Books of The Bible

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Books of the Bible

The Bible we read today is composed of sixty-

six books. These books were written over a
span of about 2,000 years. Some of these
books contain songs and poetry. Others tell
stories and parables that teach us valuable
lessons. There are also books that explain the
laws of God and some that tell the history of His chosen
people. Some of the most interesting books tell of prophecy
or what would happen in the future. These books were
written down by many different people but were all the
inspired word of God himself!
The Bible is divided into two main parts. The first is the
Old Testament and it start with the creation of our world
and journeys through much of the history of the people of
Israel. The second section of the Bible is called the New
Testament and it starts about 200 years after the end of
the Old Testament. The New Testament begins with the
birth of Jesus and tells the story of his life on earth and his
death and resurrection. It also chronicles much of the
early Christian church.
Both the Old and New Testament are divided into further
subdivisions. The Old Testament contains 4 major
sections. They are the law, history, poetry, and the
prophets. The New Testament has 3 sections and they are
the gospels and New Testament history, letters, and
Books of the Bible
The Bible can be thought of much like a
library where if we know how to find our way
around we will have a much easier time
locating what we are looking for.
Let’s take a look around our “Bible-library”.

The Books of the Law

Our first section in our library is the Law section. It
contains the first 5 books of the Bible and is also known as
“The Torah” or “The Pentateuch”. We call these the books
of the law because they give lots of instructions about how
to live but they also tell us of the early history of the world
and of people such as Abraham and Moses.

Can you find the names of the first

five books in the Bible and write
them in order on the books to the
Books of the Bible
Old Testament History
The next twelve books of the Bible make up
the second section that tells us of the history
of God’s people from Joshua to a time of exile
and return.
Can you write their names in order below?

Next in the Bible are the five books of poetry. These
books are not only beautiful but contain much

Fill in their names above.

Books of the Bible
The Prophets
The last 17 books of the Old Testament belong
to a section of our library called the Prophets.
They tell of the people chosen by God to lead
and instruct His people and to tell them of
events that would happen in the future.
It can be hard to remember the names of all these books
but I know with a little practice you can do it. Write the
names in the sections below please.

The Gospels and New Testament History

The first four books of the New Testament make up a very
special section of the Bible called the Gospels or “the good
news”. These books tell the story of Jesus and were written
down by those who knew Him and witnessed all the
miraculous events of his time on earth.
We will also include the book of Acts
in this section of our library. It was
written by Luke and tells the story of
Books of the Bible
the early Christian church after the death and
resurrection of Jesus.
Please write the names of the Gospels and the
book of Acts in order below.

Do you love to get letters in the mail? Did you
know that there is a collection of twenty-one
letters in the New Testament? 13 of these letters
were written by Paul to encourage and teach believers in
Christ in the early churches. Can you write all 21 in the
spaces below? Thanks!
Books of the Bible
The last section in the Bible has only one book
and it is very unique. It tells us of a great
vision of things to happen in the future. It is
written in a special way that uses poetry and
Write the name of this special book below.

That concludes our journey through our “Bible-library”. I

hope you will work hard to remember all these wonderful
books and where you can find them in your Bible. I think
it will help you to navigate through God’s Word more

“Your word is a lamp to my feet

and a light to my path.”
Psalm 119:105

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