Ramanujan Pi
Ramanujan Pi
Ramanujan Pi
1. Ramanujan and Pi
Since Ramanujan’s 1987 centennial, much new mathematics has been
stimulated by uncanny formulas in Ramanujan’s Notebooks (lost and
found). In illustration, I mention the exposition by Moll and his
colleagues [1] that illustrates various neat applications of Ramanu-
jan’s Master Theorem, which extrapolates the Taylor coefficients of
a function—and relates it to methods of integration used in particle
physic]. I also note lovely work on the modular functions behind Apéry
and Domb numbers by Chan and others [6], and finally I mention my
own work with Crandall on Ramanujan’s arithmetic-geometric contin-
ued fraction [12].
For reasons of space herein, I now only discuss work related directly
to Pi—and so continue a story started in [9, 11]. Truly novel series for
1/π, based on elliptic integrals, were found by Ramanujan around 1910
[19, 5, 7, 21]. One is:
√ ∞
1 2 2 X (4k)! (1103 + 26390k)
= . (1.1)
π 9801 k=0 (k!)4 3964k
Each term of (1.1) adds eight correct digits. Though then unproven,
Gosper used (1.1) for the computation of a then-record 17 million dig-
its of π in 1985—thereby completing the first proof of (1.1) [7, Ch. 3].
Soon after, David and Gregory Chudnovsky found√the following vari-
ant, which relies on the quadratic number field Q( −163) rather than
1.2. Formulas for 1/π 2 and more. About ten years ago Jésus Guillera
found various Ramanujan-like identities for 1/π N , using integer rela-
tion methods. The three most basic—and entirely rational—identities
∞ 2n+1
4 X
n 5 2 1
= (−1) r(n) (13 + 180n + 820n ) (1.4)
π2 n=0
∞ 2n+1
2 X
n 5 2 1
= (−1) r(n) (1 + 8n + 20n ) (1.5)
π n=0
∞ 2n+1
4 ? X 7 2 3 1
= r(n) (1 + 14n + 76n + 168n ) , (1.6)
π n=0
where r(n) := (1/2 · 3/2 · · · · · (2n − 1)/2)/n! .
Guillera proved (1.4) and (1.5) in tandem, by very ingeniously us-
ing the Wilf-Zeilberger algorithm [20, 17] for formally proving hyper-
geometric-like identities [7, 15, 21]. No other proof is known. The
third, (1.6), is almost certainly true. Guillera ascribes (1.6) to Goure-
vich, who found it using integer relation methods in 2001.
There are other sporadic and unexplained examples based on other
symbols, most impressively a 2010 discovery by Cullen:
∞ 12n
211 ?
X ( 1 )n ( 1 )7n ( 3 )n
4 2 4 2 3 1 4
= (21 + 466n + 4340n + 20632n + 43680n )
(1)9n 2
We shall revisit this formula below.
1.3. Formulae for π 2 . In 2008 Guillera [15] produced another lovely, if
numerically inefficient, pair of third-millennium identities—discovered
p−1 1
X ( )n ( 1 )7n ( 3 )n ?
4 2 4
21 + 466n + 4340n2 + 20632n3 + 43680n4 ≡ 21p4 ( mod p9 ).
212n (1)9n
We note that (1.13) is the super-congruence corresponding to (1.6),
while for (1.12) the corresponding infinite series sums to 32/π 4 . We
conclude by reminding the reader that all identities marked with ‘=’
are assuredly true but remain to be proven. Ramanujan might well be
[1] T. Amdeberhan, O. Espinosa, I. Gonzalez, M. Harrison, V. Moll, and A.
Straub. “Ramanujan’s Master Theorem.” Ramanujan J., in Press, 2011.
[2] G. Almkvist. “Ramanujan-like formulas for 1/π 2 á la Guillera and Zudilin
and Calabi-Yau differential equations. Computer Science Journal of Moldova,
17, no.1 (49), (2009), 100–120.
[3] G. Almkvist and A. Meurman. “Jesus Guillera’s formula for 1/π 2 and
supercongruences.” (Swedish) Normat 58 no. 2 (2010), 49–62.
[4] D.H. Bailey, J.M. Borwein, C. S. Calude, M. J. Dinneen, M. Dumitrescu, and
A. Yee. “An empirical approach to the normality of pi.” Experimental
Mathematics. Accepted February 2012.
[5] N.D. Baruah, B.C. Berndt, and H.H. Chan. “Ramanujan’s series for 1/π: A
survey.” Amer. Math. Monthly 116 (2009), 567–587.
[6] B.C. Berndt, H.H. Chan and S.S. Huang. “Incomplete Elliptic Integrals in
Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook.” Pp. 79–126 in “q-series from a contemporary
perspective”. Contemp. Math., 254, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2000.
[7] J.M. Borwein and D.H. Bailey. Mathematics by Experiment: Plausible
Reasoning in the 21st Century. Ed 2, A K Peters, Natick, MA, 2008.
[8] J.M. Borwein, D.H. Bailey and R. Girgensohn. Experimentation in
Mathematics: Computational Roads to Discovery. A K Peters, 2004.
[9] J.M. Borwein and P.B. Borwein. “Ramanujan and Pi.” Scientific American,
February 1988, 112–117. Reprinted in pp. 187-199 of Ramanujan: Essays and
Surveys, B.C. Berndt and R.A. Rankin Eds., AMS-LMS History of
Mathematics, vol. 22, 2001.
[10] J.M. Borwein and P.B. Borwein. “Class number three Ramanujan type series
for 1/π.” Journal of Computational and Applied Math (Special Issue), 46
(1993), 281–290.
[11] J.M. Borwein, P.B. Borwein, and D.A. Bailey. “Ramanujan, modular
equations and pi or how to compute a billion digits of pi.” MAA Monthly, 96
(1989), 201–219. Reprinted in www.cecm.sfu.ca/organics, 1996.
[12] J.M. Borwein and R.E. Crandall. “On the Ramanujan AGM fraction. Part II:
the Complex-parameter Case.” Experimental Mathematics, 13 (2004),
[13] H.H. Chan, J. Wan and W. Zudilin. “Legendre polynomials and
Ramanujan-type series for 1/π.” Israel J. Math. . In presss, 2012.
[14] H.H. Chan, J. Wan and W. Zudilin. “Complex series for 1/π.” Ramanujan J.
In press, 2012.
[15] J. Guillera. “Hypergeometric identities for 10 extended Ramanujan-type
series.” Ramanujan Journal, vol. 15 (2008), pp. 219–234.
[16] J. Guillera and W. Zudilin. “ ‘Divergent’ Ramanujan-type
supercongruences.” Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 (2012), 765–767.
[17] M. Petkovsek, H. S. Wilf, D. Zeilberger. A = B. A K Peters, 1996.
[18] R. Preston. (1992) “The Mountains of Pi.” New Yorker, 2 Mar 1992, http:
[19] S. Ramanujan, “Modular equations and approximations to Pi.” Quart. J.
Pure. Appl. Math. 45 (1913-1914), 350–372.
[20] H. S. Wilf and D. Zeilberger, “Rational Functions Certify Combinatorial
Identities.” Journal of the AMS, 3 (1990), 147–158.