circles are pressure sensors (P)
and the squares are colocated pressure and bidirectional electromagnetic current meters (PUV).

presented here are consistent with pulsations caused by occurred during the experiment (year day 107 –138), with
infragravity motions, but not with ponding by wave groups. wave direction usually close to normal incidence (Figure 2).
The lack of directional variability is associated with the
2. RIP Current Field Experiment (RIPEX)–– Steep relatively narrow aperture owing to the sheltering effects of
Beach Experiment (SBE) the headlands of the bay and strong refraction over Mon-
terey Bay Canyon.
[8] Observations were obtained on a beach with quasi- [11] Bathymetric surveys were performed using a differ-
periodic rip channels at Sand City, Southern Monterey Bay, ential kinematic global positioning system (KGPS) mounted
California, during the RIP Current Field Experiment on a sonar-equipped personal watercraft [MacMahan, 2001]
(RIPEX) –Steep Beach Experiment (SBE) during the months at high tide, and mounted in an instrumented backpack
of April and May 2001. The foreshore of the beach was carried by a person walking the shore-connected shoals at
relatively steep (slope 0.10) and contained O(35 m) long low tide. Beach face surveys were obtained at low tide with
beach cusps, flattening to a low-tide terrace (slope 0.01) the KGPS mounted on an all terrain vehicle.
with incised channels (rip channels) spaced ’125 m, and [12] The mean flow was predominantly shoreward on the
continued farther offshore with slope 0.05 (Figure 1). shore-connected shoals and seaward through the rip chan-
[9] An alongshore array of six pressure and bidirectional nels, although there also were mean alongshore currents,
electromagnetic current meters (PUV) was deployed across resulting in a cellular circulation that was present through-
the shore-connected shoals and rip channels, and a cross- out the experiment, except for low wave conditions. For
shore array of pressure (P) sensors and PUVs was deployed additional descriptions of the experiment, see J. MacMahan
on the shore-connected shoal (Figure 1). All instruments et al. (manuscript in preparation, 2004).
were sampled continuously and synchronously at 8 Hz. The
current meters within the rip channels were oriented down-
ward after year day 117 to obtain measurements during 3. Observations of Infragravity Motions
lower tides. Current meters on the shoal were oriented 3.1. Cross-Shore and Alongshore Spectral Statistics
upward, and were not always submerged at low tides. [13] Previous observations of rip currents [Shepard and
[10] Offshore waves were measured by a directional wave Inman, 1950; Sonu, 1972; Aagaard et al., 1997; Brander
rider buoy located 650 m offshore in 17 m depth. Consid- and Short, 2001] have documented pulsations on timescales
erable variation in both wave height and wave period of wave groups, and thus the infragravity motions from

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Figure 2. (a) Root-mean-square wave height, Hrms,ss, within the swell and sea (0.04 – 0.35 Hz)
frequency band (ss); (b) peak wave period, Tpeak; and (c) peak wave direction, qpeak from a wave-
directional buoy in 17 m water depth versus time. Shaded regions represent periods discussed in the text.

outside the surf zone to close to the shoreline are analyzed the surf zone, whereas P4, P3, and P2 were inside the
here. Spectra were estimated from the average of four saturated surf zone, except during times of low wave
demeaned, quadratically detrended (to remove tides) 1024 energy. Hrms,ss on the shoal decreases with decreasing depth
s segments (frequency resolution of 0.001 Hz). Band-passed due to wave breaking, and exhibits a strong tidal modula-
root-mean-square (rms) values for the sea surface elevation tion, similar to observations by Thornton and Kim [1993].
(hrms), cross-shore velocity (urms), and the alongshore The tidal modulation is more apparent for sensors shore-
velocity (vrms) were obtained by taking the square root of ward of P5.
the integrated energy density spectrum, E( f ), within the [16] In contrast to Hrms,ss, Hrms,ig increases with decreas-
infragravity, ig, (0.004 – 0.04 Hz) and within the swell and ing depth toward the shore (Figure 3). Hrms,ig varies mini-
sea, ss, (0.04 – 0.35 Hz) frequency bands. pffiffiffiRoot-mean- mally with tidal elevation, similar to observations over a
squared wave height is defined as Hrms = 2 2hrms. barred beach at Duck, North Carolina [Lippmann et al.,
[14] The local Hrms,ss was obtained by transforming the 1999], but predominantly as a function of the incoming wave
estimated pressure spectra to surface elevation spectra using energy, consistent with previous observations (Holman
linear wave theory. For pressure sensors that were buried [1981], Guza and Thornton [1985], Lippmann et al.
below the bed, the transformation defined by Raubenheimer [1999], and others).
et al. [1998] was utilized. Average infragravity wave [17] Pressure sensors (PUV2, P7, PUV8, P6) in the
periods were computed using the first spectral moment alongshore array (Figure 1) were operational for 5 days
period, and were approximately 50 ± 5 s for all locations (year days 109– 114). Therefore analysis of the alongshore
throughout the experiment, varying slightly in the cross infragravity motions focuses on the cross-shore and along-
shore due to nodal structure (A. J. H. M. Reniers et al., shore velocities. The urms,ig was greater than vrms,ig and
manuscript in preparation, 2004). exhibited a small amount of tidal modulation (Figure 4).
[15] The time variation of wave height for both Hrms,ss The tidal modulation of urms,ig and vrms,ig results from tidal
and Hrms,ig across the beach profile are presented in Figure 3. variations in depth, consistent with the long-wave relation-
The offshore sensor, PUV4, located in 6 m water depth, was ship ignoring bottom slope effects, given by
well outside of the surf zone, except for the storm that rffiffiffi
occurred on year day 122 (Figure 3). PUV3, located in g
Urms;ig ¼ hrms;ig ; ð1Þ
3 m depth, was in the surf zone during storms (Hrms,ss > h
1.2 m). P5 (2 m depth), P4 (1.5 m depth), P3 (1 m depth), qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
and P2 (1 m depth) were all on the shore-connected shoal. where Urms,ig is u2rms;ig þ v2rms;ig , g is the gravitational
P5, located on the outer edge of the shoal, sometimes was in acceleration, and h is the local water depth [Dean and

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Figure 3. Hrms along the cross-shore transect versus time. Thick curves are Hrms,ig, and thin curves are
Hrms,ss. Sensors are labeled in each panel, and tidal level is shown at the bottom.

Dalrymple, 1984]. Equation (1) was evaluated using homogenous in alongshore space, and thus it is assumed
hourly statistics at PUV2, 5, 11 located on the shore- that the alongshore lag array can be used to estimate the
connected shoal and within the rip channel, when both S( f, ky) spectra to discriminate modes of edge and leaky
the current meter and pressure sensors were operational. waves [Huntley et al., 1981; Oltman-Shay and Guza, 1987;
The measurements are consistent with equation (1), with A. J. H. M. Reniers et al., manuscript in preparation, 2004].
r2 values of 0.87, 0.88, and 0.93 and slopes, m, of 0.71, Owing to different instrument locations, each cross-spectral
0.83, and 0.79 for the three locations. The relationship is value was normalized such that the diagonals of the cross-
biased low (i.e., m < 1) for all three locations, suggesting spectral matrix are unity. Spectral estimates with 64 degrees
that there are no additional contributions to low frequency of freedom (frequency resolution of 0.002 Hz) were gener-
motions. ated from demeaned, quadratically detrended 4.55 hour
[18] Total infragravity velocity magnitudes (Urms, ig) were records.
computed for year days 117– 124, when there was minimal [20] Frequency – wave number spectra were computed for
alongshore profile change (Figure 5). The relatively large year days 107 – 138, and the spectral energy integrated over
alongshore differences in the Urms,ig are statistically signif- the infragravity frequency bands (Figure 6). Most of the
icant with the 95% confidence interval. The Urms,ig varia- infragravity energy is confined to cross-shore velocities
tions are associated with alongshore differences in centered near ky = 0 m1, indicating the dominance of
bathymetric elevations (Figure 5), owing to the infragravity cross-shore infragravity waves, consistent with narrowband
velocities dependence on depth (h1/2 (equation (1)). Thus incident waves [Oltman-Shay et al., 1989; Herbers et al.,
the magnitude of the Urms,ig is smaller within the rip 1995], except during storm events (e.g., year day 122 in
channel. Figure 6).
[21] If the rip current pulsations within the infragravity
3.2. F-ky Spectral Estimates band were caused by ponding and subsequent release of
[19] Frequency – wave number spectra, S( f, ky), were water through the rip channels, such that there was a
estimated from cross-shore and alongshore velocities for time difference between incoming flow over the shore-
the alongshore array using the iterative maximum likelihood connected shoal and the return flow through the rip
estimator (IMLE) [Pawka, 1983; Oltman-Shay and Guza, channels, energy would be found along ky = ±0.008 m1
1987]. Infragravity motions of u and v are relatively (Figure 6), which are associated with the rip channel

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Figure 4. Infragravity velocities along the alongshore array versus time. Thick curves are vrms,ig, and
thin curves are urms,ig. Sensors are labeled in each panel, and tidal level is shown at the bottom.

Figure 5. Urms,ig for year days 117– 124 within the alongshore array. The 95% confidence interval is
represented by the thickness of the Urms,ig curve. The corresponding alongshore water depth is shown as a
thick curve (depth is labeled on the right-hand side).

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Figure 6. (top) Hrms,ss measured at the buoy versus time. Contours (color scale on the right) of
integrated energy within the infragravity frequency band for (middle) cross-shore and (bottom)
alongshore velocities in the alongshore array as a function of alongshore wave number (ky) and time. The
white lines represent the rip channel spacing at ky = ±0.008 m1. White blocks indicate times when the
current meters were not operational.

spacings. This is not the case, suggesting another mecha- pressure sensors in the alongshore array were operational.
nism causes the pulsations. The four operational pressure sensors (PUV2, P7, PUV8,
and P6) span the rip channel (y = 20 m), north of the
cross-shore array. Unlike the current meters, the pressure
4. Rip Current Pulsations sensors were submerged throughout the tidal cycle. At t = 0,
4.1. Alongshore Temporal Structure of Infragravity infragravity frequency sea surface elevation fluctuations are
Velocities and Pressure correlated both on the shoal and within the rip channel
[22] The cross correlations (R(t)) between observations on (Figure 7c). Similar to the alongshore correlations of veloc-
the alongshore transect are high at zero time lag (t). The high ity, the correlation decreases with lower tidal elevation
correlations at zero time lag for cross-shore infragravity (Figure 7e). The correlation is zero at extremely low tides,
velocities (Figure 7a), suggests that the infragravity waves which corresponds to periods when the shore-connected
respond similarly in time across the shore-connected shoal shoal is barely submerged. The time lag for the maximum
and the rip channels, and temporally are unaffected by the correlation is zero (Figure 7d), except for the lowest tidal
presence of the alongshore varying bathymetry. The along- elevations for which it is approximately 10 s. This time lag
shore array may not be parallel to the shoreline, so the time occurred when the shore-connected shoal was barely sub-
lag for the maximum cross correlation for the cross-shore merged while the rip channel was covered by approximately
velocities was computed. The absolute maximum time 1 m of water.
difference between sensors is approximately 5 s at midtide [24] The theoretical time lag (4t) for a long wave to
(Figure 7b) suggesting minimal array orientation bias with propagate over a sloping bed between the two locations
PUV9, located around y = 120 m, appearing to be slightly (4x) is given by
closer to the shoreline. During lower tidal elevations Z
(Figure 7e), but when the current meters were submerged, dx
4t ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi : ð2Þ
the temporal correlation value decreased, but still remained 4x d ½ gh
relatively high (Figures 7a and 7b). pffiffiffiffiffi
[23] The period of record for Figure 7, representative of The long-wave propagation speed ð ghÞ is retarded over
the entire experiment, was chosen because four of the seven the shallower water depths of the shore-connected shoal.

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Figure 7. (a) Contours (color scales at the right) of cross correlations at zero time lag between cross-
shore velocities in the alongshore array; (b) the time lag of the maximum correlation for the cross-shore
velocities in the alongshore array; (c) cross correlations at zero time lag for pressure in the alongshore
array; and (d) the time lag of the maximum correlation for the pressure in the alongshore array as a
function of alongshore location and time. (e) Tidal elevation versus time. White blocks indicate times
when the current meters were not submerged.

The observed 10s time lag (Figure 6d) is consistent with [Melville, 1983]. The short-wave group energy, E(t), is
the theoretical time difference (9 s) (equation (2)) calculated from the short-wave envelope, A(t), as
between a long wave propagating from PUV4 to P6
(on the shoal) and to P7 (within the rip channel). These 1
EðtÞ ¼ rgAðt Þ2 ; ð3Þ
results indicate that the bathymetry has minimal temporal 2
effects on the infragravity motions, except during low
tides, and that the cross-shore infragravity motions where r is the density of seawater. PUV11 (after year day
primarily are responsible for the rip current pulsations 117 when the current meters were inverted) is utilized
at these frequencies. because it was located within the rip channel along the
alongshore array, and both current and pressure sensors
4.2. Cross Correlation Functions of Infragravity were operational throughout the experiment.
Motions With Rip Current Pulsations [26] The cross correlation between infragravity elevation
[25] Cross correlation functions of rip current pulsations, and cross-shore velocity at PUV11 is zero at zero time lag
wave groups, and infragravity sea surface elevations (Figure 8a), with maximum correlations occurring at
were evaluated to determine the temporal characteristics approximately 15 s lag. This relationship is indicative of a
associated with the rip current pulsations and infragravity standing wave, for which elevation and velocity are in
forcing mechanisms. The wave amplitude envelope, A(t), is quadrature. If the sensors were located at a spatial node
obtained by low-pass filtering (cut-off frequency is 0.04 Hz) or antinode, correlation would be zero for all time lags,
the absolute value of the Hilbert transform of sea surface which is not the case. The correlation is negative at
elevation within the 0.004 – 0.04 Hz frequency band approximately 15 s time lag and positive at 15 s time

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Figure 8. Contours (color scale at the right) of cross-correlation functions for (a) rip channel
infragravity elevation (PUV11) and rip channel cross-shore infragravity velocity (PUV11); (b) offshore
wave group energy (PUV4) and rip channel cross-shore infragravity velocity (PUV11); and (c) offshore
infragravity elevation (PUV4) and rip channel infragravity elevation (PUV11) as a function of lag and
time. The theoretical time lag for long-wave propagation is shown as a dotted curve (equation (2)).
(d) Tidal elevation versus time.

lag, corresponding to approximately half of the infragravity (PUV11) are consistent with theory (Figure 8c), suggesting
wave period. If the infragravity waves were progressive, a that the theoretical time lag utilized in Figure 8b is appro-
maximum correlation between elevation and cross-shore priate.
velocity would occur at zero time lag. [28] The correlation functions (Figures 8a – 8c) do not
[27] The offshore wave group energy (PUV4) and the change greatly during the 8 day observational period,
nearshore infragravity cross-shore velocity (rip current except for tidal variations owing to differences in propa-
pulsation) (PUV11) are negatively correlated at the theoret- gation speeds. The results indicate that the short-wave
ical time lag (equation (2)) (Figure 8b), consistent with an group and long-wave evolution over the shoal are related
infragravity bound long wave traveling 180 out of phase to the cross-shore motions of the infragravity waves. Thus
with the wave group energy. Thus the maximum offshore the observed rip current pulsations within the infragravity
velocity occurs at the maximum of the short-wave group, frequency band are consistent with forcing by standing
not during the subsequent minimum, when the ponded infragravity waves.
water would be released. Note that the positive correlation
centered around T = 20 s is associated with a preceding free
infragravity wave (A. J. H. M. Reniers et al., manuscript in
5. Conclusions
preparation, 2004), whereas the positive correlation cen- [29] Two hypotheses have been proposed for the forcing
tered around T = 60 s is associated with the reflection at the of rip current pulsations in the infragravity frequency band.
shoreline of the incoming bound infragravity wave. The One hypothesis is that the rip current pulsations are due to
positive cross correlations between the offshore infragravity infragravity standing waves [Sonu, 1972]. The second
elevation (PUV4) and the rip channel infragravity elevation hypothesis is that there is a maximum of setup within the

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surf zone when the largest short waves in a wave group Holman, R. A. (1981), Infragravity energy in the surf zone, J. Geophys.
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[31] Acknowledgments. We thank Tom Herbers and Paul Jessen for heights from pressure measured in the sand bed, J. Waterw. Port Coastal
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who assisted in obtaining a great data set: Loraine Chial, Ron Cowen, Jason Reniers, A. J. H. M., J. A. Roelvink, and E. B. Thornton (2004), Morpho-
Engle, Tom Lippmann, James Joyner, Gregory Miller, Denis Morichon, dynamic modeling of an embayed beach under wave group forcing,
Bruce Morris, Mark Orzech, Jennifer Short, Sidney Schofield, Jim Stockel, J. Geophys. Res., 109, doi:10.1029/2002JC001586, in press.
Charlotte Webb, Rob Wyland, volunteers from Hopkins Marine Station Shepard, F. P., and D. L. Inman (1950), Nearshore water circulation related
(Stanford University) led by Mark Denny, and a special thanks to Edie to bottom topography and wave refraction, Eos Trans. AGU, 31(2), 196 –
Gallagher for the instrument surveys. The Steep Beach Experiment was 212.
funded by the Office of Naval Research, Coastal Sciences Program, under Shepard, F. P., K. O. Emery, and E. C. La Fond (1941), Rip currents: A
contract N0001402WR20188 and data analysis by ONR and the National process of geological importance, J. Geol., 49, 337 – 369.
Science Foundation under contract OCE-01366882. J.M. was funded by the Smith, J. A., and J. L. Largier (1995), Observations of nearshore circula-
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