Headspace and Timing

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M2 Machine Gun . . .

iming and headspacing are every- armorer. He can order new gauges with Barrel locking spring. If the spring How to Headspace
thing when it comes to firing your M2 NSN 5250-00-535-1217. can’t hold the barrel in place, the bar- 1. Raise cover completely.
machine gun. If you don’t headspace rel can turn during firing and headspace
Gauges bent, rusted, pitted?
and time your M2 every time before is lost. So test the spring by getting the
you fire or after you change the barrel, correct headspace and then trying to
a round can go off inside the gun. That unscrew the barrel. If the barrel turns,
could injure you and damage the gun. the spring is weak or loose. Tell your
Pre-check Checks
If your M2’s in bad shape now, you Locking spring loose, weak or broken?
won’t be able to headspace and time it
later. So before you go to the field, do Timing nut. If the timing nut can be
these checks: moved with one finger or it doesn’t
Gauges. If the headspace and tim- click as you move it, its spring is weak
ing gauges are bent, rusted or pitted, 2. Pull the charging handle back
and it won’t hold timing. Tell your ar-
you can’t accurately gauge, so tell your until the barrel-locking spring lug is
Barrel and barrel extension aligned with the 3/8-in hole on the
Test timing receiver’s right side. To keep the bolt
nut spring threads. If the threads are chipped or
burred, it will be difficult to screw in back, insert the small loop of an M2
the barrel. What’s worse, you may think ammo link between the trunnion block
you’ve screwed in the barrel, but you and barrel extension.
haven’t. Result: bad headspace. Your
armorer can usually stone chips and
you've burrs smooth.
got a headspacing

Burred or chipped threads?

Lug Hole
3. Screw barrel all the way into barrel


PS 575 44 OCT 00 PS 575 45

4. Unscrew the barrel two clicks, the extractor and try to insert the GO/ 2. Unscrew the barrel one click. loose. To fix loose headspace, do the
remove the link and let the bolt go NO GO gauge all the way up to the same five steps you did for too tight
forward. ring into the T-slot between the bolt headspace, except screw in the barrel
To see if the barrel is locked with face and rear of the barrel. one click.
the bolt in the forward position, try If the GO end goes down the T-slot Screw in one click
to turn the barrel in either direction. If to the center ring and the NO GO won’t
it turns, something’s wrong. Tell your go in, headspace is OK.
armorer. 3. Ease the bolt forward.
5. Pull charging handle back to cock Go No go 4. Pull back on the charging handle
weapon. until the barrel extension and trunnion
block are about 1/16 inch apart.. Repeat the five steps until the GO
end fits, but the NO GO end doesn’t.
How to Time
After headspacing comes timing.
1. Pull the charging handle all the way
Headspace Too Tight back and cock the weapon. Ease the
bolt forward.
If the GO end won’t fit, headspace
6. Ease the bolt forward. 2. Pull the bolt back far enough to in-
is too tight. Do this:
7. Pull the charging handle back until 5. Insert GO/NO GO gauge again. sert the NO FIRE gauge between the
1. Pull back the charging handle until
the barrel extension and trunnion block barrel extension and trunnion block.
the barrel-locking spring lug is cen-
are no more than 1/16 inch apart. tered in the 3/8-in hole. Insert the beveled edge of the timing
gauge against the barrel notches.
Slowly release the charging handle.

Lug Hole
If the GO end fits and the NO GO
IT'S end doesn’t, the headspace is OK. If
8. Keep the charging handle back to A BARREL OF 3. Press the trigger. If the gun doesn’t
the GO end still won’t fit, repeat these
maintain the 1/16-in separation. Raise FUN! fire, go to the next step. If it does fire,
last five steps until it does.
Do not unscrew the barrel more than you’ve got early timing.
five clicks beyond the first two clicks
in steps 1–5. If you have to turn the
barrel more than seven clicks,
something’s wrong. Tell your armorer.
Headspace Too Loose
If the NO GO end of the gauge fits
into the T-slot, the headspace is too
PS 575 46 OCT 00 PS 575 47
4. Pull the bolt back just far enough to 5. Push up on trigger bar. Gun Mobile Subscriber Equipment . . .
take out the NO FIRE gauge and put shouldn’t fire.
in the FIRE gauge with the beveled
edge against the barrel notches. Slowly
release the charging handle. f your mobile subscriber equipment (MSE) line-of-sight (LOS) radio termi-
nal or radio access unit (RAU) is not grounded in three places, it’s not grounded
Here are
the places
to ground
6. Turn the timing adjustment nut one the LOS or
click to the right. Push up on the trig- RAU...
5. Press the trigger. If the M2 fires, ger bar. Continue to alternate turning
timing is OK. If it doesn’t fire, you the timing adjustment nut one click
have late timing. right and pushing up on the trigger bar
Early/Late Timing until the M2 fires.
Never cock your M2 with the back
plate off. The driving spring rod could
go through your chest. The bolt must 1. Generator: Run a ground wire 2. S-250 shelter’s 3. S-250 shelter’s
be forward before you take off the from the ground terminal in the power entry panel: signal entry panel:
terminal box to the trailer’s ground Ground the E1 Ground the E1
back plate. lug. Then run another ground wire ground lug. ground lug.
1. Take the gauge out of the re- from the trailer’s ground lug to
ceiver. Cock the M2, then ease the bolt earth ground.
7. After the gun fires, turn the nut to
2. Take off the back plate.
3. Turn timing nut all the way down the right two more clicks and stop.
to the left. 8. Take out the gauge and put on the
back plate. Cock the gun, then ease the
bolt forward.
9. Recheck the timing two more times
with the back plate on. If the timing
still isn’t right, do the early/late timing
procedure one more time.
4. Pull the bolt back only far enough Still no luck? Tell your armorer.
to insert the FIRE gauge, and slowly Something’s wrong. You must ground all three with separate ground wires and rods to avoid a
release the charging handle. possible shock. Not grounding the signal entry panel can create an additional
Armorers, if you have M2s in problem: signal interference.
your arms room, copy this article And while you’re at it, look at the terminals and ground lugs for dirt, grease,
and use it to train your M2 gun- corrosion and paint. They can kill a good ground connection. Remove dirt and
ners. It will help protect your unit grease with solvent, NSN 6850-00-281-1985. Use fine sandpaper or a wire brush
and your M2s. to get rid of any corrosion or paint. But be careful using these abrasives. You
could do more damage than you do good!
PS 575 48 PS 575 49 OCT 00

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