Altec Tranny MotionPicJournal
Altec Tranny MotionPicJournal
Altec Tranny MotionPicJournal
The sound engineer is waging a never-ending fight against ex-
traneous noises entering a sound channel. One of the greatest
sources of noise is the complex field created by the many power
transformers and filter reactors in the system. Of the methods
of elimination, that which is aimed at the reduction of the fields at
their source isperhaps the most effective. There are several ways
of reducing, and in some instances virtually eliminating, the stray
fields radiating from these coils.
For a transformer of conventional shell-type design with a given
load rating, the shape and magnitude of the stray field depends on
several factors, among which are the size of the transformer, flux
density at which the transformer core is operated, the geometry of
the core structure, and the magnetic shielding surrounding the
structure. Since the stray field increases with the size of the trans-
former and increases with increased flux density, it follows that
there is an optimum size, other things being equal, which will result
in the lowest stray field.
In any shell-type design utilizing a single coil, this lowest stray
field will still be large enough to modulate the program in adjacent
Presented Oct. 20, 1943, at the Technical Conference in Hollywood.
Altec Lansing Corporation, Hollywood.
156 E. B. HARRISON Vol 43, No. 3
FIG. 1.
transformer is built. It can be shown that for the most efficient de-
(1) The core loss in watts is equal to the copper loss in watts.
(2} The mean length of the magnetic circuit is equal to the mean length of the
copper circuit.
(3} The cross-sectional area of the core is equal to the cross-sectional area of
the window.
The geometry of the structure is such that the coils are long
solenoids with their magnetic axes closely spaced, resulting in an
almost perfect astatic balance of their fields. Measurements made
on transformers built around these proportions indicate that the
reducing the usual areas of high flux density with their resulting high
In a fully interleaved core assembly (i. e., 1 and 1) the reluctance
of the airgap at the lamination joint causes a portion of the flux to
FIG. 2.
seek a path through the adjacent laminations, raising the flux den-
sity and losses therein (Fig. 2). Now, when the extent of the inter-
leaving is reduced by stacking the laminations in pairs (2 2), the X
reluctance of the leakage path through the adjacent laminations is
increased, because the length is effectively increased, forcing a
greater portion of the flux to flow across the joint air gap. The re-
duction of high flux density areas by this method of stacking in-
creases the permeability of the total core structure as shown in Fig. 3,
where the solid line represents the permeability of the 1X1 stack,
and the dotted line that of the 2 X 2 stack.
Fig. 4 shows a transformer built around the foregoing principles.
158 E. B. HARRISON Vol 43, No. 3
Note that at all points the transformer is close to the case housing it,
providing more rapid dissipation of heat to the outside air. Note
also that almost two-thirds of the coil surface is exposed, that no
thick-walled coil sections exist, and that core heat is conducted to and
radiated fjjpm the 2 ends of the core which also are close to the
FIG. 3.
vSince their fields generally are of the most vicious type, being
made up of not one but many frequencies, the companion power
filter reactors' were built around the same principles of design. The
FIG. 4.
FIG. 5.
astatic balance is carried to the point of locating the air gap in the
center of the coils where the possibility of leakage is lowest (Fig. 6).
In practice, 2 stacks of U-shaped punchings are clamped together
in the coils against insulating spacers tomaintain the correct gap.
The clamps and bolts are so located that very little magnetic flux
160 E. B. HARRISON Vol 43, No. 3
passes through them (Fig. 7). The removal from the magnetic cir-
cuit of these relatively high coersive force steels eliminates all of the
harmonics generated by the common commercial type of filter choke
which is clamped together between steel frames secured
by bolts
passing through the core, all of which carry magnetic flux. The Q
of the choke is raised appreciably, so that for a given inductance
FIG. 6.
FIG. 7.
FIG. 8.
is increased, the effective core area decreases, the total flux is less,
the permeability is less, and the inductance of the winding goes
To take full advantage of the high initial permeability the core
should be laid out with as short a path as possible, having a minimum
of high reluctance joints, best located actually within the windings
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FIG. 9.
When the shield is introduced between the primary and secondary
windings, and connected to ground, electrostatic shielding is also
FIG. 10.
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FIG. 11.
FIG. 12.
transformer has to handle large signals, many turns of wire per volt
of signal were required to keep the flux density low, making it neces-
magnetic path and with lap joints located near the center of the
coil structure. A large core area was chosen to keep the operating
FIG. 13.
ternal fields, needs adequate shielding. For this purpose the trans-
former is cased in a seamless, drawn, round can of high permeability
alloy. Surrounding this high permeability can is a heavy short-
circuiting turn of copper. This assembly goes into another can of
high permeability alloy surrounded by copper, and finally into
a third high permeability can. Fig. 12 is an exploded view of the